4.0.0 dev.openrs2 openrs2 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT openrs2-gl-natives nar OpenRS2 GL Natives Reimplementation of the jaggl native library, which implements OpenGL bindings for Windows (WGL), macOS (CGL) and UNIX (GLX) systems. This implementation supports modern versions of Java on macOS, as it is backed by a CALayer instead of an NSView. GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt ${project.parent.basedir} com.github.maven-nar nar-maven-plugin shared jawt ${nar.javaHome}/lib mac mac com.github.maven-nar nar-maven-plugin framework Cocoa framework OpenGL framework QuartzCore mac-legacy com.github.maven-nar nar-maven-plugin shared jawt ${nar.javaHome}/../Libraries unix unix !mac os x com.github.maven-nar nar-maven-plugin shared GL shared GLX windows windows com.github.maven-nar nar-maven-plugin shared Gdi32 shared OpenGL32 shared User32