This is a list of features, that would be nice to have: Decompiler: - deinline inlined methods. - remove string decrypt method. - remove synthetic methods if and only if all calls to them are resolved. ~ handle try catch more thouroughly/safely. ~ decompile jode.jvm.Interpreter (hand optimized bytecode) Obfuscator: - read options from a script. - flow obfuscation/optimization. - warn about Class.forName and list occurences. DeObfuscator: - generate nice names: - classes: derive name from super. - fields: derive name from type. - give synthetic methods the right attribute and name (e.g. class$) - detect inner classes and give suitable names. User Interface: - make a nice user interface: - list classnames: toggable between class hierarchie/package hierarchie. - list fields/method of selected class. - show decompilation of selected method. - show usage of method/fields. - visual obfuscation/deobfuscation (like klassmaster?, better?)