Provides easy access to class files and their contents. To use it you create a ClassPath object giving it the locations where it should search for classes. Then you can ask this object for a class and get a ClassInfo object. As third step you can actually load the class.

Please notify me if you want to use this package. I will inform you about updates, help you with problems, etc. WARNING: Some parts of this package may change in the future in incompatible ways. Ask me for more information.

Here is a short example, how you can use this package, see the documentation of the classes for more details.
 ClassPath path = new ClassPath("/usr/lib/java/lib/");
 ClassInfo clazz = path.getClassInfo("java.util.Hashtable");

 try {
 } catch (ClassFormatException ex) {
   System.err.println("Something is wrong with HashTable, giving up!");
 } catch (IOException ex) {
   System.err.println("Can't load HashTable, giving up!");

 MethodInfo[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
 for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
     String type = methods[i].getType();
     if (TypeSignature.getReturnType(type) == TypeSignature.INT_TYPE)
         System.out.println("Found integer method: "+method.getName());
You can also use this package to create and write new classes:
 ClassPath path = new ClassPath("/usr/lib/java/lib/");
 ClassInfo clazz = path.getClassInfo("");

Advantages of this bytecode package


Jochen Hoenicke
Last modified: Sat Aug 11 18:44:19 MEST 2001