/* Expression Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package net.sf.jode.expr; import net.sf.jode.type.Type; import net.sf.jode.GlobalOptions; import net.sf.jode.decompiler.TabbedPrintWriter; ///#def COLLECTIONS java.util import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Set; ///#enddef public abstract class Expression { protected Type type; Operator parent = null; public Expression(Type type) { this.type = type; } public void setType(Type otherType) { Type newType = otherType.intersection(type); if (type.equals(newType)) return; if (newType == Type.tError && otherType != Type.tError) { GlobalOptions.err.println("setType: Type error in "+this +": merging "+type+" and "+otherType); if (parent != null) GlobalOptions.err.println("\tparent is "+parent); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_TYPES) != 0) Thread.dumpStack(); } type = newType; if (type != Type.tError) updateSubTypes(); } public void updateParentType(Type otherType) { setType(otherType); if (parent != null) parent.updateType(); } /** * Tells an expression that an inner expression may have changed and * that the type should be recalculated. * * This may call setType of the caller again. */ public abstract void updateType(); /** * Tells an expression that an outer expression has changed our type * and that the inner types should be recalculated. */ public abstract void updateSubTypes(); public Type getType() { return type; } public Operator getParent() { return parent; } /** * Get priority of the operator. * Currently this priorities are known: * */ public abstract int getPriority(); /** * Get the penalty for splitting up this operator. */ public int getBreakPenalty() { return 0; } /** * Get the number of operands. * @return The number of stack entries this expression needs. */ public abstract int getFreeOperandCount(); public abstract Expression addOperand(Expression op); public Expression negate() { Operator negop = new UnaryOperator(Type.tBoolean, Operator.LOG_NOT_OP); negop.addOperand(this); return negop; } /** * Checks if the value of the given expression can change, due to * side effects in this expression. If this returns false, the * expression can safely be moved behind the current expresion. * @param expr the expression that should not change. */ public boolean hasSideEffects(Expression expr) { return false; } /** * Checks if the given Expression (which should be a CombineableOperator) * can be combined into this expression. * @param e The store expression, must be of type void. * @return 1, if it can, 0, if no match was found and -1, if a * conflict was found. You may wish to check for >0. */ public int canCombine(CombineableOperator combOp) { return 0; } /** * Checks if this expression contains a load, that matches the * given CombineableOperator (which must be an Operator) * @param e The store expression. * @return if this expression contains a matching load. * @exception ClassCastException, if e.getOperator * is not a CombineableOperator. */ public boolean containsMatchingLoad(CombineableOperator e) { return false; } /** * Checks if this expression contains a conflicting load, that * matches the given CombineableOperator. The sub expressions are * not checked. * @param op The combineable operator. * @return if this expression contains a matching load. */ public boolean containsConflictingLoad(MatchableOperator op) { return false; } /** * Combines the given Expression (which should be a StoreInstruction) * into this expression. You must only call this if * canCombine returns the value 1. * @param e The store expression, * the operator must be a CombineableOperator. * @return The combined expression. * @exception ClassCastException, if e.getOperator * is not a CombineableOperator. */ public Expression combine(CombineableOperator comb) { return null; } /** * This method should remove local variables that are only written * and read one time directly after another.
* * In this case this is a non void LocalStoreOperator, whose local * isn't used in other places. * @return an expression where the locals are removed. */ public Expression removeOnetimeLocals() { return this; } public Expression simplify() { return this; } public Expression simplifyString() { return this; } public static Expression EMPTYSTRING = new ConstOperator(""); public Expression simplifyStringBuffer() { return null; } public void makeInitializer(Type type) { } public boolean isConstant() { return true; } public void fillInGenSet(Collection in, Collection gen) { } public void fillDeclarables(Collection used) { } public void makeDeclaration(Set done) { } public abstract void dumpExpression(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws java.io.IOException; public void dumpExpression(int options, TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws java.io.IOException { writer.startOp(options, getBreakPenalty()); dumpExpression(writer); writer.endOp(); } public void dumpExpression(TabbedPrintWriter writer, int minPriority) throws java.io.IOException { int options; boolean needParen1 = false, needParen2 = false; boolean needEndOp1 = false, needEndOp2 = false; String typecast = ""; if (type == Type.tError) typecast = "/*TYPE_ERROR*/"; else if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_TYPES) != 0) typecast = "(TYPE "+type+")"; if (typecast != "") { if (minPriority > 700) { needParen1 = true; needEndOp1 = true; writer.print("("); writer.startOp(writer.EXPL_PAREN, 0); } else if (minPriority < 700) { needEndOp1 = true; writer.startOp(writer.IMPL_PAREN, 1); } writer.print(typecast); writer.breakOp(); writer.print(" "); minPriority = 700; } int priority = getPriority(); if (priority < minPriority) { needParen2 = true; needEndOp2 = true; writer.print("("); writer.startOp(writer.EXPL_PAREN, getBreakPenalty()); } else if (priority != minPriority) { needEndOp2 = true; if (getType() == Type.tVoid) writer.startOp(writer.NO_PAREN, getBreakPenalty()); else writer.startOp(writer.IMPL_PAREN, 1 + getBreakPenalty()); } try { dumpExpression(writer); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { writer.print("(RUNTIME ERROR IN EXPRESSION)"); ex.printStackTrace(); } if (needEndOp2) { writer.endOp(); if (needParen2) writer.print(")"); } if (needEndOp1) { writer.endOp(); if (needParen1) writer.print(")"); } } public String toString() { try { java.io.StringWriter strw = new java.io.StringWriter(); TabbedPrintWriter writer = new TabbedPrintWriter(strw); dumpExpression(writer); writer.close(); return strw.toString(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { return "/*IOException*/"+super.toString(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { return "/*RuntimeException*/"+super.toString(); } } public boolean isVoid() { return getType() == Type.tVoid; } }