// Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.sforms; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.StatEdge; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps.Exprent; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.stats.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class FlattenStatementsHelper { // statement.id, node.id(direct), node.id(continue) private final Map mapDestinationNodes = new HashMap<>(); // node.id(source), statement.id(destination), edge type private final List listEdges = new ArrayList<>(); // node.id(exit), [node.id(source), statement.id(destination)] private final Map> mapShortRangeFinallyPathIds = new HashMap<>(); // node.id(exit), [node.id(source), statement.id(destination)] private final Map> mapLongRangeFinallyPathIds = new HashMap<>(); // positive if branches private final Map mapPosIfBranch = new HashMap<>(); private DirectGraph graph; private RootStatement root; public DirectGraph buildDirectGraph(RootStatement root) { this.root = root; graph = new DirectGraph(); flattenStatement(); // dummy exit node Statement dummyexit = root.getDummyExit(); DirectNode node = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_DIRECT, dummyexit, dummyexit.id.toString()); node.exprents = new ArrayList<>(); graph.nodes.addWithKey(node, node.id); mapDestinationNodes.put(dummyexit.id, new String[]{node.id, null}); setEdges(); graph.first = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(root.id)[0]); graph.sortReversePostOrder(); return graph; } private void flattenStatement() { class StatementStackEntry { public final Statement statement; public final LinkedList stackFinally; public final List tailExprents; public int statementIndex; public int edgeIndex; public List succEdges; StatementStackEntry(Statement statement, LinkedList stackFinally, List tailExprents) { this.statement = statement; this.stackFinally = stackFinally; this.tailExprents = tailExprents; } } LinkedList lstStackStatements = new LinkedList<>(); lstStackStatements.add(new StatementStackEntry(root, new LinkedList<>(), null)); mainloop: while (!lstStackStatements.isEmpty()) { StatementStackEntry statEntry = lstStackStatements.removeFirst(); Statement stat = statEntry.statement; LinkedList stackFinally = statEntry.stackFinally; int statementBreakIndex = statEntry.statementIndex; DirectNode node, nd; List lstSuccEdges = new ArrayList<>(); DirectNode sourcenode = null; if (statEntry.succEdges == null) { switch (stat.type) { case Statement.TYPE_BASICBLOCK: node = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_DIRECT, stat, (BasicBlockStatement)stat); if (stat.getExprents() != null) { node.exprents = stat.getExprents(); } graph.nodes.putWithKey(node, node.id); mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{node.id, null}); lstSuccEdges.addAll(stat.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL)); sourcenode = node; List tailExprentList = statEntry.tailExprents; if (tailExprentList != null) { DirectNode tail = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_TAIL, stat, stat.id + "_tail"); tail.exprents = tailExprentList; graph.nodes.putWithKey(tail, tail.id); mapDestinationNodes.put(-stat.id, new String[]{tail.id, null}); listEdges.add(new Edge(node.id, -stat.id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); sourcenode = tail; } // 'if' statement: record positive branch if (stat.getLastBasicType() == Statement.LASTBASICTYPE_IF) { mapPosIfBranch.put(sourcenode.id, lstSuccEdges.get(0).getDestination().id); } break; case Statement.TYPE_CATCHALL: case Statement.TYPE_TRYCATCH: DirectNode firstnd = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_TRY, stat, stat.id + "_try"); mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{firstnd.id, null}); graph.nodes.putWithKey(firstnd, firstnd.id); LinkedList lst = new LinkedList<>(); for (Statement st : stat.getStats()) { listEdges.add(new Edge(firstnd.id, st.id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); LinkedList stack = stackFinally; if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_CATCHALL && ((CatchAllStatement)stat).isFinally()) { stack = new LinkedList<>(stackFinally); if (st == stat.getFirst()) { // catch head stack.add(new StackEntry((CatchAllStatement)stat, Boolean.FALSE)); } else { // handler stack.add(new StackEntry((CatchAllStatement)stat, Boolean.TRUE, StatEdge.TYPE_BREAK, root.getDummyExit(), st, st, firstnd, firstnd, true)); } } lst.add(new StatementStackEntry(st, stack, null)); } lstStackStatements.addAll(0, lst); break; case Statement.TYPE_DO: if (statementBreakIndex == 0) { statEntry.statementIndex = 1; lstStackStatements.addFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.addFirst(new StatementStackEntry(stat.getFirst(), stackFinally, null)); continue mainloop; } nd = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(stat.getFirst().id)[0]); DoStatement dostat = (DoStatement)stat; int looptype = dostat.getLooptype(); if (looptype == DoStatement.LOOP_DO) { mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{nd.id, nd.id}); break; } lstSuccEdges.add(stat.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL).get(0)); // exactly one edge switch (looptype) { case DoStatement.LOOP_WHILE: case DoStatement.LOOP_DOWHILE: node = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_CONDITION, stat, stat.id + "_cond"); node.exprents = dostat.getConditionExprentList(); graph.nodes.putWithKey(node, node.id); listEdges.add(new Edge(node.id, stat.getFirst().id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); if (looptype == DoStatement.LOOP_WHILE) { mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{node.id, node.id}); } else { mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{nd.id, node.id}); boolean found = false; for (Edge edge : listEdges) { if (edge.statid.equals(stat.id) && edge.edgetype == StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { listEdges.add(new Edge(nd.id, stat.id, StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE)); } } sourcenode = node; break; case DoStatement.LOOP_FOR: DirectNode nodeinit = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_INIT, stat, stat.id + "_init"); if (dostat.getInitExprent() != null) { nodeinit.exprents = dostat.getInitExprentList(); } graph.nodes.putWithKey(nodeinit, nodeinit.id); DirectNode nodecond = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_CONDITION, stat, stat.id + "_cond"); nodecond.exprents = dostat.getConditionExprentList(); graph.nodes.putWithKey(nodecond, nodecond.id); DirectNode nodeinc = new DirectNode(DirectNode.NODE_INCREMENT, stat, stat.id + "_inc"); nodeinc.exprents = dostat.getIncExprentList(); graph.nodes.putWithKey(nodeinc, nodeinc.id); mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{nodeinit.id, nodeinc.id}); mapDestinationNodes.put(-stat.id, new String[]{nodecond.id, null}); listEdges.add(new Edge(nodecond.id, stat.getFirst().id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); listEdges.add(new Edge(nodeinit.id, -stat.id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); listEdges.add(new Edge(nodeinc.id, -stat.id, StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR)); boolean found = false; for (Edge edge : listEdges) { if (edge.statid.equals(stat.id) && edge.edgetype == StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { listEdges.add(new Edge(nd.id, stat.id, StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE)); } sourcenode = nodecond; } break; case Statement.TYPE_SYNCRONIZED: case Statement.TYPE_SWITCH: case Statement.TYPE_IF: case Statement.TYPE_SEQUENCE: case Statement.TYPE_ROOT: int statsize = stat.getStats().size(); if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_SYNCRONIZED) { statsize = 2; // exclude the handler if synchronized } if (statementBreakIndex <= statsize) { List tailexprlst = null; switch (stat.type) { case Statement.TYPE_SYNCRONIZED: tailexprlst = ((SynchronizedStatement)stat).getHeadexprentList(); break; case Statement.TYPE_SWITCH: tailexprlst = ((SwitchStatement)stat).getHeadexprentList(); break; case Statement.TYPE_IF: tailexprlst = ((IfStatement)stat).getHeadexprentList(); } for (int i = statementBreakIndex; i < statsize; i++) { statEntry.statementIndex = i + 1; lstStackStatements.addFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.addFirst( new StatementStackEntry(stat.getStats().get(i), stackFinally, (i == 0 && tailexprlst != null && tailexprlst.get(0) != null) ? tailexprlst : null)); continue mainloop; } node = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(stat.getFirst().id)[0]); mapDestinationNodes.put(stat.id, new String[]{node.id, null}); if (stat.type == Statement.TYPE_IF && ((IfStatement)stat).iftype == IfStatement.IFTYPE_IF) { lstSuccEdges.add(stat.getSuccessorEdges(Statement.STATEDGE_DIRECT_ALL).get(0)); // exactly one edge sourcenode = tailexprlst.get(0) == null ? node : graph.nodes.getWithKey(node.id + "_tail"); } } } } // no successor edges if (sourcenode != null) { if (statEntry.succEdges != null) { lstSuccEdges = statEntry.succEdges; } for (int edgeindex = statEntry.edgeIndex; edgeindex < lstSuccEdges.size(); edgeindex++) { StatEdge edge = lstSuccEdges.get(edgeindex); LinkedList stack = new LinkedList<>(stackFinally); int edgetype = edge.getType(); Statement destination = edge.getDestination(); DirectNode finallyShortRangeSource = sourcenode; DirectNode finallyLongRangeSource = sourcenode; Statement finallyShortRangeEntry = null; Statement finallyLongRangeEntry = null; boolean isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath = false; boolean isFinallyExit = false; while (true) { StackEntry entry = null; if (!stack.isEmpty()) { entry = stack.getLast(); } boolean created = true; if (entry == null) { saveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } else { CatchAllStatement catchall = entry.catchstatement; if (entry.state) { // finally handler statement if (edgetype == StatEdge.TYPE_FINALLYEXIT) { stack.removeLast(); destination = entry.destination; edgetype = entry.edgetype; finallyShortRangeSource = entry.finallyShortRangeSource; finallyLongRangeSource = entry.finallyLongRangeSource; finallyShortRangeEntry = entry.finallyShortRangeEntry; finallyLongRangeEntry = entry.finallyLongRangeEntry; isFinallyExit = true; isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath = (catchall.getMonitor() != null) & entry.isFinallyExceptionPath; created = false; } else { if (!catchall.containsStatementStrict(destination)) { stack.removeLast(); created = false; } else { saveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } } } else { // finally protected try statement if (!catchall.containsStatementStrict(destination)) { saveEdge(sourcenode, catchall.getHandler(), StatEdge.TYPE_REGULAR, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); stack.removeLast(); stack.add(new StackEntry(catchall, Boolean.TRUE, edgetype, destination, catchall.getHandler(), finallyLongRangeEntry == null ? catchall.getHandler() : finallyLongRangeEntry, sourcenode, finallyLongRangeSource, false)); statEntry.edgeIndex = edgeindex + 1; statEntry.succEdges = lstSuccEdges; lstStackStatements.addFirst(statEntry); lstStackStatements.addFirst(new StatementStackEntry(catchall.getHandler(), stack, null)); continue mainloop; } else { saveEdge(sourcenode, destination, edgetype, isFinallyExit ? finallyShortRangeSource : null, finallyLongRangeSource, finallyShortRangeEntry, finallyLongRangeEntry, isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath); } } } if (created) { break; } } } } } } private void saveEdge(DirectNode sourcenode, Statement destination, int edgetype, DirectNode finallyShortRangeSource, DirectNode finallyLongRangeSource, Statement finallyShortRangeEntry, Statement finallyLongRangeEntry, boolean isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath) { if (edgetype != StatEdge.TYPE_FINALLYEXIT) { listEdges.add(new Edge(sourcenode.id, destination.id, edgetype)); } if (finallyShortRangeSource != null) { boolean isContinueEdge = (edgetype == StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE); mapShortRangeFinallyPathIds.computeIfAbsent(sourcenode.id, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new String[]{ finallyShortRangeSource.id, destination.id.toString(), finallyShortRangeEntry.id.toString(), isFinallyMonitorExceptionPath ? "1" : null, isContinueEdge ? "1" : null}); mapLongRangeFinallyPathIds.computeIfAbsent(sourcenode.id, k -> new ArrayList<>()).add(new String[]{ finallyLongRangeSource.id, destination.id.toString(), finallyLongRangeEntry.id.toString(), isContinueEdge ? "1" : null}); } } private void setEdges() { for (Edge edge : listEdges) { String sourceid = edge.sourceid; Integer statid = edge.statid; DirectNode source = graph.nodes.getWithKey(sourceid); DirectNode dest = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(statid)[edge.edgetype == StatEdge.TYPE_CONTINUE ? 1 : 0]); if (!source.succs.contains(dest)) { source.succs.add(dest); } if (!dest.preds.contains(source)) { dest.preds.add(source); } if (mapPosIfBranch.containsKey(sourceid) && !statid.equals(mapPosIfBranch.get(sourceid))) { graph.mapNegIfBranch.put(sourceid, dest.id); } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (Entry> ent : (i == 0 ? mapShortRangeFinallyPathIds : mapLongRangeFinallyPathIds).entrySet()) { List newLst = new ArrayList<>(); List lst = ent.getValue(); for (String[] arr : lst) { boolean isContinueEdge = arr[i == 0 ? 4 : 3] != null; DirectNode dest = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(Integer.parseInt(arr[1]))[isContinueEdge ? 1 : 0]); DirectNode enter = graph.nodes.getWithKey(mapDestinationNodes.get(Integer.parseInt(arr[2]))[0]); newLst.add(new FinallyPathWrapper(arr[0], dest.id, enter.id)); if (i == 0 && arr[3] != null) { graph.mapFinallyMonitorExceptionPathExits.put(ent.getKey(), dest.id); } } if (!newLst.isEmpty()) { (i == 0 ? graph.mapShortRangeFinallyPaths : graph.mapLongRangeFinallyPaths).put(ent.getKey(), new ArrayList<>( new HashSet<>(newLst))); } } } } public Map getMapDestinationNodes() { return mapDestinationNodes; } public static class FinallyPathWrapper { public final String source; public final String destination; public final String entry; private FinallyPathWrapper(String source, String destination, String entry) { this.source = source; this.destination = destination; this.entry = entry; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof FinallyPathWrapper)) return false; FinallyPathWrapper fpw = (FinallyPathWrapper)o; return (source + ":" + destination + ":" + entry).equals(fpw.source + ":" + fpw.destination + ":" + fpw.entry); } @Override public int hashCode() { return (source + ":" + destination + ":" + entry).hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return source + "->(" + entry + ")->" + destination; } } private static class StackEntry { public final CatchAllStatement catchstatement; public final boolean state; public final int edgetype; public final boolean isFinallyExceptionPath; public final Statement destination; public final Statement finallyShortRangeEntry; public final Statement finallyLongRangeEntry; public final DirectNode finallyShortRangeSource; public final DirectNode finallyLongRangeSource; StackEntry(CatchAllStatement catchstatement, boolean state, int edgetype, Statement destination, Statement finallyShortRangeEntry, Statement finallyLongRangeEntry, DirectNode finallyShortRangeSource, DirectNode finallyLongRangeSource, boolean isFinallyExceptionPath) { this.catchstatement = catchstatement; this.state = state; this.edgetype = edgetype; this.isFinallyExceptionPath = isFinallyExceptionPath; this.destination = destination; this.finallyShortRangeEntry = finallyShortRangeEntry; this.finallyLongRangeEntry = finallyLongRangeEntry; this.finallyShortRangeSource = finallyShortRangeSource; this.finallyLongRangeSource = finallyLongRangeSource; } StackEntry(CatchAllStatement catchstatement, boolean state) { this(catchstatement, state, -1, null, null, null, null, null, false); } } private static class Edge { public final String sourceid; public final Integer statid; public final int edgetype; Edge(String sourceid, Integer statid, int edgetype) { this.sourceid = sourceid; this.statid = statid; this.edgetype = edgetype; } } }