package jode; import*; import*; public class CodeAnalyzer implements Analyzer, Constants { BinaryCode bincode; MethodInstructionHeader methodHeader; MethodAnalyzer method; public JodeEnvironment env; /** * Get the method. * @return The method to which this code belongs. */ public MethodAnalyzer getMethod() {return method;} void readCode() throws ClassFormatError { byte[] code = bincode.getCode(); InstructionHeader[] instr = new InstructionHeader[code.length]; int returnCount; try { DataInputStream stream = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(code)); for (int addr = 0; addr < code.length; ) { instr[addr] = Opcodes.readOpcode(addr, stream, this); addr = instr[addr].getNextAddr(); } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new ClassFormatError(ex.toString()); } BinaryExceptionHandler[] handlers = bincode.getExceptionHandlers(); methodHeader = new MethodInstructionHeader(env, instr, handlers); } /* tryAddrs.put(new Integer(handler.startPC), handler); references[handler.startPC]++; catchAddrs.put(new Integer(handler.handlerPC), handler); references[handler.handlerPC]++; */ public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws { methodHeader.dumpSource(writer); } public CodeAnalyzer(MethodAnalyzer ma, BinaryCode bc, JodeEnvironment e) throws ClassFormatError { method = ma; env = e; bincode = bc; readCode(); } static Transformation[] exprTrafos = { new RemoveNop(), new CombineCatchLocal(), new CreateExpression(), new CreatePostIncExpression(), new CreateAssignExpression(), new CreateNewConstructor(), new CombineIfGotoExpressions(), new CreateIfThenElseOperator(), new CreateConstantArray() }; static Transformation[] simplifyTrafos = { new SimplifyExpression() }; static Transformation[] blockTrafos = { new CreateTryCatchStatements(), new CreateIfStatements(), new CreateBreakStatement(), new CreateWhileStatements(), new CreateSwitchStatements() }; public void analyze() { methodHeader.doTransformations(exprTrafos); methodHeader.doTransformations(simplifyTrafos); methodHeader.doTransformations(blockTrafos); } public String getTypeString(Type type) { return env.getTypeString(type); } public ClassDefinition getClassDefinition() { return env.getClassDefinition(); } }