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107 lines
1.9 KiB

package pkg;
public class TestIffSimplification {
public int simpleIff(boolean status, int[] values) {
return status?values[0]:values[1];// 7
public int simpleIf(boolean status, int[] values) {
return status?values[0]:values[1];// 11 12 15
public int nestedIf(boolean status, boolean condition, int[] values) {
if(status) {// 20
return condition?values[2]:values[0];// 21 22 25
} else {
return values[1];// 29
public int compareTo(int mc1, int mc2, byte csg1, byte csg2, double score1, double score2, int doc1, int doc2) {
if(mc1 != mc2) {// 34
return mc1 < mc2?1:-1;// 35
} else if(csg1 != csg2) {// 38
return csg1 < csg2?1:-1;// 39
} else if(Math.abs(score1 - score2) < 1.0E-6D) {// 42
return doc1 < doc2?-1:1;// 43
} else {
return score1 < score2?1:-1;// 46
class 'pkg/TestIffSimplification' {
method 'simpleIff (Z[I)I' {
1 4
5 4
6 4
b 4
c 4
d 4
method 'simpleIf (Z[I)I' {
1 8
5 8
6 8
9 8
a 8
method 'nestedIf (ZZ[I)I' {
1 12
5 13
9 13
a 13
d 13
e 13
11 15
12 15
13 15
method 'compareTo (IIBBDDII)I' {
2 20
7 21
a 21
e 21
f 21
13 22
19 23
1c 23
20 23
21 23
26 24
27 24
2a 24
2d 24
2e 24
35 25
38 25
3c 25
3d 25
42 27
43 27
46 27
4a 27
4b 27
Lines mapping:
7 <-> 5
11 <-> 9
12 <-> 9
15 <-> 9
20 <-> 13
21 <-> 14
22 <-> 14
25 <-> 14
29 <-> 16
34 <-> 21
35 <-> 22
38 <-> 23
39 <-> 24
42 <-> 25
43 <-> 26
46 <-> 28