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191 lines
3.7 KiB

package pkg;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.OptionalInt;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.IntBinaryOperator;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
public class TestClassLambda {
public int field = 0;
public void testLambda() {
List var1 = Arrays.asList(new Integer[]{Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(2), Integer.valueOf(3), Integer.valueOf(4), Integer.valueOf(5), Integer.valueOf(6), Integer.valueOf(7)});// 27
int var2 = (int)Math.random();// 28
var1.forEach((var2x) -> {// 30
int var3 = 2 * var2x.intValue();
System.out.println(var3 + var2 + this.field);
public void testLambda1() {
int var1 = (int)Math.random();// 37
Runnable var2 = () -> {
System.out.println("hello1" + var1);
};// 38
Runnable var3 = () -> {
System.out.println("hello2" + var1);
};// 39
public void testLambda2() {
reduce((var0, var1) -> {// 43
return Math.max(var0, var1);
public void testLambda3() {
reduce(Math::max);// 47
public void testLambda4() {
reduce(TestClassLambda::localMax);// 51
public void testLambda5() {
String var1 = "abcd";// 55
function(var1::toString);// 56
public void testLambda6() {
ArrayList var1 = new ArrayList();// 60
int var2 = var1.size() * 2;// 61
int var3 = var1.size() * 5;// 62
var1.removeIf((var2x) -> {// 63
return var2 >= var2x.length() && var2x.length() <= var3;
public static OptionalInt reduce(IntBinaryOperator var0) {
return null;// 67
public static String function(Supplier<String> var0) {
return (String)var0.get();// 71
public static int localMax(int var0, int var1) {
return 0;// 75
public void nestedLambdas() {
byte var1 = 5;// 79
Runnable var2 = () -> {
Runnable var1x = () -> {
System.out.println("hello2" + var1);
System.out.println("hello1" + var1);
};// 80
class 'pkg/TestClassLambda' {
method 'testLambda ()V' {
7 15
8 15
e 15
f 15
15 15
16 15
1c 15
1d 15
23 15
24 15
2a 15
2c 15
33 15
35 15
39 15
3c 15
3d 16
40 16
41 16
4a 17
method 'testLambda1 ()V' {
0 24
3 24
4 24
b 27
12 30
method 'testLambda2 ()V' {
5 34
method 'testLambda3 ()V' {
5 40
method 'testLambda4 ()V' {
5 44
method 'testLambda5 ()V' {
0 48
2 48
e 49
method 'testLambda6 ()V' {
7 53
9 54
e 54
f 54
10 54
12 55
17 55
18 55
19 55
22 56
method 'reduce (Ljava/util/function/IntBinaryOperator;)Ljava/util/OptionalInt;' {
0 62
1 62
method 'function (Ljava/util/function/Supplier;)Ljava/lang/String;' {
1 66
6 66
9 66
method 'localMax (II)I' {
0 70
1 70
method 'nestedLambdas ()V' {
0 74
1 74
8 80
Lines mapping:
27 <-> 16
28 <-> 17
30 <-> 18
37 <-> 25
38 <-> 28
39 <-> 31
43 <-> 35
47 <-> 41
51 <-> 45
55 <-> 49
56 <-> 50
60 <-> 54
61 <-> 55
62 <-> 56
63 <-> 57
67 <-> 63
71 <-> 67
75 <-> 71
79 <-> 75
80 <-> 81