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* All files in the distribution of BLOAT (Bytecode Level Optimization and
* Analysis tool for Java(tm)) are Copyright 1997-2001 by the Purdue
* Research Foundation of Purdue University. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package EDU.purdue.cs.bloat.editor;
import java.util.*;
import EDU.purdue.cs.bloat.reflect.*;
import EDU.purdue.cs.bloat.util.*;
* ConstantPool models constants in the constant pool. Recall that the
* reflection mechanism represents constants as a tag and a value. ConstantPool
* consists of an array of <tt>reflect.Constant</tt>s that are resolved into
* their appropriate value (e.g. Type, NameAndType, MemberRef, etc.) as they are
* needed.
* @see EDU.purdue.cs.bloat.reflect.Constant
* @author Nate Nystrom (<a
* href="mailto:nystrom@cs.purdue.edu">nystrom@cs.purdue.edu</a>)
public class ConstantPool {
* ConstantPool maintains some information about the constants in the
* constant pool to make its life easier.
* constantIndices A mapping between constants and their indices in the
* constant pool. Knowing this information makes adding constants to the
* constant pool easier.
* constants A list of the reflect.Constant objects that are used to create
* the ConstantPool.
* resolved A list of the constants in their resolved form (such as
* NameAndType or String)
private Map constantIndices;
ResizeableArrayList constants;
ResizeableArrayList resolved;
* Constructor. Resolve the constants in the constant pool, converting from
* the index-based representation of the class file to a more amenable
* external representation.
* @param c
* An array of Constant.
public ConstantPool(final Constant[] c) {
constantIndices = new HashMap();
constants = new ResizeableArrayList(c.length);
resolved = new ResizeableArrayList(c.length);
* constants = new ResizeableArrayList(c.length, 256); resolved = new
* ResizeableArrayList(c.length, 256);
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
if (c[i] != null) {
constantIndices.put(c[i], new Integer(i));
* Creates a new, empty <code>ConstantPool</code>
public ConstantPool() {
this.constantIndices = new HashMap();
this.constants = new ResizeableArrayList();
this.resolved = new ResizeableArrayList();
* Obtain the resolved value of a constant at given index in the constant
* pool.
* @param idx
* Index into the constant pool.
* @return The value of the constant at index.
public Object constantAt(final int idx) {
if (idx == 0) {
return null;
Object value = resolved.get(idx);
if (value != null) {
return value;
final Constant c = (Constant) constants.get(idx);
if (c == null) {
return null;
value = c.value();
if (value == null) {
return null;
// Okay, we have to resolve the Constant.
switch (c.tag()) {
case Constant.CLASS: {
// Lookup the UTF8 at the index and use the class name
// to create a Type.
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof Integer, "Invalid constant: " + c);
final int index = ((Integer) value).intValue();
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(index) == Constant.UTF8,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
final String className = (String) constantAt(index);
value = Type.getType(Type.classDescriptor(className));
case Constant.STRING: {
// Lookup the UTF8 at the index and store the String directly.
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof Integer, "Invalid constant: " + c);
final int index = ((Integer) value).intValue();
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(index) == Constant.UTF8,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
value = constantAt(index);
case Constant.FIELD_REF:
case Constant.METHOD_REF:
// The constant at the first index should be a CLASS.
// The constant at the second should be a NAME_AND_TYPE.
// Resolve the two constants and then create a MemberRef
// for this constant.
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof int[], "Invalid constant: " + c);
final int[] v = (int[]) value;
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(v[0]) == Constant.CLASS,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(v[1]) == Constant.NAME_AND_TYPE,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
final Type clazz = (Type) constantAt(v[0]);
final NameAndType nameAndType = (NameAndType) constantAt(v[1]);
value = new MemberRef(clazz, nameAndType);
case Constant.NAME_AND_TYPE: {
// The constant at the first index should be a UTF8 with the
// name of the field.
// The constant at the second should be a UTF8 with the type
// of the field.
// Resolve the two constants as a String and a Type and then
// create a NameAndType for this constant.
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof int[], "Invalid constant: " + c);
final int[] v = (int[]) value;
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(v[0]) == Constant.UTF8,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
Assert.isTrue(constantTag(v[1]) == Constant.UTF8,
"Invalid constant: " + c);
final String name = (String) constantAt(v[0]);
final String type = (String) constantAt(v[1]);
value = new NameAndType(name, Type.getType(type));
resolved.ensureSize(idx + 1);
resolved.set(idx, value);
return value;
public int numConstants() {
return constants.size();
* Get the tag of a constant.
* @param index
* Index into the constant pool.
* @return The tag of the constant at index, or Constant.UTF8.
public int constantTag(final int index) {
if ((0 < index) && (index < constants.size())) {
final Constant c = (Constant) constants.get(index);
if (c != null) {
return c.tag();
return Constant.UTF8;
* Get the index of the constant with the given tag and value.
* @param tag
* The constant's tag (for example, <tt>Constant.UTF8</tt>).
* @param value
* The constant's value (for example, a <tt>String</tt>).
* @return The index of the constant.
public int constantIndex(final int tag, final Object value) {
return addConstant(tag, value);
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given class
public int getClassIndex(final Class c) {
return (addConstant(Constant.CLASS, Type.getType(c)));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given integer
public int getIntegerIndex(final Integer i) {
return (addConstant(Constant.INTEGER, i));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given float
public int getFloatIndex(final Float f) {
return (addConstant(Constant.FLOAT, f));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given long
public int getLongIndex(final Long l) {
return (addConstant(Constant.LONG, l));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given double
public int getDoubleIndex(final Double d) {
return (addConstant(Constant.DOUBLE, d));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given class.
public int getClassIndex(final Type type) {
.isTrue(type.isObject(), "Type " + type
+ " is not an class type");
// Make sure that the descriptor constant is also there
return (addConstant(Constant.CLASS, type));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given
* <code>Type</code>
public int getTypeIndex(final Type type) {
return (addConstant(Constant.UTF8, type.descriptor()));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given String
public int getStringIndex(final String s) {
return (addConstant(Constant.STRING, s));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given
* <code>MemberRef</code>
public int getMemberRefIndex(final MemberRef ref) {
return (addConstant(Constant.FIELD_REF, ref));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given
* <code>NameAndType</code>
public int getNameAndTypeIndex(final NameAndType nat) {
return (addConstant(Constant.NAME_AND_TYPE, nat));
* Returns the index of the constant pool entry for the given UTF8 string
public int getUTF8Index(final String s) {
return (addConstant(Constant.UTF8, s));
* Add a constant to the constant pool. Will not add the same constant
* twice.
* @param tag
* The constant's tag (for example, <tt>Constant.UTF8</tt>).
* @param value
* The constant's value (for example, a <tt>String</tt>).
* @return The index of the constant.
public int addConstant(final int tag, final Object value) {
if (value == null) {
return 0;
Constant c;
switch (tag) {
case Constant.CLASS: {
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof Type, "Invalid value: " + value);
final int index = addConstant(Constant.UTF8, ((Type) value)
c = new Constant(Constant.CLASS, new Integer(index));
case Constant.STRING: {
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof String, "Invalid value: " + value);
final int index = addConstant(Constant.UTF8, value);
c = new Constant(Constant.STRING, new Integer(index));
case Constant.FIELD_REF:
case Constant.METHOD_REF:
// The constant at the first index should be a CLASS.
// The constant at the second should be a NAME_AND_TYPE.
// Resolve the two constants and then create a MemberRef
// for this constant.
.isTrue(value instanceof MemberRef, "Invalid value: "
+ value);
final int[] v = new int[2];
v[0] = addConstant(Constant.CLASS, ((MemberRef) value)
v[1] = addConstant(Constant.NAME_AND_TYPE, ((MemberRef) value)
c = new Constant(tag, v);
case Constant.NAME_AND_TYPE: {
// The constant at the first index should be a UTF8 with the
// name of the field.
// The constant at the second should be a UTF8 with the type
// of the field.
// Resolve the two constants as a String and a Type and then
// create a NameAndType for this constant.
Assert.isTrue(value instanceof NameAndType, "Invalid value: "
+ value);
final int[] v = new int[2];
v[0] = addConstant(Constant.UTF8, ((NameAndType) value).name());
v[1] = addConstant(Constant.UTF8, ((NameAndType) value).type()
c = new Constant(tag, v);
case Constant.UTF8: {
final String s = (String) value;
c = new Constant(tag, s.intern());
default: {
c = new Constant(tag, value);
Integer index = (Integer) constantIndices.get(c);
if (index == null) {
index = new Integer(constants.size());
constantIndices.put(c, index);
if ((tag == Constant.LONG) || (tag == Constant.DOUBLE)) {
return index.intValue();
* Get an array of the constants in the pool.
* @return An array of the constants in the pool.
public Constant[] constants() {
final Object[] a = constants.toArray();
final Constant[] array = new Constant[a.length];
System.arraycopy(a, 0, array, 0, a.length);
return array;
* Returns an unmodifiable List of constants in this constant pool.
public List getConstantsList() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.constants);