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/* OuterValues Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package net.sf.jode.decompiler;
import net.sf.jode.GlobalOptions;
import net.sf.jode.expr.Expression;
import net.sf.jode.expr.ThisOperator;
import net.sf.jode.expr.LocalLoadOperator;
import net.sf.jode.expr.OuterLocalOperator;
import net.sf.jode.util.SimpleMap;
import net.sf.jode.type.Type;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
* <p>A list of local variables that a method scoped class inherits
* from its declaring method.</p>
* <p>A method scoped class is a class that is declared in a method
* and it can access other (final) local variables declared earlier.
* To realize this the java compiler adds hidden parameters to the
* constructor of the method scoped class, where it passes the values
* of the local varaiables. If a method scoped class has more than
* one constructor, each gets this hidden parameters. These hidden
* parameters are the outerValues, because they are used to transport
* a value of a local variable from an outer method.</p>
* <p>Unfortunately there is no definite way to distinguish this outer
* value parameters from the real parameters, so jode has to do a
* guess: It first assumes that everything is an outer value parameter
* added by the compiler and if this leads to contradiction shrinks
* the count of these parameters. A contradiction can occur, because
* the constructor is called two times with different values.</p>
* <p>On the other hand the TransformConstructor class assumes at some
* point that some parameters are outer values. If later a
* contradiction occurs, jode has to give up and complain loudly.</p>
* <p>Every class interested in outer values, may register itself as
* OuterValueListener. It will then be notified every time the outer
* values shrink. Sometimes there are real listener queues: if
* another method scoped class creates instances of the first in its
* constructor by passing some of its own outer value parameter, it
* may first seem that all parameters of the first class's constructor
* are outer values. Because we can't be sure that the parameter from
* the second class's constructor is really an outer value, we have to
* add a listener. If later a constructor invokation for the second
* class is found, where a parameter does not have the right outer
* value, the listener will also shrink the outer values list of the
* first class.</p>
* <p>A non static _class_ scoped class (i.e. a normal inner class) also
* has a hidden parameter, namely the instance of its outer class.
* This hidden parameter is not considered as outer value though.
* Note that you can even explicitly invoke the constructor with a
* different outer class instance, by using the
* <code>outerInstance.new InnerClass()</code> construct. This
* exception doesn't apply to method scoped classes, though.</p>
* <p>Anonymous classes can of course also extend class or method scoped
* classes. If they are compiled by jikes the constructor takes as
* last parameter the outer instance of its super class. This should
* really be the first parameter just after the outerValues, as it
* is under javac. We mark such classes as jikesAnonymousInner. This
* is done in the initialize() pass.</p>
* @see #addOuterValueListener
* @since 1.0.93 */
public class OuterValues
private ClassAnalyzer clazzAnalyzer;
* The outer values. An outer value is either a
* LocalLoadOperator, a ThisOperator, or a OuterLocalOperator.
private Expression[] head;
private Vector ovListeners;
private boolean jikesAnonymousInner;
private boolean implicitOuterClass;
* The maximal number of parameters used for outer values.
private int headCount;
* The minimal number of parameters used for outer values.
private int headMinCount;
public OuterValues(ClassAnalyzer ca, Expression[] head) {
this.clazzAnalyzer = ca;
this.head = head;
this.headMinCount = 0;
this.headCount = head.length;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("Created OuterValues: "+this);
public Expression getValue(int i) {
/** require i < getCount() **/
return head[i];
public int getCount() {
return headCount;
private int getNumberBySlot(int slot) {
slot--; // skip this parameter (not an outer value)
for (int i=0; slot >= 0 && i < headCount; i++) {
if (slot == 0)
return i;
slot -= head[i].getType().stackSize();
return -1;
* Get the outer value corresponding to a given slot. This will
* also adjust the minSlot value. This only considers head slots.
* @return index into outerValues array or -1, if not matched.
public Expression getValueBySlot(int slot) {
slot--; // skip this parameter (not an outer value)
for (int i=0; i < headCount; i++) {
if (slot == 0) {
Expression expr = head[i];
if (i >= headMinCount)
headMinCount = i;
return expr;
slot -= head[i].getType().stackSize();
return null;
* If li is a local variable of a constructor, and it could be
* an outer value, return this outer value and mark ourself as
* listener. If that outer value gets invalid later, we shrink
* ourself to the given nr.
* @param expr The expression to lift.
* @param nr The nr of outer values we shrink to, if something
* happens later.
* @return the outer value if the above conditions are true,
* null otherwise.
private Expression liftOuterValue(LocalInfo li, final int nr) {
MethodAnalyzer method = li.getMethodAnalyzer();
if (!method.isConstructor() || method.isStatic())
return null;
OuterValues ov = method.getClassAnalyzer().getOuterValues();
if (ov == null)
return null;
int ovNr = ov.getNumberBySlot(li.getSlot());
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" ovNr "+ovNr+","+ov);
if (ovNr < 0 && ov.getCount() >= 1 && ov.isJikesAnonymousInner()) {
/* Second chance if this is a jikesAnonInner class:
* last parameter is this parameter. XXX
Type[] paramTypes = method.getType().getParameterTypes();
int lastSlot = 1;
for (int i=0; i < paramTypes.length - 1; i++)
lastSlot += paramTypes[i].stackSize();
/* jikesAnonInner corresponds to the first outer value */
if (li.getSlot() == lastSlot)
ovNr = 0;
if (ovNr < 0)
return null;
if (ov != this || ovNr > nr) {
final int limit = ovNr;
ov.addOuterValueListener(new OuterValueListener() {
public void shrinkingOuterValues
(OuterValues other, int newCount) {
if (newCount <= limit)
return ov.head[ovNr];
public boolean unifyOuterValues(int nr,
Expression otherExpr) {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("unifyOuterValues: "+this+","
/** require nr < getCount() **/
Expression expr1 = otherExpr;
Expression expr2 = head[nr];
LocalInfo li1;
/* Wow, unifying outer values of different constructors in
* different methods of different classes can get complicated.
* We have not committed the number of OuterValues. So we
* can't say for sure, if the local load matches an outer
* local if this is a constructor. Even worse: The previous
* outerValues may be a load of a constructor local, that
* should be used as outer value...
* See MethodScopeTest for examples.
* We look if there is a way to merge them and register an
* outer value listener to lots of classes.
if (expr1 instanceof ThisOperator) {
li1 = null;
} else if (expr1 instanceof OuterLocalOperator) {
li1 = ((OuterLocalOperator) expr1).getLocalInfo();
} else if (expr1 instanceof LocalLoadOperator) {
li1 = ((LocalLoadOperator) expr1).getLocalInfo();
} else
return false;
/* First lift expr1 until it is a parent of this class */
while (li1 != null
&& !li1.getMethodAnalyzer().isMoreOuterThan(clazzAnalyzer)) {
expr1 = liftOuterValue(li1, nr);
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" lift1 "+li1
+" in "+li1.getMethodAnalyzer()
+" to "+expr1);
if (expr1 instanceof ThisOperator) {
li1 = null;
} else if (expr1 instanceof OuterLocalOperator) {
li1 = ((OuterLocalOperator) expr1).getLocalInfo();
} else
return false;
/* Now lift expr2 until expr1 and expr2 are equal */
while (!expr1.equals(expr2)) {
if (expr2 instanceof OuterLocalOperator) {
LocalInfo li2 = ((OuterLocalOperator) expr2).getLocalInfo();
/* if expr1 and expr2 point to same local, we have
* succeeded (note that expr1 may be an LocalLoadOperator)
if (li2.equals(li1))
expr2 = liftOuterValue(li2, nr);
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println(" lift2 "+li2
+" in "+li2.getMethodAnalyzer()
+" to "+expr2);
} else
return false;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0)
GlobalOptions.err.println("unifyOuterValues succeeded.");
return true;
* Jikes gives the outer class reference in an unusual place (as last
* parameter) for anonymous classes that extends an inner (or method
* scope) class. This method tells if this is such a class.
public boolean isJikesAnonymousInner() {
return jikesAnonymousInner;
* Javac 1.3 doesn't give an outer class reference for anonymous
* classes that extend inner classes, provided the outer class is
* the normal this parameter. Instead it takes a normal outer
* value parameter for this. This method tells if this is such a
* class.
public boolean isImplicitOuterClass() {
return implicitOuterClass;
public void addOuterValueListener(OuterValueListener l) {
if (ovListeners == null)
ovListeners = new Vector();
* Jikes gives the outer class reference in an unusual place (as last
* parameter) for anonymous classes that extends an inner (or method
* scope) class. This method tells if this is such a class.
public void setJikesAnonymousInner(boolean value) {
jikesAnonymousInner = value;
public void setImplicitOuterClass(boolean value) {
implicitOuterClass = value;
private static int countSlots(Expression[] exprs, int length) {
int slots = 0;
for (int i=0; i < length; i++)
slots += exprs[i].getType().stackSize();
return slots;
public void setMinCount(int newMin) {
if (headCount < newMin) {
("WARNING: something got wrong with scoped class "
+clazzAnalyzer.getClazz()+": " +newMin+","+headCount);
new Throwable().printStackTrace(GlobalOptions.err);
headMinCount = headCount;
} else if (newMin > headMinCount)
headMinCount = newMin;
public void setCount(int newHeadCount) {
if (newHeadCount >= headCount)
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_CONSTRS) != 0) {
GlobalOptions.err.println("setCount: "+this+","+newHeadCount);
new Throwable().printStackTrace(GlobalOptions.err);
headCount = newHeadCount;
if (newHeadCount < headMinCount) {
("WARNING: something got wrong with scoped class "
+clazzAnalyzer.getClazz()+": "
new Throwable().printStackTrace(GlobalOptions.err);
headMinCount = newHeadCount;
if (ovListeners != null) {
for (Enumeration enum = ovListeners.elements();
((OuterValueListener) enum.nextElement()
).shrinkingOuterValues(this, newHeadCount);
public String toString() {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer()
String comma = "";
int slot = 1;
for (int i=0; i < headCount; i++) {
if (i == headMinCount)
slot += head[i].getType().stackSize();
comma = ",";
if (jikesAnonymousInner)
if (implicitOuterClass)
return sb.append("]").toString();