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package jode;
import sun.tools.java.Type;
import sun.tools.java.Constants;
import sun.tools.java.FieldDefinition;
public class Expression extends Instruction {
Operator operator;
Expression[] subExpressions;
Expression parent = null;
public Expression(Operator op, Expression[] sub) {
operator = op;
subExpressions = sub;
if (subExpressions.length != op.getOperandCount())
throw new AssertError ("Operand count mismatch: "+
subExpressions.length + " != " +
if (subExpressions.length > 0) {
Type types[] = new Type[subExpressions.length];
for (int i=0; i < types.length; i++) {
subExpressions[i].parent = this;
types[i] = subExpressions[i].getType();
this.type = operator.getType();
public Expression negate() {
if (operator.operator >= operator.COMPARE_OP &&
operator.operator < operator.COMPARE_OP+6) {
operator.setOperator(operator.getOperator() ^ 1);
return this;
} else if (operator.operator == operator.LOG_AND_OP ||
operator.operator == operator.LOG_OR_OP) {
operator.setOperator(operator.getOperator() ^ 1);
for (int i=0; i< subExpressions.length; i++) {
subExpressions[i] = subExpressions[i].negate();
return this;
} else if (operator.operator == operator.LOG_NOT_OP) {
return subExpressions[0];
Operator negop =
new UnaryOperator(Type.tBoolean, Operator.LOG_NOT_OP);
Expression[] e = { this };
return new Expression(negop, e);
public Expression tryToCombine(Expression e) {
if (e.operator instanceof StoreInstruction) {
StoreInstruction store = (StoreInstruction) e.operator;
Expression search = this;
while (true) {
if (store.matches(search.operator)) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < e.subExpressions.length-1; i++) {
if (!e.subExpressions[i].equals
if (i == e.subExpressions.length-1) {
search.operator =
new AssignOperator(store.getOperator(), store);
search.subExpressions = e.subExpressions;
return this;
if (search.subExpressions.length == 0)
if (search.getOperator() instanceof AssignOperator)
search = search.subExpressions[subExpressions.length-1];
else if (search.getOperator() instanceof StringAddOperator &&
search.subExpressions[1] == emptyString)
search = search.subExpressions[1];
search = search.subExpressions[0];
return null;
public Operator getOperator() {
return operator;
public Expression[] getSubExpressions() {
return subExpressions;
public void updateSubTypes() {
for (int i=0; i < subExpressions.length; i++) {
public void setType(Type newType) {
newType = MyType.intersection(type, newType);
if (newType != type) {
type = newType;
public boolean isVoid() {
return operator.getType() == Type.tVoid;
String toString(int minPriority) {
String[] expr = new String[subExpressions.length];
for (int i=0; i<subExpressions.length; i++) {
expr[i] = subExpressions[i].
String result = operator.toString(expr);
if (operator.getPriority() < minPriority) {
result = "("+result+")";
if (operator.getType() == MyType.tError)
result = "(/*type error */" + result+")";
return result;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o)
return true;
if (!(o instanceof Expression))
return false;
Expression expr = (Expression) o;
if (!operator.equals(expr.operator) ||
subExpressions.length != expr.subExpressions.length)
return false;
for (int i=0; i<subExpressions.length; i++) {
if (!subExpressions[i].equals(expr.subExpressions[i]))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return toString(0);
static Expression emptyString =
new Expression(new EmptyStringOperator(), new Expression[0]);
Expression simplifyStringBuffer() {
FieldDefinition field;
if (operator instanceof InvokeOperator &&
(field = ((InvokeOperator)operator).getField())
.getClassDefinition().getName() ==
Constants.idJavaLangStringBuffer &&
!((InvokeOperator)operator).isStatic() &&
field.getName() == Constants.idAppend &&
field.getType().getArgumentTypes().length == 1) {
Expression e = subExpressions[0].simplifyStringBuffer();
if (e == null)
return null;
if (e.operator instanceof EmptyStringOperator &&
MyType.isOfType(subExpressions[1].getType(), Type.tString))
return subExpressions[1];
Expression[] exprs = { e,
(Expression)subExpressions[1].simplify() };
return new Expression(new StringAddOperator(), exprs);
if (operator instanceof ConstructorOperator &&
MyType.isOfType(operator.getType(), MyType.tStringBuffer)) {
if (operator.getOperandCount() == 1)
return emptyString;
else if (operator.getOperandCount() == 2 &&
return (Expression) subExpressions[1].simplify();
return null;
public Instruction simplify() {
if (operator instanceof IfThenElseOperator &&
operator.getType() == Type.tBoolean) {
if (subExpressions[1].operator instanceof ConstOperator &&
subExpressions[2].operator instanceof ConstOperator) {
ConstOperator c1 = (ConstOperator) subExpressions[1].operator;
ConstOperator c2 = (ConstOperator) subExpressions[2].operator;
if (c1.getValue().equals("true") &&
return subExpressions[0].simplify();
if (c2.getValue().equals("true") &&
return subExpressions[0].negate().simplify();
// if ((operator instanceof AssignOperator ||
// operator instanceof StoreInstruction) &&
// subExpressions[subExpressions.length-1]
// .operator instanceof ConstOperator) {
// StoreInstruction store;
// if (operator instanceof AssignOperator)
// store = ((AssignOperator)operator).getStore();
// else
// store = (StoreInstruction)operator;
// ConstOperator one = (ConstOperator)
// subExpressions[subExpressions.length-1].operator;
// if ((operator.getOperator() ==
// operator.OPASSIGN_OP+operator.ADD_OP ||
// operator.getOperator() ==
// operator.OPASSIGN_OP+operator.NEG_OP) &&
// (one.getValue().equals("1") ||
// one.getValue().equals("-1"))) {
// int op = ((operator.getOperator() ==
// operator.OPASSIGN_OP+operator.ADD_OP) ==
// one.getValue().equals("1"))?
// operator.INC_OP : operator.DEC_OP;
// return new Expression
// (new PostFixOperator
// (store.getType(), op, store,
// operator instanceof StoreInstruction),
// new Expression[0]).simplify();
// }
// }
if (operator instanceof CompareUnaryOperator &&
subExpressions[0].operator instanceof CompareToIntOperator) {
CompareBinaryOperator newOp = new CompareBinaryOperator
return new Expression(newOp, subExpressions[0].subExpressions).
if (operator instanceof CompareUnaryOperator &&
operator.getOperandType(0) != Type.tBoolean) {
if (subExpressions[0].operator instanceof ConstOperator) {
ConstOperator c = (ConstOperator) subExpressions[0].operator;
if (c.getValue().equals("0") || c.getValue().equals("1")) {
Type[] newType = {Type.tBoolean};
if (operator instanceof CompareUnaryOperator &&
operator.getOperandType(0) == Type.tBoolean) {
if (operator.getOperator() == 26) /* xx == false */
return subExpressions[0].negate().simplify();
if (operator.getOperator() == 27) /* xx != false */
return subExpressions[0].simplify();
if (operator instanceof InvokeOperator &&
getName() == Constants.idToString &&
!((InvokeOperator)operator).isStatic() &&
getClassDefinition().getType() == MyType.tStringBuffer &&
operator.getOperandCount() == 1) {
Instruction simple = subExpressions[0].simplifyStringBuffer();
if (simple != null)
return simple;
if (operator instanceof InvokeOperator &&
getName() == Constants.idValueOf &&
((InvokeOperator)operator).isStatic() &&
getClassDefinition().getType() == MyType.tString &&
operator.getOperandCount() == 1) {
if (subExpressions[0].getType() == MyType.tString)
return subExpressions[0].simplify();
else {
Expression[] exprs = {
(Expression) subExpressions[0].simplify()
return new Expression(new StringAddOperator(), exprs);
for (int i=0; i< subExpressions.length; i++)
subExpressions[i] = (Expression) subExpressions[i].simplify();
return this;