/* * Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.DecompilerContext; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.TextBuffer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.collectors.BytecodeMappingTracer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.extern.IFernflowerPreferences; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.ExprProcessor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.FieldDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.VarType; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchEngine; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchNode; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchNode.RuleValue; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.InterpreterUtil; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.TextUtil; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class ConstExprent extends Exprent { private static final Map CHAR_ESCAPES; static { CHAR_ESCAPES = new HashMap<>(); CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0x8), "\\b"); /* \u0008: backspace BS */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0x9), "\\t"); /* \u0009: horizontal tab HT */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0xA), "\\n"); /* \u000a: linefeed LF */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0xC), "\\f"); /* \u000c: form feed FF */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0xD), "\\r"); /* \u000d: carriage return CR */ //CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0x22), "\\\""); /* \u0022: double quote " */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0x27), "\\\'"); /* \u0027: single quote ' */ CHAR_ESCAPES.put(new Integer(0x5C), "\\\\"); /* \u005c: backslash \ */ } private VarType constType; private final Object value; private final boolean boolPermitted; public ConstExprent(int val, boolean boolPermitted, Set bytecodeOffsets) { this(guessType(val, boolPermitted), new Integer(val), boolPermitted, bytecodeOffsets); } public ConstExprent(VarType constType, Object value, Set bytecodeOffsets) { this(constType, value, false, bytecodeOffsets); } private ConstExprent(VarType constType, Object value, boolean boolPermitted, Set bytecodeOffsets) { super(EXPRENT_CONST); this.constType = constType; this.value = value; this.boolPermitted = boolPermitted; addBytecodeOffsets(bytecodeOffsets); } private static VarType guessType(int val, boolean boolPermitted) { if (boolPermitted) { VarType constType = VarType.VARTYPE_BOOLEAN; if (val != 0 && val != 1) { constType = constType.copy(true); } return constType; } else if (0 <= val && val <= 127) { return VarType.VARTYPE_BYTECHAR; } else if (-128 <= val && val <= 127) { return VarType.VARTYPE_BYTE; } else if (0 <= val && val <= 32767) { return VarType.VARTYPE_SHORTCHAR; } else if (-32768 <= val && val <= 32767) { return VarType.VARTYPE_SHORT; } else if (0 <= val && val <= 0xFFFF) { return VarType.VARTYPE_CHAR; } else { return VarType.VARTYPE_INT; } } @Override public Exprent copy() { return new ConstExprent(constType, value, bytecode); } @Override public VarType getExprType() { return constType; } @Override public int getExprentUse() { return Exprent.MULTIPLE_USES | Exprent.SIDE_EFFECTS_FREE; } public List getAllExprents() { return new ArrayList<>(); } @Override public TextBuffer toJava(int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { boolean literal = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.LITERALS_AS_IS); boolean ascii = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.ASCII_STRING_CHARACTERS); tracer.addMapping(bytecode); if (constType.type != CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL && value == null) { return new TextBuffer(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(constType)); } switch (constType.type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return new TextBuffer(Boolean.toString(((Integer)value).intValue() != 0)); case CodeConstants.TYPE_CHAR: Integer val = (Integer)value; String ret = CHAR_ESCAPES.get(val); if (ret == null) { char c = (char)val.intValue(); if (c >= 32 && c < 127 || !ascii && TextUtil.isPrintableUnicode(c)) { ret = String.valueOf(c); } else { ret = TextUtil.charToUnicodeLiteral(c); } } return new TextBuffer(ret).enclose("'", "'"); case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: int intVal = ((Integer)value).intValue(); if (!literal) { if (intVal == Integer.MAX_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MAX_VALUE", "java/lang/Integer", true, null, FieldDescriptor.INTEGER_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (intVal == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MIN_VALUE", "java/lang/Integer", true, null, FieldDescriptor.INTEGER_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } } return new TextBuffer(value.toString()); case CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG: long longVal = ((Long)value).longValue(); if (!literal) { if (longVal == Long.MAX_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MAX_VALUE", "java/lang/Long", true, null, FieldDescriptor.LONG_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (longVal == Long.MIN_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MIN_VALUE", "java/lang/Long", true, null, FieldDescriptor.LONG_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } } return new TextBuffer(value.toString()).append('L'); case CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT: float floatVal = ((Float)value).floatValue(); if (!literal) { if (Float.isNaN(floatVal)) { return new FieldExprent("NaN", "java/lang/Float", true, null, FieldDescriptor.FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (floatVal == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return new FieldExprent("POSITIVE_INFINITY", "java/lang/Float", true, null, FieldDescriptor.FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (floatVal == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return new FieldExprent("NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "java/lang/Float", true, null, FieldDescriptor.FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (floatVal == Float.MAX_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MAX_VALUE", "java/lang/Float", true, null, FieldDescriptor.FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (floatVal == Float.MIN_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MIN_VALUE", "java/lang/Float", true, null, FieldDescriptor.FLOAT_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } } else if (Float.isNaN(floatVal)) { return new TextBuffer("0.0F / 0.0"); } else if (floatVal == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return new TextBuffer("1.0F / 0.0"); } else if (floatVal == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return new TextBuffer("-1.0F / 0.0"); } return new TextBuffer(value.toString()).append('F'); case CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE: double doubleVal = ((Double)value).doubleValue(); if (!literal) { if (Double.isNaN(doubleVal)) { return new FieldExprent("NaN", "java/lang/Double", true, null, FieldDescriptor.DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (doubleVal == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return new FieldExprent("POSITIVE_INFINITY", "java/lang/Double", true, null, FieldDescriptor.DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (doubleVal == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return new FieldExprent("NEGATIVE_INFINITY", "java/lang/Double", true, null, FieldDescriptor.DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (doubleVal == Double.MAX_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MAX_VALUE", "java/lang/Double", true, null, FieldDescriptor.DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } else if (doubleVal == Double.MIN_VALUE) { return new FieldExprent("MIN_VALUE", "java/lang/Double", true, null, FieldDescriptor.DOUBLE_DESCRIPTOR, bytecode).toJava(0, tracer); } } else if (Double.isNaN(doubleVal)) { return new TextBuffer("0.0D / 0.0"); } else if (doubleVal == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return new TextBuffer("1.0D / 0.0"); } else if (doubleVal == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return new TextBuffer("-1.0D / 0.0"); } return new TextBuffer(value.toString()).append('D'); case CodeConstants.TYPE_NULL: return new TextBuffer("null"); case CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT: if (constType.equals(VarType.VARTYPE_STRING)) { return new TextBuffer(convertStringToJava(value.toString(), ascii)).enclose("\"", "\""); } else if (constType.equals(VarType.VARTYPE_CLASS)) { String stringVal = value.toString(); VarType type = new VarType(stringVal, !stringVal.startsWith("[")); return new TextBuffer(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(type)).append(".class"); } } throw new RuntimeException("invalid constant type: " + constType); } private static String convertStringToJava(String value, boolean ascii) { char[] arr = value.toCharArray(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(arr.length); for (char c : arr) { switch (c) { case '\\': // u005c: backslash \ buffer.append("\\\\"); break; case 0x8: // "\\\\b"); // u0008: backspace BS buffer.append("\\b"); break; case 0x9: //"\\\\t"); // u0009: horizontal tab HT buffer.append("\\t"); break; case 0xA: //"\\\\n"); // u000a: linefeed LF buffer.append("\\n"); break; case 0xC: //"\\\\f"); // u000c: form feed FF buffer.append("\\f"); break; case 0xD: //"\\\\r"); // u000d: carriage return CR buffer.append("\\r"); break; case 0x22: //"\\\\\""); // u0022: double quote " buffer.append("\\\""); break; //case 0x27: //"\\\\'"); // u0027: single quote ' // buffer.append("\\\'"); // break; default: if (c >= 32 && c < 127 || !ascii && TextUtil.isPrintableUnicode(c)) { buffer.append(c); } else { buffer.append(TextUtil.charToUnicodeLiteral(c)); } } } return buffer.toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null || !(o instanceof ConstExprent)) return false; ConstExprent cn = (ConstExprent)o; return InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(constType, cn.getConstType()) && InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(value, cn.getValue()); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = constType != null ? constType.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (value != null ? value.hashCode() : 0); return result; } public boolean hasBooleanValue() { switch (constType.type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN: case CodeConstants.TYPE_CHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: int value = ((Integer)this.value).intValue(); return value == 0 || (DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.BOOLEAN_TRUE_ONE) && value == 1); } return false; } public boolean hasValueOne() { switch (constType.type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN: case CodeConstants.TYPE_CHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR: case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: return ((Integer)value).intValue() == 1; case CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG: return ((Long)value).intValue() == 1; case CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE: return ((Double)value).intValue() == 1; case CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT: return ((Float)value).intValue() == 1; } return false; } public static ConstExprent getZeroConstant(int type) { switch (type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: return new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_INT, new Integer(0), null); case CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG: return new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_LONG, new Long(0), null); case CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE: return new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_DOUBLE, new Double(0), null); case CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT: return new ConstExprent(VarType.VARTYPE_FLOAT, new Float(0), null); } throw new RuntimeException("Invalid argument: " + type); } public VarType getConstType() { return constType; } public void setConstType(VarType constType) { this.constType = constType; } public Object getValue() { return value; } public int getIntValue() { return ((Integer)value).intValue(); } public boolean isBoolPermitted() { return boolPermitted; } // ***************************************************************************** // IMatchable implementation // ***************************************************************************** @Override public boolean match(MatchNode matchNode, MatchEngine engine) { if (!super.match(matchNode, engine)) { return false; } for (Entry rule : matchNode.getRules().entrySet()) { RuleValue value = rule.getValue(); MatchProperties key = rule.getKey(); if (key == MatchProperties.EXPRENT_CONSTTYPE) { if (!value.value.equals(this.constType)) { return false; } } else if (key == MatchProperties.EXPRENT_CONSTVALUE) { if (value.isVariable() && !engine.checkAndSetVariableValue(value.value.toString(), this.value)) { return false; } } } return true; } }