package; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; public class BytecodeSourceMapper { private int offset_total; private final HashMap myOriginalLinesMapping = new HashMap(); // class, method, bytecode offset, source line private final HashMap>> mapping = new LinkedHashMap>>(); // need to preserve order public void addMapping(String classname, String methodname, int bytecode_offset, int source_line) { HashMap> class_mapping = mapping.get(classname); if(class_mapping == null) { mapping.put(classname, class_mapping = new LinkedHashMap>()); // need to preserve order } HashMap method_mapping = class_mapping.get(methodname); if(method_mapping == null) { class_mapping.put(methodname, method_mapping = new HashMap()); } // don't overwrite if(!method_mapping.containsKey(bytecode_offset)) { method_mapping.put(bytecode_offset, source_line); } } public void addTracer(String classname, String methodname, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { for(Entry entry : tracer.getMapping().entrySet()) { addMapping(classname, methodname, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } myOriginalLinesMapping.putAll(tracer.getOriginalLinesMapping()); } public void dumpMapping(TextBuffer buffer, boolean offsetsToHex) { String lineSeparator = DecompilerContext.getNewLineSeparator(); for(Entry>> class_entry : mapping.entrySet()) { HashMap> class_mapping = class_entry.getValue(); buffer.append("class " + class_entry.getKey() + "{" + lineSeparator); boolean is_first_method = true; for(Entry> method_entry : class_mapping.entrySet()) { HashMap method_mapping = method_entry.getValue(); if(!is_first_method) { buffer.appendLineSeparator(); } buffer.appendIndent(1).append("method " + method_entry.getKey() + "{" + lineSeparator); List lstBytecodeOffsets = new ArrayList(method_mapping.keySet()); Collections.sort(lstBytecodeOffsets); for(Integer offset : lstBytecodeOffsets) { Integer line = method_mapping.get(offset); String strOffset = offsetsToHex ? Integer.toHexString(offset): line.toString(); buffer.appendIndent(2).append(strOffset).appendIndent(2).append((line + offset_total) + lineSeparator); } buffer.appendIndent(1).append("}").appendLineSeparator(); is_first_method = false; } buffer.append("}").appendLineSeparator(); } // lines mapping buffer.append("Lines mapping:").appendLineSeparator(); int[] mapping = getOriginalLinesMapping(); for (int i = 0; i < mapping.length; i+=2) { buffer.append(mapping[i]).append(" <-> ").append(mapping[i+1]).appendLineSeparator(); } } public int getTotalOffset() { return offset_total; } public void setTotalOffset(int offset_total) { this.offset_total = offset_total; } public void addTotalOffset(int offset_total) { this.offset_total += offset_total; } /** * original to our line mapping */ public int[] getOriginalLinesMapping() { int[] res = new int[myOriginalLinesMapping.size()*2]; int i = 0; for (Entry entry : myOriginalLinesMapping.entrySet()) { res[i] = entry.getKey(); res[i+1] = entry.getValue() + offset_total + 1; // make it 1 based i+=2; } return res; } }