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/* TransformExceptionHandlers Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Jochen Hoenicke.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
* $Id$
package jode.flow;
import jode.AssertError;
import jode.GlobalOptions;
import jode.type.Type;
import jode.decompiler.LocalInfo;
import jode.expr.*;
///#ifdef JDK12
///import java.util.TreeSet;
///import java.util.SortedSetSet;
///import java.util.Map;
///import java.util.Iterator;
import jode.util.TreeSet;
import jode.util.SortedSet;
import jode.util.Map;
import jode.util.Iterator;
import jode.util.Comparable;
* @author Jochen Hoenicke
public class TransformExceptionHandlers {
SortedSet handlers;
static class Handler implements Comparable {
FlowBlock start;
int endAddr;
FlowBlock handler;
Type type;
public Handler(FlowBlock tryBlock, int end,
FlowBlock catchBlock, Type type) {
this.start = tryBlock;
this.endAddr = end;
this.handler = catchBlock;
this.type = type;
public int compareTo (Object o) {
Handler second = (Handler) o;
/* First sort by start offsets, highest address first...*/
if (start.addr != second.start.addr)
/* this subtraction is save since addresses are only 16 bit */
return second.start.addr - start.addr;
/* ...Second sort by end offsets, lowest address first...
* this will move the innermost blocks to the beginning. */
if (endAddr != second.endAddr)
return endAddr - second.endAddr;
/* ...Last sort by handler offsets, lowest first */
if (handler.addr != second.handler.addr)
return handler.addr - second.handler.addr;
/* ...Last sort by typecode signature. Shouldn't happen to often.
return type.getTypeSignature()
public TransformExceptionHandlers() {
handlers = new TreeSet();
* Add an exception Handler.
* @param start The start address of the exception range.
* @param end The end address of the exception range + 1.
* @param handler The address of the handler.
* @param type The type of the exception, null for ALL.
public void addHandler(FlowBlock tryBlock, int end,
FlowBlock catchBlock, Type type) {
handlers.add(new Handler(tryBlock, end, catchBlock, type));
* Updates the in/out-Vectors of the structured block of the
* successing flow block for a try catch block. The main difference
* to updateInOut in FlowBlock is, that this function works, as if
* every instruction would have a jump. This is because every
* instruction can throw an exception and thus enter the catch block.<br>
* For example this code prints <code>0</code>:
* <pre>
* int a=3;
* try {
* a = 5 / (a=0);
* } catch (DivideByZeroException ex) {
* System.out.println(a);
* }
* </pre>
* @param successor The flow block which is unified with this flow
* block.
* @return The variables that must be defined in this block.
static void updateInOutCatch (FlowBlock tryFlow, FlowBlock catchFlow) {
VariableSet gens = ((TryBlock)tryFlow.block).gen;
/* Merge the locals used in the catch block with those written
* by the try block
/* The gen/kill sets must be updated for every jump
* in the catch block */
Iterator succs = catchFlow.successors.values().iterator();
while (succs.hasNext()) {
for (Jump succJumps = (Jump) succs.next();
succJumps != null; succJumps = succJumps.next) {
succJumps.gen.mergeGenKill(gens, succJumps.kill);
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags & GlobalOptions.DEBUG_INOUT) != 0) {
GlobalOptions.err.println("UpdateInOutCatch: gens : "+gens);
GlobalOptions.err.println(" s.in : "+catchFlow.in);
GlobalOptions.err.println(" in : "+tryFlow.in);
/* simple try catch block:
* try-header
* |- first instruction
* | ...
* | last instruction
* |- optional jump (last+1)
* | ...
* `- catch block
static void analyzeCatchBlock(Type type,
FlowBlock tryFlow, FlowBlock catchFlow) {
StructuredBlock catchBlock = catchFlow.block;
CatchBlock newBlock = new CatchBlock(type);
/* And now the complicated parts. */
* This transforms a sub routine, that is checks if the beginning
* local assignment matches the final ret and then returns.
boolean transformSubRoutine(StructuredBlock subRoutine) {
if (!(subRoutine instanceof SequentialBlock)
|| !(subRoutine.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof InstructionBlock))
return false;
SequentialBlock sequBlock = (SequentialBlock) subRoutine;
InstructionBlock instr = (InstructionBlock)sequBlock.subBlocks[0];
if (!(instr.getInstruction() instanceof StoreInstruction)
|| !(((StoreInstruction) instr.getInstruction()).getLValue()
instanceof LocalStoreOperator))
return false;
LocalStoreOperator store = (LocalStoreOperator)
while (sequBlock.subBlocks[1] instanceof SequentialBlock)
sequBlock = (SequentialBlock) sequBlock.subBlocks[1];
/* XXX - Check that the local isn't used for any other purposes
* than RET and replace any RET with a flow control to end of
* flow block.
* This is a complicated task which isn't needed for javac nor jikes.
if (sequBlock.subBlocks[1].jump != null
&& sequBlock.subBlocks[1].jump.destination
== FlowBlock.END_OF_METHOD) {
return true;
if (! (sequBlock.subBlocks[1] instanceof RetBlock)
|| !(((RetBlock)sequBlock.subBlocks[1])
return false;
return true;
* Remove the JSR's jumping to the specified subRoutine. It
* is checked if the next block is a leaving instruction, and
* otherwise the JsrBlock is not removed (to give the user a
* hint that something went wrong). This will also remove the
* local javac generates for returns.
* @param tryFlow the FlowBLock of the try block.
* @param subRoutine the FlowBlock of the sub routine.
private void removeJSR(FlowBlock tryFlow, FlowBlock subRoutine) {
for (Jump jumps = (Jump)tryFlow.successors.remove(subRoutine);
jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) {
StructuredBlock prev = jumps.prev;
if (prev instanceof EmptyBlock
&& prev.outer instanceof JsrBlock) {
if (prev.outer.getNextFlowBlock() != null) {
/* The jsr is directly before a jump, okay. */
if (prev.outer.outer instanceof SequentialBlock
&& prev.outer.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] == prev.outer) {
SequentialBlock seq = (SequentialBlock) prev.outer.outer;
if (seq.subBlocks[1] instanceof JsrBlock
|| (seq.subBlocks[1] instanceof SequentialBlock
&& seq.subBlocks[1].getSubBlocks()[0]
instanceof JsrBlock)) {
/* The jsr is followed by a jsr, okay. */
if (seq.subBlocks[1] instanceof ReturnBlock
&& !(seq.subBlocks[1] instanceof ThrowBlock)) {
/* The jsr is followed by a return, okay. */
ReturnBlock ret = (ReturnBlock) seq.subBlocks[1];
if (ret.outer != null
&& ret.outer instanceof SequentialBlock) {
/* Try to eliminate the local that javac uses
* in this case.
try {
StoreInstruction store = (StoreInstruction)
LocalInfo local =
((LocalStoreOperator) store.getLValue())
if (store.lvalueMatches
ret.getInstruction())) {
Expression expr =
} catch(ClassCastException ex) {
/* didn't succeed */
/* Now we have a dangling JSR at the wrong place.
* We don't do anything, so that JSR will show up in
* the output.
public void checkAndRemoveJSR(FlowBlock tryFlow, FlowBlock subRoutine) {
Iterator iter = tryFlow.successors.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
Jump jumps = (Jump) entry.getValue();
if (entry.getKey() == subRoutine)
for ( ; jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) {
StructuredBlock prev = jumps.prev;
if (prev instanceof ThrowBlock) {
/* The jump is a throw. We have a catch-all block
* that will do the finally.
if (prev instanceof JsrBlock) {
/* The jump is directly preceeded by a jsr.
* Everything okay.
if (prev instanceof EmptyBlock
&& prev.outer instanceof JsrBlock) {
/* If jump is a jsr check the outer
* block instead.
prev = prev.outer;
if ((prev instanceof ReturnBlock
|| prev instanceof JsrBlock)
&& prev.outer instanceof SequentialBlock) {
SequentialBlock seq = (SequentialBlock) prev.outer;
if (seq.subBlocks[1] == prev
&& (seq.subBlocks[0] instanceof JsrBlock)) {
/* The jump is preceeded by another jsr, okay.
if (seq.subBlocks[0] == prev
&& seq.outer instanceof SequentialBlock
&& (seq.outer.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof JsrBlock)) {
/* Again the jump is preceeded by another jsr, okay.
/* Now we have a jump with a wrong destination.
* Complain!
DescriptionBlock msg
= new DescriptionBlock("ERROR: NO JSR TO FINALLY");
removeJSR(tryFlow, subRoutine);
static boolean isMonitorExit(Expression instr, LocalInfo local) {
if (instr instanceof MonitorExitOperator) {
MonitorExitOperator monExit = (MonitorExitOperator)instr;
if (monExit.getFreeOperandCount() == 0
&& monExit.getSubExpressions()[0] instanceof LocalLoadOperator
&& (((LocalLoadOperator) monExit.getSubExpressions()[0])
.getLocalInfo().getSlot() == local.getSlot())) {
return true;
return false;
public void checkAndRemoveMonitorExit(FlowBlock tryFlow, LocalInfo local,
int startMonExit, int endMonExit) {
FlowBlock subRoutine = null;
Iterator succs = tryFlow.successors.values().iterator();
while (succs.hasNext()) {
for (Jump jumps = (Jump) succs.next();
jumps != null; jumps = jumps.next) {
StructuredBlock prev = jumps.prev;
if (prev instanceof ThrowBlock) {
/* The jump is a throw. We have a catch all block
* that will do the monitorexit.
if (prev instanceof JsrBlock) {
/* The jump is directly preceeded by a jsr.
if (prev instanceof EmptyBlock
&& prev.outer instanceof JsrBlock) {
/* If jump is a jsr check the outer
* block instead.
prev = prev.outer;
/* If the block is a jsr or a return block, check if
* it is preceeded by another jsr.
if ((prev instanceof JsrBlock
|| prev instanceof ReturnBlock)
&& prev.outer instanceof SequentialBlock) {
SequentialBlock seq = (SequentialBlock) prev.outer;
StructuredBlock pred = null;
if (seq.subBlocks[1] == prev)
pred = seq.subBlocks[0];
else if (seq.outer instanceof SequentialBlock)
pred = seq.outer.getSubBlocks()[0];
if (pred != null) {
if (pred instanceof JsrBlock)
/* The jump is preceeded by another jsr, okay.
if (pred instanceof InstructionBlock) {
Expression instr =
if (isMonitorExit(instr, local))
if (prev instanceof InstructionBlock
&& isMonitorExit(((InstructionBlock)prev).instr, local)) {
/* This is probably the last expression in the
* synchronized block, and has the right monitor exit
* attached. Remove this block.
/* The block is a jsr that is not preceeded by another jsr.
* This must be the monitorexit subroutine.
if (prev instanceof JsrBlock && subRoutine == null) {
subRoutine = jumps.destination;
subRoutine.analyze(startMonExit, endMonExit);
if (subRoutine.block instanceof InstructionBlock) {
Expression instr =
if (isMonitorExit(instr, local)) {
continue dest_loop;
/* Now we have a jump that is not preceded by a monitorexit.
* Complain!
DescriptionBlock msg
= new DescriptionBlock("ERROR: NO MONITOREXIT");
if (subRoutine != null)
removeJSR(tryFlow, subRoutine);
private boolean analyzeSynchronized(FlowBlock tryFlow,
FlowBlock catchFlow,
int endHandler) {
if (!(catchFlow.block instanceof SequentialBlock
&& catchFlow.block.getSubBlocks()[0]
instanceof InstructionBlock))
return false;
SequentialBlock catchBlock = (SequentialBlock) catchFlow.block;
Expression instr =
if (instr instanceof MonitorExitOperator
&& instr.getFreeOperandCount() == 0
&& (((MonitorExitOperator)instr).getSubExpressions()[0]
instanceof LocalLoadOperator)
&& catchBlock.subBlocks[1] instanceof ThrowBlock
&& (((ThrowBlock)catchBlock.subBlocks[1]).instr
instanceof NopOperator)) {
/* This is a synchronized block:
* local_x = monitor object; // later
* monitorenter local_x // later
* tryFlow:
* |- synchronized block
* | ...
* | every jump to outside is preceded by jsr subroutine-,
* | ... |
* |- monitorexit local_x |
* ` jump after this block (without jsr monexit) |
* |
* catchFlow: |
* local_n = stack |
* monitorexit local_x |
* throw local_n |
* optional subroutine: <-----------------------------------'
* astore_n
* monitorexit local_x
* return_n
/* Now remove the jump (after the throw) from the
* catch block so that we can forget about it.
MonitorExitOperator monexit = (MonitorExitOperator)
((InstructionBlock) catchBlock.subBlocks[0]).instr;
LocalInfo local =
(tryFlow, local, catchFlow.getNextAddr(), endHandler);
SynchronizedBlock syncBlock = new SynchronizedBlock(local);
TryBlock tryBlock = (TryBlock) tryFlow.block;
syncBlock.setBodyBlock(tryBlock.subBlocks.length == 1
? tryBlock.subBlocks[0] : tryBlock);
tryFlow.lastModified = syncBlock;
return true;
return false;
private boolean analyzeFinally(FlowBlock tryFlow, FlowBlock catchFlow,
int end) {
/* Layout of a try-finally block:
* tryFlow:
* |- first instruction
* | ...
* | every jump to outside is preceded by jsr finally
* | ...
* | jsr finally -----------------,
* `- jump after finally |
* |
* catchFlow: (already checked) |
* local_n = stack v
* jsr finally ---------------->|
* throw local_n; |
* finally: <-----------------------'
* astore_n
* ...
* return_n
if (!(catchFlow.block instanceof SequentialBlock)
|| !(catchFlow.block.getSubBlocks()[0]
instanceof InstructionBlock)
|| !(catchFlow.block.getSubBlocks()[1]
instanceof SequentialBlock))
return false;
StructuredBlock finallyBlock = null;
SequentialBlock catchBlock = (SequentialBlock) catchFlow.block;
Expression instr =
catchBlock = (SequentialBlock)catchBlock.subBlocks[1];
if (catchBlock.subBlocks[0] instanceof LoopBlock) {
/* In case the try block has no exit (that means, it throws
* an exception), the finallyBlock was already merged with
* the catchBlock. We have to check for this case separately:
* do {
* break;
* throw local_x
* } while(false);
* finallyBlock;
LoopBlock doWhileFalse = (LoopBlock)catchBlock.subBlocks[0];
if (doWhileFalse.type == LoopBlock.DOWHILE
&& doWhileFalse.cond == LoopBlock.FALSE
&& doWhileFalse.bodyBlock instanceof SequentialBlock) {
finallyBlock = catchBlock.subBlocks[1];
catchBlock = (SequentialBlock) doWhileFalse.bodyBlock;
if (catchBlock instanceof SequentialBlock
&& catchBlock.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof JsrBlock
&& instr instanceof StoreInstruction
&& catchBlock.getSubBlocks()[1] instanceof ThrowBlock
&& (((ThrowBlock)catchBlock.getSubBlocks()[1]).instr
instanceof LocalLoadOperator)
&& (((StoreInstruction) instr).lvalueMatches
((ThrowBlock)catchBlock.getSubBlocks()[1]).instr))) {
/* Wow that was complicated :-)
* But now we know that the catch block looks
* exactly like it should:
* catchBlock:
* finally
* throw local_n <- matches the local in instr.
if (finallyBlock != null) {
/* Check if the jsr breaks (see two comments above). We don't
* need to check if it breaks to the right block, because
* we know that there is only one Block around the jsr.
if (!(((JsrBlock)catchBlock.getSubBlocks()[0]).innerBlock
instanceof BreakBlock))
return false;
/* Check if the try block has no exit (except throws)
Jump throwJumps = (Jump)
if (tryFlow.successors.size() > 1
|| (tryFlow.successors.size() > 0 && throwJumps == null))
return false;
for (/**/; throwJumps != null; throwJumps = throwJumps.next) {
if (!(throwJumps.prev instanceof ThrowBlock))
/* There is a return exit in the try block */
return false;
/* Remove the jump of the throw instruction.
/* Replace the catchBlock with the finallyBlock.
updateInOutCatch(tryFlow, catchFlow);
finallyBlock = catchFlow.block;
} else {
FlowBlock subRoutine =
subRoutine.analyze(catchFlow.getNextAddr(), end);
if (!transformSubRoutine(subRoutine.block))
return false;
checkAndRemoveJSR(tryFlow, subRoutine);
updateInOutCatch(tryFlow, subRoutine);
finallyBlock = subRoutine.block;
/* Now remove the jump to the JSR from the catch block
* and the jump of the throw instruction.
TryBlock tryBlock = (TryBlock)tryFlow.block;
if (tryBlock.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof TryBlock) {
/* remove the nested tryBlock */
TryBlock innerTry = (TryBlock)tryBlock.getSubBlocks()[0];
innerTry.gen = tryBlock.gen;
tryBlock = innerTry;
tryFlow.lastModified = innerTry;
FinallyBlock newBlock = new FinallyBlock();
return true;
return false;
private boolean analyzeSpecialFinally(FlowBlock tryFlow,
FlowBlock catchFlow, int end) {
StructuredBlock firstInstr =
catchFlow.block instanceof SequentialBlock
? catchFlow.block.getSubBlocks()[0]: catchFlow.block;
if (firstInstr instanceof SpecialBlock
&& ((SpecialBlock)firstInstr).type == SpecialBlock.POP
&& ((SpecialBlock)firstInstr).count == 1) {
/* This is a special try/finally-block, where
* the finally block ends with a break, return or
* similar.
FlowBlock succ = (firstInstr.jump != null) ?
firstInstr.jump.destination : null;
boolean hasExit = false;
Iterator iter = tryFlow.successors.entrySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
Object key = entry.getKey();
if (key == succ)
if (key != FlowBlock.END_OF_METHOD) {
/* There is another exit in the try block, bad */
return false;
for (Jump throwJumps = (Jump) entry.getValue();
throwJumps != null; throwJumps = throwJumps.next) {
if (!(throwJumps.prev instanceof ThrowBlock)) {
/* There is a return exit in the try block */
return false;
/* remove the pop now */
if (succ != null) {
Jump jumps = (Jump) tryFlow.successors.remove(succ);
/* Handle the jumps in the tryFlow.
jumps = tryFlow.resolveSomeJumps(jumps, succ);
TryBlock tryBlock = (TryBlock)tryFlow.block;
if (tryBlock.getSubBlocks()[0] instanceof TryBlock) {
/* remove the unnecessary tryBlock */
TryBlock innerTry = (TryBlock)tryBlock.getSubBlocks()[0];
innerTry.gen = tryBlock.gen;
tryBlock = innerTry;
tryFlow.lastModified = innerTry;
FinallyBlock newBlock = new FinallyBlock();
/* try block has no successors */
if (succ != null && succ.predecessors.size() == 1) {
while (succ.analyze(catchFlow.getNextAddr(), end));
} else {
/* Put the catchBlock in instaed.
return true;
return false;
* Analyzes all exception handlers to try/catch/finally or
* synchronized blocks.
public void analyze() {
/* Check if try/catch ranges are okay. The following succeeds
* for all classes generated by the sun java compiler, but hand
* optimized classes (or generated by other compilers) will fail.
Handler last = null;
for (Iterator i = handlers.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
Handler exc = (Handler) i.next();
int start = exc.start.addr;
int end = exc.endAddr;
int handler = exc.handler.addr;
if (start >= end || handler < end)
throw new AssertError
("ExceptionHandler order failed: not "
+ start + " < " + end + " <= " + handler);
if (last != null
&& (last.start.addr != start || last.endAddr != end)) {
/* The last handler does catch another range.
* Due to the order:
* start < last.start.addr || end > last.end.addr
if (end > last.start.addr && end < last.endAddr)
throw new AssertError
("Exception handlers ranges are intersecting: ["
+ last.start.addr+", "+last.endAddr+"] and ["
+ start+", "+end+"].");
last = exc;
Iterator i = handlers.iterator();
Handler exc = null;
Handler next = i.hasNext() ? (Handler) i.next() : null;
while(next != null) {
Handler last = exc;
exc = next;
next = i.hasNext() ? (Handler) i.next() : null;
int endHandler = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/* If the next exception handler catches a bigger range
* it must surround the handler completely.
if (next != null && next.endAddr > exc.endAddr)
endHandler = next.endAddr;
FlowBlock tryFlow = exc.start;
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0)
+ exc.start.addr + ", " + exc.endAddr+")");
while (tryFlow.analyze(tryFlow.addr, exc.endAddr));
if (last == null
|| last.start.addr != exc.start.addr
|| last.endAddr != exc.endAddr) {
/* The last handler does catch another range.
* Create a new try block.
TryBlock tryBlock = new TryBlock(tryFlow);
} else if (! (tryFlow.block instanceof TryBlock))
throw new AssertError("no TryBlock");
FlowBlock catchFlow = exc.handler;
boolean isMultiUsed = catchFlow.predecessors.size() != 0;
if (!isMultiUsed) {
for (Iterator j = handlers.tailSet(next).iterator();
j.hasNext();) {
Handler h = (Handler) j.next();
if (h.handler == catchFlow) {
isMultiUsed = true;
if (isMultiUsed) {
/* If this exception is used in other exception handlers,
* create a new flow block, that jumps to the handler.
* This will be our new exception handler.
EmptyBlock jump = new EmptyBlock(new Jump(catchFlow));
FlowBlock newFlow = new FlowBlock(catchFlow.method,
catchFlow.addr, 0);
catchFlow = newFlow;
} else {
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0)
+ catchFlow.addr + ", " + endHandler + ")");
while (catchFlow.analyze(catchFlow.addr, endHandler));
updateInOutCatch(tryFlow, catchFlow);
if (exc.type != null)
analyzeCatchBlock(exc.type, tryFlow, catchFlow);
else if (!analyzeSynchronized(tryFlow, catchFlow, endHandler)
&& ! analyzeFinally(tryFlow, catchFlow, endHandler)
&& ! analyzeSpecialFinally(tryFlow, catchFlow,
analyzeCatchBlock(Type.tObject, tryFlow, catchFlow);
if ((GlobalOptions.debuggingFlags
& GlobalOptions.DEBUG_ANALYZE) != 0)
("analyzeCatch(" + tryFlow.addr + ", "
+ (tryFlow.addr + tryFlow.length) + ") done.");