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/* InvokeOperator Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package jode.expr;
import jode.Decompiler;
import jode.decompiler.CodeAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.MethodAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.ClassAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.TabbedPrintWriter;
import jode.GlobalOptions;
import jode.bytecode.*;
import jode.jvm.*;
import jode.type.*;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import jode.decompiler.Scope;
public final class InvokeOperator extends Operator
implements MatchableOperator {
CodeAnalyzer codeAnalyzer;
boolean staticFlag;
boolean specialFlag;
MethodType methodType;
String methodName;
Type classType;
public InvokeOperator(CodeAnalyzer codeAnalyzer,
boolean staticFlag, boolean specialFlag,
Reference reference) {
super(Type.tUnknown, 0);
this.methodType = (MethodType) Type.tType(reference.getType());
this.methodName = reference.getName();
this.classType = Type.tType(reference.getClazz());
this.type = methodType.getReturnType();
this.codeAnalyzer = codeAnalyzer;
this.staticFlag = staticFlag;
this.specialFlag = specialFlag;
if (staticFlag)
* Checks if the value of the given expression can change, due to
* side effects in this expression. If this returns false, the
* expression can safely be moved behind the current expresion.
* @param expr the expression that should not change.
public boolean hasSideEffects(Expression expr) {
return expr.containsConflictingLoad(this);
* Checks if the value of the operator can be changed by this expression.
public boolean matches(Operator loadop) {
return (loadop instanceof InvokeOperator
|| loadop instanceof ConstructorOperator
|| loadop instanceof GetFieldOperator);
public final boolean isStatic() {
return staticFlag;
public MethodType getMethodType() {
return methodType;
public String getMethodName() {
return methodName;
public Type getClassType() {
return classType;
public int getPriority() {
return 950;
public int getOperandCount() {
return (isStatic()?0:1)
+ methodType.getParameterTypes().length;
public Type getOperandType(int i) {
if (!isStatic()) {
if (i == 0)
return getClassType();
return methodType.getParameterTypes()[i];
public void setOperandType(Type types[]) {
public boolean isConstructor() {
return methodName.equals("<init>");
public ClassInfo getClassInfo() {
if (classType instanceof ClassInterfacesType)
return ((ClassInterfacesType) classType).getClassInfo();
return null;
* Checks, whether this is a call of a method from this class.
* @XXX check, if this class implements the method and if not
* allow super class
public boolean isThis() {
return getClassInfo() == codeAnalyzer.getClazz();
public ClassInfo getOuterClass() {
ClassInfo clazz = getClassInfo();
if (clazz != null) {
InnerClassInfo[] outers = clazz.getOuterClasses();
if (outers != null && outers[0].outer != null
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_INNER) != 0)
return ClassInfo.forName(outers[0].outer);
return null;
* Checks, whether this is a call of a method from this class or an
* outer instance.
public boolean isOuter() {
if (classType instanceof ClassInterfacesType) {
ClassAnalyzer ana = codeAnalyzer.getClassAnalyzer();
while (true) {
if (((ClassInterfacesType) classType).getClassInfo()
== ana.getClazz())
return true;
if (ana.getParent() instanceof CodeAnalyzer
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_ANON) != 0)
ana = ((CodeAnalyzer) ana.getParent())
else if (ana.getParent() instanceof ConstructorOperator
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_ANON) != 0)
ana = ((ConstructorOperator) ana.getParent())
else if (ana.getParent() instanceof ClassAnalyzer
&& (Decompiler.options
& Decompiler.OPTION_INNER) != 0)
ana = (ClassAnalyzer) ana.getParent();
return false;
return false;
public MethodAnalyzer getMethodAnalyzer() {
if (classType instanceof ClassInterfacesType) {
ClassAnalyzer ana = codeAnalyzer.getClassAnalyzer();
while (true) {
if (((ClassInterfacesType) classType).getClassInfo()
== ana.getClazz()) {
return ana.getMethod(methodName, methodType);
if (ana.getParent() instanceof MethodAnalyzer)
ana = ((MethodAnalyzer) ana.getParent())
else if (ana.getParent() instanceof ClassAnalyzer)
ana = (ClassAnalyzer) ana.getParent();
return null;
return null;
* Checks, whether this is a call of a method from the super class.
* @XXX check, if its the first super class that implements the method.
public boolean isSuperOrThis() {
if (classType instanceof ClassInterfacesType) {
return ((ClassInterfacesType) classType).getClassInfo()
return false;
public void dumpExpression(TabbedPrintWriter writer,
Expression[] operands)
throws java.io.IOException {
boolean opIsThis = !staticFlag && operands[0] instanceof ThisOperator;
int arg = 1;
if (isConstructor()) {
ClassInfo outer = getOuterClass();
if (outer != null) {
operands[arg++].dumpExpression(writer, 0);
if (specialFlag) {
if (opIsThis
&& (((ThisOperator)operands[0]).getClassInfo()
== codeAnalyzer.getClazz())) {
if (isThis()) {
/* XXX check if this is a private or final method. */
} else {
/* XXX check that this is the first defined
* super method. */
opIsThis = false;
} else {
/* XXX check if this is a private or final method. */
int minPriority = 950; /* field access */
if (!isThis()) {
writer.print("(NON VIRTUAL ");
minPriority = 700;
operands[0].dumpExpression(writer, minPriority);
} else if (staticFlag) {
arg = 0;
Scope scope = writer.getScope(getClassInfo(),
if (scope != null
&& !writer.conflicts(methodName, scope, Scope.METHODNAME))
opIsThis = true;
} else {
if (opIsThis) {
ThisOperator thisOp = (ThisOperator) operands[0];
Scope scope = writer.getScope(thisOp.getClassInfo(),
if (writer.conflicts(methodName, scope, Scope.METHODNAME)) {
thisOp.dumpExpression(writer, 950);
} else {
if (operands[0].getType() instanceof NullType) {
writer.print(") ");
operands[0].dumpExpression(writer, 700);
} else
operands[0].dumpExpression(writer, 950);
if (isConstructor()) {
if (opIsThis)
} else {
if (!opIsThis)
boolean first = true;
while (arg < operands.length) {
if (!first)
writer.print(", ");
first = false;
operands[arg++].dumpExpression(writer, 0);
* Checks if the method is the magic class$ method.
* @return true if this is the magic class$ method, false otherwise.
public boolean isGetClass() {
if (isThis()) {
SyntheticAnalyzer synth = getMethodAnalyzer().getSynthetic();
if (synth != null && synth.getKind() == SyntheticAnalyzer.GETCLASS)
return true;
return false;
class Environment extends SimpleRuntimeEnvironment {
public Object invokeMethod(Reference ref, boolean isVirtual,
Object cls, Object[] params)
throws InterpreterException, InvocationTargetException {
if (ref.getClazz().equals
("L"+codeAnalyzer.getClazz().getName().replace('.','/')+";")) {
MethodType mt = (MethodType) Type.tType(ref.getType());
BytecodeInfo info = codeAnalyzer.getClassAnalyzer()
.getMethod(ref.getName(), mt).getCode().getBytecodeInfo();
Value[] locals = new Value[info.getMaxLocals()];
for (int i=0; i< locals.length; i++)
locals[i] = new Value();
int param = params.length;
int slot = 0;
if (cls != null)
for (int i = 0; i < param; i++) {
slot += mt.getParameterTypes()[i].stackSize();
return Interpreter.interpretMethod(this, info, locals);
} else
return super.invokeMethod(ref, isVirtual, cls, params);
public ConstOperator deobfuscateString(ConstOperator op) {
if (!isThis() || !isStatic()
|| methodType.getParameterTypes().length != 1
|| !methodType.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(Type.tString)
|| !methodType.getReturnType().equals(Type.tString))
return null;
ClassAnalyzer clazz = codeAnalyzer.getClassAnalyzer();
CodeAnalyzer ca = clazz.getMethod(methodName, methodType).getCode();
if (ca == null)
return null;
Environment env = new Environment();
BytecodeInfo info = ca.getBytecodeInfo();
Value[] locals = new Value[info.getMaxLocals()];
for (int i=0; i< locals.length; i++)
locals[i] = new Value();
String result;
try {
result = (String) Interpreter.interpretMethod(env, info, locals);
} catch (InterpreterException ex) {
GlobalOptions.err.println("Warning: Can't interpret method "
return null;
} catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
GlobalOptions.err.println("Warning: Interpreted method throws"
+" an uncaught exception: ");
return null;
return new ConstOperator(result);
public Expression simplifyAccess(Expression[] subs) {
if (isOuter()) {
SyntheticAnalyzer synth = getMethodAnalyzer().getSynthetic();
if (synth != null) {
Operator op = null;
switch (synth.getKind()) {
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSGETFIELD:
op = new GetFieldOperator(codeAnalyzer, false,
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSGETSTATIC:
op = new GetFieldOperator(codeAnalyzer, true,
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSPUTFIELD:
op = new PutFieldOperator(codeAnalyzer, false,
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSPUTSTATIC:
op = new PutFieldOperator(codeAnalyzer, true,
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSMETHOD:
op = new InvokeOperator(codeAnalyzer, false,
false, synth.getReference());
case SyntheticAnalyzer.ACCESSSTATICMETHOD:
op = new InvokeOperator(codeAnalyzer, true,
false, synth.getReference());
if (op != null) {
if (subs == null)
return op;
return new ComplexExpression(op, subs);
return null;
public Expression simplify() {
Expression expr = simplifyAccess(null);
if (expr != null)
return expr.simplify();
return super.simplify();
/* Invokes never equals: they may return different values even if
* they have the same parameters.