New scripts directory.  Use $PERL environment variable.

git-svn-id: 379699f6-c40d-0410-875b-85095c16579e
hoenicke 24 years ago
parent 3378492cd3
commit 39d1fbb31b
  1. 184
  2. 235
  3. 3

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -s -w
# javaDependencies Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Hoenicke.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id$
# This scripts create Makefile dependencies out of class files. It
# simply scans the constant pool of the class files, finding all
# references to other classes and adding a dependency to that class.
# It doesn't do a perfect job, since it can't handle dependencies to
# constant values in different classes: The compiler inlines the
# constant and thus doesn't include a reference to the class.
# Usage:
# -classpath <cp> [-dependdir <depdir> [-subdir <subdir>]]
# [-depfile <depfile>]
# <classfiles>
# cp: colon separated paths to the java files we should depend on.
# depdir: if set, use this path as path to the java files when printing
# dependencies, not the path where the java files were found.
# useful, if you want to make use of VPATH settings in Makefile.
# subdir: if set, this is the path from depdir to the current directory.
# Use it to remove unneccessary ../../$subdir/
# depfile: the name of the dependency file, default is "Makefile.dep".
# class: The class files (not inner classes) for which the dependencies
# should be generated. We will also look for inner and anon
# classes.
my $buff;
sub readInBuff ($) {
my $count = $_[0];
my $offset = 0;
while ($count > 0) {
my $result;
$result = read FILE, $buff, $count, $offset or return 0;
$offset += $result;
$count -= $result;
sub readUTF () {
readInBuff 2 or die "Can't read UTF8 length";
my $ulength = unpack("n", $buff) & 0xffff;
return "" if $ulength == 0;
readInBuff $ulength or die "Can't read UTF8 string $ulength";
unpack("a$ulength", $buff);
$depfile = "Makefile.dep" if (!defined($depfile));
open DEPFILE, ">$depfile";
print DEPFILE <<EOF;
# This dependency file is automatically created by $0 from class files.
# Do not edit.
foreach $clazz (@ARGV) {
next if $clazz =~ (/^.*\$.*\.class/);
$clazz =~ /([^\$]*)(\$.*)?\.class/ or die "not a class file";
$base = $1;
my ($filename, %done);
for $filename ($clazz, glob("$base\\\$*.class")) {
open FILE, $filename;
binmode FILE;
readInBuff 8 or die "Can't read header";
my ($magic, $minor, $major) = unpack("Nnn", $buff);
die "Wrong magic $magic" if $magic != 0xcafebabe;
die "Wrong minor $minor" if $minor > 3;
die "Wrong minor $major" if $major != 45;
readInBuff 2 or die "Can't read cpool length";
my ($length) = unpack("n", $buff) & 0xffff;
my $number;
my @strings = ();
my @clazzes;
for ($number = 1; $number < $length; $number++) {
readInBuff 1 or die "Can't read constant tag";
my ($tag) = unpack("C", $buff);
#print STDERR "$number/$length: $tag";
for ($tag) {
/^1$/ && do {
# UTF 8
$strings[$number] = &readUTF();
#print STDERR ": $strings[$number]";
last tags;
/^(3|4|9|10|11|12)$/ && do {
readInBuff 4;
last tags;
/^(5|6)$/ && do {
readInBuff 8;
last tags;
/^7$/ && do {
readInBuff 2;
push @clazzes, (unpack("n", $buff) & 0xffff);
last tags;
/^8$/ && do {
readInBuff 2;
last tags;
die "Unknown tag: $tag, $number/$length, $filename";
#print STDERR "\n";
my @deplist = ();
for $c (@clazzes) {
$clzz = $strings[$c];
next if $clzz =~ /^\[/;
next if defined $done{"$clzz"};
$done{$clzz} = 1;
my $p;
for $p (split ':', $classpath) {
if (-e "$p/$") {
my $path="$p/";
if (defined $dependdir) {
$path = "$dependdir/";
if (defined $subdir) {
my $currsubdir = "$subdir/";
while ($currsubdir =~ m<^([A-Za-z0-9]+)/+(.*)>) {
$currsubdir = $2;
my $firstcomp = $1;
if ($clzz =~ m<$firstcomp/(.*)>) {
my $remain = $1;
if ($path =~ m<^(|.*/)\.\./+$>) {
$path = $1;
$clzz = $remain;
push @deplist, "$path$";
next clazz;
if (@deplist) {
print DEPFILE "$clazz: " . join (" ", @deplist) . "\n";
close DEPFILE;

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# jcpp Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Hoenicke.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# $Id$
# This is a program to allow conditional compiled code in java files.
# The key idea is, not to run the file always through the
# preprocessor, but to modify the java files directly and make use of
# comments.
# The comments all have the form /// and start at the beginning of the
# line to distinguish them from normal comments. You must not use
# such comments for other purposes.
# Usage is simple: jcpp -Ddefine1 -Ddefine2
# The files should contain comments of the form
# ///#ifdef JDK12
# jdk1.2 code
# ///#else
# jdk1.1 code
# ///#endif
# After running jcpp the false branch is commented out. If the true
# branch was commented out it will get commented in.
# jcpp also definitions, useful for package renaming. The java file
# must look like this:
# ///#def COLLECTIONS java.util
# import java.util.Vector
# import java.util.ArrayList
# ///#enddef
# If jcpp is then called with
# it will replace every occurence of java.util (the string in the #def
# line) with the new value:
# import
# import
# ///#enddef
my @files;
my %defs;
for (@ARGV) {
if ($_ =~ /^-D([^=]*)$/) {
$defs{$1} = 1;
} elsif ($_ =~ /^-D([^=]*)=([^=]*)$/) {
$defs{$1} = $2;
} else {
push @files, $_;
for (@files) {
# Number of nested #if directives. Initially 0, will be increased
# on every #if directive and decreased on every #endif directive.
my $level = 0;
# The number of the outermost level, whose #if directive was
# false. This is 0, if there wasn't an false #if directive, yet.
# As long as it is != 0, we comment every line, and ignore
# directives except for increasing/decreasing $level.
my $falselevel = 0;
# Tells if an error occured and the transformation shouldn't
# be done.
my $error = 0;
my $changes = 0;
# The list of #def replacements, @replold is the previous value,
# @replnew the new one.
my @replold = ();
my @replnew = ();
my $file = $_;
open OLD, "<$file" or do {
print STDERR "Can't open file $file\n";
open NEW, ">$file.tmp" or do {
print STDERR "Can't open tmp file $file.tmp\n";
my $linenr = 0;
while (<OLD>) {
if (m'^///#') {
# This is a directive. First we print it out.
if (m'^///#\s*if') {
if (m'^///#\s*ifdef\s+(\w+)\s*$') {
# If there was an outer false #if directive, we ignore the
# condition.
next LINE if ($falselevel);
my $label=$1;
# An ifdef directive, look if -D is defined.
$falselevel = $level
unless (defined $defs{$label});
} elsif (m'^///#\s*ifndef\s+(\w+)\s*$') {
# If there was an outer false #if directive, we ignore the
# condition.
next LINE if ($falselevel);
my $label=$1;
# An ifndef directive, look if -D is defined
$falselevel = $level
if (defined $defs{$label});
} elsif (m'^///#\s*if\s+(\w+)\s*(==|!=)\s*(\S+)\s*$') {
# If there was an outer false #if directive, we ignore the
# condition.
next LINE if ($falselevel);
my $label=$1;
my $value=$3;
# An ifdef directive, look if -D is defined.
$falselevel = $level
unless ($2 eq "==" ? $defs{$label} eq $value
: $defs{$label} ne $value);
} elsif (m'^///#\s*if\s+(\w+)\s*(>=|<=|>|<)\s*(\S+)\s*$') {
# If there was an outer false #if directive, we ignore the
# condition.
next LINE if ($falselevel);
my $label=$1;
my $value=$3;
# An ifdef directive, look if -D is defined.
$falselevel = $level
unless ($2 eq ">=" ? $defs{$label} >= $value
: $2 eq "<=" ? $defs{$label} <= $value
: $2 eq ">" ? $defs{$label} > $value
: $defs{$label} < $value);
} elsif (m'^///#\s*else\s*$') {
# An else directive. We switch from true to false and
# if level is falselevel we switch from false to true
if ($level == 0) {
# An else outside of any directives; warn.
print STDERR "$file: $linenr: unmatched $_";
$error = 1;
} elsif ($falselevel == $level) {
$falselevel = 0;
} elsif ($falselevel == 0) {
$falselevel = $level;
} elsif (m'^///#\s*endif\s*$') {
# set $falselevel to 0, if the false branch is over now.
$falselevel = 0 if ($falselevel == $level);
# decrease level.
if ($level == 0) {
print STDERR "$file: $linenr: unmatched $_";
$error = 1;
} else {
} elsif (m'^///#\s*def\s+(\w+)\s+(\S*)$') {
my $label = $1;
my $old = $2;
my $new = $defs{$label};
if (defined $new && $new ne $old) {
push @replold, "$old";
push @replnew, "$new";
$changes = 1;
} else {
push @replnew, "";
push @replold, "";
} elsif (m'^///#\s*enddef\s*$') {
pop @replold;
pop @replnew;
} else {
print STDERR "$file: $linenr: ignoring unknown directive $_";
$error = 1;
} elsif (m'^///(.*)') {
$line = $1;
if ($falselevel == 0 && $level > 0) {
# remove comments in true branch, but not in outermost level.
$_ = "$line\n";
$changes = 1;
} else {
if ($falselevel != 0) {
# add comments in false branch
$_ = "///$_";
$changes = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < @replold; $i++) {
$_ =~ s/\Q$replold[$i]\E/$replnew[$i]/ if ($replold[$i] ne "");
print NEW $_;
if ($level != 0 || $falselevel != 0) {
# something got wrong
print STDERR "$file: unmatched directives: level $level, ".
"falselevel $falselevel\n";
$error = 1;
if ($error == 0) {
if ($changes == 0) {
unlink "$file.tmp";
} else {
(rename "$file", "$file.orig"
and rename "$file.tmp", "$file")
or print STDERR "$file: Couldn't rename files.\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$file: errors occured, file not transformed.\n";

@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ \
cp $srcdir/$testclass $TEMP
$top_srcdir/jcpp -D$compiler -D$compiler$version $TEMP/$testclass
$PERL $top_srcdir/scripts/ -D$compiler -D$compiler$version \
--classpath=$TEMP --dest=$TEMP ${} > $testclass.log 2>&1
