/* TabbedPrintWriter Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package jode.decompiler; import java.io.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.Enumeration; import jode.AssertError; import jode.GlobalOptions; import jode.bytecode.ClassInfo; import jode.type.*; public class TabbedPrintWriter { /* The indentation size. */ private int indentsize; /* The size of a tab, 0 if we shouldn't use tabs at all. */ private int tabWidth; private int style; private int lineWidth; private int currentIndent = 0; private String indentStr = ""; private PrintWriter pw; private ImportHandler imports; private Stack scopes = new Stack(); public static final int BRACE_AT_EOL = 0x10; public static final int INDENT_BRACES = 0x20; public static final int GNU_SPACING = 0x40; /** * This string contains a few tab characters followed by tabWidth - 1 * spaces. It is used to quickly calculate the indentation string. */ private String tabSpaceString; private StringBuffer currentLine; private BreakPoint currentBP; public final static int EXPL_PAREN = 0; public final static int NO_PAREN = 1; public final static int IMPL_PAREN = 2; public final static int DONT_BREAK = 3; /** * The amount of tabs for which we can use the tabSpaceString. */ private final static int FASTINDENT = 20; /** * Convert the numeric indentation to a string. */ protected String makeIndentStr(int indent) { if (indent < 0) return "NEGATIVEINDENT"+indent; int tabs = indent / tabWidth; indent -= tabs * tabWidth; if (tabs <= FASTINDENT) { /* The fast way. */ return tabSpaceString.substring(FASTINDENT - tabs, FASTINDENT + indent); } else { /* the not so fast way */ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(tabs + indent); while (tabs > FASTINDENT) { sb.append(tabSpaceString.substring(0, FASTINDENT)); tabs -= 20; } sb.append(tabSpaceString.substring(FASTINDENT - tabs, FASTINDENT + indent)); return sb.toString(); } } class BreakPoint { int options; int breakPenalty; int breakPos; int startPos; BreakPoint parentBP; Vector childBPs; int nesting = 0; int endPos; int whatBreak = 0; public BreakPoint(BreakPoint parent, int position) { this.breakPos = position; this.parentBP = parent; this.options = DONT_BREAK; this.breakPenalty = 0; this.startPos = -1; this.endPos = -1; this.whatBreak = 0; this.childBPs = null; } public void startOp(int opts, int penalty, int pos) { if (startPos != -1) throw new InternalError("missing breakOp"); startPos = pos; options = opts; breakPenalty = penalty; childBPs = new Vector(); breakOp(pos); } public void breakOp(int pos) { childBPs.addElement (new BreakPoint(this, pos)); } public void endOp(int pos) { endPos = pos; if (childBPs.size() == 1) { /* There is no breakpoint in this op, replace this with * our child, if possible. */ BreakPoint child = (BreakPoint) childBPs.elementAt(0); options = child.options; startPos = child.startPos; options = child.options; endPos = child.endPos; breakPenalty = child.breakPenalty; childBPs = child.childBPs; } } public void dump(String line) { if (startPos == -1) { pw.print(line); } else { pw.print(line.substring(0, startPos)); dumpRegion(line); pw.print(line.substring(endPos)); } } public void dumpRegion(String line) { String parens = "{\010{}\010}<\010<>\010>[\010[]\010]`\010`'\010'" .substring(options*6, options*6+6); pw.print(parens.substring(0,3)); Enumeration enum = childBPs.elements(); int cur = startPos; BreakPoint child = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); if (child.startPos >= 0) { pw.print(line.substring(cur, child.startPos)); child.dumpRegion(line); cur = child.endPos; } while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { child = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); pw.print(line.substring(cur, child.breakPos)); pw.print("!\010!"+breakPenalty); cur = child.breakPos; if (child.startPos >= 0) { pw.print(line.substring(child.breakPos, child.startPos)); child.dumpRegion(line); cur = child.endPos; } } pw.print(line.substring(cur, endPos)); pw.print(parens.substring(3)); } public void printLines(int indent, String line) { if (startPos == -1) { pw.print(line); } else { pw.print(line.substring(0, startPos)); printRegion(indent + startPos, line); pw.print(line.substring(endPos)); } } public void printRegion(int indent, String line) { if (options == IMPL_PAREN) { pw.print("("); indent++; } Enumeration enum = childBPs.elements(); int cur = startPos; BreakPoint child = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); if (child.startPos >= 0) { pw.print(line.substring(cur, child.startPos)); child.printRegion(indent + child.startPos - cur, line); cur = child.endPos; } if (options == NO_PAREN) indent += indentsize; String indentStr = makeIndentStr(indent); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { child = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); pw.print(line.substring(cur, child.breakPos)); pw.println(); pw.print(indentStr); cur = child.breakPos; if (cur < endPos && line.charAt(cur) == ' ') cur++; if (child.startPos >= 0) { pw.print(line.substring(cur, child.startPos)); child.printRegion(indent + child.startPos - cur, line); cur = child.endPos; } } pw.print(line.substring(cur, endPos)); if (options == IMPL_PAREN) pw.print(")"); } public BreakPoint commitMinPenalty(int space, int lastSpace, int minPenalty) { if (startPos == -1 || lastSpace > endPos - startPos || minPenalty == 10 * (endPos - startPos - lastSpace)) { /* We don't have to break anything */ startPos = -1; childBPs = null; return this; } int size = childBPs.size(); if (size > 1 && options != DONT_BREAK) { /* penalty if we are breaking the line here. */ int breakPen = getBreakPenalty(space, lastSpace, minPenalty + 1); if (minPenalty == breakPen) { commitBreakPenalty(space, lastSpace, breakPen); return this; } } /* penalty if we are breaking only one child */ for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { BreakPoint child = (BreakPoint) childBPs.elementAt(i); int front = child.startPos - startPos; int tail = endPos - child.endPos; int needPenalty = minPenalty - (i < size - 1 ? 1 : 0); if (needPenalty == child.getMinPenalty(space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, needPenalty + 1)) { child = child.commitMinPenalty(space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, needPenalty); child.breakPos = breakPos; return child; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Can't commit line break!"); } public int getMinPenalty(int space, int lastSpace, int minPenalty) { if (10 * -lastSpace >= minPenalty) { return minPenalty; } if (startPos == -1) return 10 * -lastSpace; if (lastSpace > endPos - startPos) { return 0; } if (minPenalty <= 1) { return minPenalty; } if (minPenalty > 10 * (endPos - startPos - lastSpace)) minPenalty = 10 * (endPos - startPos - lastSpace); int size = childBPs.size(); if (size == 0) return minPenalty; if (size > 1 && options != DONT_BREAK) { /* penalty if we are breaking at this level. */ minPenalty = getBreakPenalty(space, lastSpace, minPenalty); } /* penalty if we are breaking only one child */ for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { BreakPoint child = (BreakPoint) childBPs.elementAt(i); int front = child.startPos - startPos; int tail = endPos - child.endPos; int penalty = (i < size - 1 ? 1 : 0); minPenalty = penalty + child.getMinPenalty(space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, minPenalty - penalty); } return minPenalty; } public void commitBreakPenalty(int space, int lastSpace, int minPenalty) { if (options == IMPL_PAREN) { space--; lastSpace -= 2; } Enumeration enum = childBPs.elements(); childBPs = new Vector(); int currInd = 0; BreakPoint lastChild, nextChild; boolean indentNext = options == NO_PAREN; for (lastChild = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); enum.hasMoreElements(); lastChild = nextChild) { nextChild = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); int childStart = lastChild.breakPos; int childEnd = nextChild.breakPos; if (currInd > 0) { currInd += childEnd - childStart; if (currInd <= space) continue; } if (childStart < endPos && currentLine.charAt(childStart) == ' ') childStart++; if (childEnd - childStart > space) { int front = lastChild.startPos - childStart; int tail = childEnd - lastChild.endPos; int childPenalty = lastChild.getMinPenalty (space - front, space - front - tail, minPenalty); currInd = 0; childBPs.addElement (lastChild.commitMinPenalty (space - front, space - front - tail, childPenalty)); } else { lastChild.startPos = -1; lastChild.childBPs = null; childBPs.addElement(lastChild); currInd = childEnd - childStart; } if (indentNext) { space -= indentsize; lastSpace -= indentsize; indentNext = false; } } int childStart = lastChild.breakPos; if (currInd > 0 && currInd + endPos - childStart <= lastSpace) return; if (childStart < endPos && currentLine.charAt(childStart) == ' ') childStart++; if (endPos - childStart > lastSpace) { int front = lastChild.startPos - childStart; int tail = endPos - lastChild.endPos; int childPenalty = lastChild.getMinPenalty (space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, minPenalty + 1); childBPs.addElement (lastChild.commitMinPenalty (space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, childPenalty)); } else { lastChild.startPos = -1; lastChild.childBPs = null; childBPs.addElement(lastChild); } } public int getBreakPenalty(int space, int lastSpace, int minPenalty) { int penalty = breakPenalty; int currInd = 0; if (options == IMPL_PAREN) { space--; lastSpace -= 2; } if (space < 0) return minPenalty; Enumeration enum = childBPs.elements(); BreakPoint lastChild, nextChild; boolean indentNext = options == NO_PAREN; for (lastChild = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); enum.hasMoreElements(); lastChild = nextChild) { nextChild = (BreakPoint) enum.nextElement(); int childStart = lastChild.breakPos; int childEnd = nextChild.breakPos; if (currInd > 0) { currInd += childEnd - childStart; if (currInd <= space) continue; penalty++; if (indentNext) { space -= indentsize; lastSpace -= indentsize; indentNext = false; } } if (childStart < endPos && currentLine.charAt(childStart) == ' ') childStart++; if (childEnd - childStart > space) { int front = lastChild.startPos - childStart; int tail = childEnd - lastChild.endPos; penalty += 1 + lastChild.getMinPenalty (space - front, space - front - tail, minPenalty - penalty - 1); if (indentNext) { space -= indentsize; lastSpace -= indentsize; indentNext = false; } currInd = 0; } else currInd = childEnd - childStart; if (penalty >= minPenalty) return minPenalty; } int childStart = lastChild.breakPos; if (currInd > 0) { if (currInd + endPos - childStart <= lastSpace) return penalty; penalty++; if (indentNext) { space -= indentsize; lastSpace -= indentsize; indentNext = false; } } if (childStart < endPos && currentLine.charAt(childStart) == ' ') childStart++; if (endPos - childStart > lastSpace) { int front = lastChild.startPos - childStart; int tail = endPos - lastChild.endPos; penalty += lastChild.getMinPenalty (space - front, lastSpace - front - tail, minPenalty - penalty); } if (penalty < minPenalty) return penalty; return minPenalty; } } public TabbedPrintWriter (OutputStream os, ImportHandler imports, boolean autoFlush, int style, int indentSize, int tabWidth, int lineWidth) { pw = new PrintWriter(os, autoFlush); this.imports = imports; this.style = style; this.indentsize = indentSize; this.tabWidth = tabWidth; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; init(); } public TabbedPrintWriter (Writer os, ImportHandler imports, boolean autoFlush, int style, int indentSize, int tabWidth, int lineWidth) { pw = new PrintWriter(os, autoFlush); this.imports = imports; this.style = style; this.indentsize = indentSize; this.tabWidth = tabWidth; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; init(); } public TabbedPrintWriter (OutputStream os, ImportHandler imports, boolean autoFlush) { this(os, imports, autoFlush, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } public TabbedPrintWriter (Writer os, ImportHandler imports, boolean autoFlush) { this(os, imports, autoFlush, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } public TabbedPrintWriter (OutputStream os, ImportHandler imports) { this(os, imports, true, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } public TabbedPrintWriter (Writer os, ImportHandler imports) { this(os, imports, true, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } public TabbedPrintWriter (OutputStream os) { this(os, null, true, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } public TabbedPrintWriter (Writer os) { this(os, null, true, BRACE_AT_EOL, 4, 8, 79); } private void init() { currentLine = new StringBuffer(); currentBP = new BreakPoint(null, 0); currentBP.startOp(DONT_BREAK, 1, 0); initTabString(); } private void initTabString() { char tabChar = '\t'; if (tabWidth == 0) { /* If tabWidth is 0 use spaces instead of tabs. */ tabWidth = 1; tabChar = ' '; } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(FASTINDENT + tabWidth - 1); for (int i = 0; i < FASTINDENT; i++) sb.append(tabChar); for (int i = 0; i < tabWidth - 1; i++) sb.append(' '); tabSpaceString = sb.toString(); } public void tab() { currentIndent += indentsize; indentStr = makeIndentStr(currentIndent); } public void untab() { currentIndent -= indentsize; indentStr = makeIndentStr(currentIndent); } public void startOp(int options, int penalty) { currentBP = (BreakPoint) currentBP.childBPs.lastElement(); currentBP.startOp(options, penalty, currentLine.length()); } public void breakOp() { int pos = currentLine.length(); if (pos > currentBP.startPos && currentLine.charAt(pos-1) == ' ') pos--; currentBP.breakOp(pos); } public void endOp() { currentBP.endOp(currentLine.length()); currentBP = currentBP.parentBP; if (currentBP == null) throw new NullPointerException(); } public Object saveOps() { Stack state = new Stack(); int pos = currentLine.length(); while (currentBP.parentBP != null) { state.push(new Integer(currentBP.breakPenalty)); /* We don't want parentheses or unconventional line breaking */ currentBP.options = DONT_BREAK; currentBP.endPos = pos; currentBP = currentBP.parentBP; } return state; } public void restoreOps(Object s) { Stack state = (Stack) s; while (!state.isEmpty()) { int penalty = ((Integer) state.pop()).intValue(); startOp(DONT_BREAK, penalty); } } public void println(String str) { print(str); println(); } public void flushLine() { currentBP.endPos = currentLine.length(); // pw.print(indentStr); // currentBP.dump(currentLine.toString()); // pw.println(); int lw = lineWidth - currentIndent; int minPenalty = currentBP.getMinPenalty(lw, lw, Integer.MAX_VALUE/2); currentBP = currentBP.commitMinPenalty(lw, lw, minPenalty); // pw.print(indentStr); // currentBP.dump(currentLine.toString()); // pw.println(); pw.print(indentStr); currentBP.printLines(currentIndent, currentLine.toString()); currentLine.setLength(0); currentBP = new BreakPoint(null, 0); currentBP.startOp(DONT_BREAK, 1, 0); } public void println() { flushLine(); pw.println(); } public void print(String str) { currentLine.append(str); } public void printType(Type type) { print(getTypeString(type)); } public void pushScope(Scope scope) { scopes.push(scope); } public void popScope() { scopes.pop(); } /** * Checks if the name in inScope conflicts with an identifier in a * higher scope. */ public boolean conflicts(String name, Scope inScope, int context) { int dot = name.indexOf('.'); if (dot >= 0) name = name.substring(0, dot); int count = scopes.size(); for (int ptr = count; ptr-- > 0; ) { Scope scope = (Scope) scopes.elementAt(ptr); if (scope == inScope) return false; if (scope.conflicts(name, context)) { return true; } } return false; } public Scope getScope(Object obj, int scopeType) { int count = scopes.size(); for (int ptr = count; ptr-- > 0; ) { Scope scope = (Scope) scopes.elementAt(ptr); if (scope.isScopeOf(obj, scopeType)) return scope; } return null; } public String getClassString(ClassInfo clazz, int scopeType) { try { clazz.load(ClassInfo.OUTERCLASS); } catch (IOException ex) { clazz.guess(ClassInfo.OUTERCLASS); } if ((Options.options & Options.OPTION_INNER) != 0 && clazz.getOuterClass() != null) { String className = clazz.getClassName(); Scope scope = getScope(clazz.getOuterClass(), Scope.CLASSSCOPE); if (scope != null && !conflicts(className, scope, scopeType)) return className; return getClassString(clazz.getOuterClass(), scopeType) + "." + className; } if ((Options.options & Options.OPTION_ANON) != 0 && clazz.isMethodScoped()) { String className = clazz.getClassName(); if (className == null) return "ANONYMOUS CLASS "+clazz.getName(); Scope scope = getScope(clazz, Scope.METHODSCOPE); if (scope != null && !conflicts(className, scope, scopeType)) return className; if (scope != null) return "NAME CONFLICT " + className; else return "UNREACHABLE " + className; } if (imports != null) { String importedName = imports.getClassString(clazz); if (!conflicts(importedName, null, scopeType)) return importedName; } String name = clazz.getName(); if (conflicts(name, null, Scope.AMBIGUOUSNAME)) return "PKGNAMECONFLICT "+ name; return name; } public String getTypeString(Type type) { if (type instanceof ArrayType) return getTypeString(((ArrayType) type).getElementType()) + "[]"; else if (type instanceof ClassInfoType) { ClassInfo clazz = ((ClassInfoType) type).getClassInfo(); return getClassString(clazz, Scope.CLASSNAME); } else if (type instanceof ClassType) { String name = ((ClassType) type).getClassName(); if (imports != null) { String importedName = imports.getClassString(name); if (!conflicts(importedName, null, Scope.CLASSNAME)) return importedName; } if (conflicts(name, null, Scope.AMBIGUOUSNAME)) return "PKGNAMECONFLICT "+ name; return name; } else if (type instanceof NullType) return "Object"; else return type.toString(); } public void printOptionalSpace() { if ((style & GNU_SPACING) != 0) print(" "); } /** * Print a opening brace with the current indentation style. * Called at the end of the line of the instance that opens the * brace. It doesn't do a tab stop after opening the brace. */ public void openBrace() { boolean bracePrinted = false; if (currentLine.length() > 0) { if ((style & BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) { print(" {"); bracePrinted = true; } println(); } if ((style & INDENT_BRACES) != 0 && currentIndent > 0) tab(); if (!bracePrinted) println("{"); } public void openBraceClass() { openBraceNoIndent(); } /** * Print a opening brace with the current indentation style. * Called at the end the line of a method declaration. */ public void openBraceNoIndent() { if (currentLine.length() > 0) { if ((style & BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) print(" "); else println(); } println("{"); } /** * Print an opening brace with the current indentation style. * Called at the end of the line of the instance that opens the * brace. It doesn't do a tab stop after opening the brace. */ public void openBraceNoSpace() { boolean bracePrinted = false; if (currentLine.length() > 0) { if ((style & BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) { print("{"); bracePrinted = true; } println(); } if ((style & INDENT_BRACES) != 0 && currentIndent > 0) tab(); if (!bracePrinted) println("{"); } public void closeBraceContinue() { if ((style & BRACE_AT_EOL) != 0) print("} "); else println("}"); if ((style & INDENT_BRACES) != 0 && currentIndent > 0) untab(); } public void closeBraceClass() { print("}"); } public void closeBrace() { println("}"); if ((style & INDENT_BRACES) != 0 && currentIndent > 0) untab(); } public void closeBraceNoIndent() { println("}"); } public void flush() { flushLine(); pw.flush(); } public void close() { flushLine(); pw.close(); } }