Add '(byte)' and '(short)' type cast for int literals only in invocation parameters

Dmitry Cherniachenko 8 years ago committed by Egor.Ushakov
parent 7e1cb88fe2
commit 0a7a60fa7b
  1. 5
  2. 13
  3. BIN
  4. 8
  5. 22
  6. 5

@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ public class ExprProcessor implements CodeConstants {
int indent,
boolean castNull,
BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) {
return getCastedExprent(exprent, leftType, buffer, indent, castNull, false, tracer);
return getCastedExprent(exprent, leftType, buffer, indent, castNull, false, false, tracer);
public static boolean getCastedExprent(Exprent exprent,
@ -869,6 +869,7 @@ public class ExprProcessor implements CodeConstants {
int indent,
boolean castNull,
boolean castAlways,
boolean castNarrowing,
BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) {
VarType rightType = exprent.getExprType();
@ -876,7 +877,7 @@ public class ExprProcessor implements CodeConstants {
castAlways ||
(!leftType.isSuperset(rightType) && (rightType.equals(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT) || leftType.type != CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT)) ||
(castNull && rightType.type == CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL && !UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(getTypeName(leftType))) ||
(isIntConstant(exprent) && VarType.VARTYPE_INT.isStrictSuperset(leftType));
(castNarrowing && isIntConstant(exprent) && VarType.VARTYPE_INT.isStrictSuperset(leftType));
boolean quote = cast && exprent.getPrecedence() >= FunctionExprent.getPrecedence(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_CAST);

@ -217,7 +217,9 @@ public class InvocationExprent extends Exprent {
if (isStatic) {
if (isBoxingCall()) {
ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(lstParameters.get(0), descriptor.params[0], buf, indent, false, false, tracer);
// process general "boxing" calls, e.g. 'Object[] data = { true }' or 'Byte b = 123'
// here 'byte' and 'short' values do not need an explicit narrowing type cast
ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(lstParameters.get(0), descriptor.params[0], buf, indent, false, false, false, tracer);
return buf;
@ -351,7 +353,14 @@ public class InvocationExprent extends Exprent {
TextBuffer buff = new TextBuffer();
boolean ambiguous = setAmbiguousParameters.get(i);
ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(lstParameters.get(i), descriptor.params[i], buff, indent, true, ambiguous, tracer);
Exprent param = lstParameters.get(i);
// "unbox" invocation parameters, e.g. 'byteSet.add((byte)123)' or 'new ShortContainer((short)813)'
if (param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_INVOCATION && ((InvocationExprent)param).isBoxingCall()) {
param = ((InvocationExprent)param).lstParameters.get(0);
// 'byte' and 'short' literals need an explicit narrowing type cast when used as a parameter
ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(param, descriptor.params[i], buff, indent, true, ambiguous, true, tracer);
firstParameter = false;

@ -33,11 +33,11 @@ public @interface MoreAnnotations {
String annotatedWithEmptyArrays = "";
intArray = {1, 0, 2147483647, -2147483648},
byteArray = {(byte)1, (byte)0, (byte)127, (byte)-128, (byte)-1},
byteArray = {1, 0, 127, -128, -1},
floatArray = {1.0F, 0.0F, 3.4028235E38F, 1.4E-45F, 0.0F / 0.0, 1.0F / 0.0, -1.0F / 0.0},
doubleArray = {1.0D, 0.0D, 1.7976931348623157E308D, 4.9E-324D, 0.0D / 0.0, 1.0D / 0.0, -1.0D / 0.0},
booleanArray = {true, false},
shortArray = {(short)1, (short)0, (short)32767, (short)-32768, (short)-1},
shortArray = {1, 0, 32767, -32768, -1},
longArray = {1L, 0L, 9223372036854775807L, -9223372036854775808L},
charArray = {'a', '\n', '\u0001', '\u0000', '\uffff', '\u0000'},
enumArray = {MoreAnnotations.TestEnum.FirstValue, MoreAnnotations.TestEnum.SecondValue},
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public @interface MoreAnnotations {
int[] intArray() default {1, 0, 2147483647, -2147483648};
byte[] byteArray() default {(byte)1, (byte)0, (byte)127, (byte)-128, (byte)-1};
byte[] byteArray() default {1, 0, 127, -128, -1};
float[] floatArray() default {1.0F, 0.0F, 3.4028235E38F, 1.4E-45F, 0.0F / 0.0, 1.0F / 0.0, -1.0F / 0.0};
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public @interface MoreAnnotations {
boolean[] booleanArray() default {true, false};
short[] shortArray() default {(short)1, (short)0, (short)32767, (short)-32768, (short)-1};
short[] shortArray() default {1, 0, 32767, -32768, -1};
long[] longArray() default {1L, 0L, 9223372036854775807L, -9223372036854775808L};

@ -50,16 +50,21 @@ public class TestPrimitives {
public byte getByte() {
return (byte)-128;// 56
return -128;// 56
public short getShort() {
return (short)-32768;// 60
return -32768;// 60
public int getInt() {
return 42;// 64
public void printNarrowed() {
this.printByte((byte)this.getInt());// 68
this.printShort((short)this.getInt());// 69
}// 70
class 'pkg/TestPrimitives' {
@ -186,6 +191,16 @@ class 'pkg/TestPrimitives' {
0 60
2 60
method 'printNarrowed ()V' {
2 64
5 64
6 64
b 65
e 65
f 65
12 66
Lines mapping:
@ -219,3 +234,6 @@ Lines mapping:
56 <-> 53
60 <-> 57
64 <-> 61
68 <-> 65
69 <-> 66
70 <-> 67

@ -63,4 +63,9 @@ public class TestPrimitives {
public int getInt() {
return 42;
public void printNarrowed() {
