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Step by Step

If you want to use the applet version you need a recent Internet Explorer or Netscape which supports java 1.1.
  1. Copy jode-applet.html into a local directory.
  2. Copy jode_cls.zip to the same directory.
  3. Copy the .class file or zip file, you want to decompile, to that directory.
  4. Load the html file into Netscape or Internet Explorer.
  5. Set the classpath simply to `.' (without quotes). You may also specify a zip or jar file here. Note that applet and class files must be in the same directory due to security policy.
    You can also change the default classpath in the html file.
  6. Enter the name of the class without .class extension.
  7. Press start button in applet.
  8. Saving doesn't work in Netscape, but maybe in Internet Explorer.

Packaged classes

If the class file belongs to a package (like jode.JodeWindow) you have to give the full qualified class name (the package names separated by a dot followed by the class name). The class path should point to the directory containing the package sub directories in this case.