package jode; import java.util.Vector; import; /** * This class maintains the connections between the * InstructionHeaders. They are connected in a doubly linked list * (but a instruction may have multiple successors and predecessors). * @see JumpInstructionHeader * @see SwitchInstructionHeader * @author Jochen Hoenicke */ public class InstructionHeader { int addr, length; Instruction instr; InstructionHeader nextInstruction; Type switchType; int[] cases; int[] succs; InstructionHeader[] successors; Vector predecessors = new Vector(); /** * Create a new InstructionHeader. * @param addr The address of this Instruction. * @param length The length of this Instruction. * @param instr The underlying Instruction. */ public InstructionHeader(int addr, int length, Instruction instr) { int[] succs = { addr + length }; this.addr = addr; this.length = length; this.instr = instr; switchType = MyType.tVoid; this.cases = new int[0]; this.succs = succs; } /** * Create a new InstructionHeader. * @param addr The address of this Instruction. * @param length The length of this Instruction. * @param instr The underlying Instruction. * @param type The type of the switch * @param cases The possible cases * @param succs The destinations (one longer for default) */ public InstructionHeader(int addr, int length, Instruction instr, Type type, int[] cases, int[] succs) { this.addr = addr; this.length = length; this.instr = instr; switchType = type; this.cases = cases; this.succs = succs; } /** * Create an InstructionHeader for a return * @param addr The address of this instruction. * @param length The length of this instruction. * @param instr The underlying Instruction. */ public static InstructionHeader ret(int addr, int length, Instruction instr) { return new InstructionHeader (addr, length, instr, MyType.tVoid, new int[0], new int[0]); } /** * Create an InstructionHeader for an unconditional jump. * @param addr The address of this instruction. * @param length The length of this instruction. * @param instr The underlying Instruction. * @param dest The destination address of the jump. */ public static InstructionHeader jump(int addr, int length, int dest, Instruction instr) { int [] succs = { dest }; return new InstructionHeader (addr, length, instr, MyType.tVoid, new int[0], succs); } /** * Create an InstructionHeader for a conditional jump. * @param addr The address of this instruction. * @param length The length of this instruction. * @param instr The underlying Instruction. * @param dest The destination address of the jump. */ public static InstructionHeader conditional(int addr, int length, int dest, Instruction instr) { int[] cases = { 0 }; int[] succs = { addr+length , dest }; return new InstructionHeader (addr, length, instr, MyType.tBoolean, cases, succs); } public String toString() { return instr.toString(); } /** * Get the address of this instruction. * @return The address. */ public int getAddress() { return addr; } /** * Get the next address in code order. * @return The next instruction */ public int getNextAddr() { return addr+length; } /** * Get the underlying instruction. * @return The underlying instruction. */ public Instruction getInstruction() { return instr; } /** * Get the next instruction in code order. This function mustn't * be called before resolveSuccessors is executed for this * InstructionHeaders. * @return The next instruction */ public InstructionHeader getNextInstruction() { return nextInstruction; } /** * Get the successors of this instructions. This function mustn't * be called before resolveSuccessors is executed for this * InstructionHeaders. * @return Array of successors. */ public InstructionHeader[] getSuccessors() { return successors; } public boolean hasDirectPredecessor() { return predecessors.size() == 1 && ((InstructionHeader)predecessors.elementAt(0)). getNextInstruction() == this; } /** * Get the unique predecessor or null if there isn't a * unique predecessor. */ public InstructionHeader getUniquePredecessor() { if (predecessors.size() != 1) return null; InstructionHeader pre = (InstructionHeader)predecessors.elementAt(0); return (pre.getNextInstruction() == this && pre.getSuccessors().length != 1) ? null : pre; } /** * Get the predecessors of this instruction. This function mustn't * be called before resolveSuccessors is executed for all * InstructionHeaders. * @return Vector of predecessors. */ public Vector getPredecessors() { return predecessors; } /** * Resolve the successors and predecessors and build a doubly * linked list. * @param instHeaders an array of the InstructionHeaders, indexed * by addresses. */ public void resolveSuccessors(InstructionHeader[] instHeaders) { if (addr+length < instHeaders.length) nextInstruction = instHeaders[addr+length]; else nextInstruction = null; successors = new InstructionHeader[succs.length]; for (int i=0; i< succs.length; i++) { successors[i] = instHeaders[succs[i]]; successors[i].predecessors.addElement(this); } } public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws { if (writer.verbosity > 5) { writer.println("<"+addr + " - "+(addr+length-1)+">");; } if (!hasDirectPredecessor() && addr != 0) writer.print("addr_"+addr+": "); if (switchType == MyType.tBoolean) { writer.println("if ("+instr.toString()+") goto addr_"+succs[1]); if (succs[0] != addr + length) writer.println("goto addr_"+succs[0]); } else if (switchType == MyType.tVoid) { if (instr.getType() != MyType.tVoid) writer.print("push "); writer.println(instr.toString()+";"); if (succs.length > 0 && succs[0] != addr + length) writer.println("goto addr_"+succs[0]); } else { writer.println("switch ("+instr.toString()+") {");; writer.untab(); } if (writer.verbosity > 5) writer.untab(); } /** * This method replaces multiple InstructionHeaders by a single one. * The next count Instructions must be unique. * @param count the number of InstructionHeaders that should be replaced. * @param instr the new instruction; this should be equivalent to the * old count