// Copyright 2000-2018 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.*; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructGeneralAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr.StructLocalVariableTableAttribute; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.ConstantPool; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.DataInputFullStream; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.VBStyleCollection; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.code.CodeConstants.*; /* method_info { u2 access_flags; u2 name_index; u2 descriptor_index; u2 attributes_count; attribute_info attributes[attributes_count]; } */ public class StructMethod extends StructMember { private static final int[] opr_iconst = {-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; private static final int[] opr_loadstore = {0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3}; private static final int[] opcs_load = {opc_iload, opc_lload, opc_fload, opc_dload, opc_aload}; private static final int[] opcs_store = {opc_istore, opc_lstore, opc_fstore, opc_dstore, opc_astore}; private final StructClass classStruct; private final String name; private final String descriptor; private boolean containsCode = false; private int localVariables = 0; private int codeLength = 0; private int codeFullLength = 0; private InstructionSequence seq; private boolean expanded = false; private Map codeAttributes; public StructMethod(DataInputFullStream in, StructClass clStruct) throws IOException { classStruct = clStruct; accessFlags = in.readUnsignedShort(); int nameIndex = in.readUnsignedShort(); int descriptorIndex = in.readUnsignedShort(); ConstantPool pool = clStruct.getPool(); String[] values = pool.getClassElement(ConstantPool.METHOD, clStruct.qualifiedName, nameIndex, descriptorIndex); name = values[0]; descriptor = values[1]; attributes = readAttributes(in, pool); if (codeAttributes != null) { attributes.putAll(codeAttributes); codeAttributes = null; } } @Override protected StructGeneralAttribute readAttribute(DataInputFullStream in, ConstantPool pool, String name) throws IOException { if (StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_CODE.getName().equals(name)) { if (!classStruct.isOwn()) { // skip code in foreign classes in.discard(8); in.discard(in.readInt()); in.discard(8 * in.readUnsignedShort()); } else { containsCode = true; in.discard(6); localVariables = in.readUnsignedShort(); codeLength = in.readInt(); in.discard(codeLength); int excLength = in.readUnsignedShort(); in.discard(excLength * 8); codeFullLength = codeLength + excLength * 8 + 2; } codeAttributes = readAttributes(in, pool); return null; } return super.readAttribute(in, pool, name); } public void expandData() throws IOException { if (containsCode && !expanded) { byte[] code = classStruct.getLoader().loadBytecode(this, codeFullLength); seq = parseBytecode(new DataInputFullStream(code), codeLength, classStruct.getPool()); expanded = true; } } public void releaseResources() { if (containsCode && expanded) { seq = null; expanded = false; } } @SuppressWarnings("AssignmentToForLoopParameter") private InstructionSequence parseBytecode(DataInputFullStream in, int length, ConstantPool pool) throws IOException { VBStyleCollection instructions = new VBStyleCollection<>(); int bytecode_version = classStruct.getBytecodeVersion(); for (int i = 0; i < length; ) { int offset = i; int opcode = in.readUnsignedByte(); int group = GROUP_GENERAL; boolean wide = (opcode == opc_wide); if (wide) { i++; opcode = in.readUnsignedByte(); } List operands = new ArrayList<>(); if (opcode >= opc_iconst_m1 && opcode <= opc_iconst_5) { operands.add(opr_iconst[opcode - opc_iconst_m1]); opcode = opc_bipush; } else if (opcode >= opc_iload_0 && opcode <= opc_aload_3) { operands.add(opr_loadstore[opcode - opc_iload_0]); opcode = opcs_load[(opcode - opc_iload_0) / 4]; } else if (opcode >= opc_istore_0 && opcode <= opc_astore_3) { operands.add(opr_loadstore[opcode - opc_istore_0]); opcode = opcs_store[(opcode - opc_istore_0) / 4]; } else { switch (opcode) { case opc_bipush: operands.add((int)in.readByte()); i++; break; case opc_ldc: case opc_newarray: operands.add(in.readUnsignedByte()); i++; break; case opc_sipush: case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifne: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: case opc_goto: case opc_jsr: case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: if (opcode != opc_sipush) { group = GROUP_JUMP; } operands.add((int)in.readShort()); i += 2; break; case opc_ldc_w: case opc_ldc2_w: case opc_getstatic: case opc_putstatic: case opc_getfield: case opc_putfield: case opc_invokevirtual: case opc_invokespecial: case opc_invokestatic: case opc_new: case opc_anewarray: case opc_checkcast: case opc_instanceof: operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); i += 2; if (opcode >= opc_getstatic && opcode <= opc_putfield) { group = GROUP_FIELDACCESS; } else if (opcode >= opc_invokevirtual && opcode <= opc_invokestatic) { group = GROUP_INVOCATION; } break; case opc_invokedynamic: if (classStruct.isVersionGE_1_7()) { // instruction unused in Java 6 and before operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); in.discard(2); group = GROUP_INVOCATION; i += 4; } break; case opc_iload: case opc_lload: case opc_fload: case opc_dload: case opc_aload: case opc_istore: case opc_lstore: case opc_fstore: case opc_dstore: case opc_astore: case opc_ret: if (wide) { operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); i += 2; } else { operands.add(in.readUnsignedByte()); i++; } if (opcode == opc_ret) { group = GROUP_RETURN; } break; case opc_iinc: if (wide) { operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); operands.add((int)in.readShort()); i += 4; } else { operands.add(in.readUnsignedByte()); operands.add((int)in.readByte()); i += 2; } break; case opc_goto_w: case opc_jsr_w: opcode = opcode == opc_jsr_w ? opc_jsr : opc_goto; operands.add(in.readInt()); group = GROUP_JUMP; i += 4; break; case opc_invokeinterface: operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); operands.add(in.readUnsignedByte()); in.discard(1); group = GROUP_INVOCATION; i += 4; break; case opc_multianewarray: operands.add(in.readUnsignedShort()); operands.add(in.readUnsignedByte()); i += 3; break; case opc_tableswitch: in.discard((4 - (i + 1) % 4) % 4); i += ((4 - (i + 1) % 4) % 4); // padding operands.add(in.readInt()); i += 4; int low = in.readInt(); operands.add(low); i += 4; int high = in.readInt(); operands.add(high); i += 4; for (int j = 0; j < high - low + 1; j++) { operands.add(in.readInt()); i += 4; } group = GROUP_SWITCH; break; case opc_lookupswitch: in.discard((4 - (i + 1) % 4) % 4); i += ((4 - (i + 1) % 4) % 4); // padding operands.add(in.readInt()); i += 4; int npairs = in.readInt(); operands.add(npairs); i += 4; for (int j = 0; j < npairs; j++) { operands.add(in.readInt()); i += 4; operands.add(in.readInt()); i += 4; } group = GROUP_SWITCH; break; case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: case opc_return: case opc_athrow: group = GROUP_RETURN; } } int[] ops = null; if (!operands.isEmpty()) { ops = new int[operands.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < operands.size(); j++) { ops[j] = operands.get(j); } } Instruction instr = Instruction.create(opcode, wide, group, bytecode_version, ops); instructions.addWithKey(instr, offset); i++; } // initialize exception table List lstHandlers = new ArrayList<>(); int exception_count = in.readUnsignedShort(); for (int i = 0; i < exception_count; i++) { ExceptionHandler handler = new ExceptionHandler(); handler.from = in.readUnsignedShort(); handler.to = in.readUnsignedShort(); handler.handler = in.readUnsignedShort(); int excclass = in.readUnsignedShort(); if (excclass != 0) { handler.exceptionClass = pool.getPrimitiveConstant(excclass).getString(); } lstHandlers.add(handler); } InstructionSequence seq = new FullInstructionSequence(instructions, new ExceptionTable(lstHandlers)); // initialize instructions int i = seq.length() - 1; seq.setPointer(i); while (i >= 0) { Instruction instr = seq.getInstr(i--); if (instr.group != GROUP_GENERAL) { instr.initInstruction(seq); } seq.addToPointer(-1); } return seq; } public StructClass getClassStruct() { return classStruct; } public String getName() { return name; } public String getDescriptor() { return descriptor; } public boolean containsCode() { return containsCode; } public int getLocalVariables() { return localVariables; } public InstructionSequence getInstructionSequence() { return seq; } public StructLocalVariableTableAttribute getLocalVariableAttr() { return getAttribute(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_LOCAL_VARIABLE_TABLE); } @Override public String toString() { return name; } }