package jode; import java.util.Vector; /** * This instruction header represents an if instruction. The * linkage of the instructions is as follow: *
 *  A: ....

* prev = A, next = H, pred = normal, succ = {C,E} * B: try { *

* prev = null, next = D, pred = {B}, succ = {D} * C: then-instr 1 *

* prev = C, next = H!, pred = normal succ = normal * D: instructions of then part *

* } catch (...) { *

* prev = null, next = D, pred = {B}, succ = {D} * E: else-instr 1 *

* prev = E, next = null, pred = normal, succ = normal * F: instructions of then part *

* } * prev = B, ..., pred = normal, succ = normal * H: ... *

* * TODO: Implement finally. */ public class TryCatchInstructionHeader extends InstructionHeader { /** * Creates a try catch statement. There are several conditions that * must be met: * * @param successors the successors of this try, that is * the try header and the catch headers. * @param endHeader the end hader of the first try block. * This must be successors[1] or a single goto or return * statement jumping to endBlock. * @param remaining the remaining successors of the old try header. * @param endBlock the endBlock of this try statement */ public TryCatchInstructionHeader(InstructionHeader[] successors, InstructionHeader endHeader, InstructionHeader[] remaining, InstructionHeader endBlock) { super(TRYCATCHBLOCK, successors[0].addr, endBlock.addr, successors, successors[0].outer); InstructionHeader tryHeader = successors[0]; this.movePredecessors(tryHeader); if (remaining.length > 1) { tryHeader.predecessors = new Vector(); tryHeader.predecessors.addElement(this); tryHeader.prevInstruction = null; tryHeader.successors = remaining; } else { successors[0] = tryHeader.successors[0]; successors[0].predecessors.removeElement(tryHeader); successors[0].predecessors.addElement(this); if (tryHeader.nextInstruction != null) tryHeader.nextInstruction.prevInstruction = null; } if (endBlock.outer == outer) { nextInstruction = endBlock; endBlock.prevInstruction = this; } else if (endBlock.getShadow() != outer.getEndBlock()) { /* Create a goto after this block, that * jumps to endBlock */ nextInstruction = new InstructionHeader (GOTO, endBlock.addr, endBlock.addr, new InstructionHeader[1], this); nextInstruction.instr = new NopOperator(MyType.tVoid); nextInstruction.prevInstruction = this; nextInstruction.successors[0] = endBlock; endBlock.predecessors.addElement(nextInstruction); } else nextInstruction = null; if (endHeader != successors[1]) endHeader.successors[0].predecessors.removeElement(endHeader); for (int i=1; i< successors.length; i++) { endHeader.predecessors.removeElement(tryHeader); successors[i].predecessors.removeElement(tryHeader); successors[i].predecessors.addElement(this); } for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[0]; ih != null; ih = ih.nextInstruction) { if (ih.outer == outer) ih.outer = this; if (ih.nextInstruction == endHeader) ih.nextInstruction = null; } for (int i=1; i< successors.length; i++) { for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[i]; ih != null; ih = ih.nextInstruction) { if (ih.outer == outer) ih.outer = this; if ((i < successors.length-1 && ih.nextInstruction == successors[i+1]) || ih.nextInstruction == endBlock) ih.nextInstruction = null; } } } public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws { if (Decompiler.isDebugging) { dumpDebugging(writer);; } if (needsLabel()) { writer.untab(); writer.println(getLabel()+": ");; } writer.println("try {");; if (successors[0] == getEndBlock()) writer.print("/* empty?? */"); else { for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[0]; ih != null; ih = ih.nextInstruction) ih.dumpSource(writer); } writer.untab(); for (int i=1; i< successors.length; i++) { InstructionHeader catchIH = successors[i]; catchIH.dumpSource(writer);; if (catchIH.nextInstruction == null) writer.println("/* empty */"); else { for (InstructionHeader ih = catchIH.nextInstruction; ih != null; ih = ih.nextInstruction) ih.dumpSource(writer); } writer.untab(); } writer.println("} "); if (Decompiler.isDebugging) writer.untab(); } public InstructionHeader doTransformations(Transformation[] trafo) { InstructionHeader next; for (int i=0; i < successors.length; i++) { for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[i]; ih != null; ih = next) { if ((next = ih.doTransformations(trafo)) == null) next = ih.getNextInstruction(); } } return null; } }