/* * Copyright 2000-2015 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.cfg.BasicBlock; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.cfg.ControlFlowGraph; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.cfg.ExceptionRangeCFG; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.DecompilerContext; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.extern.IFernflowerLogger; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.decompose.FastExtendedPostdominanceHelper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.deobfuscator.IrreducibleCFGDeobfuscator; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.*; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.FastFixedSetFactory; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.FastFixedSetFactory.FastFixedSet; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.InterpreterUtil; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.VBStyleCollection; import java.util.*; public class DomHelper { private static RootStatement graphToStatement(ControlFlowGraph graph) { VBStyleCollection stats = new VBStyleCollection<>(); VBStyleCollection blocks = graph.getBlocks(); for (BasicBlock block : blocks) { stats.addWithKey(new BasicBlockStatement(block), block.id); } BasicBlock firstblock = graph.getFirst(); // head statement Statement firstst = stats.getWithKey(firstblock.id); // dummy exit statement DummyExitStatement dummyexit = new DummyExitStatement(); Statement general; if (stats.size() > 1 || firstblock.isSuccessor(firstblock)) { // multiple basic blocks or an infinite loop of one block general = new GeneralStatement(firstst, stats, null); } else { // one straightforward basic block RootStatement root = new RootStatement(firstst, dummyexit); firstst.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(StatEdge.TYPE_BREAK, firstst, dummyexit, root)); return root; } for (BasicBlock block : blocks) { Statement stat = stats.getWithKey(block.id); for (BasicBlock succ : block.getSuccs()) { Statement stsucc = stats.getWithKey(succ.id); int type; if (stsucc == firstst) { type = StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE; } else if (graph.getFinallyExits().contains(block)) { type = StatEdge.TYPE_FINALLYEXIT; stsucc = dummyexit; } else if (succ.id == graph.getLast().id) { type = StatEdge.TYPE_BREAK; stsucc = dummyexit; } else { type = StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR; } stat.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(type, stat, (type == StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE) ? general : stsucc, (type == StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR) ? null : general)); } // exceptions edges for (BasicBlock succex : block.getSuccExceptions()) { Statement stsuccex = stats.getWithKey(succex.id); ExceptionRangeCFG range = graph.getExceptionRange(succex, block); if (!range.isCircular()) { stat.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(stat, stsuccex, range.getExceptionTypes())); } } } general.buildContinueSet(); general.buildMonitorFlags(); return new RootStatement(general, dummyexit); } public static VBStyleCollection, Integer> calcPostDominators(Statement container) { HashMap> lists = new HashMap<>(); StrongConnectivityHelper schelper = new StrongConnectivityHelper(container); List> components = schelper.getComponents(); List lstStats = container.getPostReversePostOrderList(StrongConnectivityHelper.getExitReps(components)); FastFixedSetFactory factory = new FastFixedSetFactory<>(lstStats); FastFixedSet setFlagNodes = factory.spawnEmptySet(); setFlagNodes.setAllElements(); FastFixedSet initSet = factory.spawnEmptySet(); initSet.setAllElements(); for (List lst : components) { FastFixedSet tmpSet; if (StrongConnectivityHelper.isExitComponent(lst)) { tmpSet = factory.spawnEmptySet(); tmpSet.addAll(lst); } else { tmpSet = initSet.getCopy(); } for (Statement stat : lst) { lists.put(stat, tmpSet); } } do { for (Statement stat : lstStats) { if (!setFlagNodes.contains(stat)) { continue; } setFlagNodes.remove(stat); FastFixedSet doms = lists.get(stat); FastFixedSet domsSuccs = factory.spawnEmptySet(); List lstSuccs = stat.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD); for (int j = 0; j < lstSuccs.size(); j++) { Statement succ = lstSuccs.get(j); FastFixedSet succlst = lists.get(succ); if (j == 0) { domsSuccs.union(succlst); } else { domsSuccs.intersection(succlst); } } if (!domsSuccs.contains(stat)) { domsSuccs.add(stat); } if (!InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(domsSuccs, doms)) { lists.put(stat, domsSuccs); List lstPreds = stat.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, Statement.DIRECTION_BACKWARD); for (Statement pred : lstPreds) { setFlagNodes.add(pred); } } } } while (!setFlagNodes.isEmpty()); VBStyleCollection, Integer> ret = new VBStyleCollection<>(); List lstRevPost = container.getReversePostOrderList(); // sort order crucial! final HashMap mapSortOrder = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < lstRevPost.size(); i++) { mapSortOrder.put(lstRevPost.get(i).id, i); } for (Statement st : lstStats) { List lstPosts = new ArrayList<>(); for (Statement stt : lists.get(st)) { lstPosts.add(stt.id); } Collections.sort(lstPosts, (o1, o2) -> mapSortOrder.get(o1).compareTo(mapSortOrder.get(o2))); if (lstPosts.size() > 1 && lstPosts.get(0).intValue() == st.id) { lstPosts.add(lstPosts.remove(0)); } ret.addWithKey(lstPosts, st.id); } return ret; } public static RootStatement parseGraph(ControlFlowGraph graph) { RootStatement root = graphToStatement(graph); if (!processStatement(root, new HashMap<>())) { // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(root.getFirst().getStats().get(13), new File("c:\\Temp\\stat1.dot")); // } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } throw new RuntimeException("parsing failure!"); } LabelHelper.lowContinueLabels(root, new HashSet<>()); SequenceHelper.condenseSequences(root); root.buildMonitorFlags(); // build synchronized statements buildSynchronized(root); return root; } public static void removeSynchronizedHandler(Statement stat) { for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { removeSynchronizedHandler(st); } if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_SYNCRONIZED) { ((SynchronizedStatement)stat).removeExc(); } } private static void buildSynchronized(Statement stat) { for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { buildSynchronized(st); } if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE) { while (true) { boolean found = false; List lst = stat.getStats(); for (int i = 0; i < lst.size() - 1; i++) { Statement current = lst.get(i); // basic block if (current.isMonitorEnter()) { Statement next = lst.get(i + 1); Statement nextDirect = next; while (next.type == Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE) { next = next.getFirst(); } if (next.type == Statement.TYPE_CATCHALL) { CatchAllStatement ca = (CatchAllStatement)next; if (ca.getFirst().isContainsMonitorExit() && ca.getHandler().isContainsMonitorExit()) { // remove the head block from sequence current.removeSuccessor(current.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL).get(0)); for (StatEdge edge : current.getPredecessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL)) { current.removePredecessor(edge); edge.getSource().changeEdgeNode(Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD, edge, nextDirect); nextDirect.addPredecessor(edge); } stat.getStats().removeWithKey(current.id); stat.setFirst(stat.getStats().get(0)); // new statement SynchronizedStatement sync = new SynchronizedStatement(current, ca.getFirst(), ca.getHandler()); sync.setAllParent(); for (StatEdge edge : new HashSet<>(ca.getLabelEdges())) { sync.addLabeledEdge(edge); } current.addSuccessor(new StatEdge(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, current, ca.getFirst())); ca.getParent().replaceStatement(ca, sync); found = true; break; } } } } if (!found) { break; } } } } private static boolean processStatement(Statement general, HashMap> mapExtPost) { if (general.type == Statement.TYPE_ROOT) { Statement stat = general.getFirst(); if (stat.type != Statement.TYPE_GENERAL) { return true; } else { boolean complete = processStatement(stat, mapExtPost); if (complete) { // replace general purpose statement with simple one general.replaceStatement(stat, stat.getFirst()); } return complete; } } boolean mapRefreshed = mapExtPost.isEmpty(); for (int mapstage = 0; mapstage < 2; mapstage++) { for (int reducibility = 0; reducibility < 5; reducibility++) { // FIXME: implement proper node splitting. For now up to 5 nodes in sequence are splitted. if (reducibility > 0) { // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(general, new File("c:\\Temp\\stat1.dot")); // } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} // take care of irreducible control flow graphs if (IrreducibleCFGDeobfuscator.isStatementIrreducible(general)) { if (!IrreducibleCFGDeobfuscator.splitIrreducibleNode(general)) { DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("Irreducible statement cannot be decomposed!", IFernflowerLogger.Severity.ERROR); break; } } else { if (mapstage == 2 || mapRefreshed) { // last chance lost DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage("Statement cannot be decomposed although reducible!", IFernflowerLogger.Severity.ERROR); } break; } // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(general, new File("c:\\Temp\\stat1.dot")); // } catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();} mapExtPost = new HashMap<>(); mapRefreshed = true; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { boolean forceall = i != 0; while (true) { if (findSimpleStatements(general, mapExtPost)) { reducibility = 0; } if (general.type == Statement.TYPE_PLACEHOLDER) { return true; } Statement stat = findGeneralStatement(general, forceall, mapExtPost); if (stat != null) { boolean complete = processStatement(stat, general.getFirst() == stat ? mapExtPost : new HashMap<>()); if (complete) { // replace general purpose statement with simple one general.replaceStatement(stat, stat.getFirst()); } else { return false; } mapExtPost = new HashMap<>(); mapRefreshed = true; reducibility = 0; } else { break; } } } // try { // DotExporter.toDotFile(general, new File("c:\\Temp\\stat1.dot")); // } catch (Exception ex) { // ex.printStackTrace(); // } } if (mapRefreshed) { break; } else { mapExtPost = new HashMap<>(); } } return false; } private static Statement findGeneralStatement(Statement stat, boolean forceall, HashMap> mapExtPost) { VBStyleCollection stats = stat.getStats(); VBStyleCollection, Integer> vbPost; if (mapExtPost.isEmpty()) { FastExtendedPostdominanceHelper extpost = new FastExtendedPostdominanceHelper(); mapExtPost.putAll(extpost.getExtendedPostdominators(stat)); } if (forceall) { vbPost = new VBStyleCollection<>(); List lstAll = stat.getPostReversePostOrderList(); for (Statement st : lstAll) { Set set = mapExtPost.get(st.id); if (set != null) { vbPost.addWithKey(new ArrayList<>(set), st.id); // FIXME: sort order!! } } // tail statements Set setFirst = mapExtPost.get(stat.getFirst().id); if (setFirst != null) { for (Integer id : setFirst) { List lst = vbPost.getWithKey(id); if (lst == null) { vbPost.addWithKey(lst = new ArrayList<>(), id); } lst.add(id); } } } else { vbPost = calcPostDominators(stat); } for (int k = 0; k < vbPost.size(); k++) { Integer headid = vbPost.getKey(k); List posts = vbPost.get(k); if (!mapExtPost.containsKey(headid) && !(posts.size() == 1 && posts.get(0).equals(headid))) { continue; } Statement head = stats.getWithKey(headid); Set setExtPosts = mapExtPost.get(headid); for (int i = 0; i < posts.size(); i++) { Integer postid = posts.get(i); if (!postid.equals(headid) && !setExtPosts.contains(postid)) { continue; } Statement post = stats.getWithKey(postid); if (post == null) { // possible in case of an inherited postdominance set continue; } boolean same = (post == head); HashSet setNodes = new HashSet<>(); HashSet setPreds = new HashSet<>(); // collect statement nodes HashSet setHandlers = new HashSet<>(); setHandlers.add(head); while (true) { boolean hdfound = false; for (Statement handler : setHandlers) { if (setNodes.contains(handler)) { continue; } boolean addhd = (setNodes.size() == 0); // first handler == head if (!addhd) { List hdsupp = handler.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, Statement.DIRECTION_BACKWARD); addhd = (setNodes.containsAll(hdsupp) && (setNodes.size() > hdsupp.size() || setNodes.size() == 1)); // strict subset } if (addhd) { LinkedList lstStack = new LinkedList<>(); lstStack.add(handler); while (!lstStack.isEmpty()) { Statement st = lstStack.remove(0); if (!(setNodes.contains(st) || (!same && st == post))) { setNodes.add(st); if (st != head) { // record predeccessors except for the head setPreds.addAll(st.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, Statement.DIRECTION_BACKWARD)); } // put successors on the stack lstStack.addAll(st.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD)); // exception edges setHandlers.addAll(st.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD)); } } hdfound = true; setHandlers.remove(handler); break; } } if (!hdfound) { break; } } // check exception handlers setHandlers.clear(); for (Statement st : setNodes) { setHandlers.addAll(st.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, Statement.DIRECTION_FORWARD)); } setHandlers.removeAll(setNodes); boolean excok = true; for (Statement handler : setHandlers) { if (!handler.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_EXCEPTION, Statement.DIRECTION_BACKWARD).containsAll(setNodes)) { excok = false; break; } } // build statement and return if (excok) { Statement res = null; setPreds.removeAll(setNodes); if (setPreds.size() == 0) { if ((setNodes.size() > 1 || head.getNeighbours(StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, Statement.DIRECTION_BACKWARD).contains(head)) && setNodes.size() < stats.size()) { if (checkSynchronizedCompleteness(head, setNodes)) { res = new GeneralStatement(head, setNodes, same ? null : post); stat.collapseNodesToStatement(res); return res; } } } } } } return null; } private static boolean checkSynchronizedCompleteness(Statement head, HashSet setNodes) { // check exit nodes for (Statement stat : setNodes) { if (stat.isMonitorEnter()) { List lstSuccs = stat.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL); if (lstSuccs.size() != 1 || lstSuccs.get(0).getType() != StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR) { return false; } if (!setNodes.contains(lstSuccs.get(0).getDestination())) { return false; } } } return true; } private static boolean findSimpleStatements(Statement stat, HashMap> mapExtPost) { boolean found, success = false; do { found = false; List lstStats = stat.getPostReversePostOrderList(); for (Statement st : lstStats) { Statement result = detectStatement(st); if (result != null) { if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_GENERAL && result.getFirst() == stat.getFirst() && stat.getStats().size() == result.getStats().size()) { // mark general statement stat.type = Statement.TYPE_PLACEHOLDER; } stat.collapseNodesToStatement(result); // update the postdominator map if (!mapExtPost.isEmpty()) { HashSet setOldNodes = new HashSet<>(); for (Statement old : result.getStats()) { setOldNodes.add(old.id); } Integer newid = result.id; for (Integer key : new ArrayList<>(mapExtPost.keySet())) { Set set = mapExtPost.get(key); int oldsize = set.size(); set.removeAll(setOldNodes); if (setOldNodes.contains(key)) { Set setNew = mapExtPost.get(newid); if (setNew == null) { mapExtPost.put(newid, setNew = new HashSet<>()); } setNew.addAll(set); mapExtPost.remove(key); } else { if (set.size() < oldsize) { set.add(newid); } } } } found = true; break; } } if (found) { success = true; } } while (found); return success; } private static Statement detectStatement(Statement head) { Statement res; if ((res = DoStatement.isHead(head)) != null) { return res; } if ((res = SwitchStatement.isHead(head)) != null) { return res; } if ((res = IfStatement.isHead(head)) != null) { return res; } // synchronized statements will be identified later // right now they are recognized as catchall if ((res = SequenceStatement.isHead2Block(head)) != null) { return res; } if ((res = CatchStatement.isHead(head)) != null) { return res; } if ((res = CatchAllStatement.isHead(head)) != null) { return res; } return null; } }