/* FlowBlock Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package net.sf.jode.flow; import net.sf.jode.GlobalOptions; import net.sf.jode.decompiler.TabbedPrintWriter; import net.sf.jode.decompiler.MethodAnalyzer; import net.sf.jode.decompiler.LocalInfo; import net.sf.jode.expr.Expression; import net.sf.jode.expr.CombineableOperator; import net.sf.jode.util.SimpleMap; import net.sf.jode.util.SimpleSet; ///#def COLLECTIONS java.util import java.util.Map; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; ///#enddef /** * A flow block is the structure of which the flow graph consists. A * flow block contains structured code together with some conditional * or unconditional jumps to the head of other flow blocks. * * We do a T1/T2 analysis to combine all flow blocks to a single. If * the graph isn't reducible that doesn't work, but java can only * produce reducible flow graphs. * * We don't use the notion of basic flow graphs. A flow block may be * anything from a single bytecode opcode, to the whole method. */ public class FlowBlock { public static FlowBlock END_OF_METHOD; // public static FlowBlock NEXT_BY_ADDR; static { END_OF_METHOD = new FlowBlock(null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null); END_OF_METHOD.label = "END_OF_METHOD"; // NEXT_BY_ADDR = new FlowBlock(null, -1); // NEXT_BY_ADDR.appendBlock(new DescriptionBlock("FALL THROUGH"), 0); // NEXT_BY_ADDR.label = "NEXT_BY_ADDR"; } /** * The method analyzer. This is used to pretty printing the * Types and to get information about all locals in this code. */ MethodAnalyzer method; /** * The in locals. This are the locals, which are used in this * flow block and whose values may be the result of a assignment * outside of this flow block. That means, that there is a * path from the start of the flow block to the instruction that * uses that variable, on which it is never assigned */ private SlotSet in = new SlotSet(); /** * The gen locals. This are the locals, to which are written * somewhere in this flow block. This is only used for try * catch blocks. */ VariableSet used = new VariableSet(); /** * The gen locals. This are the locals, to which are written * somewhere in this flow block. This is only used for try * catch blocks. */ VariableSet gen = new VariableSet(); /** * The gen locals. This are the locals, to which are written * somewhere in this flow block. This is only used for try * catch blocks. */ SlotSet kill = new SlotSet(); /** * The starting blockNr of this flow block. This is mainly used * to produce the source code in code order. */ private int blockNr; /** * The number of flow blocks that were combined into this block so far. */ private int length; /** * The outermost structructed block in this flow block. */ StructuredBlock block; /** * The last modified structured block. This is probably the * last instruction in the outermost block, that is in the * outermost chain of SequentialBlock. */ StructuredBlock lastModified; /** * This contains a map of all successing flow blocks and there * jumps. The key of this map are the flow blocks, while * the elements is the first jump to that flow block. The other * jumps are accessible via the jump.next field. */ private Map successors = new SimpleMap(); /** * This is a vector of flow blocks, which reference this block. * Only if this vector contains exactly one element, it can be * moved into the preceding flow block. * * If this vectors contains the null element, this is the first * flow block in a method. */ List predecessors = new ArrayList(); /** * This is a pointer to the next flow block in byte code order. * It is null for the last flow block. */ FlowBlock nextByCodeOrder; /** * This is a pointer to the previous flow block in byte code order. * It is null for the first flow block. */ FlowBlock prevByCodeOrder; /** * The stack map. This tells how many objects are on stack at * begin of the flow block, and to what locals they are maped. * @see #mapStackToLocal */ VariableStack stackMap; static class SuccessorInfo { /** * The kill locals. This are the slots, which must be * overwritten in this block on every path to the successor. * That means, that all paths from the start of the current * flow block to the successor contain (unconditional) * assignments to this slot. */ SlotSet kill; /** * The gen locals. This are the locals, which can be * overwritten in this block on a path to the successor. That * means, that there exists a path form the start of the * current flow block to the successor that contains a * assignments to this local, and that is not overwritten * afterwards. */ VariableSet gen; /** * The linked list of jumps. */ Jump jumps; } /** * The default constructor. Creates a new empty flowblock. */ public FlowBlock(MethodAnalyzer method, int blockNr, FlowBlock lastFlow) { this.method = method; this.blockNr = blockNr; length = 1; prevByCodeOrder = lastFlow; if (lastFlow != null) lastFlow.nextByCodeOrder = this; block = new EmptyBlock(); block.setFlowBlock(this); lastModified = block; } public int getNextBlockNr() { return blockNr + length; } public boolean hasNoJumps() { return successors.size() == 0 && predecessors.size() == 0; } /** * This method resolves some of the jumps to successor. * @param jumps The list of jumps with that successor. * @param succ The successing flow block. * @return The remaining jumps, that couldn't be resolved. */ public Jump resolveSomeJumps(Jump jumps, FlowBlock succ) { if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("before Resolve: "+this); /* We will put all jumps that we can not resolve into this * linked list. */ Jump remainingJumps = null; if (lastModified.jump == null) { /* This can happen if lastModified is a breakable block, and * there is no break to it yet. We give lastModified this jump * as successor since many other routines rely on this. */ Jump lastJump = new Jump(succ); lastModified.setJump(lastJump); remainingJumps = lastJump; } for (Jump jump = jumps; jump != null; jump = jump.next) { /* First swap all conditional blocks, that have two jumps, * so that the jump to succ will be on the outside. */ if (jump.prev.outer instanceof ConditionalBlock && jump.prev.outer.jump != null) { StructuredBlock prev = jump.prev; ConditionalBlock cb = (ConditionalBlock) prev.outer; Expression instr = cb.getInstruction(); cb.setInstruction(instr.negate()); cb.swapJump(prev); } } next_jump: while (jumps != null) { Jump jump = jumps; jumps = jumps.next; /* if the jump is the jump of lastModified, skip it. */ if (jump.prev == lastModified) { jump.next = remainingJumps; remainingJumps = jump; continue; } /* jump.prev.outer is not null, otherwise jump.prev would * be lastModified. */ if (jump.prev.outer instanceof ConditionalBlock) { StructuredBlock prev = jump.prev; ConditionalBlock cb = (ConditionalBlock) prev.outer; Expression instr = cb.getInstruction(); /* This is a jump inside an ConditionalBlock. * * cb is the conditional block, * prev the empty block containing the jump * instr is the condition */ if (cb.jump != null) { /* This can only happen if cb also jumps to succ. * This is a weired "if (cond) empty"-block. We * transform it by hand. */ prev.removeJump(); IfThenElseBlock ifBlock = new IfThenElseBlock(cb.getInstruction().negate()); ifBlock.moveDefinitions(cb, prev); ifBlock.replace(cb); ifBlock.moveJump(cb.jump); ifBlock.setThenBlock(prev); if (cb == lastModified) lastModified = ifBlock; continue; } /* Now cb.jump is null, so cb.outer is not null, * since otherwise it would have no successor. */ if (cb.outer instanceof LoopBlock || (cb.outer instanceof SequentialBlock && cb.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] == cb && cb.outer.outer instanceof LoopBlock)) { /* If this is the first instruction of a * while/for(true) block, make this the loop condition * (negated of course). */ LoopBlock loopBlock = (cb.outer instanceof LoopBlock) ? (LoopBlock) cb.outer : (LoopBlock) cb.outer.outer; if (loopBlock.getCondition() == LoopBlock.TRUE && loopBlock.getType() != LoopBlock.DOWHILE && (loopBlock.jumpMayBeChanged() || loopBlock.getNextFlowBlock() == succ)) { if (loopBlock.jump == null) { /* consider this jump again */ loopBlock.moveJump(jump); jumps = jump; } else jump.prev.removeJump(); loopBlock.setCondition(instr.negate()); loopBlock.moveDefinitions(cb, null); cb.removeBlock(); continue; } } else if (cb.outer instanceof SequentialBlock && cb.outer.getSubBlocks()[1] == cb) { /* And now for do/while loops, where the jump is * at the end of the loop. */ /* First find the beginning of the loop */ StructuredBlock sb = cb.outer.outer; while (sb instanceof SequentialBlock) { sb = sb.outer; } /* sb is now the first and cb is the last * instruction in the current block. */ if (sb instanceof LoopBlock) { LoopBlock loopBlock = (LoopBlock) sb; if (loopBlock.getCondition() == LoopBlock.TRUE && loopBlock.getType() == LoopBlock.WHILE && (loopBlock.jumpMayBeChanged() || loopBlock.getNextFlowBlock() == succ)) { if (loopBlock.jump == null) { /* consider this jump again */ loopBlock.moveJump(jump); jumps = jump; } else jump.prev.removeJump(); loopBlock.setType(LoopBlock.DOWHILE); loopBlock.setCondition(instr.negate()); loopBlock.moveDefinitions(cb, null); cb.removeBlock(); continue; } } } /* This is still a jump inside an ConditionalBlock. * * cb is the conditional block, * prev the empty block containing the jump * instr is the condition */ /* replace all conditional jumps to the successor, which * are followed by a block which has the end of the block * as normal successor, with "if (not condition) block": * * /IF cond GOTO succ if (!cond) * \block ===> block * -> normal Succesor succ -> normal Successor succ */ if (cb.outer instanceof SequentialBlock && cb.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] == cb && (cb.outer.getNextFlowBlock() == succ || cb.outer.jumpMayBeChanged())) { SequentialBlock sequBlock = (SequentialBlock) cb.outer; IfThenElseBlock newIfBlock = new IfThenElseBlock(instr.negate()); StructuredBlock thenBlock = sequBlock.getSubBlocks()[1]; newIfBlock.moveDefinitions(sequBlock, thenBlock); newIfBlock.replace(sequBlock); newIfBlock.setThenBlock(thenBlock); if (thenBlock.contains(lastModified)) { if (lastModified.jump.destination == succ) { newIfBlock.moveJump(lastModified.jump); lastModified = newIfBlock; jump.prev.removeJump(); continue; } lastModified = newIfBlock; } newIfBlock.moveJump(jump); // /* consider this jump again */ // jumps = jump; /* Consider all jumps again, since the ones that moved * into the thenBlock may be obsolete now. * XXX only jumps in then should be considered. */ if (remainingJumps == null) jumps = jump; else { jumps = remainingJumps; while (remainingJumps.next != null) remainingJumps = remainingJumps.next; remainingJumps.next = jump; remainingJumps = null; } continue; } } else { /* remove this jump if it jumps to the * getNextFlowBlock(). */ if (jump.destination == jump.prev.outer.getNextFlowBlock(jump.prev)) { jump.prev.removeJump(); continue; } /* Now find the real outer block, i.e. traverse the * chain of SequentialBlocks. * * Note that only the last instr in a SequentialBlock chain * can have a jump. * * We rely on the fact, that instanceof returns false * for a null pointer. */ StructuredBlock sb = jump.prev.outer; while (sb instanceof SequentialBlock) sb = sb.outer; /* If the block is a catch, go up to the try block. */ if (sb instanceof CatchBlock && sb.jumpMayBeChanged()) sb = sb.outer; /* If the block is a synchronized or try block * and the jump may be changed, move the jump up. */ if ((sb instanceof CatchBlock || sb instanceof SynchronizedBlock || sb instanceof TryBlock) && sb.jumpMayBeChanged()) { sb.moveJump(jump); /* consider this jump again */ jumps = jump; continue; } /* if this is an unconditional jump at the end of a * then block belonging to a if-then block without * else part, and the if block has a jump then replace * the if-then block with a if-then-else block with an * else block that contains only the jump and move the * unconditional jump to the if. (The jump in the else * block will later probably be replaced with a break, * continue or return statement.) */ if (sb instanceof IfThenElseBlock) { IfThenElseBlock ifBlock = (IfThenElseBlock) sb; if (ifBlock.elseBlock == null && ifBlock.jump != null) { ifBlock.setElseBlock(new EmptyBlock()); ifBlock.elseBlock.moveJump(ifBlock.jump); ifBlock.moveJump(jump); /* consider this jump again */ jumps = jump; continue; } } /* if this is a jump at the end of a then block belonging * to a if-then block without else part, and the if-then * block is followed by a single block, then replace the * if-then block with a if-then-else block and move the * unconditional jump to the if. */ if (sb instanceof IfThenElseBlock && sb.outer instanceof SequentialBlock && sb.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] == sb) { IfThenElseBlock ifBlock = (IfThenElseBlock) sb; SequentialBlock sequBlock = (SequentialBlock) sb.outer; StructuredBlock elseBlock = sequBlock.subBlocks[1]; if (ifBlock.elseBlock == null && (elseBlock.getNextFlowBlock() == succ || elseBlock.jump != null || elseBlock.jumpMayBeChanged())) { ifBlock.replace(sequBlock); ifBlock.setElseBlock(elseBlock); if (elseBlock.contains(lastModified)) { if (lastModified.jump.destination == succ) { ifBlock.moveJump(lastModified.jump); lastModified = ifBlock; jump.prev.removeJump(); continue; } lastModified = ifBlock; } ifBlock.moveJump(jump); /* Consider all jumps again, since the ones that moved * into the thenBlock may be obsolete now. * XXX only jumps in then should be considered. * XXX I'm not sure if this is complete. */ if (remainingJumps == null) jumps = jump; else { jumps = remainingJumps; while (remainingJumps.next != null) remainingJumps = remainingJumps.next; remainingJumps.next = jump; remainingJumps = null; } continue; } } } /* if this is a jump in a breakable block, and that block * has not yet a next block, then create a new jump to that * successor. * * The break to the block will be generated later. */ for (StructuredBlock surrounder = jump.prev.outer; surrounder != null; surrounder = surrounder.outer) { if (surrounder instanceof BreakableBlock) { if (surrounder.getNextFlowBlock() == succ) /* We can break to that block; this is done later. */ break; if (surrounder.jumpMayBeChanged()) { surrounder.setJump(new Jump(succ)); /* put surrounder in todo list */ surrounder.jump.next = jumps; jumps = surrounder.jump; /* The break is inserted later */ break; } if (succ == END_OF_METHOD) { /* If the jump can be replaced by a return * we won't do labeled breaks, so we must * stop here */ break; } } } jump.next = remainingJumps; remainingJumps = jump; } return remainingJumps; } /** * Resolve remaining jumps to the successor by generating break * instructions. As last resort generate a do while(false) block. * @param jumps The jump list that need to be resolved. */ void resolveRemaining(Jump jumps) { LoopBlock doWhileFalse = null; StructuredBlock outerMost = lastModified; boolean removeLast = false; next_jump: for (; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) { StructuredBlock prevBlock = jumps.prev; if (prevBlock == lastModified) { /* handled below */ removeLast = true; continue; } int breaklevel = 0; BreakableBlock breakToBlock = null; for (StructuredBlock surrounder = prevBlock.outer; surrounder != null; surrounder = surrounder.outer) { if (surrounder instanceof BreakableBlock) { breaklevel++; if (surrounder.getNextFlowBlock() == jumps.destination) { breakToBlock = (BreakableBlock) surrounder; break; } } } prevBlock.removeJump(); if (breakToBlock == null) { /* Nothing else helped, so put a do/while(0) * block around outerMost and break to that * block. */ if (doWhileFalse == null) { doWhileFalse = new LoopBlock(LoopBlock.DOWHILE, LoopBlock.FALSE); } /* Adapt outermost, so that it contains the break. */ while (!outerMost.contains(prevBlock)) outerMost = outerMost.outer; prevBlock.appendBlock (new BreakBlock(doWhileFalse, breaklevel > 0)); } else prevBlock.appendBlock (new BreakBlock(breakToBlock, breaklevel > 1)); } if (removeLast) lastModified.removeJump(); if (doWhileFalse != null) { doWhileFalse.replace(outerMost); doWhileFalse.setBody(outerMost); lastModified = doWhileFalse; } } /** * Move the successors of the given flow block to this flow block. * @param succ the other flow block */ void mergeSuccessors(FlowBlock succ) { /* Merge the successors from the successing flow block */ Iterator iter = succ.successors.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); FlowBlock dest = (FlowBlock) entry.getKey(); SuccessorInfo hisInfo = (SuccessorInfo) entry.getValue(); SuccessorInfo myInfo = (SuccessorInfo) successors.get(dest); if (dest != END_OF_METHOD) dest.predecessors.remove(succ); if (myInfo == null) { if (dest != END_OF_METHOD) dest.predecessors.add(this); successors.put(dest, hisInfo); } else { myInfo.gen.addAll(hisInfo.gen); myInfo.kill.retainAll(hisInfo.kill); Jump myJumps = myInfo.jumps; while (myJumps.next != null) myJumps = myJumps.next; myJumps.next = hisInfo.jumps; } } } /** * Fixes the blockNr chained list, after merging this block with succ. */ public void mergeBlockNr(FlowBlock succ) { if (succ.nextByCodeOrder == this || succ.prevByCodeOrder == null) { /* Merge succ with its nextByCodeOrder. * Note: succ.nextByCodeOrder != null, since this is on the * nextByCodeOrder chain. */ succ.nextByCodeOrder.blockNr = succ.blockNr; succ.nextByCodeOrder.length += succ.length; succ.nextByCodeOrder.prevByCodeOrder = succ.prevByCodeOrder; if (succ.prevByCodeOrder != null) succ.prevByCodeOrder.nextByCodeOrder = succ.nextByCodeOrder; } else { /* Merge succ with its prevByCodeOrder */ succ.prevByCodeOrder.length += succ.length; succ.prevByCodeOrder.nextByCodeOrder = succ.nextByCodeOrder; if (succ.nextByCodeOrder != null) succ.nextByCodeOrder.prevByCodeOrder = succ.prevByCodeOrder; } } /** * Updates the gen/kill Sets of all jumps in this block. * @param gens The locals in this block that are visible at the * begin of successor. * @param kills The slots that are always overwritten on the way to * successor. This may be null. * @return The variables that must be defined * in this block. */ void updateGenKill(VariableSet gens, SlotSet kills) { /* Merge the locals used in successing block with those written * by this blocks. */ in.merge(gens); /* The gen/kill sets must be updated for every jump * in the other block */ Iterator i = successors.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { SuccessorInfo succInfo = (SuccessorInfo) i.next(); succInfo.gen.mergeGenKill(gens, succInfo.kill); if (kills != null) succInfo.kill.mergeKill(kills); } } /** * Updates the in/out-Vectors of the structured block of the * successing flow block simultanous to a T2 transformation. * @param successor The flow block which is unified with this flow * block. * @param gens The locals in this block that are visible at the * begin of successor. * @param kills The slots that are always overwritten on the way to * successor. * @return The variables that must be defined in this block. */ void updateInOut(FlowBlock successor, VariableSet gens, SlotSet kills) { successor.updateGenKill(gens, kills); /* The ins of the successor that are not killed * (i.e. unconditionally overwritten) by this block are new * ins for this block. */ SlotSet newIn = (SlotSet) successor.in.clone(); newIn.removeAll(kills); this.in.addAll(newIn); this.used.addAll(successor.used); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { GlobalOptions.err.println("UpdateInOut: gens : "+gens); GlobalOptions.err.println(" kills: "+kills); GlobalOptions.err.println(" s.in : "+successor.in); GlobalOptions.err.println(" in : "+in); } } /** * Updates the in/out-Vectors of the structured block of the * successing flow block for a try catch block. The main difference * to updateInOut in FlowBlock is, that this function works, as if * every instruction would have a jump. This is because every * instruction can throw an exception and thus enter the catch block.
* * For example this code prints 0: *
     *   int a=3;
     *   try {
     *     a = 5 / (a=0);
     *   } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) {
     *     System.out.println(a);
     *   }
* * @param successor The flow block which is unified with this flow * block. * @return The variables that must be defined in this block. */ public void updateInOutCatch (FlowBlock catchFlow) { VariableSet gens = ((TryBlock)block).gen; /* Merge the locals used in the catch block with those written * by the try block */ catchFlow.in.merge(gens); /* The gen/kill sets must be updated for every jump * in the other block */ Iterator i = catchFlow.successors.values().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { SuccessorInfo succSuccInfo = (SuccessorInfo) i.next(); succSuccInfo.gen.mergeGenKill(gens, succSuccInfo.kill); } in.addAll(catchFlow.in); used.addAll(catchFlow.used); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { GlobalOptions.err.println("UpdateInOutCatch: gens : "+gens); GlobalOptions.err.println(" s.in : "+catchFlow.in); GlobalOptions.err.println(" in : "+in); } } /** * Checks if the FlowBlock and its StructuredBlocks are * consistent. There are to many conditions to list them * here, the best way is to read this function and all other * checkConsistent functions. */ public void checkConsistent() { /* This checks are very time consuming, so don't do them * normally. */ if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CHECK) == 0) return; try { if (block.outer != null || block.flowBlock != this) { throw new InternalError("Inconsistency: outer:" + block.outer + " block.flow"+block.flowBlock + " this: "+this); } block.checkConsistent(); for (Iterator i = predecessors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FlowBlock pred = (FlowBlock)i.next(); if (pred == null) /* The special start marker */ continue; if (!pred.successors.containsKey(this)) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); } StructuredBlock last = lastModified; while (last.outer instanceof SequentialBlock || last.outer instanceof TryBlock || last.outer instanceof FinallyBlock) last = last.outer; if (last.outer != null) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); Iterator iter = successors.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); FlowBlock dest = (FlowBlock) entry.getKey(); if (dest.predecessors.contains(this) == (dest == END_OF_METHOD)) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); Jump jumps = ((SuccessorInfo) entry.getValue()).jumps; if (jumps == null) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); for (; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) { if (jumps.destination != dest) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); if (jumps.prev == null || jumps.prev.flowBlock != this || jumps.prev.jump != jumps) throw new InternalError("Inconsistency"); prev_loop: for (StructuredBlock prev = jumps.prev; prev != block; prev = prev.outer) { if (prev.outer == null) throw new RuntimeException("Inconsistency"); StructuredBlock[] blocks = prev.outer.getSubBlocks(); int i; for (i=0; i 0) lastModified.setSuccessors(jumps); gen = null; kill = null; checkConsistent(); } /** * Do a T2 transformation with succ if possible. It is possible, * iff succ has exactly this block as predecessor. * @param succ the successor block, must be a valid successor of this * block, i.e. not null */ public boolean doT2(FlowBlock succ) { /* check if this successor has only this block as predecessor. * if the predecessor is not unique, return false. */ if (succ.predecessors.size() != 1 || succ.predecessors.get(0) != this) return false; checkConsistent(); succ.checkConsistent(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println ("T2(["+blockNr+","+getNextBlockNr()+"],[" +succ.blockNr+","+succ.getNextBlockNr()+"])"); SuccessorInfo succInfo = (SuccessorInfo) successors.remove(succ); /* Update the in/out-Vectors now */ updateInOut(succ, succInfo.gen, succInfo.kill); /* Try to eliminate as many jumps as possible. */ Jump jumps = resolveSomeJumps(succInfo.jumps, succ); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("before Remaining: "+this); resolveRemaining(jumps); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after Resolve: "+this); /* Now unify the blocks. */ lastModified = lastModified.appendBlock(succ.block); mergeSuccessors(succ); /* This will also set last modified to the new correct value. */ doTransformations(); /* Set blockNr and length to correct value and update nextByCodeOrder */ mergeBlockNr(succ); /* T2 transformation succeeded */ checkConsistent(); return true; } /** * Do a T2 transformation with the end_of_method block. */ public void mergeEndBlock() { checkConsistent(); SuccessorInfo endInfo = (SuccessorInfo) successors.remove(END_OF_METHOD); if (endInfo == null) return; Jump allJumps = endInfo.jumps; /* First remove all implicit jumps to the END_OF_METHOD block. */ Jump jumps = null; for (; allJumps != null; ) { Jump jump = allJumps; allJumps = allJumps.next; if (jump.prev instanceof ReturnBlock) { /* This jump is implicit */ jump.prev.removeJump(); continue; } jump.next = jumps; jumps = jump; } /* Try to eliminate as many jumps as possible. */ jumps = resolveSomeJumps(jumps, END_OF_METHOD); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("before remaining: "+this); next_jump: for (; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) { StructuredBlock prevBlock = jumps.prev; if (lastModified == prevBlock) /* handled later */ continue; BreakableBlock breakToBlock = null; for (StructuredBlock surrounder = prevBlock.outer; surrounder != null; surrounder = surrounder.outer) { if (surrounder instanceof BreakableBlock) { if (surrounder.getNextFlowBlock() == END_OF_METHOD) breakToBlock = (BreakableBlock) surrounder; /* We don't want labeled breaks, because we can * simply return. */ break; } } prevBlock.removeJump(); if (breakToBlock == null) /* The successor is the dummy return instruction, so * replace the jump with a return. */ prevBlock.appendBlock(new ReturnBlock()); else prevBlock.appendBlock (new BreakBlock(breakToBlock, false)); } /* Now remove the jump of the lastModified if it points to * END_OF_METHOD. */ if (lastModified.jump.destination == END_OF_METHOD) lastModified.removeJump(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("before Transformation: "+this); doTransformations(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after Transformation: "+this); /* transformation succeeded */ checkConsistent(); } public boolean doT1(int start, int end) { /* If there are no jumps to the beginning of this flow block * or if this block has other predecessors with a not yet * considered block number, return false. The second condition * make sure that not for each continue a while is created. */ if (!predecessors.contains(this)) return false; for (Iterator i = predecessors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FlowBlock predFlow = (FlowBlock) i.next(); if (predFlow != null && predFlow != this && predFlow.blockNr >= start && predFlow.blockNr < end) { return false; } } checkConsistent(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("T1(["+blockNr+","+getNextBlockNr()+"])"); SuccessorInfo succInfo = (SuccessorInfo) successors.remove(this); /* Update the in/out-Vectors now */ updateGenKill(succInfo.gen, null); Jump jumps = succInfo.jumps; StructuredBlock bodyBlock = block; /* If there is only one jump to the beginning and it is * the last jump (lastModified) and (there is a * do/while(0) block surrounding everything but the last * instruction, or the last instruction is a * increase/decrease statement), replace the do/while(0) * with a for(;;last_instr) resp. create a new one and * replace breaks to do/while with continue to for. */ boolean createdForBlock = false; if (jumps.next == null && jumps.prev == lastModified && lastModified instanceof InstructionBlock && ((InstructionBlock)lastModified).getInstruction().isVoid()) { if (lastModified.outer instanceof SequentialBlock && lastModified.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof LoopBlock) { LoopBlock lb = (LoopBlock) lastModified.outer.getSubBlocks()[0]; if (lb.cond == lb.FALSE && lb.type == lb.DOWHILE) { /* The jump is directly following a * do-while(false) block * * Remove do/while, create a for(;;last_instr) * and replace break to that block with * continue to for. */ lastModified.removeJump(); LoopBlock forBlock = new LoopBlock(LoopBlock.FOR, LoopBlock.TRUE); forBlock.replace(bodyBlock); forBlock.setBody(bodyBlock); forBlock.incrInstr = ((InstructionBlock) lastModified).getInstruction(); forBlock.replaceBreakContinue(lb); lb.bodyBlock.replace(lastModified.outer); createdForBlock = true; } } if (!createdForBlock && (((InstructionBlock) lastModified).getInstruction() instanceof CombineableOperator)) { /* The only jump is the jump of the last * instruction lastModified, there is a big * chance, that this is a for block, but we * can't be sure until we have seen the condition. * We will transform it to a for block, and take * that back, when we get a non matching condition. */ lastModified.removeJump(); LoopBlock forBlock = new LoopBlock(LoopBlock.POSSFOR, LoopBlock.TRUE); forBlock.replace(bodyBlock); forBlock.setBody(bodyBlock); forBlock.incrBlock = (InstructionBlock) lastModified; createdForBlock = true; } } if (!createdForBlock) { /* Creating a for block didn't succeed; create a * while block instead. */ /* Try to eliminate as many jumps as possible. */ jumps = resolveSomeJumps(jumps, this); LoopBlock whileBlock = new LoopBlock(LoopBlock.WHILE, LoopBlock.TRUE); /* The block may have been changed above. */ bodyBlock = block; whileBlock.replace(bodyBlock); whileBlock.setBody(bodyBlock); /* if there are further jumps to this, replace every jump with a * continue to while block and return true. */ for (; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) { if (jumps.prev == lastModified) /* handled later */ continue; StructuredBlock prevBlock = jumps.prev; int breaklevel = 0, continuelevel = 0; BreakableBlock breakToBlock = null; for (StructuredBlock surrounder = prevBlock.outer; surrounder != whileBlock; surrounder = surrounder.outer) { if (surrounder instanceof BreakableBlock) { if (surrounder instanceof LoopBlock) continuelevel++; breaklevel++; if (surrounder.getNextFlowBlock() == this) { breakToBlock = (BreakableBlock) surrounder; break; } } } prevBlock.removeJump(); if (breakToBlock == null) prevBlock.appendBlock (new ContinueBlock(whileBlock, continuelevel > 0)); else prevBlock.appendBlock (new BreakBlock(breakToBlock, breaklevel > 1)); } /* Now remove the jump of lastModified if it points to this. */ if (lastModified.jump != null && lastModified.jump.destination == this) lastModified.removeJump(); } /* remove ourself from the predecessor list. */ predecessors.remove(this); lastModified = block; if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("before Transformation: "+this); doTransformations(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after Transformation: "+this); /* T1 analysis succeeded */ checkConsistent(); return true; } public void doTransformations() { while (lastModified instanceof SequentialBlock) { if (lastModified.getSubBlocks()[0].doTransformations()) continue; lastModified = lastModified.getSubBlocks()[1]; } while (lastModified.doTransformations()) { /* empty */ } } /** * Search for an apropriate successor. * @param prevSucc The successor, that was previously tried. * @param start The minimum blockNr * @param end The maximum blockNr + 1. * @return the successor with smallest block number greater than prevSucc * or null if there isn't any further successor at all. */ FlowBlock getSuccessor(int start, int end) { /* search successor with smallest blockNr. */ Iterator keys = successors.keySet().iterator(); FlowBlock succ = null; while (keys.hasNext()) { FlowBlock fb = (FlowBlock) keys.next(); if (fb.blockNr < start || fb.blockNr >= end || fb == this) continue; if (succ == null || fb.blockNr < succ.blockNr) { succ = fb; } } return succ; } /** * The main analyzation. This calls doT1 and doT2 on apropriate * regions until the whole function is transformed to a single * block. */ public void analyze() { while (analyze(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { } mergeEndBlock(); } /** * The main analyzation. This calls doT1 and doT2 on apropriate * regions. Only blocks whose block number lies in the given block number * range are considered. * @param start the start of the block number range. * @param end the end of the block number range. */ public boolean analyze(int start, int end) { if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("analyze("+start+", "+end+")"); checkConsistent(); boolean changed = false; while (true) { if (lastModified instanceof SwitchBlock) { /* analyze the switch first. */ changed |= analyzeSwitch(start, end); } if (doT1(start, end)) { if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after T1: "+this); /* T1 transformation succeeded. This may * make another T2 analysis in the previous * block possible. */ return true; } FlowBlock succ = getSuccessor(start, end); while (true) { if (succ == null) { /* the Block has no successor where T2 is applicable. * Finish this analyzation. */ if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println ("No more successors applicable: " + start + " - " + end + "; " + blockNr + " - " + getNextBlockNr()); return changed; } else if ((nextByCodeOrder == succ || succ.nextByCodeOrder == this) /* Only do T2 transformation if the blocks are * adjacent. */ && doT2(succ)) { /* T2 transformation succeeded. */ changed = true; if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after T2: "+this); break; } else { /* Check if all predecessors of either succ or this * block lie in range [start,end). Otherwise * we have no chance to combine these two blocks. */ boolean predOutOfRange = false; for (Iterator i = succ.predecessors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FlowBlock pred = (FlowBlock)i.next(); if (pred == null /* the start marker */ || pred.blockNr < start || pred.blockNr >= end) { if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println ("breaking analyze(" + start + ", " + end + "); " + blockNr + " - " + getNextBlockNr()); return changed; } } /* analyze succ, the new region is the * continuous region of * [start,end) \cap \compl [blockNr, getNextBlockNr()) * where succ.blockNr lies in. */ int newStart = (succ.blockNr > blockNr) ? getNextBlockNr() : start; int newEnd = (succ.blockNr > blockNr) ? end : blockNr; if (succ.analyze(newStart, newEnd)) break; } /* Try the next successor. */ succ = getSuccessor(succ.blockNr+1, end); } } } /** * The switch analyzation. This calls doSwitchT2 and doT1 on apropriate * regions. Only blocks whose block number lies in the given block number * range are considered and it is taken care of, that the switch * is never leaved.

* The current flow block must contain the switch block as lastModified. * @param start the start of the block number range. * @param end the end of the block number range. */ public boolean analyzeSwitch(int start, int end) { if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("analyzeSwitch("+start+", "+end+")"); SwitchBlock switchBlock = (SwitchBlock) lastModified; boolean changed = false; int last = -1; FlowBlock lastFlow = null; for (int i=0; i < switchBlock.caseBlocks.length; i++) { if (switchBlock.caseBlocks[i].subBlock instanceof EmptyBlock && switchBlock.caseBlocks[i].subBlock.jump != null) { FlowBlock nextFlow = switchBlock.caseBlocks[i]. subBlock.jump.destination; if (nextFlow.blockNr >= end) break; else if (nextFlow.blockNr >= start) { /* First analyze the nextFlow block. It may * return early after a T1 trafo so call it * until nothing more is possible. */ while (nextFlow.analyze(getNextBlockNr(), end)) changed = true; if (nextFlow.blockNr != getNextBlockNr()) break; /* Check if nextFlow has only the previous case * and this case as predecessor. Otherwise * break the analysis. */ if (nextFlow.predecessors.size() > 2 || (nextFlow.predecessors.size() > 1 && (lastFlow == null || !nextFlow.predecessors.contains(lastFlow))) || (((SuccessorInfo)successors.get(nextFlow)) .jumps.next != null)) break; checkConsistent(); /* note that this info only contains * the single caseBlock jump */ SuccessorInfo info = (SuccessorInfo) successors.remove(nextFlow); if (nextFlow.predecessors.size() == 2) { SuccessorInfo lastInfo = (SuccessorInfo) lastFlow.successors.remove(nextFlow); /* Do the in/out analysis with all jumps * Note that this won't update lastFlow.in, but * this will not be used anymore. */ info.kill.retainAll(lastInfo.kill); info.gen.addAll(lastInfo.gen); Jump lastJumps = lastFlow.resolveSomeJumps (lastInfo.jumps, nextFlow); lastFlow.resolveRemaining(lastJumps); switchBlock.caseBlocks[last+1].isFallThrough = true; } updateInOut(nextFlow, info.gen, info.kill); if (lastFlow != null) { lastFlow.block.replace (switchBlock.caseBlocks[last].subBlock); mergeSuccessors(lastFlow); } /* We merge the blocks into the caseBlock later, but * that doesn't affect consistency. */ switchBlock.caseBlocks[i].subBlock.removeJump(); mergeBlockNr(nextFlow); lastFlow = nextFlow; last = i; checkConsistent(); changed = true; } } } if (lastFlow != null) { lastFlow.block.replace (switchBlock.caseBlocks[last].subBlock); mergeSuccessors(lastFlow); } if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_FLOW) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("after analyzeSwitch: "+this); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println ("analyzeSwitch done: " + start + " - " + end + "; " + blockNr + " - " + getNextBlockNr()); checkConsistent(); return changed; } /** * Mark the flow block as first flow block in a method. */ public void addStartPred() { predecessors.add(null); } public void removeStartPred() { predecessors.remove(null); } public void removeSuccessor(Jump jump) { SuccessorInfo destInfo = (SuccessorInfo) successors.get(jump.destination); Jump prev = null; Jump destJumps = destInfo.jumps; while (destJumps != jump && destJumps != null) { prev = destJumps; destJumps = destJumps.next; } if (destJumps == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException (blockNr+": removing non existent jump: " + jump); if (prev != null) prev.next = destJumps.next; else { if (destJumps.next == null) { successors.remove(jump.destination); jump.destination.predecessors.remove(this); } else destInfo.jumps = destJumps.next; } } public Jump getJumps(FlowBlock dest) { return ((SuccessorInfo) successors.get(dest)).jumps; } public Jump removeJumps(FlowBlock dest) { if (dest != END_OF_METHOD) dest.predecessors.remove(this); return ((SuccessorInfo) successors.remove(dest)).jumps; } public Set getSuccessors() { return successors.keySet(); } // public void addSuccessor(Jump jump) { // SuccessorInfo info = (SuccessorInfo) successors.get(jump.destination); // if (info == null) { // info = new SuccessorInfo(); // info.jumps = jump; // if (jump.destination != END_OF_METHOD) // jump.destination.predecessors.add(this); // successors.put(jump.destination, info); // } else { // jump.next = info.jumps; // info.jumps = jump; // } // } /** * This is called after the analysis is completely done. It * will remove all PUSH/stack_i expressions, (if the bytecode * is correct). * @return true, if the stack mapping succeeded. */ public final boolean mapStackToLocal() { mapStackToLocal(VariableStack.EMPTY); return true; } /** * This is called after the analysis is completely done. It * will remove all PUSH/stack_i expressions, (if the bytecode * is correct). * @param initialStack the stackmap at begin of the flow block * @return false if the bytecode isn't correct and stack mapping * didn't worked. */ public void mapStackToLocal(VariableStack initialStack) { if (initialStack == null) throw new InternalError("initial stack is null"); stackMap = initialStack; block.mapStackToLocal(initialStack); Iterator iter = successors.values().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { SuccessorInfo succInfo = (SuccessorInfo) iter.next(); Jump jumps = succInfo.jumps; VariableStack stack; FlowBlock succ = jumps.destination; if (succ == END_OF_METHOD) continue; stack = succ.stackMap; for (/**/; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) { if (jumps.stackMap == null) GlobalOptions.err.println("Dead jump? "+jumps.prev +" in "+this); stack = VariableStack.merge(stack, jumps.stackMap); } if (succ.stackMap == null) succ.mapStackToLocal(stack); } } public void removePush() { if (stackMap == null) /* already done or mapping didn't succeed */ return; stackMap = null; block.removePush(); Iterator iter = successors.keySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { FlowBlock succ = (FlowBlock)iter.next(); succ.removePush(); } } public void removeOnetimeLocals() { block.removeOnetimeLocals(); if (nextByCodeOrder != null) nextByCodeOrder.removeOnetimeLocals(); } private void promoteInSets() { for (Iterator i = predecessors.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { FlowBlock pred = (FlowBlock) i.next(); /* Skip the start marker */ if (pred == null) continue; SuccessorInfo succInfo = (SuccessorInfo) pred.successors.get(this); /* First get the gen/kill sets of all jumps of predecessor * to this block and calculate the intersection. */ VariableSet gens = succInfo.gen; SlotSet kills = succInfo.kill; /* Merge in locals of this block with those condionally * written by previous blocks */ in.merge(gens); /* The ins of the successor that are not killed * (i.e. unconditionally overwritten) by this block are new * ins for this block. */ SlotSet newIn = (SlotSet) in.clone(); newIn.removeAll(kills); if (pred.in.addAll(newIn)) pred.promoteInSets(); } if (nextByCodeOrder != null) nextByCodeOrder.promoteInSets(); } /** * Merge the parameter locals with the in set of this flow block. * This will also make a successive analysis to merge the gen/kill * set of the jumps with the next flow block. */ public void mergeParams(LocalInfo[] param) { // Now we promote the final (maybe slow) in set analysis promoteInSets(); VariableSet paramSet = new VariableSet(param); in.merge(paramSet); } /** * Make declarations. It will determine, where in each block the * variables and method scoped classes must be declared. */ public void makeDeclaration(Set done) { block.propagateUsage(); block.makeDeclaration(done); if (nextByCodeOrder != null) nextByCodeOrder.makeDeclaration(done); } /** * Simplify this and all following flowblocks. */ public void simplify() { block.simplify(); if (nextByCodeOrder != null) nextByCodeOrder.simplify(); } /** * Print the source code for this structured block. This handles * everything that is unique for all structured blocks and calls * dumpInstruction afterwards. * @param writer The tabbed print writer, where we print to. */ public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer) throws java.io.IOException { if (predecessors.size() != 0) { writer.untab(); writer.println(getLabel()+":"); writer.tab(); } if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { writer.println("in: "+in); } block.dumpSource(writer); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { Iterator iter = successors.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); FlowBlock dest = (FlowBlock) entry.getKey(); SuccessorInfo info = (SuccessorInfo) entry.getValue(); writer.println("successor: "+dest.getLabel() +" gen : "+ info.gen +" kill: "+ info.kill); } } if (nextByCodeOrder != null) nextByCodeOrder.dumpSource(writer); } /** * The serial number for labels. */ static int serialno = 0; /** * The label of this instruction, or null if it needs no label. */ String label = null; /** * Returns the block number, where the code in this flow block starts. */ public int getBlockNr() { return blockNr; } /** * Returns the label of this block and creates a new label, if * there wasn't a label previously. */ public String getLabel() { if (label == null) label = "flow_"+blockNr+"_"+(serialno++)+"_"; return label; } /** * Returns the structured block, that this flow block contains. */ public StructuredBlock getBlock() { return block; } public String toString() { try { java.io.StringWriter strw = new java.io.StringWriter(); TabbedPrintWriter writer = new TabbedPrintWriter(strw); writer.println(super.toString() + ": "+blockNr); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { writer.println("in: "+in); } writer.tab(); block.dumpSource(writer); writer.untab(); if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) { Iterator iter = successors.entrySet().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); FlowBlock dest = (FlowBlock) entry.getKey(); SuccessorInfo info = (SuccessorInfo) entry.getValue(); writer.println("successor: "+dest.getLabel() +" gen : "+ info.gen +" kill: "+ info.kill); } } return strw.toString(); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { return super.toString(); } catch (java.io.IOException ex) { return super.toString(); } } }