// Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.exps; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.ClassesProcessor.ClassNode; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.DecompilerContext; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.TextBuffer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.collectors.BytecodeMappingTracer; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.extern.IFernflowerPreferences; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.main.rels.MethodWrapper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.ClasspathHelper; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.ExprProcessor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.vars.CheckTypesResult; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.vars.VarProcessor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.modules.decompiler.vars.VarVersionPair; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.StructClass; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.StructMethod; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.LinkConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.PooledConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.MethodDescriptor; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.gen.VarType; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchEngine; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchNode; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.match.MatchNode.RuleValue; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.InterpreterUtil; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.ListStack; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.TextUtil; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; public class InvocationExprent extends Exprent { public static final int INVOKE_SPECIAL = 1; public static final int INVOKE_VIRTUAL = 2; public static final int INVOKE_STATIC = 3; public static final int INVOKE_INTERFACE = 4; public static final int INVOKE_DYNAMIC = 5; public static final int TYP_GENERAL = 1; public static final int TYP_INIT = 2; public static final int TYP_CLINIT = 3; private static final BitSet EMPTY_BIT_SET = new BitSet(0); private String name; private String classname; private boolean isStatic; private boolean canIgnoreBoxing = true; private int functype = TYP_GENERAL; private Exprent instance; private MethodDescriptor descriptor; private String stringDescriptor; private String invokeDynamicClassSuffix; private int invocationTyp = INVOKE_VIRTUAL; private List lstParameters = new ArrayList<>(); private List bootstrapArguments; public InvocationExprent() { super(EXPRENT_INVOCATION); } public InvocationExprent(int opcode, LinkConstant cn, List bootstrapArguments, ListStack stack, Set bytecodeOffsets) { this(); name = cn.elementname; classname = cn.classname; this.bootstrapArguments = bootstrapArguments; switch (opcode) { case CodeConstants.opc_invokestatic: invocationTyp = INVOKE_STATIC; break; case CodeConstants.opc_invokespecial: invocationTyp = INVOKE_SPECIAL; break; case CodeConstants.opc_invokevirtual: invocationTyp = INVOKE_VIRTUAL; break; case CodeConstants.opc_invokeinterface: invocationTyp = INVOKE_INTERFACE; break; case CodeConstants.opc_invokedynamic: invocationTyp = INVOKE_DYNAMIC; classname = "java/lang/Class"; // dummy class name invokeDynamicClassSuffix = "##Lambda_" + cn.index1 + "_" + cn.index2; } if (CodeConstants.INIT_NAME.equals(name)) { functype = TYP_INIT; } else if (CodeConstants.CLINIT_NAME.equals(name)) { functype = TYP_CLINIT; } stringDescriptor = cn.descriptor; descriptor = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(cn.descriptor); for (VarType ignored : descriptor.params) { lstParameters.add(0, stack.pop()); } if (opcode == CodeConstants.opc_invokedynamic) { int dynamicInvocationType = -1; if (bootstrapArguments != null) { if (bootstrapArguments.size() > 1) { // INVOKEDYNAMIC is used not only for lambdas PooledConstant link = bootstrapArguments.get(1); if (link instanceof LinkConstant) { dynamicInvocationType = ((LinkConstant)link).index1; } } } if (dynamicInvocationType == CodeConstants.CONSTANT_MethodHandle_REF_invokeStatic) { isStatic = true; } else { // FIXME: remove the first parameter completely from the list. It's the object type for a virtual lambda method. if (!lstParameters.isEmpty()) { instance = lstParameters.get(0); } } } else if (opcode == CodeConstants.opc_invokestatic) { isStatic = true; } else { instance = stack.pop(); } addBytecodeOffsets(bytecodeOffsets); } private InvocationExprent(InvocationExprent expr) { this(); name = expr.getName(); classname = expr.getClassname(); isStatic = expr.isStatic(); canIgnoreBoxing = expr.canIgnoreBoxing; functype = expr.getFunctype(); instance = expr.getInstance(); if (instance != null) { instance = instance.copy(); } invocationTyp = expr.getInvocationTyp(); invokeDynamicClassSuffix = expr.getInvokeDynamicClassSuffix(); stringDescriptor = expr.getStringDescriptor(); descriptor = expr.getDescriptor(); lstParameters = new ArrayList<>(expr.getLstParameters()); ExprProcessor.copyEntries(lstParameters); addBytecodeOffsets(expr.bytecode); bootstrapArguments = expr.getBootstrapArguments(); } @Override public VarType getExprType() { return descriptor.ret; } @Override public CheckTypesResult checkExprTypeBounds() { CheckTypesResult result = new CheckTypesResult(); for (int i = 0; i < lstParameters.size(); i++) { Exprent parameter = lstParameters.get(i); VarType leftType = descriptor.params[i]; result.addMinTypeExprent(parameter, VarType.getMinTypeInFamily(leftType.typeFamily)); result.addMaxTypeExprent(parameter, leftType); } return result; } @Override public List getAllExprents() { List lst = new ArrayList<>(); if (instance != null) { lst.add(instance); } lst.addAll(lstParameters); return lst; } @Override public Exprent copy() { return new InvocationExprent(this); } @Override public TextBuffer toJava(int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { TextBuffer buf = new TextBuffer(); String super_qualifier = null; boolean isInstanceThis = false; tracer.addMapping(bytecode); if (instance instanceof InvocationExprent) { ((InvocationExprent) instance).markUsingBoxingResult(); } if (isStatic) { if (isBoxingCall() && canIgnoreBoxing) { // process general "boxing" calls, e.g. 'Object[] data = { true }' or 'Byte b = 123' // here 'byte' and 'short' values do not need an explicit narrowing type cast ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(lstParameters.get(0), descriptor.params[0], buf, indent, false, false, false, tracer); return buf; } ClassNode node = (ClassNode)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE); if (node == null || !classname.equals(node.classStruct.qualifiedName)) { buf.append(DecompilerContext.getImportCollector().getShortNameInClassContext(ExprProcessor.buildJavaClassName(classname))); } } else { if (instance != null && instance.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_VAR) { VarExprent instVar = (VarExprent)instance; VarVersionPair varPair = new VarVersionPair(instVar); VarProcessor varProc = instVar.getProcessor(); if (varProc == null) { MethodWrapper currentMethod = (MethodWrapper)DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER); if (currentMethod != null) { varProc = currentMethod.varproc; } } String this_classname = null; if (varProc != null) { this_classname = varProc.getThisVars().get(varPair); } if (this_classname != null) { isInstanceThis = true; if (invocationTyp == INVOKE_SPECIAL) { if (!classname.equals(this_classname)) { // TODO: direct comparison to the super class? super_qualifier = this_classname; } } } } if (functype == TYP_GENERAL) { if (super_qualifier != null) { TextUtil.writeQualifiedSuper(buf, super_qualifier); } else if (instance != null) { TextBuffer res = instance.toJava(indent, tracer); if (isUnboxingCall()) { // we don't print the unboxing call - no need to bother with the instance wrapping / casting buf.append(res); return buf; } VarType rightType = instance.getExprType(); VarType leftType = new VarType(CodeConstants.TYPE_OBJECT, 0, classname); if (rightType.equals(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT) && !leftType.equals(rightType)) { buf.append("((").append(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(leftType)).append(")"); if (instance.getPrecedence() >= FunctionExprent.getPrecedence(FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_CAST)) { res.enclose("(", ")"); } buf.append(res).append(")"); } else if (instance.getPrecedence() > getPrecedence()) { buf.append("(").append(res).append(")"); } else { buf.append(res); } } } } switch (functype) { case TYP_GENERAL: if (VarExprent.VAR_NAMELESS_ENCLOSURE.equals(buf.toString())) { buf = new TextBuffer(); } if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append("."); } buf.append(name); if (invocationTyp == INVOKE_DYNAMIC) { buf.append(""); } buf.append("("); break; case TYP_CLINIT: throw new RuntimeException("Explicit invocation of " + CodeConstants.CLINIT_NAME); case TYP_INIT: if (super_qualifier != null) { buf.append("super("); } else if (isInstanceThis) { buf.append("this("); } else if (instance != null) { buf.append(instance.toJava(indent, tracer)).append(".("); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized invocation of " + CodeConstants.INIT_NAME); } } List mask = null; boolean isEnum = false; if (functype == TYP_INIT) { ClassNode newNode = DecompilerContext.getClassProcessor().getMapRootClasses().get(classname); if (newNode != null) { mask = ExprUtil.getSyntheticParametersMask(newNode, stringDescriptor, lstParameters.size()); isEnum = newNode.classStruct.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM); } } BitSet setAmbiguousParameters = getAmbiguousParameters(); // omit 'new Type[] {}' for the last parameter of a vararg method call if (lstParameters.size() == descriptor.params.length && isVarArgCall()) { Exprent lastParam = lstParameters.get(lstParameters.size() - 1); if (lastParam.type == EXPRENT_NEW && lastParam.getExprType().arrayDim >= 1) { ((NewExprent) lastParam).setVarArgParam(true); } } boolean firstParameter = true; int start = isEnum ? 2 : 0; for (int i = start; i < lstParameters.size(); i++) { if (mask == null || mask.get(i) == null) { TextBuffer buff = new TextBuffer(); boolean ambiguous = setAmbiguousParameters.get(i); Exprent param = unboxIfNeeded(lstParameters.get(i)); // 'byte' and 'short' literals need an explicit narrowing type cast when used as a parameter ExprProcessor.getCastedExprent(param, descriptor.params[i], buff, indent, true, ambiguous, true, tracer); // the last "new Object[0]" in the vararg call is not printed if (buff.length() > 0) { if (!firstParameter) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(buff); } firstParameter = false; } } buf.append(')'); return buf; } public static Exprent unboxIfNeeded(Exprent param) { // "unbox" invocation parameters, e.g. 'byteSet.add((byte)123)' or 'new ShortContainer((short)813)' if (param.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_INVOCATION && ((InvocationExprent)param).isBoxingCall()) { param = ((InvocationExprent)param).lstParameters.get(0); } return param; } private boolean isVarArgCall() { StructClass cl = DecompilerContext.getStructContext().getClass(classname); if (cl != null) { StructMethod mt = cl.getMethod(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(name, stringDescriptor)); if (mt != null) { return mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_VARARGS); } } else { // TODO: tap into IDEA indices to access libraries methods details // try to check the class on the classpath Method mtd = ClasspathHelper.findMethod(classname, name, descriptor); return mtd != null && mtd.isVarArgs(); } return false; } private boolean isBoxingCall() { if (isStatic && "valueOf".equals(name) && lstParameters.size() == 1) { int paramType = lstParameters.get(0).getExprType().type; // special handling for ambiguous types if (lstParameters.get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST) { // 'Integer.valueOf(1)' has '1' type detected as TYPE_BYTECHAR // 'Integer.valueOf(40_000)' has '40_000' type detected as TYPE_CHAR // so we check the type family instead if (lstParameters.get(0).getExprType().typeFamily == CodeConstants.TYPE_FAMILY_INTEGER) { if (classname.equals("java/lang/Integer")) { return true; } } if (paramType == CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR || paramType == CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR) { if (classname.equals("java/lang/Character")) { return true; } } } return classname.equals(getClassNameForPrimitiveType(paramType)); } return false; } public void markUsingBoxingResult() { canIgnoreBoxing = false; } // TODO: move to CodeConstants ??? private static String getClassNameForPrimitiveType(int type) { switch (type) { case CodeConstants.TYPE_BOOLEAN: return "java/lang/Boolean"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTE: case CodeConstants.TYPE_BYTECHAR: return "java/lang/Byte"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_CHAR: return "java/lang/Character"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORT: case CodeConstants.TYPE_SHORTCHAR: return "java/lang/Short"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_INT: return "java/lang/Integer"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_LONG: return "java/lang/Long"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_FLOAT: return "java/lang/Float"; case CodeConstants.TYPE_DOUBLE: return "java/lang/Double"; } return null; } private static final Map UNBOXING_METHODS; static { UNBOXING_METHODS = new HashMap<>(); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("booleanValue", "java/lang/Boolean"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("byteValue", "java/lang/Byte"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("shortValue", "java/lang/Short"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("intValue", "java/lang/Integer"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("longValue", "java/lang/Long"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("floatValue", "java/lang/Float"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("doubleValue", "java/lang/Double"); UNBOXING_METHODS.put("charValue", "java/lang/Character"); } private boolean isUnboxingCall() { return !isStatic && lstParameters.size() == 0 && classname.equals(UNBOXING_METHODS.get(name)); } private BitSet getAmbiguousParameters() { StructClass cl = DecompilerContext.getStructContext().getClass(classname); if (cl == null) return EMPTY_BIT_SET; // check number of matches List matches = new ArrayList<>(); nextMethod: for (StructMethod mt : cl.getMethods()) { if (name.equals(mt.getName())) { MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(mt.getDescriptor()); if (md.params.length == descriptor.params.length) { for (int i = 0; i < md.params.length; i++) { if (md.params[i].typeFamily != descriptor.params[i].typeFamily) { continue nextMethod; } } matches.add(md); } } } if (matches.size() == 1) return EMPTY_BIT_SET; // check if a call is unambiguous StructMethod mt = cl.getMethod(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(name, stringDescriptor)); if (mt != null) { MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(mt.getDescriptor()); if (md.params.length == lstParameters.size()) { boolean exact = true; for (int i = 0; i < md.params.length; i++) { if (!md.params[i].equals(lstParameters.get(i).getExprType())) { exact = false; break; } } if (exact) return EMPTY_BIT_SET; } } // mark parameters BitSet ambiguous = new BitSet(descriptor.params.length); for (int i = 0; i < descriptor.params.length; i++) { VarType paramType = descriptor.params[i]; for (MethodDescriptor md : matches) { if (!paramType.equals(md.params[i])) { ambiguous.set(i); break; } } } return ambiguous; } @Override public void replaceExprent(Exprent oldExpr, Exprent newExpr) { if (oldExpr == instance) { instance = newExpr; } for (int i = 0; i < lstParameters.size(); i++) { if (oldExpr == lstParameters.get(i)) { lstParameters.set(i, newExpr); } } } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null || !(o instanceof InvocationExprent)) return false; InvocationExprent it = (InvocationExprent)o; return InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(name, it.getName()) && InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(classname, it.getClassname()) && isStatic == it.isStatic() && InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(instance, it.getInstance()) && InterpreterUtil.equalObjects(descriptor, it.getDescriptor()) && functype == it.getFunctype() && InterpreterUtil.equalLists(lstParameters, it.getLstParameters()); } public List getLstParameters() { return lstParameters; } public void setLstParameters(List lstParameters) { this.lstParameters = lstParameters; } public MethodDescriptor getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } public void setDescriptor(MethodDescriptor descriptor) { this.descriptor = descriptor; } public String getClassname() { return classname; } public void setClassname(String classname) { this.classname = classname; } public int getFunctype() { return functype; } public void setFunctype(int functype) { this.functype = functype; } public Exprent getInstance() { return instance; } public void setInstance(Exprent instance) { this.instance = instance; } public boolean isStatic() { return isStatic; } public void setStatic(boolean isStatic) { this.isStatic = isStatic; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getStringDescriptor() { return stringDescriptor; } public void setStringDescriptor(String stringDescriptor) { this.stringDescriptor = stringDescriptor; } public int getInvocationTyp() { return invocationTyp; } public String getInvokeDynamicClassSuffix() { return invokeDynamicClassSuffix; } public List getBootstrapArguments() { return bootstrapArguments; } // ***************************************************************************** // IMatchable implementation // ***************************************************************************** @Override public boolean match(MatchNode matchNode, MatchEngine engine) { if (!super.match(matchNode, engine)) { return false; } for (Entry rule : matchNode.getRules().entrySet()) { RuleValue value = rule.getValue(); MatchProperties key = rule.getKey(); if (key == MatchProperties.EXPRENT_INVOCATION_PARAMETER) { if (value.isVariable() && (value.parameter >= lstParameters.size() || !engine.checkAndSetVariableValue(value.value.toString(), lstParameters.get(value.parameter)))) { return false; } } else if (key == MatchProperties.EXPRENT_INVOCATION_CLASS) { if (!value.value.equals(this.classname)) { return false; } } else if (key == MatchProperties.EXPRENT_INVOCATION_SIGNATURE) { if (!value.value.equals(this.name + this.stringDescriptor)) { return false; } } } return true; } }