Fork of the Fernflower decompiler
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338 lines
6.0 KiB

package pkg;
public class TestConstType {
private char lineBreak = '\n';
private char zero = 0;
public void setLineBreak(char os) {
switch(os) {// 8
case 'u':
this.lineBreak = '\r';// 10
break;// 11
case 'w':
this.lineBreak = '\n';// 14
}// 17
public void init() {
this.setLineBreak('w');// 20
}// 21
public String convertIndentation(String text) {
if (text.charAt(0) == '\t') {// 24
text = text.replace('\t', ' ');// 25
return text;// 27
public void printalot() {
System.out.println('a');// 31
System.out.println('\t');// 32
System.out.println(0);// 34
System.out.println(65);// 35
System.out.println(120);// 36
System.out.println(32760);// 37
System.out.println(32761);// 38
System.out.println(35000);// 39
System.out.println(50000);// 40
System.out.println(128000);// 41
System.out.println(60793);// 42
System.out.println(60737);// 43
System.out.println(60777);// 44
System.out.println(60785);// 45
System.out.println(60835);// 46
System.out.println(60843);// 47
System.out.println(60851);// 48
System.out.println(60859);// 49
System.out.println(1048576);// 50
System.out.println(49152);// 51
System.out.println(44100);// 52
System.out.println(44101);// 53
System.out.println(44102);// 54
System.out.println(44103);// 55
System.out.println(60000);// 56
System.out.println(64000);// 57
System.out.println(65000);// 58
System.out.println(45000);// 59
}// 60
public char guessType(int val) {
if (0 <= val && val <= 127) {// 63
return 'X';// 64
} else if (-128 <= val && val <= 127) {// 66
return 'B';// 67
} else if (128 <= val && val <= 32767) {// 69
return 'Y';// 70
} else if (-32768 <= val && val <= 32767) {// 72
return 'S';// 73
} else {
return (char)(32768 <= val && val <= 65535 ? 'C' : 'I');// 75 76 79
public int getTypeMaxValue(char type) {
int maxValue;
switch(type) {// 85
case 'B':
maxValue = 127;// 90
break;// 91
case 'C':
maxValue = 65535;// 99
break;// 100
case 'S':
maxValue = 32767;// 96
break;// 97
case 'X':
maxValue = 128;// 87
break;// 88
case 'Y':
maxValue = 32768;// 93
break;// 94
maxValue = 2147483647;// 102
return maxValue;// 104
class 'pkg/TestConstType' {
method 'setLineBreak (C)V' {
1 7
1d 9
1f 9
22 10
26 12
28 12
2b 15
method 'init ()V' {
1 18
3 18
6 19
method 'convertIndentation (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;' {
1 22
2 22
5 22
7 22
b 23
d 23
f 23
12 23
14 26
method 'printalot ()V' {
0 30
3 30
5 30
8 31
b 31
d 31
10 32
13 32
14 32
17 33
1a 33
1c 33
1f 34
22 34
24 34
27 35
2a 35
2d 35
30 36
33 36
36 36
39 37
3c 37
3e 37
41 38
44 38
46 38
49 39
4c 39
4e 39
51 40
54 40
56 40
59 41
5c 41
5e 41
61 42
64 42
66 42
69 43
6c 43
6e 43
71 44
74 44
76 44
79 45
7c 45
7e 45
81 46
84 46
86 46
89 47
8c 47
8e 47
91 48
94 48
96 48
99 49
9c 49
9e 49
a1 50
a4 50
a6 50
a9 51
ac 51
ae 51
b1 52
b4 52
b6 52
b9 53
bc 53
be 53
c1 54
c4 54
c6 54
c9 55
cc 55
ce 55
d1 56
d4 56
d6 56
d9 57
dc 57
de 57
e1 58
method 'guessType (I)C' {
0 61
2 61
6 61
8 61
b 62
d 62
e 63
11 63
15 63
17 63
1a 64
1c 64
1d 65
21 65
25 65
28 65
2b 66
2d 66
2e 67
32 67
36 67
39 67
3c 68
3e 68
3f 70
42 70
46 70
48 70
4b 70
4e 70
method 'getTypeMaxValue (C)I' {
1 76
34 87
37 87
38 88
3b 78
3d 78
3e 79
41 90
43 90
44 91
47 84
4a 84
4b 85
4e 81
50 81
51 82
54 93
56 93
58 96
Lines mapping:
8 <-> 8
10 <-> 10
11 <-> 11
14 <-> 13
17 <-> 16
20 <-> 19
21 <-> 20
24 <-> 23
25 <-> 24
27 <-> 27
31 <-> 31
32 <-> 32
34 <-> 33
35 <-> 34
36 <-> 35
37 <-> 36
38 <-> 37
39 <-> 38
40 <-> 39
41 <-> 40
42 <-> 41
43 <-> 42
44 <-> 43
45 <-> 44
46 <-> 45
47 <-> 46
48 <-> 47
49 <-> 48
50 <-> 49
51 <-> 50
52 <-> 51
53 <-> 52
54 <-> 53
55 <-> 54
56 <-> 55
57 <-> 56
58 <-> 57
59 <-> 58
60 <-> 59
63 <-> 62
64 <-> 63
66 <-> 64
67 <-> 65
69 <-> 66
70 <-> 67
72 <-> 68
73 <-> 69
75 <-> 71
76 <-> 71
79 <-> 71
85 <-> 77
87 <-> 88
88 <-> 89
90 <-> 79
91 <-> 80
93 <-> 91
94 <-> 92
96 <-> 85
97 <-> 86
99 <-> 82
100 <-> 83
102 <-> 94
104 <-> 97