Add archive/index sizes and completion percentages to legacy cache pages

Signed-off-by: Graham <>
Graham 2 years ago
parent aa316e273d
commit 0158bc937b
  1. 94
  2. 58

@ -77,12 +77,12 @@ public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor(
public val diskStoreValid: Boolean = blocks <= DiskStore.MAX_BLOCK
public data class Index(
public data class Archive(
val resolved: Boolean,
val stats: IndexStats?
val stats: ArchiveStats?
public data class IndexStats(
public data class ArchiveStats(
val validGroups: Long,
val groups: Long,
val validKeys: Long,
@ -107,6 +107,21 @@ public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor(
public data class IndexStats(
val validFiles: Long,
val files: Long,
val size: Long,
val blocks: Long
) {
public val allFilesValid: Boolean = files == validFiles
public val validFilesFraction: Double = if (files == 0L) {
} else {
validFiles.toDouble() / files
public data class Build(val major: Int, val minor: Int?) : Comparable<Build> {
override fun compareTo(other: Build): Int {
return compareValuesBy(this, other, Build::major, Build::minor)
@ -158,7 +173,8 @@ public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor(
val sources: List<Source>,
val updates: List<String>,
val stats: Stats?,
val indexes: List<Index>,
val archives: List<Archive>,
val indexes: List<IndexStats>?,
val masterIndex: Js5MasterIndex?,
val checksumTable: ChecksumTable?
@ -410,43 +426,81 @@ public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor(
val indexes = mutableListOf<Index>()
val archives = mutableListOf<Archive>()
SELECT IS NOT NULL, s.valid_groups, s.groups, s.valid_keys, s.keys, s.size, s.blocks
SELECT a.archive_id, IS NOT NULL, s.valid_groups, s.groups, s.valid_keys, s.keys, s.size, s.blocks
FROM master_index_archives a
LEFT JOIN resolve_index((SELECT id FROM scopes WHERE name = ?), a.archive_id, a.crc32, a.version) c ON TRUE
LEFT JOIN index_stats s ON s.container_id =
WHERE a.master_index_id = ?
ORDER BY a.archive_id ASC
SELECT a.archive_id, IS NOT NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, length(, group_blocks(a.archive_id, length(
FROM crc_table_archives a
LEFT JOIN resolve_archive(a.archive_id, a.crc32) b ON TRUE
WHERE a.crc_table_id = ?
ORDER BY archive_id ASC
).use { stmt ->
stmt.setString(1, scope)
stmt.setInt(2, id)
stmt.setInt(3, id)
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows ->
while ( {
val resolved = rows.getBoolean(1)
val validGroups = rows.getLong(2)
val indexStats = if (!rows.wasNull()) {
val groups = rows.getLong(3)
val validKeys = rows.getLong(4)
val keys = rows.getLong(5)
val size = rows.getLong(6)
val blocks = rows.getLong(7)
IndexStats(validGroups, groups, validKeys, keys, size, blocks)
val resolved = rows.getBoolean(2)
val size = rows.getLong(7)
val archiveStats = if (!rows.wasNull()) {
val validGroups = rows.getLong(3)
val groups = rows.getLong(4)
val validKeys = rows.getLong(5)
val keys = rows.getLong(6)
val blocks = rows.getLong(8)
ArchiveStats(validGroups, groups, validKeys, keys, size, blocks)
} else {
indexes += Index(resolved, indexStats)
archives += Archive(resolved, archiveStats)
Cache(id, sources, updates, stats, indexes, masterIndex, checksumTable)
val indexes = if (checksumTable != null && archives[5].resolved) {
SELECT s.valid_files, s.files, s.size, s.blocks
FROM crc_table_archives a
JOIN resolve_archive(a.archive_id, a.crc32) b ON TRUE
JOIN version_list_stats s ON s.blob_id =
WHERE a.crc_table_id = ? AND a.archive_id = 5
ORDER BY s.index_id ASC
).use { stmt ->
stmt.setInt(1, id)
stmt.executeQuery().use { rows ->
val indexes = mutableListOf<IndexStats>()
while ( {
val validFiles = rows.getLong(1)
val files = rows.getLong(2)
val size = rows.getLong(3)
val blocks = rows.getLong(4)
indexes += IndexStats(validFiles, files, size, blocks)
} else {
Cache(id, sources, updates, stats, archives, indexes, masterIndex, checksumTable)
@ -487,7 +541,7 @@ public class CacheExporter @Inject constructor(
val name = StringBuilder("$game-$environment-$language")
val builds = rows.getArray(4).array as Array<*>
for (build in builds.mapNotNull { o -> Build.fromPgObject(o as PGobject) }.toSortedSet()) {
for (build in builds.mapNotNull { o -> CacheExporter.Build.fromPgObject(o as PGobject) }.toSortedSet()) {

@ -130,28 +130,28 @@
<tr th:each="entry, it : ${cache.masterIndex.entries}" th:with="index=${cache.indexes[it.index]}">
<tr th:each="entry, it : ${cache.masterIndex.entries}" th:with="archive=${cache.archives[it.index]}">
<td th:text="${it.index}" class="text-right">0</td>
<td th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(entry.version, 1, 'COMMA')}" class="text-right">0</td>
<td class="text-right">
<code th:text="${entry.checksum}">0</code>
<div th:switch="true" th:remove="tag">
<div th:case="${index.stats != null}" th:remove="tag">
<td th:classappend="${index.stats.allGroupsValid}? 'table-success' : 'table-warning'" class="text-right">
<span th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(index.stats.validGroups, 1, 'COMMA')} + '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' + ${#numbers.formatInteger(index.stats.groups, 1, 'COMMA')}"></span>
<div th:case="${archive.stats != null}" th:remove="tag">
<td th:classappend="${archive.stats.allGroupsValid}? 'table-success' : 'table-warning'" class="text-right">
<span th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(archive.stats.validGroups, 1, 'COMMA')} + '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' + ${#numbers.formatInteger(archive.stats.groups, 1, 'COMMA')}"></span>
<br />
<span th:text="'(' + ${#numbers.formatPercent(index.stats.validGroupsFraction, 1, 2)} + ')'"></span>
<span th:text="'(' + ${#numbers.formatPercent(archive.stats.validGroupsFraction, 1, 2)} + ')'"></span>
<td th:classappend="${index.stats.allKeysValid}? 'table-success' : 'table-warning'" class="text-right">
<span th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(index.stats.validKeys, 1, 'COMMA')} + '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' + ${#numbers.formatInteger(index.stats.keys, 1, 'COMMA')}"></span>
<td th:classappend="${archive.stats.allKeysValid}? 'table-success' : 'table-warning'" class="text-right">
<span th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(archive.stats.validKeys, 1, 'COMMA')} + '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' + ${#numbers.formatInteger(archive.stats.keys, 1, 'COMMA')}"></span>
<br />
<span th:text="'(' + ${#numbers.formatPercent(index.stats.validKeysFraction, 1, 2)} + ')'"></span>
<span th:text="'(' + ${#numbers.formatPercent(archive.stats.validKeysFraction, 1, 2)} + ')'"></span>
<!--/*@thymesVar id="#byteunits" type="org.openrs2.archive.web.ByteUnits"*/-->
<td th:text="${#byteunits.format(index.stats.size)}" class="text-right">0 B</td>
<td th:text="${#byteunits.format(archive.stats.size)}" class="text-right">0 B</td>
<div th:case="${index.resolved}" th:remove="tag">
<div th:case="${archive.resolved}" th:remove="tag">
<td class="text-center" colspan="3">Calculating...</td>
<div th:case="${entry.checksum != 0 || entry.version != 0}" th:remove="tag">
@ -176,18 +176,54 @@
<th>Size<sup><a href="/caches#size">2</a></sup></th>
<tr th:each="entry, it : ${cache.checksumTable.entries}">
<tr th:each="entry, it : ${cache.checksumTable.entries}" th:with="archive=${cache.archives[it.index]}">
<td th:text="${it.index}" class="text-right">0</td>
<td class="text-right">
<code th:text="${entry}">0</code>
<div th:switch="true" th:remove="tag">
<!--/*@thymesVar id="#byteunits" type="org.openrs2.archive.web.ByteUnits"*/-->
<td th:case="${archive.stats != null}" th:text="${#byteunits.format(archive.stats.size)}" class="text-right">0 B</td>
<td th:case="${archive.resolved}" class="text-center">Calculating...</td>
<td th:case="${entry != 0}" class="text-center table-danger">Missing</td>
<td th:case="true" class="text-center text-muted">N/A</td>
<div th:if="${cache.indexes}" th:remove="tag">
<h2>Version list</h2>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover">
<thead class="table-dark">
<th>Size<sup><a href="/caches#size">2</a></sup></th>
<tr th:each="index, it : ${cache.indexes}">
<td th:text="${it.index + 1}" class="text-right">0</td>
<td th:classappend="${index.allFilesValid}? 'table-success' : 'table-warning'" class="text-right">
<span th:text="${#numbers.formatInteger(index.validFiles, 1, 'COMMA')} + '&nbsp;/&nbsp;' + ${#numbers.formatInteger(index.files, 1, 'COMMA')}"></span>
<br />
<span th:text="'(' + ${#numbers.formatPercent(index.validFilesFraction, 1, 2)} + ')'"></span>
<!--/*@thymesVar id="#byteunits" type="org.openrs2.archive.web.ByteUnits"*/-->
<td th:text="${#byteunits.format(index.size)}" class="text-right">0 B</td>
