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package jode;
import java.util.Enumeration;
public class CreateSwitchStatements implements Transformation {
public InstructionHeader transform(InstructionHeader ih) {
if (ih.getFlowType() != ih.SWITCH)
return null;
SimpleSwitchInstructionHeader switchIH =
(SimpleSwitchInstructionHeader) ih;
int defaultCase = switchIH.successors.length - 1;
int addr = switchIH.nextInstruction.addr;
int count = 1;
for (int i=0; i < switchIH.successors.length; i++) {
if (switchIH.successors[i].addr < addr)
return null;
if (switchIH.successors[i] != switchIH.successors[defaultCase])
count ++;
int[] cases = new int[count];
InstructionHeader[] sorted = new InstructionHeader[count];
count = 0;
for (int i=0; i < switchIH.successors.length; i++) {
if (i != defaultCase &&
switchIH.successors[i] == switchIH.successors[defaultCase])
int insert;
for (insert = 0; insert < count; insert++) {
if (sorted[insert].addr > switchIH.successors[i].addr)
if (insert < count) {
System.arraycopy(cases, insert,
cases, insert+1, count-insert);
System.arraycopy(sorted, insert,
sorted, insert+1, count-insert);
if (i == defaultCase)
defaultCase = insert;
cases[insert] = switchIH.cases[i];
sorted[insert] = switchIH.successors[i];
InstructionHeader endBlock = switchIH.outer.endBlock;
ih = sorted[count-1];
if (ih.outer == switchIH.outer) {
while (ih != null) {
Enumeration enum = ih.getPredecessors().elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
InstructionHeader pred =
if (pred.addr < sorted[count-1].addr &&
(pred.flowType == ih.GOTO ||
(pred.flowType == ih.IFGOTO &&
pred.successors[1] == ih))) {
endBlock = ih;
break EndSearch;
// if (ih.flowType == ih.GOTO) {
// /* XXX: while loops in default part versus
// * while loops after switches
// */
// endBlock = ih.successors[0];
// break EndSearch;
// }
ih = ih.nextInstruction;
} else
endBlock = ih;
return new SwitchInstructionHeader
(switchIH, cases, sorted, defaultCase, endBlock);