; This class converts between boolean and ints without type casts. ; You can't decompile this directly, the decompiler probably gives type errors. .class public jode/test/EvilTypes .super java/lang/Object .field public static runner Ljava/lang/Runnable; .method public static boolToInt(Z)I .limit locals 1 .limit stack 1 iload_0 ireturn .end method .method public static intToBool(I)Z .limit locals 1 .limit stack 1 iload_0 ireturn .end method .method public static overrideParam(I)[I .limit locals 1 .limit stack 1 aconst_null astore_0 aload_0 areturn .end method .method public static test()V .limit locals 2 .limit stack 2 iconst_1 invokestatic jode/test/EvilTypes/intToBool(I)Z istore 0 iconst_2 istore 1 iload 0 iload 1 ixor pop return .end method .method private static useSerial(Ljava/io/Serializable;)V .limit locals 1 .limit stack 0 return .end method ; This is a test where a type error occurs, because there is no Type ; that implements Cloneable, Serializable and is assignable form int ; array and java/lang/Date (though both objects are Cloneable and ; Serializable). We can't find any correct type for local 2. .method public static referenceCast(Ljava/util/Date;[I)Ljava/lang/Cloneable; .limit locals 3 .limit stack 2 aload_0 ifnonnull second aload_0 goto done second: aload_1 done: dup astore_2 invokestatic jode/test/EvilTypes/useSerial(Ljava/io/Serializable;)V aload_2 areturn .end method ; This shows that the bytecode verifier doesn't catch every type error. .method public static test(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Runnable; .limit locals 1 .limit stack 1 aload_0 areturn .end method ; The problem of this method is the type of local_0, the code is as ; follows: ; local_0 = null; ; for (;;) local_0 = local_0[0]; ; ; Since local_0 is used as an array, it must be of array type. Since ; local_0[0] is assigned to local_0, local_0[0] must be of array type, ; so local_0 must be of type array of array of something, and so on... .method public static infinitiveArray()V .limit locals 1 .limit stack 2 aconst_null astore_0 loop: aload_0 iconst_0 aaload astore_0 goto loop .end method ; This tests shows how lazy the type checking even with verify is: ; The type error produced in the test method, is first seen on the ; invokeinterface opcode. If there would be no invokeinterface it ; would never have been noticed. ; NOTE: An obfuscator may use this fact and replace every ocurrence ; of an interface or Object type with any other interface type. .method public static main([Ljava/lang/String;)V .limit locals 1 .limit stack 2 aload_0 iconst_0 aaload invokestatic jode/test/EvilTypes/test(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Runnable; putstatic jode/test/EvilTypes/runner Ljava/lang/Runnable; getstatic jode/test/EvilTypes/runner Ljava/lang/Runnable; invokeinterface java/lang/Runnable/run()V 1 return .end method