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/* ImportHandler Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package net.sf.jode.decompiler;
import net.sf.jode.GlobalOptions;
import net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassInfo;
import net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassPath;
import net.sf.jode.type.Type;
import net.sf.jode.type.ArrayType;
import net.sf.jode.type.ClassInfoType;
import net.sf.jode.type.ClassType;
import net.sf.jode.type.NullType;
///#def COLLECTIONS java.util
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class ImportHandler {
* The default package limit. MAX_VALUE means, do not import
* packages at all.
public final static int DEFAULT_PACKAGE_LIMIT = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* The default class limit. 1 means, import every class used here.
public final static int DEFAULT_CLASS_LIMIT = 1;
SortedMap imports;
/* Classes that doesn't need to be qualified. */
Hashtable cachedClassNames = null;
ClassAnalyzer main;
ClassPath classPath;
String className;
String pkg;
int importPackageLimit;
int importClassLimit;
* A comparator to sort the imports. We want java.* and javax.*
* imports first. java.lang.* should precede java.lang.ref.*, but
* that is already guaranteed by ascii ordering.
static Comparator comparator = new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
String s1 = (String) o1;
String s2 = (String) o2;
boolean java1 = s1.startsWith("java");
boolean java2 = s2.startsWith("java");
if (java1 != java2)
return java1 ? -1 : 1;
return s1.compareTo(s2);
public ImportHandler(ClassPath classPath) {
public ImportHandler(ClassPath classPath,
int packageLimit, int classLimit) {
this.classPath = classPath;
importPackageLimit = packageLimit;
importClassLimit = classLimit;
* Checks if the className conflicts with a class imported from
* another package and must be fully qualified therefore.
* The imports must should have been cleaned up before.
* <p>
* Known Bug: If a class, local, field or method with the same
* name as the package of className exists, using the fully
* qualified name is no solution. This sometimes can't be fixed
* at all (except by renaming the package). It happens only in
* ambigous contexts, namely static field/method access.
* @param name The full qualified class name.
* @return true if this className must be printed fully qualified.
private boolean conflictsImport(String name) {
int pkgdelim = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pkgdelim != -1) {
String pkgName = name.substring(0, pkgdelim);
/* All classes in this package doesn't conflict */
if (pkgName.equals(pkg))
return false;
// name without package, but _including_ leading dot.
name = name.substring(pkgdelim);
if (pkg.length() != 0) {
/* Does this conflict with a class in this package? */
if (classPath.existsClass(pkg+name))
return true;
} else {
/* Does this conflict with a class in this unnamed
* package? */
if (classPath.existsClass(name.substring(1)))
return true;
Iterator iter = imports.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String importName = (String) iter.next();
if (importName.endsWith(".*")) {
/* strip the "*" */
importName = importName.substring
(0, importName.length()-2);
if (!importName.equals(pkgName)) {
if (classPath.existsClass(importName+name))
return true;
} else {
/* Is this a class import with same name? */
if (importName.endsWith(name)
|| importName.equals(name.substring(1)))
return true;
return false;
private void cleanUpImports() {
Integer dummyVote = new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
SortedMap newImports = new TreeMap(comparator);
List classImports = new LinkedList();
Iterator iter = imports.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String importName = (String) iter.next();
Integer vote = (Integer) imports.get(importName);
if (!importName.endsWith(".*")) {
if (vote.intValue() < importClassLimit)
int delim = importName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (delim != -1) {
/* Since the imports are sorted, newImports already
* contains the package if it should be imported.
if (newImports.containsKey
(importName.substring(0, delim)+".*"))
/* This is a single Class import, that is not
* superseeded by a package import. Mark it for
* importation, but don't put it in newImports, yet.
} else if (pkg.length() != 0) {
/* This is a Class import from the unnamed
* package. It must always be imported.
newImports.put(importName, dummyVote);
} else {
if (vote.intValue() < importPackageLimit)
newImports.put(importName, dummyVote);
imports = newImports;
cachedClassNames = new Hashtable();
/* Now check if the class import conflict with any of the
* package imports.
iter = classImports.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
/* If there are more than one single class imports with
* the same name, exactly the first (in sorted order) will
* be imported.
String classFQName = (String) iter.next();
if (!conflictsImport(classFQName)) {
imports.put(classFQName, dummyVote);
String name =
cachedClassNames.put(classFQName, name);
public void dumpHeader(TabbedPrintWriter writer)
writer.println("/* "+ className
+ " - Decompiled by JODE");
writer.println(" * Visit "+GlobalOptions.URL);
writer.println(" */");
if (pkg.length() != 0)
writer.println("package "+pkg+";");
Iterator iter = imports.keySet().iterator();
String lastFirstPart = null;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String pkgName = (String)iter.next();
if (!pkgName.equals("java.lang.*")) {
int firstDot = pkgName.indexOf('.');
if (firstDot != -1) {
String firstPart = pkgName.substring(0, firstDot);
if (lastFirstPart != null
&& !lastFirstPart.equals(firstPart)) {
lastFirstPart = firstPart;
writer.println("import "+pkgName+";");
public void error(String message) {
public void init(String className) {
imports = new TreeMap(comparator);
/* java.lang is always imported */
imports.put("java.lang.*", new Integer(Integer.MAX_VALUE));
int pkgdelim = className.lastIndexOf('.');
pkg = (pkgdelim == -1)? "" : className.substring(0, pkgdelim);
this.className = (pkgdelim == -1) ? className
: className.substring(pkgdelim+1);
/* Marks the clazz as used, so that it will be imported if used often
* enough.
public void useClass(ClassInfo clazz) {
for (;;) {
try {
/* First handle inner classes: For class scoped classes
* import outer class instead; for method scoped classes
* we don't import anything.
} catch (IOException ex) {
/* If we can't load outer class information, assume
* the clazz is not method or class scoped in this
* class. There is a big error otherwise anyways.
if (clazz.isMethodScoped())
ClassInfo outer = clazz.getOuterClass();
if (outer == null)
clazz = outer;
/* Marks the clazz as used, so that it will be imported if used often
* enough.
public void useClass(String name) {
Integer i = (Integer) imports.get(name);
if (i == null) {
/* This class wasn't imported before. Mark the whole package
* as used once more. */
int pkgdelim = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pkgdelim != -1) {
String pkgName = name.substring(0, pkgdelim);
if (pkgName.equals(pkg))
Integer pkgVote = (Integer) imports.get(pkgName+".*");
if (pkgVote != null
&& pkgVote.intValue() >= importPackageLimit)
pkgVote = (pkgVote == null)
? new Integer(1): new Integer(pkgVote.intValue()+1);
imports.put(pkgName+".*", pkgVote);
i = new Integer(1);
} else {
if (i.intValue() >= importClassLimit)
i = new Integer(i.intValue()+1);
imports.put(name, i);
public final void useType(Type type) {
if (type instanceof ArrayType)
useType(((ArrayType) type).getElementType());
else if (type instanceof ClassInfoType)
useClass(((ClassInfoType) type).getClassInfo());
else if (type instanceof ClassType)
useClass(((ClassType) type).getClassName());
* Check if clazz is imported and maybe remove package delimiter from
* full qualified class name.
* <p>
* Known Bug 1: If this is called before the imports are cleaned up,
* (that is only for debugging messages), the result is unpredictable.
* <p>
* Known Bug 2: It is not checked if the class name conflicts with
* a local variable, field or method name. This is very unlikely
* since the java standard has different naming convention for those
* names. (But maybe an intelligent obfuscator may use this fact.)
* This can only happen with static fields or static methods.
* @return a legal string representation of clazz.
public String getClassString(ClassInfo clazz) {
return getClassString(clazz.getName());
* Check if clazz is imported and maybe remove package delimiter from
* full qualified class name.
* <p>
* Known Bug 1: If this is called before the imports are cleaned up,
* (that is only for debugging messages), the result is unpredictable.
* <p>
* Known Bug 2: It is not checked if the class name conflicts with
* a local variable, field or method name. This is very unlikely
* since the java standard has different naming convention for those
* names. (But maybe an intelligent obfuscator may use this fact.)
* This can only happen with static fields or static methods.
* @return a legal string representation of clazz.
public String getClassString(String name) {
if (cachedClassNames == null)
/* We are not yet clean, return the full name */
return name;
/* First look in our cache. */
String cached = (String) cachedClassNames.get(name);
if (cached != null)
return cached;
int pkgdelim = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (pkgdelim != -1) {
String pkgName = name.substring(0, pkgdelim);
if (pkgName.equals(pkg)
|| (imports.get(pkgName+".*") != null
&& !conflictsImport(name))) {
String result = name.substring(pkgdelim+1);
cachedClassNames.put(name, result);
return result;
cachedClassNames.put(name, name);
return name;
public String getTypeString(Type type) {
if (type instanceof ArrayType)
return getTypeString(((ArrayType) type).getElementType()) + "[]";
else if (type instanceof ClassInfoType)
return getClassString(((ClassInfoType) type).getClassInfo());
else if (type instanceof ClassType)
return getClassString(((ClassType) type).getClassName());
else if (type instanceof NullType)
return "Object";
return type.toString();
protected int loadFileFlags()
return 1;