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You need java version 1.1 or higher. I suggest using the Sun JDK or JRE 1.1 or 1.2. In the following description I assume Sun JDK 1.2, for other virtual machines the paths and the name of the java interpreter (c:\jdk1.2\java) may differ.

  1. Set the classpath. It should include the jode_cls.zip as well as the directory where the class files you want to decompile resides. You can also specify a zip file instead of a directory. It is also a good Idea to include the zip resp. jar file containing the basic java.* class files.
    set CLASSPATH=c:\temp\jode_cls.zip;c:\temp;c:\jdk1.2\jre\lib\rt.jar
  2. Now you can start the graphical interface as following (Note the case of the parameter)
    c:\jdk1.2\java jode.JodeWindow
  3. The classpath field should already contain the classpath you set above. The class field contains jode.JodeWindow and you may push start immediately to decompile this class.
  4. If you want to decompile your own .class file, enter the name of the file without .class extension and push the start button. Change the class path if it doesn't point to the right directory.
  5. After decompiling, you can save the file using the save button.

Packaged classes

If the class file belongs to a package (like jode.JodeWindow) you have to give the full qualified class name (the package names separated by a dot followed by the class name). The class path should point to the directory containing the package sub directories in this case.

Command line utility

There is also a command line utility which is much more powerful, but also more difficult to use. You can start it (after setting the classpath) with
c:\jdk1.2\java jode.Decompiler
and get a list of the supported parameters.