package jode.test; public class OptimizeTest { public final int getInlined(String str, int i) { return str.charAt(i); } public final int getInlined(String str, int i, OptimizeTest t) { return str.charAt(i) + t.getInlined(str, i) + i; } public final int complexInline(String str, int i) { System.err.println(""); return str.charAt(i)+str.charAt(-i); } public int notInlined(String str, int i, OptimizeTest t) { return str.charAt(i) + t.getInlined(str, i); } public final void longInline(String str, int i) { str.replace('a','b'); System.err.println(str.concat(String.valueOf(str.charAt(i)))); } public int g; /** * This is a really brutal test. It shows that side effects can * make the handling of inlined methods really, really difficult. */ public final int sideInline(int a) { return g++ + a; } public void main(String[] param) { OptimizeTest ot = new OptimizeTest(); System.err.println(ot.getInlined("Hallo", ot.notInlined(param[1], 10 - ot.getInlined(param[0], 0, new OptimizeTest()), ot))); System.err.println(ot.complexInline("ollah", param.length)); System.err.println("result: "+(g++ + sideInline(g) + g++) + "g: "+g); longInline("Hallo", 3); System.err.println("result:"+ (g++ + jode.test.InlineTest .difficultSideInline(this, g) + g++) + "g: "+g); // This was a check which methods are inlined. The result: // Only methods in the same package or in sub packages. // System.err.println("result:"+ // (g++ + jode.test.inline.InlineTest // .difficultSideInline(this, g) // + g++) + "g: "+g); // System.err.println("result:"+ // (g++ + jode.InlineTest // .difficultSideInline(this, g) // + g++) + "g: "+g); } }