// Copyright 2000-2017 JetBrains s.r.o. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.attr; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.ConstantPool; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.struct.consts.LinkConstant; import org.jetbrains.java.decompiler.util.DataInputFullStream; import java.io.IOException; public class StructEnclosingMethodAttribute extends StructGeneralAttribute { private String className; private String methodName; private String methodDescriptor; @Override public void initContent(DataInputFullStream data, ConstantPool pool) throws IOException { int classIndex = data.readUnsignedShort(); int methodIndex = data.readUnsignedShort(); className = pool.getPrimitiveConstant(classIndex).getString(); if (methodIndex != 0) { LinkConstant lk = pool.getLinkConstant(methodIndex); methodName = lk.elementname; methodDescriptor = lk.descriptor; } } public String getClassName() { return className; } public String getMethodDescriptor() { return methodDescriptor; } public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } }