package jode; import; public class CreateConstantArray implements Transformation { public InstructionHeader transform(InstructionHeader ih) { Expression[] consts; int count; Type type; try { if (ih.getInstruction() instanceof DupOperator) /* this is not the end of the array assign */ return null; ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); ArrayStoreOperator store = (ArrayStoreOperator) ih.getInstruction(); ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); Expression lastconst = (Expression) ih.getInstruction(); ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); Expression lastindexexpr = (Expression) ih.getInstruction(); ConstOperator lastindexop = (ConstOperator) lastindexexpr.getOperator(); if (!MyType.isOfType(lastindexop.getType(), MyType.tInt)) return null; int lastindex = Integer.parseInt(lastindexop.getValue()); ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); DupOperator dup = (DupOperator) ih.getInstruction(); if (dup.getDepth() != 0 || dup.getCount() != store.getLValueType().stackSize()) return null; consts = new Expression[lastindex+1]; consts[lastindex] = lastconst; count = 1; while (lastindex-- > 0) { ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); ArrayStoreOperator store2 = (ArrayStoreOperator) ih.getInstruction(); ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); lastconst = (Expression) ih.getInstruction(); ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); Expression indexexpr = (Expression) ih.getInstruction(); ConstOperator indexop = (ConstOperator) indexexpr.getOperator(); if (!MyType.isOfType(indexop.getType(), MyType.tUInt)) return null; int index = Integer.parseInt(indexop.getValue()); if (index > lastindex) return null; while (index < lastindex) { consts[lastindex] = new Expression (new ConstOperator(MyType.tUnknown, ""), new Expression[0]); lastindex--; } consts[lastindex] = lastconst; ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); dup = (DupOperator) ih.getInstruction(); if (dup.getDepth() != 0 || dup.getCount() != store.getLValueType().stackSize()) return null; count++; } ih = ih.getSimpleUniquePredecessor(); Expression newArrayExpr = (Expression) ih.getInstruction(); NewArrayOperator newArrayOp = (NewArrayOperator) newArrayExpr.getOperator(); type = newArrayOp.getType(); if (newArrayOp.getOperandCount() != 1) return null; Expression countexpr = (Expression) newArrayExpr.getSubExpressions()[0]; ConstOperator countop = (ConstOperator) countexpr.getOperator(); if (!MyType.isOfType(countop.getType(), MyType.tUInt)) return null; if (Integer.parseInt(countop.getValue()) != consts.length) return null; } catch (NullPointerException ex) { return null; } catch (ClassCastException ex) { return null; } Operator op = new ConstantArrayOperator(type, consts.length); return ih.combine(4*count+1, new Expression(op, consts)); } }