/* Type Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING.LESSER. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package net.sf.jode.type; import net.sf.jode.GlobalOptions; import net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassPath; import net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassInfo; import net.sf.jode.bytecode.TypeSignature; import net.sf.jode.decompiler.ClassDeclarer; import net.sf.jode.util.UnifyHash; ///#def COLLECTIONS java.util import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Arrays; ///#enddef /** * This is my type class. It differs from java.lang.class, in that it * represents a set of types. Since most times this set is infinite, it * needs a special representation.
* * The main operation on a type sets are tSuperType, tSubType and * intersection. * * @author Jochen Hoenicke */ public class Type { public static final int TC_BOOLEAN = 0; public static final int TC_BYTE = 1; public static final int TC_CHAR = 2; public static final int TC_SHORT = 3; public static final int TC_INT = 4; public static final int TC_LONG = 5; public static final int TC_FLOAT = 6; public static final int TC_DOUBLE = 7; public static final int TC_NULL = 8; public static final int TC_ARRAY = 9; public static final int TC_CLASS = 10; public static final int TC_VOID = 11; public static final int TC_METHOD = 12; public static final int TC_ERROR = 13; public static final int TC_UNKNOWN = 101; public static final int TC_RANGE = 103; public static final int TC_INTEGER = 107; public static final int TC_SYSCLASS = 108; public static final int TC_CLASSIFACE = 109; public static final int TC_PARAMETER = 110; private static final UnifyHash classHash = new UnifyHash(); private static final UnifyHash arrayHash = new UnifyHash(); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the boolean type. */ public static final Type tBoolean = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_Z); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the byte type. */ public static final Type tByte = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_B); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the char type. */ public static final Type tChar = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_C); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the short type. */ public static final Type tShort = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_S); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the int type. */ public static final Type tInt = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_I); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the long type. */ public static final Type tLong = new Type(TC_LONG); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the float type. */ public static final Type tFloat = new Type(TC_FLOAT); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the double type. */ public static final Type tDouble = new Type(TC_DOUBLE); /** * This type represents the void type. It is really not a type at * all. */ public static final Type tVoid = new Type(TC_VOID); /** * This type represents the empty set, and probably means, that something * has gone wrong. */ public static final Type tError = new Type(TC_ERROR); /** * This type represents the set of all possible types. */ public static final Type tUnknown = new Type(TC_UNKNOWN); /** * This type represents the set of all integer types, up to 32 bit. */ public static final Type tUInt = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_I | IntegerType.IT_B | IntegerType.IT_C | IntegerType.IT_S); /** * This type represents the set of the boolean and int type. */ public static final Type tBoolInt = new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_I | IntegerType.IT_Z); /** * This type represents the set of boolean and all integer types, * up to 32 bit. */ public static final Type tBoolUInt= new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_I | IntegerType.IT_B | IntegerType.IT_C | IntegerType.IT_S | IntegerType.IT_Z); /** * This type represents the set of the boolean and byte type. */ public static final Type tBoolByte= new IntegerType(IntegerType.IT_B | IntegerType.IT_Z); public final static ClassType[] EMPTY_IFACES = new ClassType[0]; /** * This type represents the singleton set containing * java.lang.Object. */ public static final SystemClassType tObject = tSystemClass("java.lang.Object", null, EMPTY_IFACES, false, false); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing the special * null type (the type of null). */ public static final ReferenceType tNull = new NullType(); /** * This type represents the set of all reference types, including * class types, array types, interface types and the null type. */ public static final Type tUObject = tRange(tObject, tNull); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing * java.lang.Comparable. */ public static final SystemClassType tSerializable = tSystemClass("java.io.Serializable", null, EMPTY_IFACES, false, true); /** * This type represents the singleton set containing * java.lang.Comparable. */ public static final SystemClassType tCloneable = tSystemClass("java.lang.Cloneable", null, EMPTY_IFACES, false, true); static final ClassType[] arrayIfaces = { tCloneable, tSerializable }; /** * This type represents the singleton set containing * java.lang.String. */ /*FIXME */ public static final ClassType tString = tClass(new ClassPath("reflection:"), "java/lang/String"); public static final ClassType tStringBuffer = tClass(new ClassPath("reflection:"), "java/lang/StringBuffer"); public static final ClassType tStringBuilder = tClass(new ClassPath("reflection:"), "java/lang/StringBuilder"); /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * string. * @param classpath the current classpath. * @param type the type signature (or method signature). * @deprecated give a classdeclarer instead. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final Type tType(ClassPath cp, String type) { return tType(cp, null, type); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * string. * @param declarer a class declarer for the current context. * @param type the type signature (or method signature). * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final Type tType(ClassDeclarer declarer, String signature) { return tType(declarer.getClassPath(), null, signature); } public static final ClassInfoType tClassSig(ClassPath cp, ClassType declarer, String signature) { Type[] generics = null; ClassInfoType outer = null; int index = signature.indexOf('.'); if (index >= 0) { outer = tClassSig(cp, declarer, signature.substring(0, index)); signature = signature.substring(index+1); if (outer == null) return null; } index = signature.indexOf('<'); if (index >= 0) { /* parse parameter types */ String[] genericNames = TypeSignature .getArgumentTypes(signature.substring(index)); signature = signature.substring(0, index); generics = new Type[genericNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < generics.length; i++) { String name = genericNames[i]; char c = name.charAt(0); if (c == '*') generics[i] = Type.tUObject; else if (c == '+') generics[i] = Type.tType(cp, declarer, name.substring(1)) .getSubType(); else if (c == '-') generics[i] = Type.tType(cp, declarer, name.substring(1)) .getSuperType(); else generics[i] = Type.tType(cp, declarer, name); } } if (outer != null) { ClassInfo[] inner = outer.getClassInfo().getClasses(); for (int i = 0; i < inner.length; i++) { if (inner[i].getClassName().equals(signature)) return tClass(inner[i], generics, outer); } System.err.println("Inner class "+signature+" in class "+outer +" not found."); return null; } return tClass(cp, signature, generics); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * string. * @param cp current classpath. * @param genericType the class containing generics of current context. * @param type the type signature (or method signature). * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final Type tType(ClassPath cp, ClassType declarer, String signature) { if (signature == null || signature.length() == 0) return tError; switch(signature.charAt(0)) { case 'Z': return tBoolean; case 'B': return tByte; case 'C': return tChar; case 'S': return tShort; case 'I': return tInt; case 'F': return tFloat; case 'J': return tLong; case 'D': return tDouble; case 'V': return tVoid; case '[': return tArray(tType(cp, declarer, signature.substring(1))); case 'L': { int endIndex = signature.length()-1; if (signature.charAt(endIndex) != ';') return tError; Type type = tClassSig(cp, declarer, signature.substring(1, endIndex)); if (type == null) return tError; return type; } case 'T': { int index = signature.indexOf(';'); if (index != signature.length()-1) return tError; if (declarer == null) return tUnknown; /* XXX: Should be a type variable */ Type type = declarer.getGeneric(signature.substring(1, index)); if (type == null) return tError; return type; } } throw new InternalError("Unknown type signature: "+signature); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * class name. * @param className the full qualified name of the class. * The packages may be separated by `.' or `/'. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final ClassInfoType tClass(ClassPath classPath, String className, Type[] generics) { return tClass(classPath.getClassInfo(className.replace('/','.')), generics); } /** * @deprecated */ public static final ClassType tClass(ClassPath classPath, String className){ return tClass(classPath, className, null); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * class name. * @param clazzname the interned full qualified name of the class. * The packages mus be separated by `.'. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final SystemClassType tSystemClass (String clazzName, ClassType superClass, ClassType[] ifaces, boolean isFinal, boolean isInterface) { return new SystemClassType(clazzName, superClass, ifaces, isFinal, isInterface); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * class info. * @param clazzinfo the net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassInfo. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final ClassInfoType tClass(ClassInfo clazzinfo, Type[] generics, ClassInfoType outer) { int hash = clazzinfo.hashCode(); if (outer != null) hash = hash * 11 + outer.hashCode(); if (generics != null) { for (int i = 0; i < generics.length; i++) hash = hash * 11 + generics[i].hashCode(); } Iterator iter = classHash.iterateHashCode(hash); while (iter.hasNext()) { ClassInfoType type = (ClassInfoType) iter.next(); if (type.getClassInfo() == clazzinfo && type.outerClass == outer && Arrays.equals(generics, type.genericInstances)) return type; } ClassInfoType type = new ClassInfoType(clazzinfo, generics, outer); classHash.put(hash, type); return type; } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * class info. * @param clazzinfo the net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassInfo. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. */ public static final ClassInfoType tClass(ClassInfo clazzinfo, Type[] generics) { return tClass(clazzinfo, generics, null); } /** * Generate the singleton set of the type represented by the given * class info. * @param clazzinfo the net.sf.jode.bytecode.ClassInfo. * @return a singleton set containing the given type. * deprecated This should be removed if generics work. */ public static final ClassInfoType tClass(ClassInfo clazzinfo) { return tClass(clazzinfo, null); } /** * Generate/look up the set of the array type whose element types * are in the given type set. * @param type the element types (which may be the empty set tError). * @return the set of array types (which may be the empty set tError). */ public static final Type tArray(Type type) { if (type == tError) return type; int hash = type.hashCode(); Iterator iter = arrayHash.iterateHashCode(hash); while (iter.hasNext()) { ArrayType arrType = (ArrayType) iter.next(); if (arrType.getElementType().equals(type)) return arrType; } ArrayType arrType = new ArrayType(type); arrayHash.put(hash, arrType); return arrType; } /** * Generate/look up the method type for the given signature * @param signature the method descriptor. * @return a method type (a singleton set). */ public static MethodType tMethod(ClassPath cp, ClassType declarer, String signature) { return new MethodType(cp, declarer, signature); } /** * Generate the range type from bottom to top. This should * represent all reference types, that can be casted to bottom by * a widening cast and where top can be casted to. You should not * use this method directly; use tSubType, tSuperType and * intersection instead, which is more general. * @param bottom the bottom type. * @param top the top type. * @return the range type. */ public static final Type tRange(ReferenceType bottom, ReferenceType top) { return new RangeType(bottom, top); } /** * Generate the set of types, to which one of the types in type can * be casted to by a widening cast. The following holds: * * @param type a set of types. * @return the super types of type. */ public static Type tSuperType(Type type) { return type.getSuperType(); } /** * Generate the set of types, which can be casted to one of the * types in type by a widening cast. The following holds: * * @param type a set of types. * @return the sub types of type. */ public static Type tSubType(Type type) { return type.getSubType(); } /** * The typecode of this type. This should be one of the TC_ constants. */ final int typecode; /** * Create a new type with the given type code. */ protected Type(int tc) { typecode = tc; } /** * The sub types of this type. * @return tSubType(this). */ public Type getSubType() { return this; } /** * The super types of this type. * @return tSuperType(this). */ public Type getSuperType() { return this; } /** * Returns the hint type of this type set. This returns the singleton * set containing only the `most likely' type in this set. This doesn't * work for tError or tUnknown, and may lead * to errors for certain range types. * @return the hint type. */ public Type getHint() { return getCanonic(); } /** * Returns the canonic type of this type set. The intention is, to * return for each expression the type, that the java compiler would * assign to this expression. * @return the canonic type. */ public Type getCanonic() { return this; } /** * Returns the type code of this type. Don't use this; it is * merily needed by the sub types (and the bytecode verifier, which * has its own type merging methods). * @return the type code of the type. */ public final int getTypeCode() { return typecode; } /** * Returns the number of stack/local entries an object of this type * occupies. * @return 0 for tVoid, 2 for tDouble and tLong and * 1 for every other type. */ public int stackSize() { switch(typecode) { case TC_VOID: return 0; case TC_ERROR: default: return 1; case TC_DOUBLE: case TC_LONG: return 2; } } /** * Returns true, if all types in this type set are a super type of * at least one type in the type set given as parameter. */ public boolean isSuperTypeOf(Type type) { return this == type; } /** * Returns true, if all types in this type are possibly super * types of the given type. If we don't have the full hierarchy * of this type, assume it is. */ public boolean maybeSuperTypeOf(ClassType type) { return isSuperTypeOf(type); } /** * Intersect this set of types with another type set and return the * intersection. * @param type the other type set. * @return the intersection, tError, if the intersection is empty. */ public Type intersection(Type type) { if (this == tError || type == tError) return tError; if (this == tUnknown) return type; if (type == tUnknown || this == type) return this; /* We have two different singleton sets now. */ if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_TYPES) != 0) GlobalOptions.err.println("intersecting "+ this +" and "+ type + " to "); return tError; } /** * Checks if we need to cast to a middle type, before we can cast from * fromType to this type. For example it is impossible to cast a * String to a StringBuffer, but if we cast to Object in between this * is allowed (it doesn't make much sense though). * @return the middle type, or null if it is not necessary. */ public Type getCastHelper(Type fromType) { return null; } /** * Checks if this type represents a valid singleton type. */ public boolean isValidType() { return typecode <= TC_DOUBLE; } /** * Checks if this is a class or array type (but not a null type). * @XXX remove this? * @return true if this is a class or array type. */ public boolean isClassType() { return false; } /** * Check if this type set and the other type set are not disjunct. * @param type the other type set. * @return true if this they aren't disjunct. */ public boolean isOfType(Type type) { return this.intersection(type) != Type.tError; } /** * Check if this type set contains the given class. * @param clazz the class to check. * @return true if clazz is contained in this type. */ public boolean containsClass(ClassInfo clazz) { return false; } /** * Generates the default name, that is the `natural' choice for * local of this type. * @return the default name of a local of this type. */ public String getDefaultName() { switch (typecode) { case TC_LONG: return "l"; case TC_FLOAT: return "f"; case TC_DOUBLE: return "d"; default: return "local"; } } /** * Generates the default value, that is the initial value of a field * of this type. * @return the default value of a field of this type. */ public Object getDefaultValue() { switch (typecode) { case TC_LONG: return new Long(0); case TC_FLOAT: return new Float(0); case TC_DOUBLE: return new Double(0); default: return null; } } /** * Returns the type signature of this type. You should only call * this on singleton types. * @return the type (or method) signature of this type. */ public String getTypeSignature() { switch (typecode) { case TC_LONG: return "J"; case TC_FLOAT: return "F"; case TC_DOUBLE: return "D"; default: return "?"; } } /** * Returns the java.lang.Class representing this type. You should * only call this on singleton types. * @return the Class object representing this type. */ public Class getTypeClass() throws ClassNotFoundException { switch (typecode) { case TC_LONG: return Long.TYPE; case TC_FLOAT: return Float.TYPE; case TC_DOUBLE: return Double.TYPE; default: throw new InternalError("getTypeClass() called on illegal type"); } } /** * Returns a string representation describing this type set. * @return a string representation describing this type set. */ public String toString() { switch (typecode) { case TC_LONG: return "long"; case TC_FLOAT: return "float"; case TC_DOUBLE: return "double"; case TC_NULL: return "null"; case TC_VOID: return "void"; case TC_UNKNOWN: return ""; case TC_ERROR: default: return ""; } } }