Open-source replacements for the jaggl, jaggl_dri and jagmisc native libraries
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>OpenRS2 GL Natives</name>
Reimplementation of the jaggl native library, which implements OpenGL
bindings for Windows (WGL), macOS (CGL) and UNIX (GLX) systems. This
implementation supports both modern and legacy versions of Java on macOS,
as it may be backed by a CALayer or an NSView.
<pathconvert property="openrs2.jawtDirectory">
<basedir file="${nar.javaHome}" />
<include name="lib/**/jawt.lib" />
<include name="lib/**/libjawt.dylib" />
<include name="lib/**/" />
<!-- legacy Java on macOS -->
<basedir file="${nar.javaHome}/.." />
<include name="Libraries/libjawt.dylib" />
<regexpmapper from="(.*)/" to="\1" handledirsep="true" />
<fail message="Failed to find jawt directory">
<equals arg1="${openrs2.jawtDirectory}" arg2="" />
<echo>Found jawt directory: ${openrs2.jawtDirectory}</echo>
<name>!mac os x</name>