/* BasicBlockWriter Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package net.sf.jode.bytecode; import java.io.DataOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Stack; ///#def COLLECTIONS java.util import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; ///#enddef /** * This is a helper class, that contains the method to write basic * blocks to a class file. */ class BasicBlockWriter implements Opcodes { private class LVTEntry { int startAddr, endAddr; Instruction start, end; LocalVariableInfo lvi; } BasicBlocks bb; int[] blockAddr; int[][] instrLength; int lntCount; short[] lnt; LVTEntry[] lvt; boolean retAtEnd; int lastRetAddr; BitSet isRet; BitSet isWide; BitSet isWideCond; public BasicBlockWriter(BasicBlocks bb, GrowableConstantPool gcp) { this.bb = bb; init(gcp); prepare(gcp); } public void buildNewLVT() { Block startBlock = bb.getStartBlock(); Block[] blocks = bb.getBlocks(); if (startBlock == null) return; /* We begin with the first Instruction and follow program flow. * We remember which locals are life at start of each block * in atStart. */ LocalVariableInfo[][] atStart = new LocalVariableInfo[blocks.length][]; int startBlockNr = startBlock.getBlockNr(); atStart[startBlockNr] = new LocalVariableInfo[bb.getMaxLocals()]; for (int i=0; i < bb.getParamCount(); i++) atStart[startBlockNr][i] = bb.getParamInfo(i); /* We currently ignore the jsr/ret issue. Should be okay, * though, since it can only generate a bit too much local * information. */ Stack todo = new Stack(); todo.push(startBlock); while (!todo.isEmpty()) { Block block = (Block) todo.pop(); int blockNr = block.getBlockNr(); LocalVariableInfo[] life = (LocalVariableInfo[]) atStart[blockNr].clone(); Instruction[] instrs = block.getInstructions(); for (int i = 0; i < instrs.length; i++) { if (instrs[i].hasLocal()) { LocalVariableInfo lvi = instrs[i].getLocalInfo(); int slot = lvi.getSlot(); if (life[slot] != null && life[slot] != lvi) life[slot] = null; if (life[slot] == null && lvi.getName() != null) life[slot] = lvi; } } Block[] succs = block.getSuccs(); if (succs != null) { for (int j = 0; j < succs.length; j++) { if (succs[j] == null) continue; int succNr = succs[j].getBlockNr(); if (atStart[succNr] == null) { atStart[succNr] = (LocalVariableInfo[]) life.clone(); todo.push(succs[j]); } else { boolean changed = false; for (int k = 0; k < life.length; k++) { if (atStart[succNr][k] != life[k] && atStart[succNr][k] != null) { atStart[succNr][k] = null; changed = true; } } if (changed && !todo.contains(succs[j])) todo.push(succs[j]); } } } } ArrayList lvtEntries = new ArrayList(); LVTEntry[] current = new LVTEntry[bb.getMaxLocals()]; for (int slot=0; slot < bb.getParamCount(); slot++) { LocalVariableInfo lvi = bb.getParamInfo(slot); if (lvi.getName() != null) { current[slot] = new LVTEntry(); current[slot].startAddr = 0; current[slot].lvi = lvi; } } for (int i=0; i < blocks.length; i++) { if (atStart[i] == null) // ignore unreachable blocks: continue; Block block = blocks[i]; int addr = blockAddr[i]; for (int slot = 0; slot < current.length; slot++) { if (current[slot] != null && current[slot].lvi != atStart[i][slot]) { current[slot].endAddr = addr; lvtEntries.add(current[slot]); current[slot] = null; } if (current[slot] == null && atStart[i][slot] != null) { current[slot] = new LVTEntry(); current[slot].startAddr = addr; current[slot].lvi = atStart[i][slot]; } } Instruction[] instrs = block.getInstructions(); for (int k = 0; k < instrs.length; k++) { Instruction instr = instrs[k]; if (instr.hasLocal()) { LocalVariableInfo lvi = instr.getLocalInfo(); int slot = lvi.getSlot(); if (current[slot] != null && current[slot].lvi != lvi) { current[slot].endAddr = addr; lvtEntries.add(current[slot]); current[slot] = null; } if (current[slot] == null && lvi.getName() != null) { current[slot] = new LVTEntry(); current[slot].startAddr = addr; current[slot].lvi = lvi; } } addr += instrLength[i][k]; } } for (int slot = 0; slot < current.length; slot++) { if (current[slot] != null) { current[slot].endAddr = blockAddr[blockAddr.length - 1]; lvtEntries.add(current[slot]); current[slot] = null; } } if (lvtEntries.size() > 0) lvt = (LVTEntry[]) lvtEntries.toArray (new LVTEntry[lvtEntries.size()]); } public void init(GrowableConstantPool gcp) { Block[] blocks = bb.getBlocks(); blockAddr = new int[blocks.length + 1]; instrLength = new int[blocks.length + 1][]; int[] gotos = new int[blocks.length + 1]; int[] conds = new int[blocks.length + 1]; boolean needRet = false; boolean hasRet = false; isRet = new BitSet(); BitSet isJsr = new BitSet(); int addr = 0; Block startBlock = bb.getStartBlock(); if (startBlock == null) { addr++; isRet.set(0); hasRet = true; gotos[0] = -1; } else if (startBlock != blocks[0]) { /* reserve 3 byte for a goto at the beginning */ addr += 3; gotos[0] = startBlock.getBlockNr(); } next_block: for (int i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { blockAddr[i] = addr; Instruction[] instrs = blocks[i].getInstructions(); instrLength[i] = new int[instrs.length]; Block[] succs = blocks[i].getSuccs(); for (int j = 0; j < instrs.length; j++) { Instruction instr = instrs[j]; if (instr.hasLineNr()) lntCount++; conds[i+1] = -2; int opcode = instr.getOpcode(); int length; switch_opc: switch (opcode) { case opc_ldc: case opc_ldc2_w: { Object constant = instr.getConstant(); if (constant == null) { length = 1; break switch_opc; } for (int k = 1; k < constants.length; k++) { if (constant.equals(constants[k])) { length = 1; break switch_opc; } } if (opcode == opc_ldc2_w) { gcp.putLongConstant(constant); length = 3; break switch_opc; } if (constant instanceof Integer) { int value = ((Integer) constant).intValue(); if (value >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { length = 2; break switch_opc; } else if (value >= Short.MIN_VALUE && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { length = 3; break switch_opc; } } if (gcp.putConstant(constant) < 256) { length = 2; } else { length = 3; } break; } case opc_iinc: { int slot = instr.getLocalSlot(); int increment = instr.getIncrement(); if (slot < 256 && increment >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && increment <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) length = 3; else length = 6; break; } case opc_iload: case opc_lload: case opc_fload: case opc_dload: case opc_aload: case opc_istore: case opc_lstore: case opc_fstore: case opc_dstore: case opc_astore: if (instr.getLocalSlot() < 4) { length = 1; break; } if (instr.getLocalSlot() < 256) length = 2; else length = 4; break; case opc_ret: { if (instr.getLocalSlot() < 256) length = 2; else length = 4; gotos[i+1] = -2; break; } case opc_lookupswitch: { length = 3-(addr % 4); int[] values = instr.getValues(); int npairs = values.length; for (int k=0; k< succs.length; k++) { if (succs[k] == null) needRet = true; } if (npairs > 0) { int tablesize = values[npairs-1] - values[0] + 1; if (4 + tablesize * 4 < 8 * npairs) { // Use a table switch length += 13 + 4 * tablesize; break; } } // Use a lookup switch length += 9 + 8 * npairs; // The goto is inclusive through the default part. gotos[i+1] = -2; continue next_block; } case opc_jsr: conds[i+1] = succs[0].getBlockNr(); length = 3; isJsr.set(i+1); break; case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifne: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: if (succs[0] == null) { needRet = true; conds[i+1] = -1; } else conds[i+1] = succs[0].getBlockNr(); length = 3; break; case opc_multianewarray: { if (instr.getDimensions() == 1) { String clazz = instr.getClazzType().substring(1); if (newArrayTypes.indexOf(clazz.charAt(0)) != -1) { length = 2; } else { gcp.putClassType(clazz); length = 3; } } else { gcp.putClassType(instr.getClazzType()); length = 4; } break; } case opc_getstatic: case opc_getfield: case opc_putstatic: case opc_putfield: gcp.putRef(gcp.FIELDREF, instr.getReference()); length = 3; break; case opc_invokespecial: case opc_invokestatic: case opc_invokevirtual: gcp.putRef(gcp.METHODREF, instr.getReference()); length = 3; break; case opc_invokeinterface: gcp.putRef(gcp.INTERFACEMETHODREF, instr.getReference()); length = 5; break; case opc_new: case opc_checkcast: case opc_instanceof: gcp.putClassType(instr.getClazzType()); length = 3; break; case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: case opc_return: case opc_athrow: gotos[i+1] = -2; length = 1; break; case opc_nop: case opc_iaload: case opc_laload: case opc_faload: case opc_daload: case opc_aaload: case opc_baload: case opc_caload: case opc_saload: case opc_iastore: case opc_lastore: case opc_fastore: case opc_dastore: case opc_aastore: case opc_bastore: case opc_castore: case opc_sastore: case opc_pop: case opc_pop2: case opc_dup: case opc_dup_x1: case opc_dup_x2: case opc_dup2: case opc_dup2_x1: case opc_dup2_x2: case opc_swap: case opc_iadd: case opc_ladd: case opc_fadd: case opc_dadd: case opc_isub: case opc_lsub: case opc_fsub: case opc_dsub: case opc_imul: case opc_lmul: case opc_fmul: case opc_dmul: case opc_idiv: case opc_ldiv: case opc_fdiv: case opc_ddiv: case opc_irem: case opc_lrem: case opc_frem: case opc_drem: case opc_ineg: case opc_lneg: case opc_fneg: case opc_dneg: case opc_ishl: case opc_lshl: case opc_ishr: case opc_lshr: case opc_iushr: case opc_lushr: case opc_iand: case opc_land: case opc_ior: case opc_lor: case opc_ixor: case opc_lxor: case opc_i2l: case opc_i2f: case opc_i2d: case opc_l2i: case opc_l2f: case opc_l2d: case opc_f2i: case opc_f2l: case opc_f2d: case opc_d2i: case opc_d2l: case opc_d2f: case opc_i2b: case opc_i2c: case opc_i2s: case opc_lcmp: case opc_fcmpl: case opc_fcmpg: case opc_dcmpl: case opc_dcmpg: case opc_arraylength: case opc_monitorenter: case opc_monitorexit: length = 1; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid opcode "+opcode); } instrLength[i][j] = length; addr += length; } Block defaultSucc = succs[succs.length-1]; if (defaultSucc == null) { // This is a return gotos[i+1] = -1; isRet.set(i+1); lastRetAddr = addr; addr++; } else if (defaultSucc.getBlockNr() == i + 1) { // no need for any jump gotos[i+1] = succs[succs.length-1].getBlockNr(); } else { // Reserve space for a normal goto. gotos[i+1] = succs[succs.length-1].getBlockNr(); addr += 3; } } if (needRet && !hasRet) { retAtEnd = true; lastRetAddr = addr; addr++; } blockAddr[blocks.length] = addr; isWide = new BitSet(); isWideCond = new BitSet(); // Now check for wide goto/jsr/if, but only if method is big enough boolean changed = addr > Short.MAX_VALUE; while (changed) { changed = false; for (int i = 0; i < gotos.length; i++) { int gotoNr = gotos[i]; int condNr = conds[i]; if (!isWideCond.get(i) && condNr != -2) { int from = blockAddr[i] - 3; if (gotoNr != i + 1) from -= isRet.get(i) ? 1 : isWide.get(i) ? 5 : 3; int dist; if (condNr == -1) { if (!retAtEnd) { dist = blockAddr[blockAddr.length-1] - 1 - from; } else { for (int j = 0; j < gotos.length; j++) { if (isRet.get(j)) { dist = blockAddr[j] - 1 - from; if (dist >= Short.MIN_VALUE && dist <= Short.MAX_VALUE) break; } } throw new InternalError(); } } else { dist = blockAddr[condNr] - from; } if (dist < Short.MIN_VALUE || dist > Short.MAX_VALUE) { /* We must do the a wide cond: * if_!xxx L * goto_w condNr * L:goto gotoNr */ isWideCond.set(i); int diff = isJsr.get(i) ? 2 : condNr == -1 ? 1 : 5; instrLength[i][instrLength[i].length-1] += diff; for (int j = i; j < blockAddr.length; j++) blockAddr[j] += diff; changed = true; } } if (!isWide.get(i) && gotoNr >= 0) { int dist = blockAddr[gotoNr] - blockAddr[i] + 3; if (dist < Short.MIN_VALUE || dist > Short.MAX_VALUE) { /* wide goto, correct addresses */ isWide.set(i); for (int j = i; j < blockAddr.length; j++) blockAddr[j] += 2; changed = true; } } } } buildNewLVT(); } public int getSize() { /* maxStack: 2 * maxLocals: 2 * code: 4 + codeLength * exc count: 2 * exceptions: n * 8 * attributes: * lvt_name: 2 * lvt_length: 4 * lvt_count: 2 * lvt_entries: n * 10 * attributes: * lnt_name: 2 * lnt_length: 4 * lnt_count: 2 * lnt_entries: n * 4 */ int attrsize = 0; if (lvt != null) attrsize += 8 + lvt.length * 10; if (lntCount > 0) attrsize += 8 + lntCount * 4; return 10 + blockAddr[blockAddr.length - 1] + bb.getExceptionHandlers().length * 8 + attrsize; } protected int getAttributeCount() { int count = 0; if (lvt != null) count++; if (lntCount > 0) count++; return count; } public void prepare(GrowableConstantPool gcp) { Handler[] handlers = bb.getExceptionHandlers(); for (int i = 0; i< handlers.length; i++) { if (handlers[i].type != null) gcp.putClassName(handlers[i].type); } if (lvt != null) { gcp.putUTF8("LocalVariableTable"); int count = lvt.length; for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { gcp.putUTF8(lvt[i].lvi.getName()); gcp.putUTF8(lvt[i].lvi.getType()); } } if (lntCount > 0) gcp.putUTF8("LineNumberTable"); } public void writeAttributes(GrowableConstantPool gcp, DataOutputStream output) throws IOException { if (lvt != null) { output.writeShort(gcp.putUTF8("LocalVariableTable")); int count = lvt.length; int length = 2 + 10 * count; output.writeInt(length); output.writeShort(count); for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { output.writeShort(lvt[i].startAddr); output.writeShort(lvt[i].endAddr); output.writeShort(gcp.putUTF8(lvt[i].lvi.getName())); output.writeShort(gcp.putUTF8(lvt[i].lvi.getType())); output.writeShort(lvt[i].lvi.getSlot()); } } if (lnt != null) { output.writeShort(gcp.putUTF8("LineNumberTable")); int count = lnt.length / 2; int length = 2 + 4 * count; output.writeInt(length); output.writeShort(count); for (int i=0; i < count; i++) { output.writeShort(lnt[2*i]); output.writeShort(lnt[2*i+1]); } } } public void write(GrowableConstantPool gcp, DataOutputStream output) throws IOException { output.writeShort(bb.getMaxStack()); output.writeShort(bb.getMaxLocals()); Block[] blocks = bb.getBlocks(); if (blockAddr[blockAddr.length - 1] > 65535) throw new ClassFormatError("Method too long"); output.writeInt(blockAddr[blockAddr.length-1]); lnt = new short[lntCount*2]; int addr = 0; Block startBlock = bb.getStartBlock(); if (isRet.get(0)) { output.writeByte(opc_return); addr ++; } else if (isWide.get(0)) { output.writeByte(opc_goto_w); output.writeInt(blockAddr[startBlock.getBlockNr()]); addr += 5; } else if (startBlock != blocks[0]) { output.writeByte(opc_goto); output.writeShort(blockAddr[startBlock.getBlockNr()]); addr += 3; } int lntPtr = 0; next_block: for (int i = 0; i< blocks.length; i++) { Block[] succs = blocks[i].getSuccs(); if (addr != blockAddr[i]) throw new InternalError("Address calculation broken!"); Instruction[] instructions = blocks[i].getInstructions(); int size = instructions.length; for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { Instruction instr = instructions[j]; if (instr.hasLineNr()) { lnt[lntPtr++] = (short) addr; lnt[lntPtr++] = (short) instr.getLineNr(); } int opcode = instr.getOpcode(); switch_opc: switch (opcode) { case opc_iload: case opc_lload: case opc_fload: case opc_dload: case opc_aload: case opc_istore: case opc_lstore: case opc_fstore: case opc_dstore: case opc_astore: { int slot = instr.getLocalSlot(); if (slot < 4) { if (opcode < opc_istore) output.writeByte(opc_iload_0 + 4*(opcode-opc_iload) + slot); else output.writeByte(opc_istore_0 + 4*(opcode-opc_istore) + slot); } else if (slot < 256) { output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeByte(slot); } else { output.writeByte(opc_wide); output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(slot); } break; } case opc_ret: { int slot = instr.getLocalSlot(); if (slot < 256) { output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeByte(slot); } else { output.writeByte(opc_wide); output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(slot); } continue next_block; } case opc_ldc: case opc_ldc2_w: { Object constant = instr.getConstant(); if (constant == null) { output.writeByte(opc_aconst_null); break switch_opc; } for (int k = 1; k < constants.length; k++) { if (constant.equals(constants[k])) { output.writeByte(opc_aconst_null + k); break switch_opc; } } if (opcode == opc_ldc2_w) { output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(gcp.putLongConstant(constant)); } else { if (constant instanceof Integer) { int value = ((Integer) constant).intValue(); if (value >= Byte.MIN_VALUE && value <= Byte.MAX_VALUE) { output.writeByte(opc_bipush); output.writeByte(((Integer)constant) .intValue()); break switch_opc; } else if (value >= Short.MIN_VALUE && value <= Short.MAX_VALUE) { output.writeByte(opc_sipush); output.writeShort(((Integer)constant) .intValue()); break switch_opc; } } if (instrLength[i][j] == 2) { output.writeByte(opc_ldc); output.writeByte(gcp.putConstant(constant)); } else { output.writeByte(opc_ldc_w); output.writeShort(gcp.putConstant(constant)); } } break; } case opc_iinc: { int slot = instr.getLocalSlot(); int incr = instr.getIncrement(); if (instrLength[i][j] == 3) { output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeByte(slot); output.writeByte(incr); } else { output.writeByte(opc_wide); output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(slot); output.writeShort(incr); } break; } case opc_jsr: { int dist = blockAddr[succs[0].getBlockNr()] - addr; if (isWideCond.get(i+1)) { /* wide jsr */ output.writeByte(opc_jsr_w); output.writeInt(dist); } else { /* wide jsr */ output.writeByte(opc_jsr); output.writeShort(dist); } break; } case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifne: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: { Block dest = succs[0]; if (isWideCond.get(i+1)) { /* swap condition */ if (opcode >= opc_ifnull) opcode = opcode ^ 1; else opcode = 1 + ((opcode - 1) ^ 1); output.writeByte(opcode); if (dest == null) { output.writeShort(4); output.writeByte(opc_ret); } else { output.writeShort(8); output.writeByte(opc_goto_w); int dist = blockAddr[dest.getBlockNr()] - addr; output.writeInt(dist); } } else { int dist; if (dest == null) { if (!retAtEnd) { dist = blockAddr[blocks.length] - 1 - addr; } else { for (int k = 0; k < blocks.length + 1; k++) { if (isRet.get(k)) { dist = blockAddr[k] - 1 - addr; if (dist >= Short.MIN_VALUE && dist <= Short.MAX_VALUE) break; } } throw new InternalError(); } } else { dist = blockAddr[dest.getBlockNr()] - addr; } output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(dist); } break; } case opc_lookupswitch: { int align = 3-(addr % 4); int[] values = instr.getValues(); int npairs = values.length; Block defBlock = succs[npairs]; int defAddr = defBlock == null ? lastRetAddr : blockAddr[defBlock.getBlockNr()]; if (npairs > 0) { int tablesize = values[npairs-1] - values[0] + 1; if (4 + tablesize * 4 < 8 * npairs) { // Use a table switch output.writeByte(opc_tableswitch); output.write(new byte[align]); /* def */ output.writeInt(defAddr - addr); /* low */ output.writeInt(values[0]); /* high */ output.writeInt(values[npairs-1]); int pos = values[0]; for (int k = 0; k < npairs; k++) { while (pos++ < values[k]) output.writeInt(defAddr - addr); int dest = succs[k] == null ? lastRetAddr : blockAddr[succs[k].getBlockNr()]; output.writeInt(dest - addr); } continue next_block; } } // Use a lookup switch output.writeByte(opc_lookupswitch); output.write(new byte[align]); /* def */ output.writeInt(defAddr - addr); output.writeInt(npairs); for (int k = 0; k < npairs; k++) { output.writeInt(values[k]); int dest = succs[k] == null ? lastRetAddr : blockAddr[succs[k].getBlockNr()]; output.writeInt(dest - addr); } continue next_block; } case opc_getstatic: case opc_getfield: case opc_putstatic: case opc_putfield: output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(gcp.putRef(gcp.FIELDREF, instr.getReference())); break; case opc_invokespecial: case opc_invokestatic: case opc_invokeinterface: case opc_invokevirtual: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); output.writeByte(opcode); if (opcode == opc_invokeinterface) { output.writeShort (gcp.putRef(gcp.INTERFACEMETHODREF, ref)); output.writeByte (TypeSignature.getArgumentSize(ref.getType()) + 1); output.writeByte(0); } else output.writeShort(gcp.putRef(gcp.METHODREF, ref)); break; } case opc_new: case opc_checkcast: case opc_instanceof: output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort(gcp.putClassType(instr.getClazzType())); break; case opc_multianewarray: if (instr.getDimensions() == 1) { String clazz = instr.getClazzType().substring(1); int index = newArrayTypes.indexOf(clazz.charAt(0)); if (index != -1) { output.writeByte(opc_newarray); output.writeByte(index + 4); } else { output.writeByte(opc_anewarray); output.writeShort(gcp.putClassType(clazz)); } } else { output.writeByte(opcode); output.writeShort (gcp.putClassType(instr.getClazzType())); output.writeByte(instr.getDimensions()); } break; case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: case opc_athrow: case opc_return: continue next_block; case opc_nop: case opc_iaload: case opc_laload: case opc_faload: case opc_daload: case opc_aaload: case opc_baload: case opc_caload: case opc_saload: case opc_iastore: case opc_lastore: case opc_fastore: case opc_dastore: case opc_aastore: case opc_bastore: case opc_castore: case opc_sastore: case opc_pop: case opc_pop2: case opc_dup: case opc_dup_x1: case opc_dup_x2: case opc_dup2: case opc_dup2_x1: case opc_dup2_x2: case opc_swap: case opc_iadd: case opc_ladd: case opc_fadd: case opc_dadd: case opc_isub: case opc_lsub: case opc_fsub: case opc_dsub: case opc_imul: case opc_lmul: case opc_fmul: case opc_dmul: case opc_idiv: case opc_ldiv: case opc_fdiv: case opc_ddiv: case opc_irem: case opc_lrem: case opc_frem: case opc_drem: case opc_ineg: case opc_lneg: case opc_fneg: case opc_dneg: case opc_ishl: case opc_lshl: case opc_ishr: case opc_lshr: case opc_iushr: case opc_lushr: case opc_iand: case opc_land: case opc_ior: case opc_lor: case opc_ixor: case opc_lxor: case opc_i2l: case opc_i2f: case opc_i2d: case opc_l2i: case opc_l2f: case opc_l2d: case opc_f2i: case opc_f2l: case opc_f2d: case opc_d2i: case opc_d2l: case opc_d2f: case opc_i2b: case opc_i2c: case opc_i2s: case opc_lcmp: case opc_fcmpl: case opc_fcmpg: case opc_dcmpl: case opc_dcmpg: case opc_arraylength: case opc_monitorenter: case opc_monitorexit: output.writeByte(opcode); break; default: throw new ClassFormatException("Invalid opcode "+opcode); } addr += instrLength[i][j]; } // Check which type of goto we should use at end of this block. Block defaultSucc = succs[succs.length - 1]; if (isRet.get(i+1)) { output.writeByte(opc_return); addr++; } else if (isWide.get(i+1)) { output.writeByte(opc_goto_w); output.writeInt(blockAddr[defaultSucc.getBlockNr()] - addr); addr+=5; } else if (defaultSucc.getBlockNr() != i+1) { output.writeByte(opc_goto); output.writeShort(blockAddr[defaultSucc.getBlockNr()] - addr); addr+=3; } } if (retAtEnd) { output.writeByte(opc_return); addr++; } if (addr != blockAddr[blocks.length]) throw new InternalError("Address calculation broken!"); Handler[] handlers = bb.getExceptionHandlers(); output.writeShort(handlers.length); for (int i = 0; i< handlers.length; i++) { output.writeShort(blockAddr[handlers[i].start.getBlockNr()]); output.writeShort(blockAddr[handlers[i].end.getBlockNr()+1]); output.writeShort(blockAddr[handlers[i].catcher.getBlockNr()]); output.writeShort((handlers[i].type == null) ? 0 : gcp.putClassName(handlers[i].type)); } } }