This is a list of features, that would be nice to have: Decompiler: - BUG: public final static null fields aren't initialized (leads to compile error) - outline inlined methods. - remove string decrypt method. - remove synthetic methods if and only if all calls to them are resolved. ~ handle try catch more thouroughly/safely. ~ decompile jode.jvm.Interpreter (hand optimized bytecode) Obfuscator: - Detect Class.forName() calls with constant parameters and rename these constants. Detect class$ methods with constant parameters. Warn about all other occurences of Class.forName() This should be put into the constant analyzer. The simple analyzer should only do the warnings. - Transforming the class hierarchy, e.g. combining two totally unrelated classes together into one class or make some class to implement some interfaces, that it previously didn't. - Doing flow obfuscation, i.e. do some tests, that one knows to succeed always, and jump to funny position if the test fails. The tests should use undecidable properties, so that a deobfuscator cannot remove them again. DeObfuscator: - Deobfuscator should detect inner/anonymous classes and mark them as such. It should be possible with the renaming table to mark inner classes as well. Inner classes are easy to detect; there constructor has a special form. And the information is very useful for the decompiler. This should be done with some generalize interface similar to (or instead of) Transformer - Deobfuscator should generate nicer names. This should be a special Renamer. The renamer should analyze short methods and call them getXXX, isXXX, setXXX if apropriate, detect synthetic methods and similar. Class names should be derived from super class or interface (e.g. Enumeration), fields should be derived from their type, maybe also from their assignments. One can build more renamer, each handles some special cases and calls the next one, if it can't handle an identifier. User Interface: - make a nice user interface: ~ list classnames: toggable between class hierarchie/package hierarchie. - list fields/method of selected class. - show decompilation of selected method. - show usage of method/fields. - syntax highlighting, hyper links etc. (look at java.swing.JEditorPane or at Java Insight) - visual obfuscation/deobfuscation (like klassmaster?, better?) Internal: - clean up package hierarchy, esp. expr, flow and decompiler.