package jode.bytecode; import jode.AssertError; /** * This class contains some static methods to handle type signatures. */ public class TypeSignature { /** * This is a private method for generating the signature of a * given type. */ private static final StringBuffer appendSignature(StringBuffer sb, Class javaType) { if (javaType.isPrimitive()) { if (javaType == Boolean.TYPE) return sb.append('Z'); else if (javaType == Byte.TYPE) return sb.append('B'); else if (javaType == Character.TYPE) return sb.append('C'); else if (javaType == Short.TYPE) return sb.append('S'); else if (javaType == Integer.TYPE) return sb.append('I'); else if (javaType == Long.TYPE) return sb.append('J'); else if (javaType == Float.TYPE) return sb.append('F'); else if (javaType == Double.TYPE) return sb.append('D'); else if (javaType == Void.TYPE) return sb.append('V'); else throw new AssertError("Unknown primitive type: "+javaType); } else if (javaType.isArray()) { return appendSignature(sb.append('['), javaType.getComponentType()); } else { return sb.append('L') .append(javaType.getName().replace('.','/')).append(';'); } } /** * Generate the signature for the given Class. * @param clazz a java.lang.Class, this may also be a primitive or * array type. * @return the type signature (see section 4.3.2 Field Descriptors * of the JVM specification) */ public static String getSignature(Class clazz) { return appendSignature(new StringBuffer(), clazz).toString(); } /** * Generate a method signature. * @param paramT the java.lang.Class of the parameter types of the method. * @param returnT the java.lang.Class of the return type of the method. * @return the method signature (see section 4.3.3 Method Descriptors * of the JVM specification) */ public static String getSignature(Class paramT[], Class returnT) { StringBuffer sig = new StringBuffer("("); for (int i=0; i< paramT.length; i++) appendSignature(sig, paramT[i]); return appendSignature(sig.append(')'), returnT).toString(); } /** * Generate a Class for a type signature. This is the pendant to * getSignature. * @param typeSig a single type signature * @return the Class object representing that type. */ public static Class getClass(String typeSig) throws ClassNotFoundException { switch(typeSig.charAt(0)) { case 'Z': return Boolean.TYPE; case 'B': return Byte.TYPE; case 'C': return Character.TYPE; case 'S': return Short.TYPE; case 'I': return Integer.TYPE; case 'F': return Float.TYPE; case 'J': return Long.TYPE; case 'D': return Double.TYPE; case 'V': return Void.TYPE; case 'L': typeSig = typeSig.substring(1, typeSig.length()-1) .replace('/','.'); /* fall through */ case '[': return Class.forName(typeSig); } throw new IllegalArgumentException(typeSig); } /** * Check if the given type is a two slot type. */ private static boolean usingTwoSlots(char type) { return "JD".indexOf(type) >= 0; } /** * Returns the number of words, an object of the given simple type * signature takes. */ public static int getTypeSize(String typeSig) { return usingTwoSlots(typeSig.charAt(0)) ? 2 : 1; } public static String getElementType(String typeSig) { if (typeSig.charAt(0) != '[') throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return typeSig.substring(1); } public static ClassInfo getClassInfo(String typeSig) { if (typeSig.charAt(0) != 'L') throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return ClassInfo.forName (typeSig.substring(1, typeSig.length()-1).replace('/', '.')); } public static int skipType(String methodTypeSig, int position) { char c = methodTypeSig.charAt(position++); while (c == '[') c = methodTypeSig.charAt(position++); if (c == 'L') return methodTypeSig.indexOf(';', position) + 1; return position; } /** * Returns the number of words, the arguments for the given method * type signature takes. */ public static int getArgumentSize(String methodTypeSig) { int nargs = 0; int i = 1; for (;;) { char c = methodTypeSig.charAt(i); if (c == ')') return nargs; i = skipType(methodTypeSig, i); if (usingTwoSlots(c)) nargs += 2; else nargs++; } } /** * Returns the number of words, an object of the given simple type * signature takes. */ public static int getReturnSize(String methodTypeSig) { int length = methodTypeSig.length(); if (methodTypeSig.charAt(length - 2) == ')') { // This is a single character return type. char returnType = methodTypeSig.charAt(length - 1); return returnType == 'V' ? 0 : usingTwoSlots(returnType) ? 2 : 1; } else // All multi character return types take one parameter return 1; } /** * Returns the number of words, an object of the given simple type * signature takes. */ public static String[] getParameterTypes(String methodTypeSig) { int pos = 1; int count = 0; while (methodTypeSig.charAt(pos) != ')') { pos = skipType(methodTypeSig, pos); count++; } String[] params = new String[count]; pos = 1; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int start = pos; pos = skipType(methodTypeSig, pos); params[i] = methodTypeSig.substring(start, pos); } return params; } /** * Returns the number of words, an object of the given simple type * signature takes. */ public static String getReturnType(String methodTypeSig) { return methodTypeSig.substring(methodTypeSig.lastIndexOf(')')+1); } /** * Check if there is a valid class name starting at index * in string typesig and ending with a semicolon. * @return the index at which the class name ends. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there was an illegal character. * @exception StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the typesig ended early. */ private static int checkClassName(String clName, int i) throws IllegalArgumentException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException { while (true) { char c = clName.charAt(i++); if (c == ';') return i; if (c != '/' && !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal java class name: " + clName); } } /** * Check if there is a valid simple type signature starting at index * in string typesig. * @return the index at which the type signature ends. * @exception IllegalArgumentException if there was an illegal character. * @exception StringIndexOutOfBoundsException if the typesig ended early. */ private static int checkTypeSig(String typesig, int index) { char c = typesig.charAt(index++); while (c == '[') c = typesig.charAt(index++); if (c == 'L') { index = checkClassName(typesig, index); } else { if ("ZBSCIJFD".indexOf(c) == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Type sig error: "+typesig); } return index; } public static void checkTypeSig(String typesig) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { if (checkTypeSig(typesig, 0) != typesig.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Type sig too long: "+typesig); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Incomplete type sig: "+typesig); } } public static void checkMethodTypeSig(String typesig) throws IllegalArgumentException { try { if (typesig.charAt(0) != '(') throw new IllegalArgumentException ("No method signature: "+typesig); int i = 1; while (typesig.charAt(i) != ')') i = checkTypeSig(typesig, i); // skip closing parenthesis. i++; if (typesig.charAt(i) == 'V') // accept void return type. i++; else i = checkTypeSig(typesig, i); if (i != typesig.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Type sig too long: "+typesig); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Incomplete type sig: "+typesig); } } }