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package net.sf.jode.bytecode;
import junit.framework.*;
import java.io.*;
public class BasicBlockWriterTest extends TestCase implements Opcodes {
public BasicBlockWriterTest(String name) {
GrowableConstantPool gcp = new GrowableConstantPool();
Instruction[] someNops;
Instruction[] manyNops;
Instruction[] whileHead;
Instruction[] whileCond;
Instruction[] whileFoot;
* The whileHead block in bytecode
private final static String whileHeadStr="\3=";
* The whileCond block in bytecode, without the if_icmpeq instruction.
private final static String whileCondStr="\34\33";
* The whileFoot block in bytecode.
private final static String whileFootStr="\204\2\1";
* The someNops block in bytecode, without the if_icmpeq instruction.
private final static String someNopsStr="\0\0";
public void setUp() {
Instruction nop = Instruction.forOpcode(opc_nop);
someNops = new Instruction[] { nop, nop };
manyNops = new Instruction[35000];
for (int i = 0; i < manyNops.length; i++)
manyNops[i] = nop;
whileHead = new Instruction[] {
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_ldc, new Integer(0)),
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_istore, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(2)),
whileCond = new Instruction[] {
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_iload, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(2)),
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_iload, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(1)),
whileFoot = new Instruction[] {
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_iinc, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(2), 1),
public byte[] write(BasicBlockWriter bbw) throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
DataOutputStream dos = new DataOutputStream(baos);
bbw.write(gcp, dos);
return baos.toByteArray();
public void testEmpty() throws IOException {
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("foo", "()V", 0));
bb.setBlocks(new Block[0], null, new Handler[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
assertEquals("Code differs",
"\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\1" /* no stack, one local, length 1 */
+"\261" /* opc_return */
+"\0\0" /* no exception handlers */,
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public void testSimple() throws IOException {
Block bb1 = new Block();
Block bb2 = new Block();
bb1.setCode(someNops, new Block[] {bb2});
bb2.setCode(someNops, new Block[] {null});
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("foo", "()V", 0));
bb.setBlocks(new Block[] { bb1, bb2}, bb1, new Handler[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
assertEquals("Code differs",
"\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\5" /* no stack, one local, length 5 */
+"\0\0" /* no exception handlers */,
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public void testWhile() throws IOException {
Block b1 = new Block();
Block b2 = new Block();
Block b3 = new Block();
Block b4 = new Block();
b1.setCode(whileHead, new Block[] { b2 });
b2.setCode(whileCond, new Block[] { null, b3 });
b3.setCode(someNops, new Block[] { b4 });
b4.setCode(whileFoot, new Block[] { b2 });
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("a", "(I)V", 0));
bb.setBlocks(new Block[] { b1, b2, b3, b4}, b1, new Handler[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
assertEquals(5, bbw.blockAddr.length);
assertEquals(0, bbw.blockAddr[0]);
assertEquals(2, bbw.blockAddr[1]);
assertEquals(7, bbw.blockAddr[2]);
assertEquals(9, bbw.blockAddr[3]);
assertEquals(16, bbw.blockAddr[4]);
assertEquals("Code differs",
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public void testTableSwitch() throws IOException {
Block b1 = new Block();
Block b2 = new Block();
Instruction[] switchBlock = new Instruction[] {
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_iload, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(1)),
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_lookupswitch, new int[] { 1, 3, 5})
b1.setCode(switchBlock, new Block[] { b2, null, b1, null });
b2.setCode(someNops, new Block[] { null });
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("s", "(I)V", 0));
bb.setBlocks(new Block[] { b1, b2 }, b1, new Handler[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
assertEquals(3, bbw.blockAddr.length);
assertEquals(0, bbw.blockAddr[0]);
assertEquals(36, bbw.blockAddr[1]);
assertEquals(39, bbw.blockAddr[2]);
assertEquals("Code differs",
+"\33\252\0\0" /*iload_0 + tableswitch + align */
+"\0\0\0\45\0\0\0\1\0\0\0\5" /* def, low, high */
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public void testLookupSwitch() throws IOException {
Block b1 = new Block();
Block b2 = new Block();
Instruction[] switchBlock = new Instruction[] {
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_iload, LocalVariableInfo.getInfo(1)),
Instruction.forOpcode(opc_lookupswitch, new int[] { 1, 5, 7})
b1.setCode(switchBlock, new Block[] { b2, null, b1, null });
b2.setCode(someNops, new Block[] { null });
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("s", "(I)V", 0));
bb.setBlocks(new Block[] { b1, b2 }, b1, new Handler[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
assertEquals(3, bbw.blockAddr.length);
assertEquals(0, bbw.blockAddr[0]);
assertEquals(36, bbw.blockAddr[1]);
assertEquals(39, bbw.blockAddr[2]);
assertEquals("Code differs",
+"\33\253\0\0" /*iload_0 + lookupswitch + align */
+"\0\0\0\45\0\0\0\3" /* def , nitem */
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public void testException() throws IOException {
Block b1 = new Block();
Block b2 = new Block();
Instruction[] catchInstrs = new Instruction[] {
b1.setCode(someNops, new Block[] { null });
b2.setCode(catchInstrs, new Block[0]);
BasicBlocks bb = new BasicBlocks(new MethodInfo("e", "()V", 0));
Handler h = new Handler(b1, b1, b2, "java.lang.RuntimeException");
bb.setBlocks(new Block[] { b1, b2 }, b1, new Handler[] {h});
assertEquals(0, b1.blockNr);
assertEquals(1, b2.blockNr);
assertEquals(1, b1.catchers.length);
assertEquals(0, b2.catchers.length);
assertSame(h, b1.catchers[0]);
BasicBlockWriter bbw = new BasicBlockWriter(bb, gcp);
gcp.write(new DataOutputStream(new ByteArrayOutputStream()));
int cpoolEntry = gcp.putClassName("java.lang.RuntimeException");
assertEquals(3, bbw.blockAddr.length);
assertEquals(0, bbw.blockAddr[0]);
assertEquals(3, bbw.blockAddr[1]);
assertEquals(4, bbw.blockAddr[2]);
assertEquals("Code differs",
+ someNopsStr + "\261" + "\277"
+ "\0\1\0\0\0\3\0\3\0"+(char)cpoolEntry,
new String(write(bbw), "iso-8859-1"));
public static Test suite() {
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testEmpty"));
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testSimple"));
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testWhile"));
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testTableSwitch"));
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testLookupSwitch"));
suite.addTest(new BasicBlockWriterTest("testException"));
return suite;