package org.openrs2.cache.sprite import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntAVLTreeSet import java.awt.image.BufferedImage public class Sprite private constructor( public val width: Int, public val height: Int, private val palette: IntArray, private val frames: Array ) { private class Frame( val xOffset: Int, val yOffset: Int, val innerWidth: Int, val innerHeight: Int ) { val pixels = ByteArray(innerWidth * innerHeight) var alpha: ByteArray? = null fun toImage(width: Int, height: Int, palette: IntArray): BufferedImage { val rgbPixels = IntArray(width * height) var index = 0 for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { val paletteIndex = pixels[index].toInt() and 0xFF var color = if (paletteIndex == 0) { 0 } else { palette[paletteIndex - 1] } val alpha = alpha if (alpha != null) { color = color or ((alpha[index].toInt() and 0xFF) shl 24) } else if (paletteIndex != 0) { color = color or 0xFF000000.toInt() } rgbPixels[(y + yOffset) * width + x + xOffset] = color index++ } } val image = BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB) image.setRGB(0, 0, width, height, rgbPixels, 0, width) return image } fun write(buf: ByteBuf) { var flags = 0 val columnMajor = isColumnMajorBest() if (columnMajor) { flags = flags or FLAG_COLUMN_MAJOR } val alpha = alpha if (alpha != null) { flags = flags or FLAG_ALPHA } buf.writeByte(flags) if (columnMajor) { for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { buf.writeByte(pixels[y * innerWidth + x].toInt()) } } if (alpha != null) { for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { buf.writeByte(alpha[y * innerWidth + x].toInt()) } } } } else { buf.writeBytes(pixels) if (alpha != null) { buf.writeBytes(alpha) } } } private fun isColumnMajorBest(): Boolean { var rowMajorScore = 0 var columnMajorScore = 0 // calculate row-major score var prev = 0 for (pixel in pixels) { val current = pixel.toInt() and 0xFF rowMajorScore += current - prev prev = current } val alpha = alpha if (alpha != null) { for (a in alpha) { val current = a.toInt() and 0xFF rowMajorScore += current - prev prev = current } } // calculate column-major score prev = 0 for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { val current = pixels[y * innerWidth + x].toInt() and 0xFF columnMajorScore += current - prev prev = current } } if (alpha != null) { for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { val current = alpha[y * innerWidth + x].toInt() and 0xFF columnMajorScore += current - prev prev = current } } } // if equal pick row-major, as it's faster to encode/decode return columnMajorScore < rowMajorScore } companion object { fun read(buf: ByteBuf, xOffset: Int, yOffset: Int, innerWidth: Int, innerHeight: Int): Frame { val frame = Frame(xOffset, yOffset, innerWidth, innerHeight) val flags = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() val alpha = if ((flags and FLAG_ALPHA) != 0) { ByteArray(frame.pixels.size) } else { null } if ((flags and FLAG_COLUMN_MAJOR) != 0) { for (x in 0 until frame.innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until frame.innerHeight) { frame.pixels[y * frame.innerWidth + x] = buf.readByte() } } if (alpha != null) { for (x in 0 until frame.innerWidth) { for (y in 0 until frame.innerHeight) { alpha[y * frame.innerWidth + x] = buf.readByte() } } } } else { buf.readBytes(frame.pixels) if (alpha != null) { buf.readBytes(alpha) } } frame.alpha = alpha return frame } } } public fun write(buf: ByteBuf) { for (frame in frames) { frame.write(buf) } for (color in palette) { buf.writeMedium(color) } buf.writeShort(width) buf.writeShort(height) buf.writeByte(palette.size) for (frame in frames) { buf.writeShort(frame.xOffset) } for (frame in frames) { buf.writeShort(frame.yOffset) } for (frame in frames) { buf.writeShort(frame.innerWidth) } for (frame in frames) { buf.writeShort(frame.innerHeight) } buf.writeShort(frames.size) } public fun toImages(): List { return { frame -> frame.toImage(width, height, palette) } } public companion object { private const val FLAG_COLUMN_MAJOR = 0x1 private const val FLAG_ALPHA = 0x2 public fun read(buf: ByteBuf): Sprite { val framesSize = buf.getUnsignedShort(buf.writerIndex() - 2) var trailerLen = framesSize * 8 + 7 buf.markReaderIndex() buf.readerIndex(buf.writerIndex() - trailerLen) val width = buf.readUnsignedShort() val height = buf.readUnsignedShort() val paletteSize = buf.readUnsignedByte().toInt() trailerLen += paletteSize * 3 val xOffsets = IntArray(framesSize) { buf.readUnsignedShort() } val yOffsets = IntArray(framesSize) { buf.readUnsignedShort() } val innerWidths = IntArray(framesSize) { buf.readUnsignedShort() } val innerHeights = IntArray(framesSize) { buf.readUnsignedShort() } buf.readerIndex(buf.writerIndex() - trailerLen) val palette = IntArray(paletteSize) { buf.readUnsignedMedium() } buf.resetReaderIndex() val frames = Array(framesSize) { i ->, xOffsets[i], yOffsets[i], innerWidths[i], innerHeights[i]) } buf.skipBytes(trailerLen) return Sprite(width, height, palette, frames) } public fun fromImage(image: BufferedImage): Sprite { return fromImages(listOf(image)) } public fun fromImages(images: List): Sprite { require(images.isNotEmpty()) val first = images.first() val width = first.width val height = first.height val alphaChannels = BooleanArray(images.size) for ((i, image) in images.withIndex()) { require(image.width == width && image.height == height) alphaChannels[i] = image.hasAlphaChannel() } val colors = IntAVLTreeSet() for ((i, image) in images.withIndex()) { val alphaChannel = alphaChannels[i] for (y in 0 until image.height) { for (x in 0 until image.width) { val rgb = image.getRGB(x, y) // transparent colours only preserved if FLAG_ALPHA set val alpha = (rgb shr 24) and 0xFF if (alphaChannel || alpha != 0) { val color = rgb and 0xFFFFFF colors += color } } } } require(colors.size <= 255) val palette = colors.toIntArray() val frames = Array(images.size) { i -> val image = images[i] val alphaChannel = alphaChannels[i] var xOffset = 0 var innerWidth = width for (x in 0 until width) { if (!image.isColumnTransparent(x, alphaChannel)) { break } xOffset++ innerWidth-- } for (x in width - 1 downTo xOffset) { if (!image.isColumnTransparent(x, alphaChannel)) { break } innerWidth-- } var yOffset = 0 var innerHeight = height for (y in 0 until height) { if (!image.isRowTransparent(y, alphaChannel)) { break } yOffset++ innerHeight-- } for (y in height - 1 downTo yOffset) { if (!image.isRowTransparent(y, alphaChannel)) { break } innerHeight-- } val frame = Frame(xOffset, yOffset, innerWidth, innerHeight) if (alphaChannel) { frame.alpha = ByteArray(innerWidth * innerHeight) } val alpha = frame.alpha var index = 0 for (y in 0 until innerHeight) { for (x in 0 until innerWidth) { val rgb = image.getRGB(x + xOffset, y + yOffset) val a = (rgb shr 24) and 0xFF val color = rgb and 0xFFFFFF val paletteIndex = if (alpha == null && a == 0) { 0 } else { val paletteIndex = palette.binarySearch(color) check(paletteIndex >= 0) paletteIndex + 1 } frame.pixels[index] = paletteIndex.toByte() if (alpha != null) { alpha[index] = a.toByte() } index++ } } frame } return Sprite(width, height, palette, frames) } private fun BufferedImage.hasAlphaChannel(): Boolean { for (y in 0 until height) { for (x in 0 until width) { val rgb = getRGB(x, y) val alpha = (rgb shr 24) and 0xFF val color = rgb and 0xFFFFFF // preserve transparent colours if (alpha == 0 && color != 0) { return true } else if (alpha != 0 && alpha != 0xFF) { return true } } } return false } private fun BufferedImage.isColumnTransparent(x: Int, alphaChannel: Boolean): Boolean { for (y in 0 until height) { val rgb = getRGB(x, y) val alpha = (rgb shr 24) and 0xFF val color = rgb and 0xFFFFFF // transparent colours only preserved if FLAG_ALPHA set if (alphaChannel && color != 0) { return false } else if (alpha != 0) { return false } } return true } private fun BufferedImage.isRowTransparent(y: Int, alphaChannel: Boolean): Boolean { for (x in 0 until width) { val rgb = getRGB(x, y) val alpha = (rgb shr 24) and 0xFF val color = rgb and 0xFFFFFF // transparent colours only preserved if FLAG_ALPHA set if (alphaChannel && color != 0) { return false } else if (alpha != 0) { return false } } return true } } }