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/* TransformConstructors Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package jode.flow;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import jode.GlobalOptions;
import jode.decompiler.Analyzer;
import jode.decompiler.ClassAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.MethodAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.FieldAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.MethodAnalyzer;
import jode.decompiler.Options;
import jode.decompiler.OuterValues;
import jode.decompiler.OuterValueListener;
import jode.expr.*;
import jode.type.MethodType;
import jode.type.Type;
import jode.bytecode.ClassInfo;
import jode.bytecode.InnerClassInfo;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
* This class will transform the constructors. We differ three types of
* constructors:
* <dl><dt>type0</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call no constructors or whose default super
* call was already removed. <code>java.lang.Object.&lt;init&gt;</code>
* and static constructors are examples for the first kind.</dd>
* <dt>type1</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call the constructor of super class</dd>
* <dt>type2</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call another constructor of the same class</dd>
* </dl>
* The transformation involves several steps:
* The first step is done by removeSynthInitializers, which does the following:
* <ul><li>For inner classes check if the this$0 field(s) is/are
* initialized corectly, remove the initializer and mark that
* field. </li>
* <li>For method scope classes also check the val$xx fields.</li>
* </ul><br>
* In the last analyze phase (makeDeclaration) the rest is done:
* <ul>
* <li>remove implicit super() call</li>
* <li>move constant field initializations that occur in all constructors
* (except those that start with a this() call) to the fields.</li>
* <li>For jikes class check for a constructor$xx call, and mark that
* as the real constructor, moving the super call of the original
* constructor</li>
* <li>For anonymous classes check that the constructor only contains
* a super call and mark it as default</li></ul>
* It will make use of the <code>outerValues</code> expression, that
* tell which parameters (this and final method variables) are always
* given to the constructor.
* You can debug this class with the <code>--debug=constructors</code>
* switch.
* @author Jochen Hoenicke
* @see jode.decompiler.FieldAnalyzer#setInitializer
* @see jode.decompiler.ClassAnalyzer#getOuterValues */
public class TransformConstructors {
/* What is sometimes confusing is the distinction between slot and
* parameter. Most times parameter nr = slot nr, but double and
* long parameters take two slots, so the remaining parameters
* will shift.
ClassAnalyzer clazzAnalyzer;
boolean isStatic;
/* The method analyzers of the constructors: type0 constructors
* come first, then type1, then type2.
MethodAnalyzer[] cons;
int type0Count;
int type01Count;
OuterValues outerValues;
boolean jikesAnonInner = false;
public TransformConstructors(ClassAnalyzer clazzAnalyzer,
boolean isStatic, MethodAnalyzer[] cons) {
this.clazzAnalyzer = clazzAnalyzer;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.cons = cons;
this.outerValues = clazzAnalyzer.getOuterValues();
* Returns the type of the constructor. We differ three types of
* constructors:
* <dl><dt>type1</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call the constructor of super class</dd>
* <dt>type2</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call another constructor of the same
* class</dd>
* <dt>type0</dt>
* <dd>are constructors, that call no constructors.
* <code>java.lang.Object.&lt;init&gt;</code> and static constructors
* are examples for this</dd>
* </dl>
* @param body the content of the constructor.
* @return the type of the constructor.
private int getConstructorType(StructuredBlock body) {
/* A non static constructor must begin with a call to
* another constructor. Either to a constructor of the
* same class or to the super class */
InstructionBlock ib;
if (body instanceof InstructionBlock)
ib = (InstructionBlock)body;
else if (body instanceof SequentialBlock
&& (body.getSubBlocks()[0]
instanceof InstructionBlock))
ib = (InstructionBlock) body.getSubBlocks()[0];
return 0;
Expression superExpr = ib.getInstruction().simplify();
if (!(superExpr instanceof InvokeOperator)
|| superExpr.getFreeOperandCount() != 0)
return 0;
InvokeOperator superInvoke = (InvokeOperator) superExpr;
if (!superInvoke.isConstructor()
|| !superInvoke.isSuperOrThis())
return 0;
Expression thisExpr = superInvoke.getSubExpressions()[0];
if (!isThis(thisExpr, clazzAnalyzer.getClazz()))
return 0;
if (superInvoke.isThis())
return 2;
return 1;
public void lookForConstructorCall() {
type01Count = cons.length;
for (int i=0; i< type01Count; ) {
MethodAnalyzer current = cons[i];
FlowBlock header = cons[i].getMethodHeader();
/* Check that code block is fully analyzed */
if (header == null || !header.hasNoJumps())
StructuredBlock body = cons[i].getMethodHeader().block;
int type = isStatic ? 0 : getConstructorType(body);
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("constr "+i+": type"+type+" "+body);
switch(type) {
case 0:
// type0 are moved to the beginning.
cons[i] = cons[type0Count];
cons[type0Count++] = current;
/* fall through */
case 1:
// type1 are not moved at all.
case 2:
// type2 are moved to the end.
cons[i] = cons[--type01Count];
cons[type01Count] = current;
public static boolean isThis(Expression thisExpr, ClassInfo clazz) {
return ((thisExpr instanceof ThisOperator)
&& (((ThisOperator)thisExpr).getClassInfo() == clazz));
* Check if this is a single anonymous constructor and mark it as
* such. We only check if the super() call is correctly formed and
* ignore the rest of the body.
* This method also marks the jikesAnonymousInner.
private void checkAnonymousConstructor() {
if (isStatic || cons.length != 1
|| type01Count - type0Count != 1
|| clazzAnalyzer.getName() != null)
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("checkAnonymousConstructor of "
StructuredBlock sb = cons[0].getMethodHeader().block;
if (sb instanceof SequentialBlock)
sb = sb.getSubBlocks()[0];
InstructionBlock superBlock = (InstructionBlock) sb;
* Situation:
* constructor(outerValues, params) {
* super(someOuters, params);
* }
* For jikes anonymous classes that extends class or method
* scoped classes the situation is more unusal for type1. We
* check if this is the case and mark the class as
* jikesAnonymousInner:
* constructor(outerValues, params, outerClass) {
* outerClass.super(someOuters, params);
* constructor$?(outerValues[0], params);
* }
* Mark constructor as anonymous constructor. */
Expression expr = superBlock.getInstruction().simplify();
InvokeOperator superCall = (InvokeOperator) expr;
Expression[] subExpr = superCall.getSubExpressions();
/* An anonymous constructor may only give locals
* to its super constructor.
for (int i = 1; i < subExpr.length; i++) {
if (!(subExpr[i] instanceof LocalLoadOperator))
Type[] params = cons[0].getType().getParameterTypes();
boolean jikesAnon = false;
int minOuter = params.length;
int slot = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < params.length - 1; i++)
slot += params[i].stackSize();
/* slot counts from last slot down. */
int start = 1;
if (subExpr.length > 2) {
LocalLoadOperator llop = (LocalLoadOperator) subExpr[1];
if (llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot() == slot) {
jikesAnon = true;
// This is not an outer value.
slot -= params[minOuter - 1].stackSize();
int sub = subExpr.length - 1;
/* Check how many parameters are passed correctly. */
while (sub >= start) {
LocalLoadOperator llop = (LocalLoadOperator) subExpr[sub];
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" pos "+sub+": "+slot+","
+ llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot()+
"; "+minOuter);
if (llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot() != slot) {
// restore the slot.
slot += params[minOuter - 1].stackSize();
/* This parameter is not forced to be an outer value */
if (minOuter == 0)
slot -= params[minOuter - 1].stackSize();
ClassAnalyzer superAna = superCall.getClassAnalyzer();
OuterValues superOV = null;
if (superAna != null
&& superAna.getParent() instanceof MethodAnalyzer) {
// super is a method scope class.
superOV = superAna.getOuterValues();
int minSuperOuter = sub - start + 1;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" super outer: " + superOV);
/* The remaining sub expressions must be outerValues. */
for (; sub >= start; sub--) {
LocalLoadOperator llop = (LocalLoadOperator) subExpr[sub];
if (llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot() >= slot) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" Illegal slot at "+sub+":"
+ llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot());
if (minSuperOuter > 0) {
if (superOV == null || superOV.getCount() < minSuperOuter) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" super outer doesn't match: "
+ minSuperOuter);
if (superOV != null) {
final int ovdiff = minOuter - minSuperOuter;
outerValues.setCount(superOV.getCount() + ovdiff);
superOV.addOuterValueListener(new OuterValueListener() {
public void shrinkingOuterValues
(OuterValues other, int newCount) {
outerValues.setCount(newCount + ovdiff);
} else
if (jikesAnon)
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" succeeded: "+outerValues);
private boolean checkJikesSuper(Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof LocalStoreOperator
|| expr instanceof IIncOperator)
return false;
if (expr instanceof Operator) {
Expression subExpr[] = ((Operator)expr).getSubExpressions();
for (int i=0; i< subExpr.length; i++) {
if (!checkJikesSuper(subExpr[i]))
return false;
return true;
private Expression renameJikesSuper(Expression expr,
MethodAnalyzer methodAna,
int firstOuterSlot,
int firstParamSlot) {
if (expr instanceof LocalLoadOperator) {
LocalLoadOperator llop = (LocalLoadOperator) expr;
int slot = llop.getLocalInfo().getSlot();
if (slot >= firstOuterSlot && slot < firstParamSlot)
return outerValues.getValueBySlot(slot);
else {
Type[] paramTypes = methodAna.getType().getParameterTypes();
int param;
/* Adjust the slot */
if (slot >= firstParamSlot)
slot -= firstParamSlot - firstOuterSlot;
for (param = 0; slot > 1 && param < paramTypes.length; param++)
slot -= paramTypes[param].stackSize();
return llop;
if (expr instanceof Operator) {
Expression subExpr[] = ((Operator)expr).getSubExpressions();
for (int i=0; i< subExpr.length; i++) {
Expression newSubExpr =
renameJikesSuper(subExpr[i], methodAna,
firstOuterSlot, firstParamSlot);
if (newSubExpr != subExpr[i])
((Operator)expr).setSubExpressions(i, newSubExpr);
return expr;
public void checkJikesContinuation() {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
System.err.println("checkJikesContinuation: "+outerValues);
for (int i=0; i < cons.length; i++) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("constr "+i+" type"
+ (i < type0Count ? 0 :
i < type01Count ? 1 : 2) + " : "
+ cons[i].getMethodHeader());
MethodAnalyzer constr = cons[i];
MethodType constrType = constr.getType();
* constructor(outerValues, params, opt. jikesAnonInner param) {
* optional super/this(expressions);
* constructor$?(optional outerValues[0], params);
* }
* The outerValues[0] parameter is the this local in the
* surrounding method. But we can't be sure, what the
* surrounding method is, since it could be either the method
* that uses the class, or a method that declares the class, that
* contains the method that uses the class.<br>
* If the surrounding method is static, the outerValues[0]
* parameter disappears.
* Move optional super to method constructor$?
* (renaming local variables) and mark constructor and
* constructor$? as Jikes constructor. */
StructuredBlock sb = constr.getMethodHeader().block;
Vector localLoads = null;
InstructionBlock superBlock = null;
if (i >= type0Count) {
/* Extract the super() or this() call at the beginning
* of the constructor
if (!(sb instanceof SequentialBlock)
|| !(sb.getSubBlocks()[1] instanceof InstructionBlock))
continue constr_loop;
superBlock = (InstructionBlock) sb.getSubBlocks()[0];
sb = sb.getSubBlocks()[1];
Expression superExpr = superBlock.getInstruction().simplify();
InvokeOperator superInvoke = (InvokeOperator) superExpr;
Expression[] subExpr = superInvoke.getSubExpressions();
for (int j=1; j< subExpr.length; j++) {
if (!checkJikesSuper(subExpr[j]))
continue constr_loop;
if (!(sb instanceof InstructionBlock))
continue constr_loop;
/* Now check the constructor$? invocation */
Expression lastExpr
= ((InstructionBlock)sb).getInstruction().simplify();
if (!(lastExpr instanceof InvokeOperator))
continue constr_loop;
InvokeOperator invoke = (InvokeOperator) lastExpr;
if (!invoke.isThis()
|| invoke.getFreeOperandCount() != 0)
continue constr_loop;
MethodAnalyzer methodAna = invoke.getMethodAnalyzer();
if (methodAna == null)
continue constr_loop;
MethodType methodType = methodAna.getType();
Expression[] methodParams = invoke.getSubExpressions();
if (!methodAna.getName().startsWith("constructor$")
|| methodType.getReturnType() != Type.tVoid)
continue constr_loop;
if (!isThis(methodParams[0], clazzAnalyzer.getClazz()))
continue constr_loop;
for (int j=1; j < methodParams.length; j++) {
if (!(methodParams[j] instanceof LocalLoadOperator))
continue constr_loop;
Type[] paramTypes = constr.getType().getParameterTypes();
int paramCount = paramTypes.length;
if (outerValues.isJikesAnonymousInner())
int maxOuterCount = paramCount - methodParams.length + 2;
int minOuterCount = maxOuterCount - 1;
int slot = 1;
int firstParam = 1;
Expression outer0 = null;
if (maxOuterCount > 0
&& methodParams.length > 1
&& outerValues.getCount() > 0) {
/* Check if the outerValues[0] param is present.
* we can't be sure if maxOuterCount equals 1, but
* we assume so, since at this time all possible
* info about outers have been collected.
if (((LocalLoadOperator)methodParams[firstParam]
).getLocalInfo().getSlot() == 1) {
minOuterCount = maxOuterCount;
outer0 = outerValues.getValue(0);
} else
for (int j=0; j < maxOuterCount; j++)
slot += paramTypes[j].stackSize();
if (minOuterCount > outerValues.getCount())
continue constr_loop;
int firstParamSlot = slot;
int firstOuterSlot = firstParam;
int slotDist = firstParamSlot - firstOuterSlot;
/* check the remaining parameters.
for (int j=firstParam; j < methodParams.length; j++) {
if (((LocalLoadOperator) methodParams[j]
).getLocalInfo().getSlot() != slot)
continue constr_loop;
slot += methodParams[j].getType().stackSize();
/* Now move the constructor call.
if (superBlock != null) {
Expression newExpr =
renameJikesSuper(superBlock.getInstruction(), methodAna,
firstOuterSlot, firstParamSlot);
if (outer0 != null) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" succeeded");
methodAna.setHasOuterValue(firstOuterSlot == 2);
if (constr.isAnonymousConstructor())
* This methods checks if expr is a valid field initializer. It
* will also merge outerValues, that occur in expr.
* @param expr the initializer to check
* @return the transformed initializer or null if expr is not valid.
private Expression transformFieldInitializer(int fieldSlot,
Expression expr) {
if (expr instanceof LocalVarOperator) {
if (!(expr instanceof LocalLoadOperator)) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("illegal local op: "+expr);
return null;
if (outerValues != null
&& (Options.options & Options.OPTION_CONTRAFO) != 0) {
int slot = ((LocalLoadOperator)expr).getLocalInfo().getSlot();
Expression outExpr = outerValues.getValueBySlot(slot);
if (outExpr != null)
return outExpr;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("not outerValue: "+expr
+" "+outerValues);
return null;
if (expr instanceof FieldOperator) {
if (expr instanceof PutFieldOperator)
return null;
FieldOperator fo = (FieldOperator) expr;
if (fo.getClassInfo() == clazzAnalyzer.getClazz()
&& clazzAnalyzer.getFieldIndex(fo.getFieldName(),
fo.getFieldType()) >= fieldSlot)
return null;
if (expr instanceof Operator) {
Operator op = (Operator) expr;
Expression[] subExpr = op.getSubExpressions();
for (int i=0; i< subExpr.length; i++) {
Expression transformed
= transformFieldInitializer(fieldSlot, subExpr[i]);
if (transformed == null)
return null;
if (transformed != subExpr[i])
op.setSubExpressions(i, transformed);
return expr;
public void removeSynthInitializers() {
if ((Options.options & Options.OPTION_CONTRAFO) == 0
|| isStatic || type01Count == 0)
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("removeSynthInitializers of "
/* sb will iterate the instructions of the constructor. */
StructuredBlock[] sb = new StructuredBlock[type01Count];
for (int i=0; i < type01Count; i++) {
sb[i] = cons[i].getMethodHeader().block;
if (i >= type0Count) {
if (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock)
sb[i] = sb[i].getSubBlocks()[1];
/* One constructor is done. There is no field */
for (;;) {
StructuredBlock ib =
(sb[0] instanceof SequentialBlock)
? sb[0].getSubBlocks()[0]
: sb[0];
if (!(ib instanceof InstructionBlock))
break big_loop;
Expression instr
= ((InstructionBlock) ib).getInstruction().simplify();
if (!(instr instanceof StoreInstruction)
|| instr.getFreeOperandCount() != 0)
break big_loop;
StoreInstruction store = (StoreInstruction) instr;
if (!(store.getLValue() instanceof PutFieldOperator))
break big_loop;
PutFieldOperator pfo = (PutFieldOperator) store.getLValue();
if (pfo.isStatic() != isStatic
|| pfo.getClassInfo() != clazzAnalyzer.getClazz())
break big_loop;
if (!isThis(pfo.getSubExpressions()[0],
break big_loop;
int field = clazzAnalyzer.getFieldIndex(pfo.getFieldName(),
if (field < 0)
break big_loop;
FieldAnalyzer fieldAna = clazzAnalyzer.getField(field);
/* Don't check for final. Jikes sometimes omits this attribute.
if (!fieldAna.isSynthetic())
break big_loop;
Expression expr = store.getSubExpressions()[1];
expr = transformFieldInitializer(field, expr);
if (expr == null)
break big_loop;
for (int i=1; i< type01Count; i++) {
ib = (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock)
? sb[i].getSubBlocks()[0]
: sb[i];
if (!(ib instanceof InstructionBlock)
|| !(((InstructionBlock)ib).getInstruction().simplify()
.equals(instr))) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" constr 0 and "+i
+" differ: "
break big_loop;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" field " + pfo.getFieldName()
+ " = " + expr);
if (!(fieldAna.setInitializer(expr))) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" setField failed");
break big_loop;
boolean done = false;
for (int i=0; i< type01Count; i++) {
if (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock) {
StructuredBlock next = sb[i].getSubBlocks()[1];
sb[i] = next;
} else {
sb[i] = null;
done = true;
if (done) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("one constr is over");
public int transformOneField(int lastField, StructuredBlock ib) {
if (!(ib instanceof InstructionBlock))
return -1;
Expression instr = ((InstructionBlock) ib).getInstruction().simplify();
if (!(instr instanceof StoreInstruction)
|| instr.getFreeOperandCount() != 0)
return -1;
StoreInstruction store = (StoreInstruction) instr;
if (!(store.getLValue() instanceof PutFieldOperator))
return -1;
PutFieldOperator pfo = (PutFieldOperator) store.getLValue();
if (pfo.isStatic() != isStatic
|| pfo.getClassInfo() != clazzAnalyzer.getClazz())
return -1;
if (!isStatic) {
if (!isThis(pfo.getSubExpressions()[0],
clazzAnalyzer.getClazz())) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" not this: "+instr);
return -1;
int field = clazzAnalyzer.getFieldIndex(pfo.getFieldName(),
if (field <= lastField)
return -1;
Expression expr = store.getSubExpressions()[1];
expr = transformFieldInitializer(field, expr);
if (expr == null)
return -1;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" field " + pfo.getFieldName()
+ " = " + expr);
// if field does not exists: -1 <= lastField.
if (field <= lastField
|| !(clazzAnalyzer.getField(field).setInitializer(expr))) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("set field failed");
return -1;
return field;
public void transformBlockInitializer(StructuredBlock block) {
StructuredBlock start = null;
StructuredBlock tail = null;
int lastField = -1;
while (block instanceof SequentialBlock) {
StructuredBlock ib = block.getSubBlocks()[0];
int field = transformOneField(lastField, ib);
if (field < 0)
clazzAnalyzer.addBlockInitializer(lastField + 1, ib);
lastField = field;
block = block.getSubBlocks()[1];
if (transformOneField(lastField, block) < 0)
clazzAnalyzer.addBlockInitializer(lastField + 1, block);
public boolean checkBlockInitializer(InvokeOperator invoke) {
if (!invoke.isThis()
|| invoke.getFreeOperandCount() != 0)
return false;
MethodAnalyzer methodAna = invoke.getMethodAnalyzer();
if (methodAna == null)
return false;
FlowBlock flow = methodAna.getMethodHeader();
MethodType methodType = methodAna.getType();
if (!methodAna.getName().startsWith("block$")
|| methodType.getParameterTypes().length != 0
|| methodType.getReturnType() != Type.tVoid)
return false;
if (flow == null || !flow.hasNoJumps())
return false;
if (!isThis(invoke.getSubExpressions()[0],
return false;
return true;
private void removeDefaultSuper() {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("removeDefaultSuper of "
+ clazzAnalyzer.getClazz());
/* Check if we can remove the super() call of type1 constructors.
* This transforms a type1 constructor in a type0 constructor.
for (int i=type0Count; i< type01Count; i++) {
MethodAnalyzer current = cons[i];
FlowBlock header = cons[i].getMethodHeader();
StructuredBlock body = header.block;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("constr "+i+": "+body);
InstructionBlock ib;
if (body instanceof InstructionBlock)
ib = (InstructionBlock) body;
ib = (InstructionBlock) body.getSubBlocks()[0];
InvokeOperator superInvoke = (InvokeOperator)
ClassInfo superClazz = superInvoke.getClassInfo();
InnerClassInfo[] outers = superClazz.getOuterClasses();
int superParamCount = superInvoke.getSubExpressions().length - 1;
if ((Options.options & Options.OPTION_INNER) != 0
&& outers != null
&& outers[0].outer != null
&& outers[0].name != null
&& !Modifier.isStatic(outers[0].modifiers)) {
if (superParamCount != 1
|| !(superInvoke.getSubExpressions()[1]
instanceof ThisOperator))
} else {
/* If the super() has no parameters (or only default
* outerValue parameter for inner/anonymous classes), we
* can remove it
ClassAnalyzer superClazzAna = superInvoke.getClassAnalyzer();
OuterValues superOV = null;
if (superClazzAna != null)
superOV = superClazzAna.getOuterValues();
if (superParamCount > 0
&& (superOV == null
|| superParamCount > superOV.getCount()))
if (i > type0Count) {
cons[i] = cons[type0Count];
cons[type0Count] = current;
private void removeInitializers() {
if (type01Count == 0)
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
StructuredBlock[] sb = new StructuredBlock[type01Count];
for (int i=0; i< type01Count; i++) {
FlowBlock header = cons[i].getMethodHeader();
/* sb[i] will iterate the instructions of the constructor. */
sb[i] = header.block;
if (i >= type0Count) {
if (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock)
sb[i] = sb[i].getSubBlocks()[1];
else {
sb[i] = null;
int lastField = -1;
for (;;) {
StructuredBlock ib =
(sb[0] instanceof SequentialBlock)
? sb[0].getSubBlocks()[0]
: sb[0];
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("Instruction: "+ib);
if (!(ib instanceof InstructionBlock))
break big_loop;
Expression instr
= ((InstructionBlock) ib).getInstruction().simplify();
for (int i=1; i < type01Count; i++) {
ib = (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock)
? sb[i].getSubBlocks()[0]
: sb[i];
if (!(ib instanceof InstructionBlock)
|| !(((InstructionBlock)ib).getInstruction().simplify()
.equals(instr))) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("constr "+i+" differs: "+ib);
break big_loop;
if (instr instanceof InvokeOperator
&& checkBlockInitializer((InvokeOperator) instr)) {
for (int i=0; i< type01Count; i++) {
if (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock) {
StructuredBlock next = sb[i].getSubBlocks()[1];
sb[i] = next;
} else {
sb[i] = null;
break big_loop;
int field = transformOneField(lastField, ib);
if (field < 0)
break big_loop;
lastField = field;
boolean done = false;
for (int i=0; i< type01Count; i++) {
if (sb[i] instanceof SequentialBlock) {
StructuredBlock next = sb[i].getSubBlocks()[1];
sb[i] = next;
} else {
sb[i] = null;
done = true;
if (done) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("one constr is over");
* This does the normal constructor transformations.
* javac copies the field initializers to each constructor. This
* will undo the transformation: it will tell the fields about the
* initial value and removes the initialization from all constructors.
* There are of course many checks necessary: All field
* initializers must be equal in all constructors, and there
* mustn't be locals that used in field initialization (except
* outerValue - locals).
public void transform() {
if ((Options.options & Options.OPTION_CONTRAFO) == 0
|| cons.length == 0)
if (outerValues != null) {
/* Now tell all constructors the value of outerValues parameters
* and simplify them again.
for (int i=0; i< cons.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < outerValues.getCount(); j++)
// if (outerValues.isJikesAnonymousConstructor()) {
// /*XXX???*/
// }