/* CodeVerifier Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package jode.jvm; import jode.AssertError; import jode.GlobalOptions; import jode.bytecode.BytecodeInfo; import jode.bytecode.ClassInfo; import jode.bytecode.Handler; import jode.bytecode.Instruction; import jode.bytecode.MethodInfo; import jode.bytecode.Opcodes; import jode.bytecode.Reference; import jode.bytecode.TypeSignature; import java.util.BitSet; import @COLLECTIONS@.Iterator; import @COLLECTIONS@.HashSet; import @COLLECTIONS@.List; import @COLLECTIONS@.ArrayList; public class CodeVerifier implements Opcodes { ClassInfo ci; MethodInfo mi; BytecodeInfo bi; String methodType; String returnType; static Type tNull = Type.tType("0"); static Type tInt = Type.tType("I"); static Type tLong = Type.tType("J"); static Type tFloat = Type.tType("F"); static Type tDouble = Type.tType("D"); static Type tString = Type.tType("Ljava/lang/String;"); static Type tNone = Type.tType("?"); static Type tSecondPart = new Type("2"); static Type tObject = new Type("Ljava/lang/Object;"); /** * We need some more types, than mentioned in jvm. */ private static class Type { /* "ZBCSIFJD" are the normal primitive types. * "L...;" is normal class type. * "[..." is normal array type * "?" stands for type error * "N...;" stands for new uninitialized type. * "0" stands for null type. * "R" stands for return address type. * "2" stands for second half of a two word type. */ private String typeSig; /** * The dependant instruction. This has two usages: *
The new instruction, or null if this is the this param * of <init>.
The target of the jsr. */ private Instruction instr; public Type(String typeSig) { this.typeSig = typeSig; } public Type(String typeSig, Instruction instr) { this.typeSig = typeSig; this.instr = instr; } public static Type tType(String typeSig) { // unify them? return new Type(typeSig); } public static Type tType(String typeSig, Instruction instr) { // unify them? return new Type(typeSig, instr); } public String getTypeSig() { return typeSig; } public Instruction getInstruction() { return instr; } /** * @param t2 the type signature of the type to check for. * This may be one of the special signatures: *
array of something
(uninitialized) object/returnvalue type
"2", "R"
as the typeSig parameter
* @return true, iff this is castable to t2 by a * widening cast. */ public boolean isOfType(String destSig) { String thisSig = typeSig; if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_VERIFIER) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("isOfType("+thisSig+","+destSig+")"); if (thisSig.equals(destSig)) return true; char c1 = thisSig.charAt(0); char c2 = destSig.charAt(0); switch (c2) { case 'Z': case 'B': case 'C': case 'S': case 'I': /* integer type */ return ("ZBCSI".indexOf(c1) >= 0); case '+': return ("L[nNR0".indexOf(c1) >= 0); case '[': if (c1 == '0') return true; while (c1 == '[' && c2 == '[') { thisSig = thisSig.substring(1); destSig = destSig.substring(1); c1 = thisSig.charAt(0); c2 = destSig.charAt(0); } if (c2 == '*') /* destType is array of unknowns */ return true; /* Note that short[] is only compatible to short[], * therefore we only need to handle Object types specially. */ if (c2 != 'L') return false; /* fall through*/ case 'L': if (c1 == '0') return true; if ("L[".indexOf(c1) < 0) return false; ClassInfo wantedType = TypeSignature.getClassInfo(destSig); if (wantedType.isInterface() || wantedType == ClassInfo.javaLangObject) return true; if (c1 == 'L') return wantedType.superClassOf(TypeSignature .getClassInfo(thisSig)); } return false; } /** * @return The common super type of this and type2. */ public Type mergeType(Type type2) { String sig1 = typeSig; String sig2 = type2.typeSig; if (this.equals(type2)) return this; char c1 = sig1.charAt(0); char c2 = sig2.charAt(0); if (c1 == '*') return type2; if (c2 == '*') return this; if ("ZBCSI".indexOf(c1) >= 0 && "ZBCSI".indexOf(c2) >= 0) return this; if (c1 == '0') return ("L[0".indexOf(c2) >= 0) ? type2 : tNone; if (c2 == '0') return ("L[".indexOf(c1) >= 0) ? this : tNone; int dimensions = 0; /* Note that short[] is only compatible to short[], * therefore we make the array handling after the primitive * type handling. Also note that we don't allow arrays of * special types. */ while (c1 == '[' && c2 == '[') { sig1 = sig1.substring(1); sig2 = sig2.substring(1); c1 = sig1.charAt(0); c2 = sig2.charAt(0); dimensions++; } if (c1 == '[' || c2 == '[') { // Only one of them is array now, the other must be an // object, the common super is tObject if (c1 == 'L' || c2 == 'L') { if (dimensions == 0) return tObject; StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(dimensions + 18); for (int i=0; i< dimensions; i++) result.append("["); result.append("Ljava/lang/Object;"); return tType(result.toString()); } return tNone; } if (c1 == 'L' && c2 == 'L') { ClassInfo clazz1 = TypeSignature.getClassInfo(sig1); ClassInfo clazz2 = TypeSignature.getClassInfo(sig2); if (clazz1.superClassOf(clazz2)) return this; if (clazz2.superClassOf(clazz1)) return type2; do { clazz1 = clazz1.getSuperclass(); } while (!clazz1.superClassOf(clazz2)); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer (dimensions + clazz1.getName().length() + 2); for (int i=0; i< dimensions; i++) result.append("["); result.append("L") .append(clazz1.getName().replace('.', '/')).append(";"); return tType(result.toString()); } return tNone; } public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof Type) { Type type2 = (Type) other; return typeSig.equals(type2.typeSig) && instr == type2.instr; } return false; } public String toString() { if (instr != null) return typeSig+"@"+instr.getAddr(); return typeSig; } } /** * JLS 4.9.6: Verifying code that contains a finally clause: * - Each instruction keeps track of the list of jsr targets. * - For each instruction and each jsr needed to reach that instruction * a bit vector is maintained of all local vars accessed or modified. */ class VerifyInfo implements Cloneable { Type[] stack = new Type[bi.getMaxStack()]; Type[] locals = new Type[bi.getMaxLocals()]; Instruction[] jsrTargets = null; BitSet[] jsrLocals = null; int stackHeight = 0; int maxHeight = 0; /* If this is a jsr target, this field contains the single * allowed ret instruction. */ Instruction retInstr = null; public Object clone() { try { VerifyInfo result = (VerifyInfo) super.clone(); result.stack = (Type[]) stack.clone(); result.locals = (Type[]) locals.clone(); return result; } catch(CloneNotSupportedException ex) { throw new AssertError("Clone not supported?"); } } public final void reserve(int count) throws VerifyException { if (stackHeight + count > maxHeight) { maxHeight = stackHeight + count; if (maxHeight > stack.length) throw new VerifyException("stack overflow"); } } public final void need(int count) throws VerifyException { if (stackHeight < count) throw new VerifyException("stack underflow"); } public final void push(Type type) throws VerifyException { reserve(1); stack[stackHeight++] = type; } public final Type pop() throws VerifyException { need(1); return stack[--stackHeight]; } public String toString() { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer("locals:["); String comma = ""; for (int i=0; i")) info.locals[slot++] = Type.tType("N"+ clazzName+";", null); else info.locals[slot++] = Type.tType("L"+ clazzName+";"); } while (methodType.charAt(pos) != ')') { int start = pos; pos = TypeSignature.skipType(methodType, pos); String paramType = methodType.substring(start, pos); info.locals[slot++] = Type.tType(paramType); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(paramType) == 2) info.locals[slot++] = tSecondPart; } while (slot < bi.getMaxLocals()) info.locals[slot++] = tNone; return info; } public boolean mergeInfo(Instruction instr, VerifyInfo info) throws VerifyException { if (instr.getTmpInfo() == null) { instr.setTmpInfo(info); return true; } boolean changed = false; VerifyInfo oldInfo = (VerifyInfo) instr.getTmpInfo(); if (oldInfo.stackHeight != info.stackHeight) throw new VerifyException("Stack height differ at: " + instr.getDescription()); for (int i=0; i < oldInfo.stackHeight; i++) { Type newType = oldInfo.stack[i].mergeType(info.stack[i]); if (!newType.equals(oldInfo.stack[i])) { if (newType == tNone) throw new VerifyException("Type error while merging: " + oldInfo.stack[i] + " and " + info.stack[i]); changed = true; oldInfo.stack[i] = newType; } } for (int i=0; i < bi.getMaxLocals(); i++) { Type newType = oldInfo.locals[i].mergeType(info.locals[i]); if (!newType.equals(oldInfo.locals[i])) { changed = true; oldInfo.locals[i] = newType; } } if (oldInfo.jsrTargets != null) { int jsrDepth; if (info.jsrTargets == null) jsrDepth = 0; else { jsrDepth = info.jsrTargets.length; int infoPtr = 0; oldInfo_loop: for (int oldInfoPtr=0; oldInfoPtr < oldInfo.jsrTargets.length; oldInfoPtr++) { for (int i=infoPtr; i< jsrDepth; i++) { if (oldInfo.jsrTargets[oldInfoPtr] == info.jsrTargets[i]) { System.arraycopy(info.jsrTargets, i, info.jsrTargets, infoPtr, jsrDepth - i); jsrDepth -= (i - infoPtr); infoPtr++; continue oldInfo_loop; } } } jsrDepth = infoPtr; } if (jsrDepth != oldInfo.jsrTargets.length) { if (jsrDepth == 0) oldInfo.jsrTargets = null; else { oldInfo.jsrTargets = new Instruction[jsrDepth]; System.arraycopy(info.jsrTargets, 0, oldInfo.jsrTargets, 0, jsrDepth); } changed = true; } } return changed; } String[] types = { "I", "J", "F", "D", "+", "B", "C", "S" }; String[] arrayTypes = { "[I", "[J", "[F", "[D", "[Ljava/lang/Object;", "[B", "[C", "[S" }; public VerifyInfo modelEffect(Instruction instr, VerifyInfo prevInfo) throws VerifyException { int jsrLength = prevInfo.jsrTargets != null ? prevInfo.jsrTargets.length : 0; VerifyInfo result = (VerifyInfo) prevInfo.clone(); int opcode = instr.getOpcode(); switch (opcode) { case opc_nop: case opc_goto: break; case opc_ldc: { Type type; Object constant = instr.getConstant(); if (constant == null) type = tNull; else if (constant instanceof Integer) type = tInt; else if (constant instanceof Float) type = tFloat; else type = tString; result.push(type); break; } case opc_ldc2_w: { Type type; Object constant = instr.getConstant(); if (constant instanceof Long) type = tLong; else type = tDouble; result.push(type); result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_iload: case opc_lload: case opc_fload: case opc_dload: case opc_aload: { if (jsrLength > 0 && (!result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].get(instr.getLocalSlot()) || ((opcode & 0x1) == 0 && !result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1] .get(instr.getLocalSlot()+1)))) { result.jsrLocals = (BitSet[]) result.jsrLocals.clone(); result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1] = (BitSet) result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].clone(); result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].set(instr.getLocalSlot()); if ((opcode & 0x1) == 0) result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].set(instr.getLocalSlot() + 1); } if ((opcode & 0x1) == 0 && result.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()+1] != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type type = result.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()]; if (!type.isOfType(types[opcode - opc_iload])) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(type); if ((opcode & 0x1) == 0) result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_iaload: case opc_laload: case opc_faload: case opc_daload: case opc_aaload: case opc_baload: case opc_caload: case opc_saload: { if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type arrType = result.pop(); if (!arrType.isOfType(arrayTypes[opcode - opc_iaload]) && (opcode != opc_baload || !arrType.isOfType("[Z"))) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); String typeSig = arrType.getTypeSig(); Type elemType = (typeSig.charAt(0) == '[' ? Type.tType(typeSig.substring(1)) : (opcode == opc_aaload ? tNull : Type.tType(types[opcode - opc_iaload]))); result.push(elemType); if (((1 << opcode - opc_iaload) & 0xa) != 0) result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_istore: case opc_lstore: case opc_fstore: case opc_dstore: case opc_astore: { if (jsrLength > 0 && (!result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].get(instr.getLocalSlot()) || ((opcode & 0x1) != 0 && !result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1] .get(instr.getLocalSlot()+1)))) { result.jsrLocals = (BitSet[]) result.jsrLocals.clone(); result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1] = (BitSet) result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].clone(); result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].set(instr.getLocalSlot()); if ((opcode & 0x1) != 0) result.jsrLocals[jsrLength-1].set(instr.getLocalSlot() + 1); } if ((opcode & 0x1) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type type = result.pop(); if (!type.isOfType(types[opcode - opc_istore])) if (opcode != opc_astore || !type.isOfType("R")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()] = type; if ((opcode & 0x1) != 0) result.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()+1] = tSecondPart; break; } case opc_iastore: case opc_lastore: case opc_fastore: case opc_dastore: case opc_aastore: case opc_bastore: case opc_castore: case opc_sastore: { if (((1 << opcode - opc_iastore) & 0xa) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type type = result.pop(); if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type arrType = result.pop(); if (!arrType.isOfType(arrayTypes[opcode - opc_iastore]) && (opcode != opc_bastore || !arrType.isOfType("[Z"))) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); String elemType = opcode >= opc_bastore ? "I" : types[opcode - opc_iastore]; if (!type.isOfType(elemType)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; } case opc_pop: case opc_pop2: { int count = opcode - (opc_pop-1); result.need(count); result.stackHeight -= count; break; } case opc_dup: case opc_dup_x1: case opc_dup_x2: { int depth = opcode - opc_dup; result.reserve(1); result.need(depth+1); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] == tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); int stackdepth = result.stackHeight - (depth + 1); if (result.stack[stackdepth] == tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription() + " on long or double"); for (int i=result.stackHeight; i > stackdepth; i--) result.stack[i] = result.stack[i-1]; result.stack[stackdepth] = result.stack[result.stackHeight++]; break; } case opc_dup2: case opc_dup2_x1: case opc_dup2_x2: { int depth = opcode - opc_dup2; result.reserve(2); result.need(depth+2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-2] == tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription() + " on misaligned long or double"); int stacktop = result.stackHeight; int stackdepth = stacktop - (depth + 2); if (result.stack[stackdepth] == tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription() + " on long or double"); for (int i=stacktop; i > stackdepth; i--) result.stack[i+1] = result.stack[i-1]; result.stack[stackdepth+1] = result.stack[stacktop+1]; result.stack[stackdepth] = result.stack[stacktop]; result.stackHeight+=2; break; } case opc_swap: { result.need(2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-2] == tSecondPart || result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] == tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription() + " on misaligned long or double"); Type tmp = result.stack[result.stackHeight-1]; result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] = result.stack[result.stackHeight-2]; result.stack[result.stackHeight-2] = tmp; break; } case opc_iadd: case opc_ladd: case opc_fadd: case opc_dadd: case opc_isub: case opc_lsub: case opc_fsub: case opc_dsub: case opc_imul: case opc_lmul: case opc_fmul: case opc_dmul: case opc_idiv: case opc_ldiv: case opc_fdiv: case opc_ddiv: case opc_irem: case opc_lrem: case opc_frem: case opc_drem: { String type = types[(opcode - opc_iadd) & 3]; if ((opcode & 1) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if ((opcode & 1) != 0) { result.need(2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] != tSecondPart || !result.stack[result.stackHeight-2].isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } else { result.need(1); if (!result.stack[result.stackHeight-1].isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } break; } case opc_ineg: case opc_lneg: case opc_fneg: case opc_dneg: { String type = types[(opcode - opc_ineg) & 3]; if ((opcode & 1) != 0) { result.need(2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] != tSecondPart || !result.stack[result.stackHeight-2].isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } else { result.need(1); if (!result.stack[result.stackHeight-1].isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } break; } case opc_ishl: case opc_lshl: case opc_ishr: case opc_lshr: case opc_iushr: case opc_lushr: if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if ((opcode & 1) != 0) { result.need(2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] != tSecondPart || !result.stack[result.stackHeight-2].isOfType("J")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } else { result.need(1); if (!result.stack[result.stackHeight-1].isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } break; case opc_iand: case opc_land: case opc_ior : case opc_lor : case opc_ixor: case opc_lxor: if ((opcode & 1) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(types[opcode & 1])) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if ((opcode & 1) != 0) { result.need(2); if (result.stack[result.stackHeight-1] != tSecondPart || !result.stack[result.stackHeight-2].isOfType("J")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } else { result.need(1); if (!result.stack[result.stackHeight-1].isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } break; case opc_iinc: if (!result.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()].isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_i2l: case opc_i2f: case opc_i2d: case opc_l2i: case opc_l2f: case opc_l2d: case opc_f2i: case opc_f2l: case opc_f2d: case opc_d2i: case opc_d2l: case opc_d2f: { int from = (opcode-opc_i2l)/3; int to = (opcode-opc_i2l)%3; if (to >= from) to++; if ((from & 1) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(types[from])) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(Type.tType(types[to])); if ((to & 1) != 0) result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_i2b: case opc_i2c: case opc_i2s: result.need(1); if (!result.stack[result.stackHeight-1].isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_lcmp: if (result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tLong) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tLong) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(tInt); break; case opc_dcmpl: case opc_dcmpg: if (result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tDouble) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tDouble) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(tInt); break; case opc_fcmpl: case opc_fcmpg: if (result.pop() != tFloat) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (result.pop() != tFloat) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(tInt); break; case opc_ifeq: case opc_ifne: case opc_iflt: case opc_ifge: case opc_ifgt: case opc_ifle: case opc_tableswitch: case opc_lookupswitch: if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_if_icmpeq: case opc_if_icmpne: case opc_if_icmplt: case opc_if_icmpge: case opc_if_icmpgt: case opc_if_icmple: if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_if_acmpeq: case opc_if_acmpne: if (!result.pop().isOfType("+")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType("+")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_ifnull: case opc_ifnonnull: if (!result.pop().isOfType("+")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_ireturn: case opc_lreturn: case opc_freturn: case opc_dreturn: case opc_areturn: { if (((1 << opcode - opc_ireturn) & 0xa) != 0 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); Type type = result.pop(); if (!type.isOfType(types[opcode - opc_ireturn]) || !type.isOfType(TypeSignature.getReturnType(methodType))) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; } case opc_jsr: { Instruction jsrTarget = instr.getSingleSucc(); result.stack[result.stackHeight++] = Type.tType("R", jsrTarget); result.jsrTargets = new Instruction[jsrLength+1]; result.jsrLocals = new BitSet[jsrLength+1]; if (jsrLength > 0) { for (int i=0; i< prevInfo.jsrTargets.length; i++) if (prevInfo.jsrTargets[i] == instr.getSingleSucc()) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()+ " is recursive"); System.arraycopy(prevInfo.jsrTargets, 0, result.jsrTargets, 0, jsrLength); System.arraycopy(prevInfo.jsrLocals, 0, result.jsrLocals, 0, jsrLength); } result.jsrTargets[jsrLength] = instr.getSingleSucc(); result.jsrLocals[jsrLength] = new BitSet(); break; } case opc_return: if (!returnType.equals("V")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_getstatic: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); String type = ref.getType(); result.push(Type.tType(type)); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(type) == 2) result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_getfield: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); String classType = ref.getClazz(); if (!result.pop().isOfType(classType)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); String type = ref.getType(); result.push(Type.tType(type)); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(type) == 2) result.push(tSecondPart); break; } case opc_putstatic: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); String type = ref.getType(); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(type) == 2 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; } case opc_putfield: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); String type = ref.getType(); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(type) == 2 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(type)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); String classType = ref.getClazz(); if (!result.pop().isOfType(classType)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; } case opc_invokevirtual: case opc_invokespecial: case opc_invokestatic : case opc_invokeinterface: { Reference ref = instr.getReference(); String refmt = ref.getType(); String[] paramTypes = TypeSignature.getParameterTypes(refmt); for (int i=paramTypes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(paramTypes[i]) == 2 && result.pop() != tSecondPart) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!result.pop().isOfType(paramTypes[i])) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } if (ref.getName().equals("")) { Type clazz = result.pop(); String typeSig = clazz.getTypeSig(); String refClazz = ref.getClazz(); if (opcode != opc_invokespecial || typeSig.charAt(0) != 'N' || refClazz.charAt(0) != 'L') throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); if (!typeSig.substring(1).equals(refClazz.substring(1))) { ClassInfo uci = ClassInfo.forName (typeSig.substring(1, typeSig.length()-1) .replace('/', '.')); if (uci.getSuperclass() != TypeSignature.getClassInfo(refClazz) || clazz.getInstruction() != null) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } Type newType = Type.tType("L" + typeSig.substring(1)); for (int i=0; i< result.stackHeight; i++) if (result.stack[i] == clazz) result.stack[i] = newType; for (int i=0; i< result.locals.length; i++) if (result.locals[i] == clazz) result.locals[i] = newType; } else if (opcode != opc_invokestatic) { String classType = ref.getClazz(); if (!result.pop().isOfType(classType)) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); } String type = TypeSignature.getReturnType(refmt); if (!type.equals("V")) { result.push(Type.tType(type)); if (TypeSignature.getTypeSize(type) == 2) result.push(tSecondPart); } break; } case opc_new: { String clName = instr.getClazzType(); result.stack[result.stackHeight++] = Type.tType("N" + clName.substring(1), instr); break; } case opc_arraylength: { if (!result.pop().isOfType("[*")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(tInt); break; } case opc_athrow: { if (!result.pop().isOfType("Ljava/lang/Throwable;")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; } case opc_checkcast: { String classType = instr.getClazzType(); if (!result.pop().isOfType("+")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(Type.tType(classType)); break; } case opc_instanceof: { if (!result.pop().isOfType("Ljava/lang/Object;")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); result.push(tInt); break; } case opc_monitorenter: case opc_monitorexit: if (!result.pop().isOfType("Ljava/lang/Object;")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); break; case opc_multianewarray: { int dimension = instr.getDimensions(); for (int i=dimension - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (!result.pop().isOfType("I")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); String classType = instr.getClazzType(); result.push(Type.tType(classType)); break; } default: throw new AssertError("Invalid opcode "+opcode); } return result; } public void doVerify() throws VerifyException { HashSet todoSet = new HashSet(); Instruction firstInstr = (Instruction) bi.getInstructions().get(0); firstInstr.setTmpInfo(initInfo()); todoSet.add(firstInstr); Handler[] handlers = bi.getExceptionHandlers(); while (!todoSet.isEmpty()) { Iterator iter = todoSet.iterator(); Instruction instr = (Instruction) iter.next(); iter.remove(); if (!instr.doesAlwaysJump() && instr.getNextByAddr() == null) throw new VerifyException("Flow can fall off end of method"); VerifyInfo prevInfo = (VerifyInfo) instr.getTmpInfo(); int opcode = instr.getOpcode(); if (opcode == opc_ret) { Type retVarType = prevInfo.locals[instr.getLocalSlot()]; if (prevInfo.jsrTargets == null || !retVarType.isOfType("R")) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); int jsrLength = prevInfo.jsrTargets.length - 1; Instruction jsrTarget = retVarType.getInstruction(); while (jsrTarget != prevInfo.jsrTargets[jsrLength]) if (--jsrLength < 0) throw new VerifyException(instr.getDescription()); VerifyInfo jsrTargetInfo = (VerifyInfo) jsrTarget.getTmpInfo(); if (jsrTargetInfo.retInstr == null) jsrTargetInfo.retInstr = instr; else if (jsrTargetInfo.retInstr != instr) throw new VerifyException ("JsrTarget has more than one ret: " + jsrTarget.getDescription()); Instruction[] nextTargets; BitSet[] nextLocals; if (jsrLength > 0) { nextTargets = new Instruction[jsrLength]; nextLocals = new BitSet[jsrLength]; System.arraycopy(prevInfo.jsrTargets, 0, nextTargets, 0, jsrLength); System.arraycopy(prevInfo.jsrLocals, 0, nextLocals, 0, jsrLength); } else { nextTargets = null; nextLocals = null; } for (int i=0; i < jsrTarget.getPreds().length; i++) { Instruction jsrInstr = jsrTarget.getPreds()[i]; if (jsrInstr.getTmpInfo() != null) todoSet.add(jsrInstr); } } else { VerifyInfo info = modelEffect(instr, prevInfo); if (!instr.doesAlwaysJump()) if (mergeInfo(instr.getNextByAddr(), info)) todoSet.add(instr.getNextByAddr()); if (opcode == opc_jsr) { VerifyInfo targetInfo = (VerifyInfo) instr.getSingleSucc().getTmpInfo(); if (targetInfo != null && targetInfo.retInstr != null) { VerifyInfo afterJsrInfo = (VerifyInfo) prevInfo.clone(); VerifyInfo retInfo = (VerifyInfo) targetInfo.retInstr.getTmpInfo(); BitSet usedLocals = retInfo.jsrLocals[retInfo.jsrLocals.length-1]; for (int j = 0; j < bi.getMaxLocals(); j++) { if (usedLocals.get(j)) afterJsrInfo.locals[j] = retInfo.locals[j]; } if (mergeInfo(instr.getNextByAddr(), afterJsrInfo)) todoSet.add(instr.getNextByAddr()); } } if (instr.getSuccs() != null) { for (int i=0; i< instr.getSuccs().length; i++) { if (instr.getSuccs()[i].getAddr() < instr.getAddr()) { /* This is a backwards branch */ for (int j = 0; j < prevInfo.locals.length; j++) { if (prevInfo.locals[j] .getTypeSig().charAt(0) == 'N') throw new VerifyException ("Uninitialized local in back-branch"); } for (int j = 0; j < prevInfo.stackHeight; j++) { if (prevInfo.stack[j] .getTypeSig().charAt(0) == 'N') throw new VerifyException ("Uninitialized stack in back-branch"); } } if (mergeInfo(instr.getSuccs()[i], (VerifyInfo) info.clone())) todoSet.add(instr.getSuccs()[i]); } } for (int i=0; i= 0) { for (int j = 0; j < prevInfo.locals.length; j++) { if (prevInfo.locals[j] .getTypeSig().charAt(0) == 'N') throw new VerifyException ("Uninitialized local in try block"); } VerifyInfo excInfo = (VerifyInfo) prevInfo.clone(); excInfo.stackHeight = 1; if (handlers[i].type != null) excInfo.stack[0] = Type.tType("L" + handlers[i].type .replace('.', '/') + ";"); else excInfo.stack[0] = Type.tType("Ljava/lang/Throwable;"); if (mergeInfo(handlers[i].catcher, excInfo)) todoSet.add(handlers[i].catcher); } } } } if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_VERIFIER) != 0) { for (Iterator i = bi.getInstructions().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Instruction instr = (Instruction) i.next(); VerifyInfo info = (VerifyInfo) instr.getTmpInfo(); if (info != null) GlobalOptions.err.println(info.toString()); GlobalOptions.err.println(instr.getDescription()); } } for (Iterator i = bi.getInstructions().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Instruction instr = (Instruction) i.next(); instr.setTmpInfo(null); } } public void verify() throws VerifyException { try { doVerify(); } catch (VerifyException ex) { for (Iterator i = bi.getInstructions().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Instruction instr = (Instruction) i.next(); VerifyInfo info = (VerifyInfo) instr.getTmpInfo(); if (info != null) GlobalOptions.err.println(info.toString()); GlobalOptions.err.println(instr.getDescription()); instr.setTmpInfo(null); } throw ex; } } }