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/* MethodAnalyzer Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package jode.decompiler;
import jode.AssertError;
import jode.Decompiler;
import jode.GlobalOptions;
import jode.bytecode.*;
import jode.jvm.SyntheticAnalyzer;
import jode.type.*;
import jode.expr.Expression;
import jode.expr.ConstOperator;
import jode.expr.CheckNullOperator;
import jode.expr.ThisOperator;
import jode.expr.LocalLoadOperator;
import jode.expr.OuterLocalOperator;
import jode.expr.ConstructorOperator;
import jode.flow.StructuredBlock;
import jode.flow.FlowBlock;
import jode.flow.TransformExceptionHandlers;
import jode.flow.Jump;
import jode.jvm.CodeVerifier;
import jode.jvm.VerifyException;
import jode.util.SimpleMap;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
///#ifdef JDK12
///import java.util.Map;
import jode.util.Map;
public class MethodAnalyzer implements Analyzer, Scope, ClassDeclarer {
ImportHandler imports;
ClassAnalyzer classAnalyzer;
MethodInfo minfo;
String methodName;
MethodType methodType;
boolean isConstructor;
Type[] exceptions;
SyntheticAnalyzer synth;
FlowBlock methodHeader;
BytecodeInfo code;
Vector allLocals = new Vector();
LocalInfo[] param;
LocalVariableTable lvt;
* This is a block that will be inserted at the beginning of the
* method, when the code is analyzed.
StructuredBlock insertBlock = null;
boolean isJikesConstructor;
boolean hasJikesOuterValue;
boolean isImplicitAnonymousConstructor;
boolean isJikesBlockInitializer;
* This dictionary maps an anonymous ClassInfo to the
* ConstructorOperator that creates this class.
Vector anonConstructors = new Vector();
Vector innerAnalyzers;
public MethodAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer cla, MethodInfo minfo,
ImportHandler imports) {
this.classAnalyzer = cla;
this.imports = imports;
this.minfo = minfo;
this.methodName = minfo.getName();
this.methodType = Type.tMethod(minfo.getType());
this.isConstructor =
methodName.equals("<init>") || methodName.equals("<clinit>");
if (minfo.getBytecode() != null) {
code = minfo.getBytecode();
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_VERIFY) != 0) {
CodeVerifier verifier
= new CodeVerifier(getClazz(), minfo, code);
try {
} catch (VerifyException ex) {
throw new jode.AssertError("Verification error");
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_LVT) != 0) {
LocalVariableInfo[] localvars = code.getLocalVariableTable();
if (localvars != null)
lvt = new LocalVariableTable(code.getMaxLocals(),
String[] excattr = minfo.getExceptions();
if (excattr == null) {
exceptions = new Type[0];
} else {
int excCount = excattr.length;
this.exceptions = new Type[excCount];
for (int i=0; i< excCount; i++)
exceptions[i] = Type.tClass(excattr[i]);
if (minfo.isSynthetic() || methodName.indexOf('$') != -1)
synth = new SyntheticAnalyzer(minfo, true);
public void initParams() {
Type[] paramTypes = getType().getParameterTypes();
int paramCount = (isStatic() ? 0 : 1) + paramTypes.length;
param = new LocalInfo[paramCount];
int offset = 0;
int slot = 0;
if (!isStatic())
param[offset++] = getLocalInfo(0, slot++);
for (int i=0; i < paramTypes.length; i++) {
param[offset++] = getLocalInfo(0, slot);
slot += paramTypes[i].stackSize();
public String getName() {
return methodName;
public MethodType getType() {
return methodType;
public FlowBlock getMethodHeader() {
return methodHeader;
public final BytecodeInfo getBytecodeInfo() {
return code;
public final ImportHandler getImportHandler() {
return imports;
public final void useType(Type type) {
public void insertStructuredBlock(StructuredBlock superBlock) {
if (insertBlock != null)
throw new jode.AssertError();
insertBlock = superBlock;
public final boolean isConstructor() {
return isConstructor;
public final boolean isStatic() {
return minfo.isStatic();
public final boolean isSynthetic() {
return minfo.isSynthetic();
public final void setJikesConstructor(boolean value) {
isJikesConstructor = value;
public final void setJikesBlockInitializer(boolean value) {
isJikesBlockInitializer = value;
public final void setHasOuterValue(boolean value) {
hasJikesOuterValue = value;
public final void setAnonymousConstructor(boolean value) {
isImplicitAnonymousConstructor = value;
public final boolean isAnonymousConstructor() {
return isImplicitAnonymousConstructor;
public final SyntheticAnalyzer getSynthetic() {
return synth;
public Type getReturnType() {
return methodType.getReturnType();
public void analyzeCode()
if (GlobalOptions.verboseLevel > 0)
GlobalOptions.err.print(methodName+": ");
/* The adjacent analyzation relies on this */
Handler[] handlers = code.getExceptionHandlers();
int returnCount;
TransformExceptionHandlers excHandlers;
/* First create a FlowBlock for every block that has a
* predecessor other than the previous instruction.
for (Instruction instr = code.getFirstInstr();
instr != null; instr = instr.nextByAddr) {
if (instr.prevByAddr == null
|| instr.prevByAddr.alwaysJumps
|| instr.preds != null)
instr.tmpInfo = new FlowBlock
(this, instr.addr, instr.length);
for (int i=0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
Instruction instr = handlers[i].start;
if (instr.tmpInfo == null)
= new FlowBlock(this, instr.addr, instr.length);
instr = handlers[i].catcher;
if (instr.tmpInfo == null)
= new FlowBlock(this, instr.addr, instr.length);
/* While we read the opcodes into FlowBlocks
* we try to combine sequential blocks, as soon as we
* find two sequential instructions in a row, where the
* second has no predecessors.
int mark = 1000;
FlowBlock lastBlock = null;
boolean lastSequential = false;
for (Instruction instr = code.getFirstInstr();
instr != null; instr = instr.nextByAddr) {
jode.flow.StructuredBlock block
= Opcodes.readOpcode(instr, this);
if (GlobalOptions.verboseLevel > 0 && instr.addr > mark) {
mark += 1000;
if (lastSequential && instr.tmpInfo == null
/* Only merge with previous block, if this is sequential,
* too.
* Why? doSequentialT2 does only handle sequential blocks.
&& !instr.alwaysJumps && instr.succs == null) {
lastBlock.doSequentialT2(block, instr.length);
} else {
if (instr.tmpInfo == null)
instr.tmpInfo = new FlowBlock
(this, instr.addr, instr.length);
FlowBlock flowBlock = (FlowBlock) instr.tmpInfo;
if (lastBlock != null)
instr.tmpInfo = lastBlock = flowBlock;
lastSequential = !instr.alwaysJumps && instr.succs == null;
methodHeader = (FlowBlock) code.getFirstInstr().tmpInfo;
if (insertBlock != null) {
insertBlock.setJump(new Jump(methodHeader));
FlowBlock insertFlowBlock = new FlowBlock(this, 0, 0);
methodHeader = insertFlowBlock;
excHandlers = new TransformExceptionHandlers();
for (int i=0; i<handlers.length; i++) {
Type type = null;
FlowBlock start
= (FlowBlock) handlers[i].start.tmpInfo;
int endAddr = handlers[i].end.nextByAddr.addr;
FlowBlock handler
= (FlowBlock) handlers[i].catcher.tmpInfo;
if (handlers[i].type != null)
type = Type.tClass(handlers[i].type);
excHandlers.addHandler(start, endAddr, handler, type);
for (Instruction instr = code.getFirstInstr();
instr != null; instr = instr.nextByAddr)
instr.tmpInfo = null;
if (GlobalOptions.verboseLevel > 0)
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_PUSH) == 0
&& methodHeader.mapStackToLocal())
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_ONETIME) != 0)
if (GlobalOptions.verboseLevel > 0)
public void analyze()
throws ClassFormatError
if (code == null)
int offset = 0;
if (!isStatic()) {
ClassInfo classInfo = classAnalyzer.getClazz();
LocalInfo thisLocal = getParamInfo(0);
thisLocal.setExpression(new ThisOperator(classInfo, true));
Type[] paramTypes = methodType.getParameterTypes();
for (int i=0; i< paramTypes.length; i++) {
for (int i= 0; i< exceptions.length; i++)
if (!isConstructor)
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_IMMEDIATE) == 0)
public final LocalInfo getParamInfo(int nr) {
return param[nr];
public void analyzeInnerClasses()
throws ClassFormatError
public void makeDeclaration() {
if (isConstructor() && !isStatic()
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues != null
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_CONTRAFO) != 0) {
Expression[] outerValues = classAnalyzer.outerValues;
for (int i=0; i< outerValues.length; i++) {
LocalInfo local = getParamInfo(1+i);
if (isJikesConstructor && hasJikesOuterValue
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues != null
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues.length > 0)
for (Enumeration enum = allLocals.elements();
enum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
LocalInfo li = (LocalInfo)enum.nextElement();
if (!li.isShadow())
if (code != null) {
for (int i=0; i < param.length; i++) {
for (int j=0; j < i; j++) {
if (param[j].getName().equals(param[i].getName())) {
/* A name conflict happened. */
break; /* j */
if (innerAnalyzers != null) {
for (Enumeration enum = innerAnalyzers.elements();
enum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
ClassAnalyzer classAna = (ClassAnalyzer) enum.nextElement();
if (classAna.getParent() == this) {
Expression[] outerValues = classAna.getOuterValues();
for (int i=0; i< outerValues.length; i++) {
if (outerValues[i] instanceof OuterLocalOperator) {
LocalInfo li = ((OuterLocalOperator)
if (li.getMethodAnalyzer() == this)
public boolean skipWriting() {
if (synth != null) {
// We don't need this class anymore (hopefully?)
if (synth.getKind() == synth.GETCLASS)
return true;
if (synth.getKind() >= synth.ACCESSGETFIELD
&& synth.getKind() <= synth.ACCESSSTATICMETHOD
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_INNER) != 0
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_ANON) != 0)
return true;
if (isConstructor && isJikesConstructor) {
// This is the first empty part of a jikes constructor
return true;
boolean declareAsConstructor = isConstructor;
int skipParams = 0;
if (isConstructor() && !isStatic()
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues != null)
skipParams = classAnalyzer.outerValues.length;
if (isJikesConstructor) {
// This is the real part of a jikes constructor
declareAsConstructor = true;
skipParams = hasJikesOuterValue
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues.length > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (isJikesBlockInitializer)
return true;
if (declareAsConstructor
/* The access rights of default constructor should
* be public, iff the class is public, otherwise package.
* But this rule doesn't necessarily apply for anonymous
* classes...
&& ((minfo.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC)
== (getClazz().getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC)
|| classAnalyzer.getName() == null)
&& (minfo.getModifiers()
& (Modifier.PRIVATE | Modifier.PROTECTED
| Modifier.SYNCHRONIZED | Modifier.STATIC
| Modifier.ABSTRACT | Modifier.NATIVE)) == 0
&& classAnalyzer.constructors.length == 1) {
// If this is the only constructor and it is empty and
// takes no parameters, this is the default constructor.
if (methodType.getParameterTypes().length == skipParams
&& getMethodHeader() != null
&& getMethodHeader().getBlock() instanceof jode.flow.EmptyBlock
&& getMethodHeader().hasNoJumps())
return true;
// if this is an anonymous class and this is the only
// constructor and it only does a super call with the given
// parameters, this is constructor is implicit.
if (isImplicitAnonymousConstructor)
return true;
if (isConstructor() && isStatic()
&& getMethodHeader().getBlock() instanceof jode.flow.EmptyBlock)
return true;
return false;
public void dumpSource(TabbedPrintWriter writer)
throws IOException
boolean declareAsConstructor = isConstructor;
int skipParams = 0;
if (isConstructor() && !isStatic()
&& (Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_CONTRAFO) != 0
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues != null)
skipParams = classAnalyzer.outerValues.length;
if (isJikesConstructor) {
// This is the real part of a jikes constructor
declareAsConstructor = true;
skipParams = hasJikesOuterValue
&& classAnalyzer.outerValues.length > 0 ? 1 : 0;
if ((Decompiler.options & Decompiler.OPTION_IMMEDIATE) != 0
&& code != null) {
// We do the analyzeCode() here, to get
// immediate output.
if (minfo.isDeprecated()) {
writer.println(" * @deprecated");
writer.println(" */");
if (minfo.isSynthetic()
&& (classAnalyzer.getName() != null
|| !isConstructor()))
writer.print("/*synthetic*/ ");
int modifiedModifiers = minfo.getModifiers();
* JLS-1.0, section 9.4:
* For compatibility with older versions of Java, it is
* permitted but discouraged, as a matter of style, to
* redundantly specify the abstract modifier for methods
* declared in interfaces.
* Every method declaration in the body of an interface is
* implicitly public. It is permitted, but strongly
* discouraged as a matter of style, to redundantly specify
* the public modifier for interface methods. We don't
* follow this second rule and mark this method explicitly
* as public.
if (classAnalyzer.getClazz().isInterface())
modifiedModifiers &= ~Modifier.ABSTRACT;
String modif = Modifier.toString(modifiedModifiers);
if (modif.length() > 0)
writer.print(modif+" ");
if (isConstructor
&& (isStatic()
|| (classAnalyzer.getName() == null
&& skipParams == methodType.getParameterTypes().length))) {
/* static block or unnamed constructor */
} else {
if (declareAsConstructor)
else {
writer.print(" " + methodName);
Type[] paramTypes = methodType.getParameterTypes();
int offset = skipParams + (isStatic() ? 0 : 1);
int start = skipParams;
LocalInfo[] param = new LocalInfo[paramTypes.length];
for (int i=start; i<paramTypes.length; i++) {
if (code == null) {
param[i] = new LocalInfo(this, offset);
for (int j=0; j < i; j++) {
if (param[j].getName().equals(param[i].getName())) {
/* A name conflict happened. */
break; /* j */
} else {
param[i] = getParamInfo(offset);
for (int i=start; i<paramTypes.length; i++) {
if (i>start)
writer.print(", ");
if (exceptions.length > 0) {
writer.print("throws ");
for (int i= 0; i< exceptions.length; i++) {
if (i > 0)
writer.print(", ");
if (code != null) {
if (methodHeader != null)
writer.println("COULDN'T DECOMPILE METHOD!");
} else
public LocalInfo getLocalInfo(int addr, int slot) {
LocalInfo li = new LocalInfo(this, slot);
if (lvt != null) {
LocalVarEntry entry = lvt.getLocal(slot, addr);
if (entry != null)
li.addHint(entry.getName(), entry.getType());
return li;
public ClassAnalyzer getClassAnalyzer() {
return classAnalyzer;
public ClassInfo getClazz() {
return classAnalyzer.clazz;
* Checks if the variable set contains a local with the given name.
public LocalInfo findLocal(String name) {
Enumeration enum = allLocals.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
LocalInfo li = (LocalInfo) enum.nextElement();
if (li.getName().equals(name))
return li;
return null;
* Checks if an anonymous class with the given name exists.
public ClassAnalyzer findAnonClass(String name) {
if (innerAnalyzers != null) {
Enumeration enum = innerAnalyzers.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
ClassAnalyzer classAna = (ClassAnalyzer) enum.nextElement();
if (classAna.getParent() == this
&& classAna.getName() != null
&& classAna.getName().equals(name)) {
return classAna;
return null;
public boolean isScopeOf(Object obj, int scopeType) {
if (scopeType == METHODSCOPE
&& obj instanceof ClassInfo) {
ClassAnalyzer ana = getClassAnalyzer((ClassInfo)obj);
if (ana != null)
return ana.getParent() == this;
return false;
public boolean conflicts(String name, int usageType) {
if (usageType == AMBIGUOUSNAME || usageType == LOCALNAME)
return findLocal(name) != null;
if (usageType == AMBIGUOUSNAME || usageType == CLASSNAME)
return findAnonClass(name) != null;
return false;
public ClassDeclarer getParent() {
return getClassAnalyzer();
public void addAnonymousConstructor(ConstructorOperator cop) {
private boolean unifyOuterValues(Expression ov1, Expression ov2,
final ClassAnalyzer clazzAna,
final int shrinkTo) {
/* Wow, unifying outer values of different constructors in
* different methods of different classes can get complicated.
* We have not committed the number of OuterValues. So we
* can't say for sure, if the local load matches an outer
* local if this is a constructor. Even worse: The previous
* outerValues may be a load of a constructor local, that
* should be used as outer value...
* We look if there is a way to merge them and register an
* outer value listener to lots of classes.
LocalInfo li1 = null;
MethodAnalyzer method1 = null;
if (ov2 instanceof ThisOperator) {
if (ov1 instanceof ThisOperator)
return ov1.equals(ov2);
Expression temp = ov2;
ov2 = ov1;
ov1 = temp;
} else {
if (ov1 instanceof LocalLoadOperator)
li1 = ((LocalLoadOperator) ov1).getLocalInfo();
else if (ov1 instanceof OuterLocalOperator)
li1 = ((OuterLocalOperator) ov1).getLocalInfo();
else if (!(ov1 instanceof ThisOperator))
return false;
LocalInfo li2;
if (ov2 instanceof LocalLoadOperator)
li2 = ((LocalLoadOperator) ov2).getLocalInfo();
else if (ov2 instanceof OuterLocalOperator)
li2 = ((OuterLocalOperator) ov2).getLocalInfo();
return false;
MethodAnalyzer method2 = li2.getMethodAnalyzer();
/* Now: li2 != null, method2 != null
* (li1 == null and method1 == null) iff ov1 is ThisOperator
class ShrinkOnShrink implements OuterValueListener {
Map limits = new SimpleMap();
public void setLimit(ClassAnalyzer other,
int newLimit) {
limits.put(other, new Integer(newLimit));
public void done() {
limits = null;
public void shrinkingOuterValues
(ClassAnalyzer other, int newCount) {
if (limits != null) {
int limit = ((Integer) limits.get(other)
if (newCount <= limit) {
ShrinkOnShrink sos = new ShrinkOnShrink();
if (li1 != null) {
method1 = li1.getMethodAnalyzer();
while (!method2.isParent(method1)) {
if (!method1.isConstructor() || method1.isStatic()) {
return false;
ClassAnalyzer ca1 = method1.classAnalyzer;
int slot = li1.getSlot();
Expression[] ov = ca1.getOuterValues();
if (ov == null) {
return false;
int param = 0;
while (param < ov.length && slot > 0)
slot -= ov[param++].getType().stackSize();
if (slot != 0) {
return false;
ov1 = ov[param];
sos.setLimit(ca1, param);
if (ov1 instanceof ThisOperator) {
li1 = null;
method1 = null;
li1 = ((OuterLocalOperator) ov1).getLocalInfo();
method1 = li1.getMethodAnalyzer();
/* Now: ov1 is ThisOperator and method1 == null
* or (ov1 is LocalExpression, li1 is LocalInfo,
* method1 is parent of method2).
while (method1 != method2) {
if (!method2.isConstructor() || method2.isStatic()) {
return false;
ClassAnalyzer ca2 = method2.classAnalyzer;
int slot = li2.getSlot();
Expression[] ov = ca2.getOuterValues();
if (ov == null) {
return false;
int param = 0;
while (param < ov.length && slot > 0)
slot -= ov[param++].getType().stackSize();
if (slot != 0) {
return false;
ov2 = ov[param];
sos.setLimit(ca2, param);
if (ov2 instanceof ThisOperator) {
if (ov1.equals(ov2))
return true;
else {
return false;
li2 = ((OuterLocalOperator) ov2).getLocalInfo();
method2 = li2.getMethodAnalyzer();
if (!li1.equals(li2)) {
return false;
return true;
public void analyzeConstructorOperator(ConstructorOperator cop) {
ClassInfo clazz = (ClassInfo) cop.getClassInfo();
ClassAnalyzer anonAnalyzer = getParent().getClassAnalyzer(clazz);
Expression[] outerValues;
if (anonAnalyzer == null) {
/* Create a new outerValues array corresponding to the
* first constructor invocation.
Expression[] subExprs = cop.getSubExpressions();
outerValues = new Expression[subExprs.length];
for (int j=0; j < outerValues.length; j++) {
Expression expr = subExprs[j].simplify();
if (expr instanceof CheckNullOperator)
expr = ((CheckNullOperator)
if (expr instanceof ThisOperator) {
outerValues[j] =
new ThisOperator(((ThisOperator)
LocalInfo li = null;
if (expr instanceof LocalLoadOperator) {
li = ((LocalLoadOperator) expr).getLocalInfo();
if (!li.isConstant())
li = null;
if (expr instanceof OuterLocalOperator)
li = ((OuterLocalOperator) expr).getLocalInfo();
if (li != null) {
outerValues[j] = new OuterLocalOperator(li);
Expression[] newOuter = new Expression[j];
System.arraycopy(outerValues, 0, newOuter, 0, j);
outerValues = newOuter;
anonAnalyzer = new ClassAnalyzer(this, clazz, imports,
} else {
* Get the previously created outerValues array and
* its length.
outerValues = anonAnalyzer.getOuterValues();
* Merge the other constructor invocation and
* possibly shrink outerValues array.
Expression[] subExprs = cop.getSubExpressions();
for (int j=0; j < outerValues.length; j++) {
if (j < subExprs.length) {
Expression expr = subExprs[j].simplify();
if (expr instanceof CheckNullOperator)
expr = ((CheckNullOperator) expr)
if (unifyOuterValues(outerValues[j], expr,
anonAnalyzer, j))
public void createAnonymousClasses() {
int serialnr = 0;
Enumeration elts = anonConstructors.elements();
while (elts.hasMoreElements()) {
ConstructorOperator cop = (ConstructorOperator) elts.nextElement();
* Get the class analyzer for the given class info. This searches
* the method scoped/anonymous classes in this method and all
* outer methods and the outer classes for the class analyzer.
* @param cinfo the classinfo for which the analyzer is searched.
* @return the class analyzer, or null if there is not an outer
* class that equals cinfo, and not a method scope/inner class in
* an outer method.
public ClassAnalyzer getClassAnalyzer(ClassInfo cinfo) {
if (innerAnalyzers != null) {
Enumeration enum = innerAnalyzers.elements();
while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
ClassAnalyzer classAna = (ClassAnalyzer) enum.nextElement();
if (classAna.getClazz().equals(cinfo)) {
if (!isParent(classAna.getParent())) {
Expression[] outerValues = classAna.getOuterValues();
for (int i=0; i< outerValues.length; i++) {
if (outerValues[i] instanceof OuterLocalOperator) {
LocalInfo li = ((OuterLocalOperator)
return classAna;
return getParent().getClassAnalyzer(cinfo);
public void addClassAnalyzer(ClassAnalyzer clazzAna) {
if (innerAnalyzers == null)
innerAnalyzers = new Vector();
public boolean isParent(ClassDeclarer declarer) {
ClassDeclarer ancestor = this;
while (ancestor != null) {
if (ancestor == declarer)
return true;
ancestor = ancestor.getParent();
return false;
public String toString() {
return getClass().getName()+"["+getClazz()+"."+getName()+"]";