import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; class e implements a { private static final int a = 25; protected int b; protected f c; protected Map> d; protected ah e = new ah(); protected ah f = new ah(); protected List g = new ArrayList(25); protected List h = new ArrayList(25); protected Date i = null; protected final String j; protected final long k; protected final g l; private final long m; public e(String var1, int var2, long var3, f var5, g var6, long var7) { this.j = var1; this.b = var2; this.m = var7; if (var2 > 0) { this.d = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LRUMap(var2)); } else { this.d = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap(var2)); } this.k = var3; this.c = var5; this.l = var6; } public String a() { return this.j; } public int b() { return this.b; } public int c() { return this.d.size(); } public long d() { return this.e.b() + this.f.b(); } public Long f() { long var1 = this.e.b(); long var3 = this.f.b(); long var10000; try { if (var1 + var3 == 0L) { var10000 = 0L; return var10000; } } catch (a_ var5) { throw var5; } var10000 = Math.round(100.0D * (double)var1 / (double)(var1 + var3)); return var10000; } public Date h() { return this.i; } public void i() { // $FF: Couldn't be decompiled } public void j() { this.d.clear(); this.f.c(); this.e.c(); this.i = new Date(); } public V a(K var1) { return this.a(var1, this.c); } public boolean c(K var1) { return this.d.containsKey(var1); } public V a(K param1, f param2) { // $FF: Couldn't be decompiled } public void a(K var1, V var2) { b var10000; b var10001; Object var10002; Object var10003; long var10004; label16: { try { var10000 = new b; var10001 = var10000; var10002 = var1; var10003 = var2; if (this.k > 0L) { var10004 = this.k + System.currentTimeMillis(); break label16; } } catch (a_ var4) { throw var4; } var10004 = 0L; } var10001.(var10002, var10003, var10004, this.m + System.currentTimeMillis()); b var3 = var10000; this.d.put(var1, var3); } public void b(K var1) { this.d.remove(var1); } public Iterator k() { return this.d.keySet().iterator(); } public List> l() { return new ArrayList(this.d.values()); } public List e() { return this.g; } public List g() { return this.h; } }