package jode; import java.util.Enumeration; public class CaseInstructionHeader extends InstructionHeader { int label; boolean isDefault; public CaseInstructionHeader(int label, boolean isDefault, //Type type, int addr, InstructionHeader parent) { super(CASESTATEMENT, addr, addr, new InstructionHeader[1], parent); this.label = label; this.isDefault = isDefault; } public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws { if (Decompiler.isDebugging) { dumpDebugging(writer);; } if (isDefault) { if (nextInstruction == null && successors[0] == null) return; writer.println("default:"); } else writer.println("case "+label+":" );; for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[0]; ih != null; ih = ih.nextInstruction) ih.dumpSource(writer); writer.untab(); if (Decompiler.isDebugging) writer.untab(); } /** * Get the instruction header where the next instruction is. */ InstructionHeader getShadow() { return (successors[0] != null ? successors[0].getShadow() : getEndBlock()); } public InstructionHeader doTransformations(Transformation[] trafo) { InstructionHeader next; if (successors[0] != getEndBlock()) { for (InstructionHeader ih = successors[0]; ih != null; ih = next) { if ((next = ih.doTransformations(trafo)) == null) next = ih.getNextInstruction(); } } return super.doTransformations(trafo); } }