package org.openrs2.cache import io.netty.buffer.ByteBuf import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufAllocator import io.netty.buffer.ByteBufUtil import org.openrs2.buffer.crc32 import org.openrs2.crypto.whirlpool public class CacheArchive internal constructor( alloc: ByteBufAllocator, index: Js5Index, archive: Int, unpackedCache: UnpackedCache, private val store: Store ) : Archive(alloc, index, archive, unpackedCache) { override fun packedExists(group: Int): Boolean { return store.exists(archive, group) } override fun readPacked(group: Int): ByteBuf { return, group) } override fun writePacked(group: Int, buf: ByteBuf) { store.write(archive, group, buf) } override fun writePackedIndex(buf: ByteBuf) { store.write(Store.ARCHIVESET, archive, buf) } override fun removePacked(group: Int) { store.remove(archive, group) } override fun appendVersion(buf: ByteBuf, version: Int) { buf.writeShort(version) } override fun verifyCompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup) { val version = VersionTrailer.strip(buf) val truncatedVersion = entry.version and 0xFFFF if (version != truncatedVersion) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is out of date " + "(expected version $truncatedVersion, actual version $version)" ) } val checksum = buf.crc32() if (checksum != entry.checksum) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is corrupt " + "(expected checksum ${entry.checksum}, actual checksum $checksum)" ) } val length = buf.readableBytes() if (index.hasLengths && length != entry.length) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is corrupt " + "(expected length ${entry.length}, actual length $length)" ) } if (index.hasDigests) { val digest = buf.whirlpool() if (!digest.contentEquals(entry.digest!!)) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is corrupt " + "(expected digest ${ByteBufUtil.hexDump(entry.digest)}, " + "actual digest ${ByteBufUtil.hexDump(digest)})" ) } } } override fun verifyUncompressed(buf: ByteBuf, entry: Js5Index.MutableGroup) { val length = buf.readableBytes() if (index.hasLengths && length != entry.uncompressedLength) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is corrupt " + "(expected uncompressed length ${entry.uncompressedLength}, " + "actual length $length)" ) } if (index.hasUncompressedChecksums) { val uncompressedChecksum = buf.crc32() if (uncompressedChecksum != entry.uncompressedChecksum) { throw StoreCorruptException( "Archive $archive group ${} is corrupt " + "(expected uncompressed checksum ${entry.uncompressedChecksum}, " + "actual uncompressed checksum $uncompressedChecksum)" ) } } } }