#!/usr/bin/perl # createStackDelta.pl Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Hoenicke. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to # the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # $Id$ # This perl script creates the stackDelta string needed by # jode.bytecode.Instruction. my $OPCODEFILE="jode/bytecode/Opcodes.java"; my @delta; my $lastOpcode = 0; my $nr; open OPCODES, "<$OPCODEFILE"; while () { next unless /opc_([a-z0-9_]+)\s*=\s*(\d+)/; $_ = $1; $nr = $2; if (/^(nop|iinc)$/) { # no pop, no push $delta[$nr] = "000"; } elsif (/^([aif](const|load).*|[sb]ipush|ldc(_w)?)$/) { # no pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "010"; } elsif (/^([ld](const|load).*|ldc2_w)$/) { # no pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "020"; } elsif (/^([aif]store.*|pop)$/) { # one pop, no push $delta[$nr] = "001"; } elsif (/^([ld]store.*|pop2)$/) { # two pop, no push $delta[$nr] = "002"; } elsif (/^[aifbcs]aload$/) { # two pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "012"; } elsif (/^[dl]aload$/) { # two pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "022"; } elsif (/^[aifbcs]astore$/) { # three pop, no push $delta[$nr] = "003"; } elsif (/^[dl]astore$/) { # four pop, no push $delta[$nr] = "004"; } elsif (/^dup(2)?(_x([12]))?$/) { $count = $1 ? 2 : 1; $depth = $2 ? $3 : 0; $pop = $count + $depth; $push = $pop + $count; $delta[$nr] = "0".$push.$pop; } elsif (/^swap$/) { # two pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "022"; } elsif (/^[if](add|sub|mul|div|rem|u?sh[lr]|and|or|xor)$/) { # two pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "012"; } elsif (/^[ld](add|sub|mul|div|rem|and|or|xor)$/) { # four pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "024"; } elsif (/^[if]neg$/) { # one pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "011"; } elsif (/^[ld]neg$/) { # two pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "022"; } elsif (/^lu?sh[lr]$/) { # 3 pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "023"; } elsif (/^[if]2[ifbcs]$/) { # one pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "011"; } elsif (/^[if]2[ld]$/) { # one pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "021"; } elsif (/^[ld]2[if]$/) { # two pop, one push $delta[$nr] = "012"; } elsif (/^[ld]2[ld]$/) { # two pop, two push $delta[$nr] = "022"; } elsif (/^fcmp[lg]$/) { $delta[$nr] = "012"; } elsif (/^[ld]cmp[lg]?$/) { $delta[$nr] = "014"; } elsif (/^if_[ia]cmp(eq|ne|lt|ge|le|gt)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "002"; } elsif (/^(if(eq|ne|lt|ge|le|gt|(non)?null)|tableswitch|lookupswitch)$/) { # order does matter $delta[$nr] = "001"; } elsif (/^(goto(_w)?|jsr(_w)?|ret|return)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "000"; } elsif (/^([ifa]return)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "001"; } elsif (/^([ld]return)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "002"; } elsif (/^(new)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "010"; } elsif (/^(multianewarray|(get|put|invoke).*)$/) { # unknown $delta[$nr] = "100"; } elsif (/^(athrow|monitor(enter|exit))$/) { $delta[$nr] = "001"; } elsif (/^(a?newarray|arraylength|checkcast|instanceof)$/) { $delta[$nr] = "011"; } else { # illegal next; } $lastOpcode = $nr if ($nr > $lastOpcode); } print " private final static String stackDelta = \n\t\""; for ($nr = 0; $nr <= $lastOpcode; $nr ++) { defined $delta[$nr] or $delta[$nr] = "177"; print "\\$delta[$nr]"; } print "\";\n";