/* Identifier Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Hoenicke. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * $Id$ */ package jode.obfuscator; import jode.GlobalOptions; import java.io.*; import @COLLECTIONS@.Map; import @COLLECTIONS@.Iterator; public abstract class Identifier { /** * This is a doubly list of identifiers, that must have always * have the same names, and same preserved settings. */ private Identifier right = null; private Identifier left = null; private boolean reachable = false; private boolean preserved = false; private String alias = null; private boolean wasAliased = false; public Identifier(String alias) { this.alias = alias; } /** * Returns true, if this identifier is reachable in some way, false if it * is dead and can be removed. */ public final boolean isReachable() { return reachable; } /** * true, if this identifier must preserve its name, false if the * name may be obfuscated. */ public final boolean isPreserved() { return preserved; } /** * Marks this identifier as preserved. This will also make the * identifier reachable, if it isn't already. * * You shouldn't call this directly, but use setPreserved instead. */ protected void setSinglePreserved() { } /** * Marks this identifier as reachable. * * You should override this method for method identifier, which may * mark other methods as reachable. * * You shouldn't call this directly, but use setReachable instead. */ protected void setSingleReachable() { if (getParent() != null) getParent().setReachable(); } /** * Mark all shadows as reachable. */ public void setReachable() { if (!reachable) { reachable = true; setSingleReachable(); } } /** * Mark all shadows as preserved. */ public void setPreserved() { if (!preserved) { preserved = true; Identifier ptr = this; while (ptr != null) { ptr.setSinglePreserved(); ptr = ptr.left; } ptr = right; while (ptr != null) { ptr.setSinglePreserved(); ptr = ptr.right; } } } public Identifier getRepresentative() { Identifier ptr = this; while (ptr.left != null) ptr = ptr.left; return ptr; } public final boolean isRepresentative() { return left == null; } public final boolean wasAliased() { return getRepresentative().wasAliased; } public final void setAlias(String name) { if (name != null) { Identifier rep = getRepresentative(); rep.wasAliased = true; rep.alias = name; } } public final String getAlias() { return getRepresentative().alias; } /** * Mark that this identifier and the given identifier must always have * the same name. */ public void addShadow(Identifier orig) { if (isPreserved() && !orig.isPreserved()) orig.setPreserved(); else if (!isPreserved() && orig.isPreserved()) setPreserved(); Identifier ptr = this; while (ptr.right != null) ptr = ptr.right; /* Check if orig is already on the ptr chain */ Identifier check = orig; while (check.right != null) check = check.right; if (check == ptr) return; while (orig.left != null) orig = orig.left; ptr.right = orig; orig.left = ptr; } static int serialnr = 0; public void buildTable(Renamer renameRule) { if (!isReachable() && (Main.stripping & Main.STRIP_UNREACH) != 0) return; if (isPreserved()) { if (GlobalOptions.verboseLevel > 4) GlobalOptions.err.println(toString() + " is preserved"); } else { Identifier rep = getRepresentative(); if (rep.wasAliased) return; rep.wasAliased = true; // set alias to empty string, so it won't conflict! rep.alias = ""; Iterator aliases = renameRule.generateNames(this); next_alias: for (;;) { String newAlias = (String) aliases.next(); Identifier ptr = rep; while (ptr != null) { if (ptr.conflicting(newAlias)) continue next_alias; ptr = ptr.right; } setAlias(newAlias.toString()); break; } } for (Iterator i = getChilds(); i.hasNext(); ) ((Identifier)i.next()).buildTable(renameRule); } public void writeTable(Map table) { if (!isReachable() && (Main.stripping & Main.STRIP_UNREACH) != 0) return; table.put(getFullAlias(), getName()); for (Iterator i = getChilds(); i.hasNext(); ) ((Identifier)i.next()).writeTable(table); } public void readTable(Map table) { Identifier rep = getRepresentative(); if (!rep.wasAliased) { String newAlias = (String) table.get(getFullName()); if (newAlias != null) { rep.wasAliased = true; rep.setAlias(newAlias); } } for (Iterator i = getChilds(); i.hasNext(); ) ((Identifier)i.next()).readTable(table); } public void applyPreserveRule(IdentifierMatcher preserveRule) { if (preserveRule.matches(this)) { System.err.println("preserving: "+this); setReachable(); Identifier ident = this; while (ident != null) { ident.setPreserved(); ident = ident.getParent(); } } for (Iterator i = getChilds(); i.hasNext(); ) ((Identifier)i.next()).applyPreserveRule(preserveRule); } public abstract Iterator getChilds(); public abstract Identifier getParent(); public abstract String getName(); public abstract String getType(); public abstract String getFullName(); public abstract String getFullAlias(); public abstract boolean conflicting(String newAlias); /** * This is called by ClassBundle when it a class is added with * ClassBundle.analyzeIdentifier(). */ public void analyze() { } }