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# This is a sample script file to obfuscate my project
# The class path should include everything that is needed to run the
# project. Don't forget the java base classes (rt.jar or classes.zip).
classpath = "c:\\jdk1.2\\jre\\lib\\rt.jar","d:\\project\\java"
# The jar, zip file or directory in which the obfuscated class files
# should be written.
dest = "obfuscated.zip"
# Write the reverse translation table to translat.tbl. With the help of
# this table you can later undo the renaming.
revtable = "translat.tbl"
strip = "unreach","lvt","inner"
# this variable will tell, which classes and packages should be included
# in the obfuscated.jar package.
load = new WildCard { value = "org.myorg.myproject" },
new WildCard { value = "org.myorg.mylib*" },
new WildCard { value = "org.otherorg.shortlib" }
# this variable will tell, which classes and packages must not be
# renamed.
preserve = new WildCard { value = "org.myorg.ApplicationClass.main.*" },
new WildCard { value = "org.myorg.AppletClass.<init>.()V" },
new WildCard { value = "org.resources.BundleClass*.<init>.()V" },
new MultiIdentifierMatcher {
and = new WildCard { value = "org.myorg.publiclib.*" },
new ModifierMatcher { access = "PUBLIC" }
# There are different renamers currently. This is just an example that
# produces very good obfuscated code, that is still valid bytecode.
renamer = new StrongRenamer {
charsetStart = "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ"
charsetPart = "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ0123456789_$"
charsetPackage = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
charsetClass = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# The constant analyzer does a great job to remove constant fields and
# deadcode. E.g. if you obfuscate the decompiler applet it will
# remove the whole debugging code, since the applet doesn't need it.
analyzer = new ConstantAnalyzer
# The LocalOptimizer will reorder local variables to use fewer slots.
# It may still have some bugs, so remove it if your applet doesn't
# work (and send me the class).
# The RemovePopAnalyzer will remove instructions that were optimized
# away by the ConstantAnalyzer and LocalOptimizer.
post = new LocalOptimizer, new RemovePopAnalyzer